Chapter 1109: Enrollment

  Chapter 1088 Enrollment
The first major event of the opening year of 1904 in the Far East was not the Tokyo Trials, but the establishment of Nanyang University, which had a profound impact on later generations.

Don’t look at this university just had a name, school site, teachers, rules and regulations are not determined, but this still can’t change the fact that Nanyang University in Asia caused a sensation.

In this era of the most chaotic thinking, foreign favoritism has been pushed to the peak, in the view of many people European moon is extraordinarily round.

Especially after William personally endorsed it as a royal prince, the impact caused was even greater. Enrollment has not officially begun, consulting and enrollment is already a steady stream of people, once also affected the normal office of several embassies in the Far East of God Luo.

No other reason, simply because William in a cocktail party inadvertently revealed: Nanyang University will open enrollment in the Asian region, will not limit the country and nationality.

This is also no way things, the Austrian Nanyang region’s population although quite a lot, but the quality of students are running to the country.

As a colony of the Holy Roman Empire, there are still a lot of benefits, such as in higher education, will be able to enjoy certain care.

According to the number of citizens in proportion to the population, the country’s major universities and colleges, every year gave the Austrian South Seas region the minimum number of admissions.

Education model, is also a copy of the local system, textbooks in addition to local geography allows for changes, the Ministry of Education unified preparation.

From elementary school to university, all of them adopt the proportional admission system for the entrance examination. Theoretically, all Shinra citizens have equal rights to education.

Of course, this is limited to the free education provided by the government. If one is self-funding their education, they naturally do not need to be subject to admission restrictions.

These days, educational resources are very valuable, purely self-funded primary and secondary schools are fine, once you reach the university level tuition is in the tens of thousands of units.

Not to mention the general public, even the small nobility, petty bourgeoisie, can not afford such expenses.

According to the statistics of the government of Vienna, the regular university of Shen Luo each year, more than 98% of the students are through the examination, really less than two percent of the money to go to school.

Sensei William how to yell, still can not change the fact that Nanyang University is a pheasant university. It can fool other people, but it can’t fool the aristocrats, capitalists, and middle class within Shinra.

Although the colonial government would tilt resources towards Nanyang University, the problem of insufficient faculty could not be solved overnight.

Everyone is realistic, especially when it comes to the issue of children’s education, the German nation likes to be more serious. If the quality of education is not good, even if the prince is out of the picture, it is not good.

Of course, William is not prepared to retain these students back to the local study. After all, the misguided children is really too inviting people to hate.

Family business are in Austrian South Seas, even if they go back to study in the mainland, there will be a large part of the future will return to the South Seas region, these are high-quality talents.

The purpose of establishing a university is to cultivate talents, as long as it can provide talents for the Nanyang region, it does not matter where they are cultivated.

To retain the local students, it is entirely possible to wait for the faculty of Nanyang University to go up, the most important thing at this stage is to lay a good foundation.

The quality of their own education is not good, if the students are not good, then it really becomes a pheasant university. In this context, for the whole of Asia to recruit Mr., but also had to do.

If not considering the influence is not enough, to Europe and the United States students are not attractive, William are ready to face the world enrollment.

Of course, Nanyang University can be in Asia full of attraction of the main reason, or because of the military profession.

Unlike other professional water goods, military professional faculty strength is still sufficient, whether it is retired fiefdom aristocrats, or active duty troops of senior officers, are pulled over by William to hang.

The navy, land and air force combined, a full complement of seventeen generals, in the Asian region is definitely the most ranked.

Although it was impossible for these people to come to class every day, the teachers at the school, too, were all graduates from domestic military schools and had gone to war as masters.

Perhaps there was a lack of experience, but after grinding it out a bit, they were still qualified enough compared to the ordinary military schools in the country.

This was already enough, and the military program itself was opened to support the scene and attract Asian students.

After spending so much time in the South Seas region, William knew the situation in the Asian region as well.

International students from Asian countries, the preferred major is military, followed by economic and literary majors, and relatively few study medicine and science and technology.

In a sense, this is also a good thing for the grassroots Nanyang University. Compared to the rigor of medicine and science and technology, literature and economic theory subjects are obviously much easier to fool.


Director of Education Sanchez: “Your Highness, this is the site and plan of Nanyang University, please take a look.”

