Chapter 1064: Double Standard

  Chapter 1044 Double Standard
Just as the Russians were grasping at the scourge of France, Morocco across the strait messed up again. A Spanish immigrant town, was overrun by indigenous tribes and thousands of people were slaughtered.

When the news spread, the whole European world vibrated. I don’t know who started it, the media have given the title “Morocco tragedy”.

Governments also have to join in the fun, followed by a strong position, a time to shout and kill sound, in the European world is endless.

Forced to the corner of the Spanish government, at this moment has no choice but to announce the military retaliation.

The same is to play massacre, the Russian army in France did nothing; Morocco indigenous tribes on the Spanish colonizers hands, but led to the European world of shouting and killing.

There is no way, the world is so realistic. Woolly bear fighting power, but also the characteristics of thick skin and resistance to manipulation, at a glance know not to be messed with.

Shouting to kill is easy, really if you shout something, you must intervene, who wants to go for the interests of the French and the bear to kill?

Moreover, the Russians dare to act recklessly in France, not without dependence.

Although the Anti-French League did not say anything on the surface, the countries supported the Tsarist government with practical actions.

It was now the 19th century, and the European world would be able to represent the international community, and the Anti-French Alliance could in turn represent the European world.

There was never any such thing as sanctioning oneself. As a member of the Anti-French League, the Russians would at most be scolded in public opinion for playing up to the issue of striking France.

Had it not been for the knowledge of the position of the allies, it could have been emboldened. The Tsarist government, even if it was as strong as it was, Nicholas II would not have dared to give the order to take more prisoners and go back to build the railroad.

Compared to the strong and backstage Russians, Morocco is obviously much easier to bully. This kind of opportunity to brush the sense of existence, there is no reason to miss.

Even if the situation escalates, really to the time when we must intervene, that is just a chance to get rich.

Bullying the natives and whatnot, everyone was the best at it. It wasn’t like they couldn’t win, so there was absolutely no need to wimp out.

Of course, this possibility is still very small. No matter what, Spain was still claiming to be a great power, and if they had to ask for help from European countries when faced with a few indigenous tribes, they wouldn’t need to mix anymore.

Whether it is forced by domestic public opinion pressure, but also for the sake of the “status of the Great Powers” of the tiger skin, the Spanish government can only be tough to send troops to retaliate.


Looking at the telegram in his hand, Franz asked suspiciously: “The Spanish government wants to draw troops from the garrison in France, do they not want the interests in France?”

From the beginning of its establishment, the Anti-French Alliance has emphasized the principle of reciprocity between gains and obligations.

The Kingdom of Spain did not do much in the war against France, and one of the reasons why it was able to share in the lucrative benefits after the war was that it was garrisoned in France and bore the burden of suppressing the French from rising again.

The relevant treaty was signed long ago, the meat was eaten into the stomach, and now want to renege on not fulfilling the agreement, then you can only spit it out again.

Prime Minister Karl: “Your Majesty, since the opening of the Franco-Russian War, the oil of the garrison in France has been greatly reduced. Perhaps it will be restored in the future, but the Spanish government obviously can’t wait any longer.

If they don’t take immediate action to deter the Moroccans with special means, I’m afraid similar massacres will occur again.

Before that, the French colonizers had experienced it with their lives. Defeated countries had no human rights, and driven by the power of hatred, everyone tacitly chose to turn a blind eye.

It didn’t matter much to the Spanish government to shed Morocco, which it nominally ruled, but watching its own expatriates being slaughtered by the natives just wouldn’t do.”

The Spanish government had no time for its interests in France, even if it had to cut its own flesh. It was certainly bad news for the government in Vienna.

To contain the resurgence of France, Spain was an essential pawn. Less this key link, to contain the rise of France, God Luo will have to be on their own.

Otherwise only Sardinia, Switzerland, Belgium three gatekeepers, obviously can not suppress the French ah!
Fortunately, there is now the Russians as a battering ram. From the current situation, by the Russian army so tossed, the time for the French to restore vitality, at least was dragged back fifteen years.

