Chapter 1085: Subsequent Effects

  Chapter 1064 – Subsequent Impact
The specific parameters of the “Roma” had not been released to the outside world, but just by looking at the giant size, everyone knew that it was a big killer.

Although large size is not equal to strong combat power, but most of the time it is still applicable.

Generally speaking, a warship with a large tonnage means that it can install more guns and thicker armor, which gives it a greater advantage in naval battles.

According to the 20,100 tons displacement announced by the Vienna government, it was a qualitative surpassing compared to all the previous battleships.

If all this added tonnage was allocated to guns and armor, it was entirely possible to be abusive to traditional battleships.

It is not necessarily one’s friends who pay the most attention to one, but there must be one’s enemies.

As each other’s biggest competitor, the “Roma” has just been launched, and has attracted a great deal of attention from the British government.

Especially Franz the Great personally participated in the launching ceremony, but also the London government’s degree of importance, pulled to the full frame.

Numerous experiences have told the British, but wherever Franz the Great himself is present, there is bound to be a story.

In the past forty years, this is the second time Franz personally attended the launching ceremony of warships, the last time was the introduction of steam ironclads.


Downing Street.

Prime Minister Robert Cecil: “Have the parameters of the Roma been worked out yet, and are they as impressive as the Austrians boast?”

Since the launch of the Roma, the media in Shenandoah has led the way.

What “naval industrial technology revolution”, “a new era of battleships”, “the world’s first battleship” …… A series of praises were showered down on the ship for no money.

This kind of hustle and bustle, the British media naturally not willing to be lonely. Coupled with the Royal Navy in the back to push the waves, a time the Holy Roman Empire naval threat theory, once again resounded in the British Isles, there is a tendency to become the mainstream of society.

During this recent period of time, the news about the Holy Roman Navy Threat Theory, Prime Minister Robert Cecil is about to see vomit.

Although do not really believe that a battleship can change the times; but the navy is the lifeblood of Britain, in the uncertainty of the “Rome” before the specific parameters, Robert Cecil Prime Minister can only be overestimated as far as possible.

Navy Minister Flora: “Not sure yet, the Vienna government is monitoring the shipyard very strictly, our people can’t get to the core.

What can be determined at this point is that the Roma has abandoned previous design concepts and adopted the most radical all-heavy artillery design concept of the moment.

Judging from the intelligence we have gathered, the Rome will be equipped with 12 main guns, and the caliber of the guns should not be less than 12 in. (about 305mm)

In addition to the heavy firepower, the Rome also increased the thickness of the armor. Small caliber guns, it’s hard to pose a threat to it.

The Austrians in the field of power, has always been a world leader, and now may have made a breakthrough again.

The Rome’s displacement has increased, but of its sailing speed, it may not be much slower than the previous battleships.”

It was obvious that Flora didn’t have much confidence in the accuracy of this information.

In the background of not being able to get close to the ship platform to check on the ground, the intelligence personnel could only observe from afar, plus some gossip, to make inferences, so the accuracy of the information obtained could not be guaranteed at all.

No matter how much water is in the intelligence, it is better to have intelligence than not. If the accuracy is not high enough, it has a high reference value.

For the Royal Navy, they were not afraid of the Shen Luo Navy doing something, they were afraid that they would not make a move.

Like before, a dozen years in a row did not make a news out, making the Royal Navy are not good to reach out to the parliament to ask for military expenses.

Now this is how good, with the importance of the Navy to Britain, in the context of unclear, that is certainly to be overestimated ah!

No need to think to know, in the next period of time, the Royal Navy’s military expenditure is going to increase significantly again.

Air Force Minister Weizsäcker: “The Austrians got more than just a Rome, just a battleship no matter how powerful, but also can not reverse the gap between them and the Royal Navy.

From what we have gathered, the Vienna government has also developed an ambitious Terminator Program.

According to this plan, the Vienna government will build a large number of airfields along the coasts of France and Belgium, and will eventually realize the mobilization of thousands of bombers at one time to launch air attacks against the Royal Navy.

As the world’s number one air force power, the Holy Roman Empire has already gone very far in the field of aviation. Currently they were equipped with the main combat bomber, the Flying Eagle 2, with a bomb load that had already exceeded 2 tons.

According to this plan, theoretically, the Holy Roman Air Force can drop 2,000 to 3,000 tons of bombs on us at once.

The power of a 2,000-ton special bomb explosion far exceeds that of 5,000 tons of high explosives, and the enemy doesn’t need any hits at all; a direct indiscriminate bombardment could destroy any of our ports.

Although our anti-aircraft firepower is not weak, it is still only the air force that can deal with the air force. Ground anti-aircraft fire can only be used as a support and cannot be relied upon.

