Chapter 1102: Forceful Pressure

  Chapter 1081 – Forceful Pressure
There is no perfection in this world. Although the Japanese this knife is not sharp, but it will hurt just as much when it cuts on people.

The most crucial reason for not being able to kill the furry bear is still that the Russian Empire’s territory is too vast, and is even larger than the original time and space.

The most serious consequence of the Russo-Japanese War is no more than the loss of the Far East, and then there is no more, with the power of the Japanese is simply impossible to penetrate Siberia.

After a moment of silence, Frederick slowly said: “Japan alone is naturally not enough, but with the addition of other peoples who want to be independent, it will be different.

Finland, the Baltics, Poland, Bulgaria, Afghanistan, Central Asia and other regions are not lack of anti-Russian forces.

When the Russian Empire is strong, these anti-Russian strength can not become a climate, but in the decline of the woolly bear is different.

If these independent organizations are not strong enough, then add the Russian Revolutionary Party.

Alexander II’s reforms, while easing the social contradictions in the Russian Empire to some extent, the core contradictions remained.

The Russian public could tolerate the loss of their government to the European countries, but they could never tolerate their loss to the uncivilized Japanese.

Together with the bourgeoisie that is dissatisfied with the distribution of power, all we have to do is to push behind the scenes, and the possibility of a revolution breaking out in Russia is very high.”

Obviously, Frederick had also done his homework. The internal pitfalls of the Russian Empire had long been well understood.

For a giant like the Russian Empire, it was too difficult to knock down from the outside, and the only one who could really knock them down was themselves.

To the Holy Roman Empire, a Russian Empire that was in a state of division and decline was a good ally.

Franz hesitated. One had to admit that Frederick’s plan did have a lot of maneuverability.

Even if the plan fails, the Holy Roman Empire will not lose anything, until the end of the Vienna government is a “good ally” of the tsarist government, and these anti-Russian forces do not have anything to do.

If the plan is successful, then the threat to the Shen Luo land will be completely pulled out. In the future, they can fully focus on the sea, and compete with Britain for hegemony.

The only problem lay in the fact that the revolution was full of uncertainty. As a monarch, Franz had never been a fan of “revolutions” or “national independence movements”.

If he hadn’t thought about it a few decades ago, Franz would have rejected it out of hand.

The reason was very practical: he was afraid of hitting himself in the foot with a rock, with uncontrollable consequences.

Now it’s different. After so many years of operation, unified language and culture of the Holy Roman Empire, the basic disk has been stabilized.

To the countries of the world at the same time, the people of the Holy Roma are still very superior, the country is strong, and the standard of living of the people is clearly at the forefront.

Social conflicts had not disappeared, but they were far from the point of needing to revolt. Even though the wave of revolution was high, the impact on Shinra was minimal.

The problem was that the current Holy Roman Empire was no longer alone, and just because one was able to pocket it didn’t mean that one’s minions could hold out as well.

Armenia with its strong feudalism, Spain with its internal conflicts, Italy with its social reforms, Greece with its active nationalism, and France in the midst of the fire.

All of these countries had hotbeds where revolutionary ideas could thrive, and there was no chance that with a shot from the Russian Empire, the continent of Europe would change places.

If revolutions broke out one by one, Franz thought he could handle them properly; if they came in a swarm, Shinra would be exhausted.

“The plan sounds good, but you have to get that middle ground right. The Russian Empire may collapse, but the Tsarist government must remain.

We can push behind it, but we can’t directly intervene in Russia’s civil unrest. This includes covert support for the Revolutionary Party and the Independence Organization, none of which can have our presence.”

It wasn’t that Franz was being hypocritical, it was really a political necessity. Pit allies can just do things secretly, bring it to the surface, then there is no fun.


Tokyo, along with the arrival of the British and Austrian navies, the legation’s stance on the Japanese government is getting stronger and stronger.

To be precise, it was the Shinra family that pressured the Japanese government, and the countries just followed suit, while the British remained silent most of the time.