Without any exceptions, the final site of Nanyang University was still Sulawesi, a suburb less than thirty kilometers away from the Governor’s Palace.

The planning map also copied the construction of the University of Vienna, only with many fewer buildings, which was considered moderate.

After flipping through it, no major problems were found, William directly raised his pen and signed his big name on the document, and slowly said, “Organize the construction as soon as possible, and strive to complete the construction of the main project at the end of the year, in time for next year’s new students to enroll in the use of.”

It can be seen that William is still satisfied with the Education Department’s planning. Moderate means “stable”, over forty years old, William has long passed the age of love of the limelight.

Moreover, even if the design of Nanyang University is more impressive, what’s the use? He himself is the boss of the Nanyang region, there is no one to see ah!
He couldn’t just send a few pictures back home to show off, could he?

Of course, if you want to go back to your country early to be an assholes, this is really a good way.

Education Director Sanchez immediately assured, “Your Highness, please don’t worry, we have already hired the best construction team, and we will definitely be able to complete the construction of the main project before the end of the year.”

After a pause of more than ten seconds, Sanchez added, “Your Highness, this time we are enrolling students from all over Asia, students come from all over the world, and many of them have to travel for several months.

In order to ensure that next year’s new students will be able to enroll smoothly, do you think the enrollment work can be started earlier?
After all, there are a lot of students interested in enrolling, which makes our screening process very troublesome. Starting earlier will allow for more preparation time.”

In actuality, it would only get worse. Recruiting more than a thousand people from all over Asia, not to say that it was one in ten thousand, but the scene of one in a hundred that was sure to occur.

Although the Education Department has a wealth of experience in enrollment, but this kind of cross-country, cross-region enrollment, or the first time.

William nodded: “Enrollment work, your Education Department will see to it! I only have one request, recruit as many talents as possible, but no anti-Austrian elements can be admitted.”

Political correctness always came first, and there was no exception anywhere. For new ideas, the Holy Roman Empire was relatively considered tolerant.

Of course, the main reason was that the country was strong and possessed enough confidence in itself to withstand the impact of new ideas.


Tokyo, with the end of the international trials, is a new cosmopolitan city that is once again radiating vitality.

The Japanese public has not been knocked down by a trial, and the biggest consequence of the international trials is this: a further rise in anti-Russian sentiment among Japanese citizens.

In order to alleviate the pressure on itself, the Japanese government established a special “National Shame Day”, supposedly in honor of the “heroes” who were killed in the Russian Embassy case.

Not only the Russians couldn’t stand it, but also the diplomatic corps was furious. The “heroes” who were sentenced to death by the International Court of Justice were clearly slapping everyone in the face.

However, the legion was already divided, and the two leaders, Britain and Shenla, were already at war, so they had no time to worry about this small problem.

The two big rogues not only did not step in to stop, but followed the fuel, fanning the flames, for the provocation of the war between Russia and Japan to do contribution.

The reason why the “Yang conspiracy” is terrible is because even if it is recognized, things will still happen.

The current conflict between Japan and Russia is like this, knowing that Vienna and London do not have good intentions, the Japanese and Russian governments can only be hard on it.

Especially for the Japanese government, it is being pushed to the wall. To make any concessions now would be tantamount to chronic suicide.

With the current relationship between Japan and Russia, once the Siberian Railway is open to traffic, it is the end of the Japanese Empire.

In a sense, the pressure the Japanese government is now facing is even greater than in the original time and space.

The additional Philippine War has made the Tokyo government’s pockets even poorer, and its comprehensive national strength is one or two points weaker than it was at the same time in history.

In contrast, the Russian Empire was a different story. Even though the combined national power hasn’t increased much, it’s a much bigger block on the bright side!
The first line of the Baltic Sea occupied Prussian Poland; the central occupation of Constantinople, the Black Sea directly into the Russian Empire’s internal sea, tentacles once deep into the Mediterranean Sea; the southern line to occupy most of Afghanistan, the border line are close to overthrowing India.

The entire Russian Empire is fatter than the original time and space, if not for the strong rise of God Luo, it is estimated that the entire European world will tremble under the gears of the roller.

In the face of such an opponent, it is impossible for the Japanese government to say that it is not panicked in its heart. If not for the outbreak of the Russian Embassy case, the Japanese government really can’t make up its mind to fight the Russians to the death.

