Chapter 1120: Which Smuggling Technique Is Stronger?

  Chapter 1099 – Smuggling Technology
Anti-cold temperature high standard material, in this day and age is a proper high-tech, can produce the country is not a few.

Don’t look at the Russian Empire also often to the industrialized countries call themselves, but their own families know their own things. It’s not enough to brag about it, but you can’t count on it in critical moments.

Look at their own railroads built some years ago, we know that a dozen times a year maintenance, a maintenance of more than ten days, maintenance time than the opening time are long.

Comprehensive inspection found that the railroad track rust rust, deformation of deformation, sleepers appear rot just, the most excessive is actually there is germination.

Would like to be held accountable, but the implication is too wide, too much lobbying, really can not be investigated. Finally, there is no way, only by the government to pay the bill, pulled the railroad to start over.

Lessons learned can not be forgotten, in order to ensure the quality of the Siberian Railway, the tsarist government early on a sweeping, domestically produced low-temperature resistant materials can not be used.

Even if the civil society in the appeal to support domestic, but there is no way, the tsarist government was domestic pit fear.

Ordinary railroad is just, at most, lose some money. The Siberian Railway is a strategic artery, or to ensure the quality.

Importation not only meant higher costs, but also increased pressure on transportation. It is not uncommon to see work stoppages.

Think about it, even the logistical supplies on the battlefield are able to get confused on a regular basis. Then it is not unacceptable to ship railroad materials to the wrong place.

Problems in the management system, or rather in the bureaucratic system of the tsarist government, obviously can not be solved by an administrative order.

The technical requirements were high, the management system was confusing, and the weather was bad, so if the construction of the Siberian Railway could progress quickly, there would be a real problem.

The railroad could not be opened to traffic in advance, and the strategic supplies of the front line must be satisfied, is almost an insoluble problem.

Nicholas II’s face was terribly gloomy, and even the atmosphere in the room was tense.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Foreign Minister Mikhailovich spoke up, “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already launched an operation, and the government of Vienna has agreed to help.

We are currently trying to do the work of the Far Eastern Empire, and if we can purchase supplies from them, the situation will be much better.

Some results have been achieved now, with the efforts of the diplomats, we have gained the support of a number of Far Eastern Empire officials, who can acquiesce to our transportation of supplies on a loan basis.”

It was normal for the pull to fail, the Far Eastern Empire’s constitutional monarchists and conservatives were fighting each other, where was the time to care about getting involved in the Russo-Japanese War.

The promise of more benefits is useless, a government that is afraid of wolves and tigers, whether it is the Japanese or the Russians do not dare to mess with.

“Transportation of goods by road” is essentially “smuggling”. This thing is prohibited in times of peace, not to mention the chaotic times of war.

It’s not so much a diplomatic endeavor as it is a profit motive. Just turn a blind eye, there are large sums of silver in the accounts, why should we refuse?

Anyway, it’s not like we’re just doing Russian business, we’re all doing Japanese business as well. As long as they are willing to pay, businessmen do not care who the buyer is.

Even if the merchants of the Far East Empire do not dare to get involved, then there are international arms dealers rushing in. As long as there is enough money, there is no fear of not being able to buy goods.

The only problem is that these guys don’t have enough supplies, and the transportation has to be attacked by Japanese hired bandits from time to time, so they can’t meet the needs of the war.

But Mihailovich has confidence in the international arms dealers. Now the shortage of goods, mainly because people did not anticipate the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War in advance, the most powerful wave of arms dealers did not have time to participate in.

If these arms dealers with backstage backgrounds were involved, they would be able to get as many supplies as they wanted, and that was the real purpose of their request for help from the Vienna government.

If you want to smuggle strategic materials on a large scale, you need the cooperation of the Far Eastern Empire, but you also need the background of the Great Powers to deter the wolves and tigers.