This was the inevitable result. Sensei’s secret maneuvering, on the surface Russia and Austria were still allies.

Now that the foreign embassies of their allies have been massacred by the Japanese, it would be problematic if Shinra didn’t react at all.

The reason why all the countries are following suit is because the Japanese have broken the rules. These rules do not only protect the interests of the great powers, but also protect the interests of small countries.

Only within the rules of the game, we can start normal diplomatic activities. After all, no one dares to mess with the great powers, and even if something happens, they will be able to retaliate.

Small countries will not be able to happen thousands of miles away from the matter, is completely out of reach, suffered again big aggrieved can only beat down the teeth to the stomach inside swallow.

The demand for the Japanese government to be severely punished is essentially an example to be made of a dead rabbit.

As the saying goes, the wrath of the people is difficult to offend, the self-proclaimed civilized people of Britain, naturally, will not be for the sake of the interests of Japan’s allies, and the countries hard top.

The severe punishment is as severe as it can be, and Shinra has not organized a coalition army to fight over. The severe punishment demanded by various countries now is only to click a few more responsible persons, so that the Japanese government will lose face.

The dead were Japanese, and the one who lost face was the Japanese government. In British Minister Enriquez’s opinion, this could not be considered a problem.

If it was not for the concern of the British-Japanese alliance, Enriquez would have pressured the Japanese government and forced them to hand over the right to investigate the case.

As diplomats, Enriquez and the legation were on the same page when it came to maintaining the safety of diplomats.

The sound of “rumbling” sounded like thunder in the sky. Emperor Meiji, who was eating, could not help but drop the cutlery in his hands.

Hurriedly to the maid commanded: “Quickly send people to see, what place is firing?”

Today’s times are different, since the British and Austrian Navy arrived in the Sea of Japan, the Japanese Navy was ordered to stay in the camp, even warships are prohibited to go up.

The Japanese government is so careful and cautious because it is afraid that the middle-aged teenagers below can’t stand the excitement and run out to PK with the British and Austrian navies.

A Russian empire Japanese government bet on the national luck, and then mess with a big country, it will really be cool.


Navy Military Order Department, looking at the black pressure of petitioning generals, Admiral Ito Yuken’s face grimaced as he reprimanded: ”A group of fools, and do not look at what time it is now.

To go out to sea for training. Do you all take me for a fool?

Do you really think that just because you’ve fought two battles, you think you’re invincible?

If you leave the harbor now, you’ll all be fed to the sharks in less than two hours.


Pass the order down, all officers and soldiers immediately go back to their barracks to rest, no matter what happens, prohibit anyone from boarding the ship.”

There was no way around it, just moments ago the Anglo-Australian Navy had a live fire test shot at the harbor.

Because they didn’t aim at the buildings on shore, the shells landed in the water not far from the harbor and exploded, but the Japanese naval officers and men were enraged.

When anger gets to their heads, their intelligence is off the line. In the heat of the moment, they petitioned to go out to sea to train and expel the “enemy navy” outside.

Just because the people below them are out of their minds doesn’t mean that Yukihiro Ito is out of his mind as well. If he really went out to do something, he might be taken away by a wave of others.

Although there is the British-Japanese alliance, under normal circumstances, the Royal Navy will not attack the Japanese Navy; Japan and Shinra do not have a core conflict of interest between them, the likelihood of attacking them is also not high.

Yet political matters were usually a matter of high-level consideration. There were radicals in the Japanese Navy, as there were in the British and Austrian navies.

If they really met, no one could be sure that both sides would actually fight. At least, Yukio Ito did not think that the Japanese navy’s strength would be able to make the other side retreat.

It’s not easy for Japan to save up all this money, so if they really do it, then it’s over.

Not to say that two hours will have to go into the sea to feed the sharks, heavy losses, a great deal of vitality will always be there.

The navy is not the army, relatively speaking the Japanese navy is still calm. At least under the strict orders of Ito Yuken, everyone still obediently returned to the camp.