Especially not long ago, Nicholas II also ordered the front Russian troops to capture more prisoners to send back to repair the railroad, but also a fatal knife to France.

Originally, after the end of the war in Europe, France has a serious lack of young and strong labor force, and then by the Russian army so a scourge, the young and strong labor force will be even less.

If not afraid of causing a bad reaction, Franz wanted to give Nicholas II a super anti-French medal to show encouragement. At least ten tons of gold should be used to create it, otherwise it would not be worthy of his merits.

After thinking about it, Franz waved his hand and said: ”Forget it, let the Spaniards withdraw if they want to, they don’t need them for a while anyway.

The Russians are now doing a very good job, and can consider increasing their support at a later stage. Always have to try and see if you can borrow the Russians’ knife to abolish France.”

As a peace-loving emperor, Franz had always avoided making deadly enemies with any of the great powers. Even if he did make one, he would find ways to defuse it.

If you don’t believe me, you can turn to the history books to see that each and every enemy that Shinra had encountered in its course of development had finally let go of their hatred under the inspiration of God.

As for whether it was with the Physical Summoning Technique or the Spiritual Summoning Technique, the twists and turns it went through no longer mattered.

Under this guiding program. Even after becoming the hegemon, the value of hatred pulled down by the Holy Roman Empire was still not high.

France was an exception, limited by its special geographic location and religious beliefs, which did not lend itself to the use of extraordinary means.

Although there was no way to call upon the French, the hate value pulled down, however, was shared by more than a dozen countries together.

After the end of the Continental War, the Holy Roman Empire was once the biggest enemy of France, but soon they couldn’t hate it anymore.

Compared to the Russians, who rode directly over their heads and made a fool of themselves, and the traitorous Italians, who flaunted their power, the Holyrose really didn’t have a row to hoe.

It’s a good start, the first step in fading hatred is to help create a bigger enemy, and so far the Russians have overdone it.

Such a sharp knife, not using it for nothing. Success is naturally blood money, failure that is also a war between the Russians and the French, what business is it of Shinra?

Of course, Franz in his heart, but also can not help but give birth to a few feelings of jealousy towards the Russians.

There is no way, the 19th century, the hairy bear is really open. It’s not that the Russians are scornful of how capable they are, the fact is that the gray animals have always fought at only a second-rate level.

What really scandalized Franz was – the woolly bear was too fertile. It’s like a huckleberry, it’s just a bunch of them in one lifetime.

In the last ten years, the average birth rate of the Russian Empire was more than 5%, and despite Franz’s bill to encourage births, Shinra still lagged behind the Russians in terms of birth rate.

Comparing birth rates alone, you can’t see a visual difference in the numbers. But calculating the ratio is scary, the Russian Empire’s birth rate is nearly a quarter higher than that of Shinra.

Fortunately, the Russian Empire’s medical conditions were backward, and the survival rate of newborn babies was on the low side, or else the position of Europe’s number one populated country would have changed hands by now.

From the 70’s onwards, the Russian and Austrian populations were comparable, and continued to be so until the establishment of the Holy Roman Empire, when they really surpassed the past.

At first glance the two countries seem to have comparable population growth rates and there is no problem. The truth is that the Russians went through several wars halfway through.

If not in the war consumed a large number of people, the Russian Empire and the original time and space, as soon as generated the first population of Europe.

The number of people does not mean everything, but no one is never. The most typical example is France, if it is not the main national population growth does not go up, the continental war they will not lose so badly.

Scared as he was, there was nothing Franz could do to deal with the Russians. The Russian-Austrian alliance, while binding the Russians, was not the same as kidnapping Shinra.

Interest is the best bond. In any case, Franz is not likely to do the stupid thing of “killing a thousand enemies and losing eight hundred”.

As in the beginning, there was only one way to limit the growth of the Russians’ power, and that was to keep the Tsarist government engaged in wars.

Victory after victory, while forging the reputation of the Russian Empire, was at the same time eating away at the old-school empire’s reserves.

With all these reasons combined, it’s hard to justify not pitting the Russians against the French!

(End of chapter)

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