Ordinary strategic materials is just, the Far Eastern Empire’s family workshop will be able to produce, as long as the money is always able to buy. Troublesome weapons and ammunition.

Not to mention, the Japanese Navy alone is not easy to pass. In order to prevent arms from falling into the hands of the Russian army, the outbreak of war, the Japanese Navy acted as the East Asia police.

Faced with the infringement of sovereignty, the weak government of the Far East Empire chose to play deaf and dumb, allowing the Japanese Navy to inspect foreign merchant ships.

Of course, the ships that were inspected had no background, or the background backstage was not hard enough. The Japanese still did not dare to act rashly with the ships of the big oceanic firms with strong backgrounds.

Britain and Shen Luo relationship tension is not false, but the two countries, after all, has not really fought. Who knows what will explode, in case of trouble and sit down again?

Although the Japanese government had chosen to gamble on the country’s luck, they were not Iron Bean and knew what not to mess with. In the face of these two giants, it is natural to play the grandchild.

The original time and space smuggling trade, did not manage to save the Russian Empire, the most critical reason is the lack of support from the big powers.

Britain, Germany, the United States, Austria and Italy all hope that the Russians will fail, and the only ally of the French is only verbal support, essentially still hope that they return to Europe to deal with the Germans.

Without the help of the great powers, the smuggling trade naturally did not become large-scale. In addition to purchasing food and some daily necessities, weapons and ammunition still had to be transported from home.

Even these unscaled smuggling trade is an important support for the Russian army in the Far East.

Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of army logistics, all from the domestic transport over, not to mention the Siberian Railway has not been opened to traffic, even if it has been opened to the same can not hold.

There is no other reason, who let the Siberian Railway is a single-line railroad? Trains are sent out, but they have to return the same way.

Hearing this explanation, Nicholas II’s complexion eased a little. However, the sadness between his eyebrows still lingered.

Theoretically, with the help of the Holy Roman Empire and the cooperation of the Far Eastern Empire, smuggling would be able to overcome the crisis.

But this is only in theory, not to mention how strong the support of the Holy Roman Empire is, the cooperation of the Far Eastern Empire alone is a big problem.

In these recent years, they hadn’t been wreaking havoc on people. They had formed hatred in front of them, and now they were expecting them to fully cooperate, wasn’t that a joke?
They didn’t need any big shots to personally take action, but the snakes along the way would be enough to make a mess.

Whether it’s a bridge broken every three years, or bandits and thieves robbing the road, it is a hidden danger.

If you put aside normal times, that since needless to say, directly to the Far East Empire to put diplomatic pressure on someone to deal with, but now can not.

In the Russo-Japanese War into a scorching critical moment, the Far Eastern Empire actually has the strength to determine the direction of the two sides to win or lose.

If you accidentally stimulate too much, people fell to the Japanese, then the Russian Empire can only bow their heads and admit defeat, obediently withdraw from the Far East.

“Push for it as soon as possible! It’s best to be able to get the Vienna government to step in, they have a good relationship with the Far Eastern Empire, it’s easier to coordinate the relationship.”

Nicholas II was naturally not clear on how Shen Luo’s relationship with the Far Eastern Empire was. But there was one thing he knew, and that was that no war had broken out between the two sides.

That was enough, the great powers countries as long as they didn’t invade you, that was a symbol of friendship.

The words were not meant to be heard. Falling into Mikhailovich’s ears, it was a sign of Nicholas II’s distrust of the Foreign Ministry’s abilities.

Well, the competence of the Russian Foreign Ministry is not to be trusted. In the past years, they have screwed up more than they have accomplished.

In order to change this situation, the Tsar’s government sent foreign students to Austria and Britain to learn professional diplomatic skills.

It can not be said that there is no progress, at least in diplomatic etiquette, diplomatic subterfuge, international practices and common sense, did not make a big joke.

As for the more important diplomatic skills, that still need to wait for these people to grow up, in the Russian Empire in a high position, to be able to really see.


(End of chapter)

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