Unfortunately, there is no if in reality, with this fuse, coupled with the past conflicts between Japan and Russia, the war became inevitable.

People with a little bit of military common sense know that the smell of gunpowder in Tokyo is too strong, clearly a precursor to the outbreak of war.

Although there were no protests in front of the Russian Embassy again, the anti-Russian movement was in full swing, and even foreign students were not able to escape.

“Learn from your mistakes and grow wiser.”

After the previous lesson, the foreign students of the Far Eastern Empire in Japan also learned the hard way and were no longer enthusiastic about participating in anti-Russian activities.

However, no matter how much they refused, they could not resist the persistent solicitation of their Japanese “friends”. This made many of them, who were used to the world of human affairs, very uncomfortable.

The power of the Russians is well known, and almost no one except the Japanese themselves is optimistic about them.

Even if the Japanese government packaged itself as the light of Asia and the hope of Asia, it could not change the inherent imprint in everyone’s mind.

Stand with the losers, the aftermath is very serious, put themselves into the even if, afraid of even the family together to lose in.

The hairy bear’s vengefulness is so strong that everyone has already seen it.

Needless to say, the felons who were sentenced to death must have seen God; the most shocking thing is the thousands of people who were sentenced to exile in Siberia, and now their families have received the bad news one after another.

If you don’t want to participate, you can’t argue with human kindness. If you want to survive in a foreign country, you can’t do it without the help of your friends.

Many people have received help from their Japanese classmates during their study abroad career, and even though it was only a small favor, the favor is still owed.

For young students, righteousness is greater than heaven. Often, when they are encouraged by a few words, their IQ is not online.

If the previous incident had not stimulated everyone, it is estimated that it would still be the same as in the original time and space, with a bunch of foreign students being lulled into being cannon fodder.

Now it was sober, but after the refusal, everyone snapped to find themselves in an awkward situation all of a sudden.

Because of his excellent performance in the last incident, Li Bo’an had unconsciously become the backbone of the international students, and everyone liked to come over to discuss things when they encountered them.

“Brother Boan, the situation is a bit bad! Ever since we refused to participate in the anti-Russian movement, we have been isolated at school, and the Japanese friends around us have left us one by one.

Even our lodgings have been harassed by hooligans from time to time, and the police in Tokyo simply don’t care.

If it continues like this, I’m afraid we’ll have to end our studies early and return home ……”

Similar complaints had been heard more than once by Li Bo’an. Including himself, just as he was ostracized at school. It was only that he had a good mindset and was able to resist these pressures.

“Brother Liu, the purpose of the Japanese is very obvious, it’s nothing more than the fact that the Russo-Japanese War is imminent and they need an ally to share the pressure.

Pulling us in is fake, the real purpose is that they want to pull the imperial court down through us and participate in the war against Russia.

Only what is the state of the court, the Japanese are not clear, we can not be clear?

If you really do not know how to get involved, once the Japanese defeat, we support them, Russia will not be liquidated afterwards?
Once the Russians threaten to use force, with the style of the court, do you think they can bear the pressure?

I’m afraid that by then not only our own bad luck, maybe also implicate the family behind us. Compared to this, our suffering now is nothing.

If we really can’t go on, the worst thing we can do is to leave Japan. Anyway, Nanyang University is about to enroll, even if we can’t get in, we can still choose to pay for our own education.”

Undoubtedly, these things naturally did not occur to the foreign students themselves. Without having experienced enough social beatings, people’s associations were not yet so rich.

To be able to make these thoughts, which were widely circulated among the foreign students, it was obvious that there were also people who were pushing them.

The purpose was naturally self-evident, with the opening of Nanyang University just around the corner and the need for more quality students, it was only natural that they would have to steal from their peers.

Anyway, these days there is no real sense of Japan’s colleges and universities, including the University of Tokyo in the international community is only a drop better than the pheasant university, faculty strength is very general.

These days most of the high technology is monopolized by Europe, important scientific research projects, scientific and technological innovation, the entire Asian region is a blank.

Although the Japanese people are trying, but that is only trying. Talent, infrastructure, all are not in place, want to catch up with the world’s advanced level, naturally, is not an overnight thing.

This is also one of the reasons why once Nanyang University enrolls, it is able to attract countless people to enroll. Although it is also a pheasant university, but people do not know ah!
(End of chapter)

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