After dispatching these troubles, Ito Yuken immediately went straight to the Emperor’s Palace. This time it was only a test firing at the water, causing very limited damage, and no one could guarantee that the next time they wouldn’t aim their guns at buildings on shore.

How domineering the European powers are these days, Ito Yuken has personally experienced, he does not think that the fleet will not dare to move outside the real.


Strongly suppress the anger in his heart, Emperor Meiji slowly said: “The legation has already pressurized by force, what do you think we should deal with now?”

There is no doubt that the British and Austrian navies entering Tokyo Bay are a big trouble for the Japanese government.

Not to mention the fact that they simply could not win, even if they could, the Japanese government did not dare to do anything about it.

Fortunately, now it is only forceful pressure, not really shelling, or the Japanese government will really only cry.

Land Minister Yamagata Arimoto: “Your Majesty, please rest assured. We have already confirmed that it was only the British and Austrian navies that arrived in Tokyo Bay and did not carry any marines.

The legation is now just bluffing, attempting to use political blackmail to force us to give in, they do not have the ability to initiate a landing.

The countries have a limited number of troops in East Asia, and even if all of them were to be transferred over, the land forces would still be capable of defending Honshu Island.”

The crowd directly chose to ignore Yamagata Aratomo’s sworn assurances. Only someone with a brain in their head would go to war with the countries.

Defending Honshu Island was of no use, Japan was an island nation with few resources. As long as the enemy blockaded it for a year and a half, Japan would be finished by itself.

The forceful pressure of the legation can be just political blackmail or it can change from falsehood to reality.

Had it not been for the British acting as second fiddle and dragging their feet in the legation, the Japanese government would have given in a long time ago.

Foreign Minister Inoue Sin: “In fact, the conditions of the legation are not impossible to consider. Their request for the right to investigate and try cases is not intentionally directed against the Empire.

It is mainly the Russian Embassy case that has made them feel sad about the death of the rabbit, and they want to make an example of it to re-establish the majesty of international rules.

The enemies of the Empire are only the Russians, and we cannot mistake the legation for an enemy. The fact that the Legation is now targeting us can only be said to be opportune; they and the Russians were never meant to be on the same page.

If we can’t take care of the legation before the Russians arrive, there’s no chance they’ll actually merge, and then the Empire will be in danger.”

Prime Minister Okuma Shigenobu: “No way! Allowing the Legation to participate in the investigation and trial is already our biggest concession, and the lead in the case must not be given away.

Diplomacy is all about setting precedents. Once this precedent is set, in the future cases involving citizens of various countries, they will all jump out to fight for the right to try ……”

Even though Inoue Xin had been as subtle as possible, Okuma Shigenobu still had some difficulty accepting it. Compromising with the legation might seem like a solution to the problem, but sovereignty was lost.

Whether it was the “right to investigate” or the “right to judge”, it was an important sovereignty of a country. Generally speaking, when national sovereignty was involved, it was very troublesome.

In a sense, giving up the right to dominate is “selling out”. Perhaps the people in the audience can take the big picture into account, but the Japanese people outside do not have such a big picture view.

Ito Hirobumi interrupted: “Okuma, there are priorities. The future trouble, wait for the future to deal with it is not too late, the most critical thing is to get through the present.

In the negotiations with the legation, I can ascertain that Minister Shinra is currently just making a show of it, and is not going all out. Including the conditions proposed, none of them are too outrageous.

Once the Russian representatives arrive, the situation will be very different. For the sake of the Russian-Austrian alliance, Shinra will definitely support the Russians.

Now that all the countries on the European landmass were looking at Vienna’s face, Shinra supported the Russians, and most of the members of the legation would support the Russians.

When the time comes, it will not just be a question of investigative and trial rights. If the Czarist government was willing to pay the price, it would not be impossible to pull together an allied army.

The British can’t be relied on, and once the Continental countries support the Russians, there’s a good chance we’ll be left as a pariah.

There have been too many similar cases in British history. Including the French Empire, which was strong for a while, was sold out by the British.”

Some alarmist talk, but the reasoning is right. International politics, when it is time to follow the heart, it is necessary to follow the heart.