Once the enemy’s plan is complete, we have no corresponding countermeasures. Not only is the Royal Navy in danger, the entire British Isles are within the bombing range of the enemy air force.

Compared to the enemy’s hidden Plan Terminator, the battleship Roma, now thrown out, is more like a front to attract our attention.

One is their best area and one is their shortcoming, it’s self-evident which direction to choose as a breakthrough point.”

For the sake of military spending, Weizsäcker had put up a fight. Britain was a one-man Royal Navy, with the Army and the Air Force living a hard life.

Just look at the annual military budget. The Royal Navy’s military budget is 30% higher than the Holy Roman Empire Navy’s budget, while the air force and army’s budgets are less than one-third of each other’s.

How much money there is, how much to do.

The gap in military spending was directly reflected in the comparison of the strength of the two armies. The Royal Navy crushed the Holy Roman Navy, while the Army and Air Force were the opposite.

Unlike the Army’s inability to struggle, Weizsäcker felt that the Air Force could still be salvaged. Even if they couldn’t catch up with their competitors, then they still had to be able to defend themselves, didn’t they?

In this context, regardless of whether the “Terminator Program” is true, Weizsäcker took it seriously.

In Britain to the parliament to fight for military spending, just a “need” is obviously not enough, but also must be prepared for a good story.

The “Terminator Program” of the Vienna government was undoubtedly a good story. Not to say that it can get everyone’s agreement, but there is still hope that it can fool most of the parliamentarians.

In order to obtain the support of the Cabinet, Weizsäcker put forward in the Cabinet meeting in advance, so as not to be alone at that time.

It’s easy to fool amateurs who don’t have military common sense, but it’s harder to fool insiders. Although the people present are not military everyone, but the basic common sense is still there.

Navy Minister Flora immediately retorted, “As the Air Force Minister, Your Excellency is really condescending. You should go write science fiction novels, I’m sure it will be good.

Mobilizing thousands of bombers, if the Vienna government is reckless, I believe they do have the ability to do it; but to concentrate on bombing the same target, that’s just being funny.

Taking off from the same airport is obviously impractical, taking off from multiple airports would kill people just tossing around the work, and a bad one would be a major crash in the air.

Not to mention that although the bombers have a large bomb load, their own combat power, however, is not good. Without combat power escort, running to play bombing is to send death.

If you want to guarantee the safety of thousands of bombers, how can you need a similar number of fighter groups. With so many airplanes, even if they came to bomb in batches, I’m afraid it would be difficult to complete the scheduling.

Even if it is really accomplished, with such a dense swarm of planes, our anti-aircraft firepower will achieve a considerable amount of battlefield success.

The prerequisite for the enemy’s plan to be accomplished is that we were unprepared beforehand and they succeeded in their sneak attack.

As long as we normally strengthen our alert and do not give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of the situation. By acting as an air defense warning in advance, we can completely make the enemy’s Terminator plan against us into their own Terminator plan.

As for whether the battleship Roma is a front put out by the enemy, we’ll know in a few months. Anything can be a lie, only the combat effectiveness of a warship won’t be.”

There was a lot of bickering, with the Navy and Air Force fighting it out, and the Army was equally unsympathetic.

The Minister of War, Skebrew, had just organized his words and was about to join the fray when the Prime Minister, Robert Cecil, preempted the conversation by saying, “All right. If you guys keep arguing, this meeting is going to turn into a discursive contest.

I know that the Navy is important and the Air Force is important, so that’s all right!

The main reason I called everyone here today is because the Holy Roman Empire is restless again.

We need to be proactive and prepare a plan in advance, not to listen to you fight over military spending.

As for the issue of military expenses, if you have the ability to go and ask the parliament yourself, if you don’t have the ability, don’t yell at me here, it’s useless!”

This is true, the decision of Britain’s military budget is the parliament, Robert Cecil, the prime minister, although there is a great right to speak, but does not have the right to make the final decision.

The navy and the air force are very confident, and now with the Holy Roman Empire as a target, they are certain that they can come to military spending from the parliament.

Only Skebro suffered, the British Army that was really unpopular. The worst part is that they can’t even make up stories now.

Up to now, the British Army has only had “defense of India” and “defense of British Africa” as the only two themes that can be derived.

However, the international situation was very clear. The Russians were not going south for a while, and the story of the “defense of India” was the first to end.

The story of the “defense of British Africa” can be told, but unfortunately, no one has the confidence to do so!
Almost all the MPs believed that if war broke out with the Holy Roman Empire, British Africa would be the first to fall.

Since it was hopeless anyway, it would be better to invest resources in other areas to increase Britain’s superiority.


(End of chapter)

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