“Too much rigidity is easy to break.”

For a small country, it is only when it can bend and stretch that it can live long. In this era of the strongest and weakest, the one-sided toughness that is the way to take death.


Along with the appearance of the Joint Investigation Mission, the Japanese civil society directly exploded, protest march slogans resounded throughout the city of Tokyo.

The foreign students who had just arrived in Japan were stunned by the scene in front of them when they entered Tokyo.

A young student was so composed that he blurted out, “This is Japan, it’s too chaotic, isn’t it?”

With crowds of demonstrators everywhere, it was impossible not to think of chaos. The fact that the social order had not collapsed was all due to the efforts of the Japanese police.

The young scholar who came to pick up the people explained, “Japan is the most orderly country, you just came at a bad time, in the old days Tokyo was still very prosperous.

Only recently they have run into trouble, and now the Japanese people are protesting against the Western powers and violating their national sovereignty.”

“Japan’s national sovereignty has been violated” was undoubtedly a great shock to the minds of the Far Eastern students who had just stepped out of the country.

Thanks to the Japanese government’s good propaganda work, with the draw against Spain, Japan was already a rising power in the eyes of many people in East Asia.

Otherwise, people would not have traveled all the way across the ocean to learn the way of a strong nation. However, just after arriving in Tokyo, they encountered this scene in front of them.

“Brother Boan, isn’t Japan the power of the day, how could ……”

Without waiting for the young man to finish his sentence, the young scholar called Bo An interrupted, “This question is a long story.

Now this occasion is also not suitable to talk about this topic, it is better to go to my residence first, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.”

Being far away in a foreign country, the most feared thing was trouble. The Far East Empire was not a master that could resist things, if you encountered something, solve it on your own, don’t count on a bunch of the official old men who are the same as the others to step in.

With questions in mind, the crowd came to a small two-story wooden building. Although the exterior was slightly outdated, the interior was very well-decorated, very much in line with the low-key introverted style of the Chinese.


After making a pot of tea, the young scholar called Boan slowly spoke: ”There are two other students from the country who live here, only they were invited to participate in the parade.

Because you guys are coming, I didn’t go to join in the fun. As a matter of fact, they didn’t want to participate either, but they couldn’t resist the favor.

You guys are new to this country, when you encounter this kind of thing in the future, avoid it if you can, and if you really can’t avoid it, don’t rush forward.

Especially during this recent period, if not necessary, try not to go out, not to mention not to participate in club activities.”

The slightly older man asked, “Boan, you are so cautious, what happened recently?”

“I had thought that you guys were aware of it, but it seems that the news from the old country is still seriously lagging behind. Half a month ago, anti-Russian demonstrations broke out in Tokyo.

I don’t know what changed halfway through, but the people participating in the march stormed the Russian embassy in Tokyo, and all the Russian diplomatic staff were killed.

The outbreak of the Russian Embassy case triggered a strong backlash from the embassies in Tokyo, and a legation was formed under the leadership of Britain and Austria.

After the formation of the Legation, there was a fierce conflict with the Japanese government over the right to investigate and try the Russian Embassy case.

Yesterday at noon, the British and Austrian navies also shelled Tokyo Bay. It is not known exactly what happened, but the Japanese government gave in.

Not only did it hand over the lead in the case, but under pressure from the legation, it also arrested members of the Anti-Russian Revenge Society, the Iron Blood Revenge Society, and a number of other societies overnight.

After the news spread, a movement for the defense of sovereignty erupted in Tokyo today, demanding that the government release the arrested Russian embassy suspects and rejecting the involvement of the legation in the embassy case.

Regardless of the final outcome, Tokyo will more than likely be in chaos for some time to come. This has little to do with us, so it’s best if you guys stay out of it.”

One could tell by the dumbfounded expressions on the crowd’s faces that they had been stunned by the news.

Getting involved in it, that was impossible, it was too late to hide from this kind of thing. Unless one was tired of living, no normal person would go and get involved in this.

(End of chapter)

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