Chapter 1054: Franz the Model

  Chapter 1034: Franz the Model

It has been proven that there are always more solutions than difficulties. Although it may not always be possible to solve the problem, once the human brain is working, solutions will always pop up.

In order to solve the following people to roll up money and run away, the most central problem is still in the quality of personnel and the supervision of funds.

The quality of personnel for a moment, certainly can not be solved. From the establishment of the investment group to now, are less than a year, the staff are just recruited, can not talk about what loyalty.

Because of the special nature of the profession, the investment group to recruit staff on the “fool” ability requirements are very high. Not to say that do this are crooks, anyway, crooks over to apply for jobs, almost 100% accepted.

Originally, the staff is a mixed bag, in order to corporate efficiency, Rivera has developed a strict performance appraisal measures, those who can go up the mediocre down.

Seems no problem, but ignores the specificity of the profession. Lying to investors to take the money out of their pockets is clearly a position tailor-made for crooks.

Ordinary people even if the eloquence is good, there is an adaptation process. And then fool investors on the issue, obviously not as good as the more professional liar.

So it’s not surprising that the rolled up money to run away. After all, scammers climb faster, it is easy to mix into the management of the company, was entrusted to go out to raise funds.

Rivera’s pie can only bolt ambitious crooks, however, not every crook, have great ideals, many people just want to get a vote and go.

Fortunately, Rivera’s ability to fool people is strong, no this is called “charisma”.

Relying on the charisma, Rivera also enlisted a group of people, die for him, or the situation would be worse.

Unless the recruitment mode is changed, the situation of mixed investment groups will never be solved.

However, once the recruitment mode is changed, the team’s business ability will be drastically reduced.

Even though Rivera hated being cheated, the big plan had already started and he desperately needed money now.

The investment group seems to be starting to make a profit, but the surplus on the books is not a profit at all, only 20% or 30% of the increase, once a large shipment will immediately fall back.

Rivera is not a short term player, he wants to create a consortium rooted in the middle class, change the world of wealth monopolized by a few people.

Can not work from the people, then only from the capital regulation to think of ways.

Relying solely on the investment group itself is definitely not possible, even if more supervisors are sent out, that only adds a few more pennies to the pie.

There is no betrayal, that’s just because the interest is not big enough. Look at the rolled up money to run away just know, basically all happened after the large-scale preaching.

Because investors participate enthusiastically, the amount of money received on the spot is too large, only then will someone roll up the money and run away.

In addition to strengthening their own regulation, really want to solve the problem, or the cooperation of the bank is indispensable.

If you can fix an account, so that investors directly deposit money into a fixed account, and limit only Rivera himself can withdraw, then the possibility of underlings rolled money to run away is greatly reduced.

Put aside the latter part of a very common service, any bank is very happy to undertake the business, but in this era the bank simply does not provide.

It’s not that banks don’t know how to make progress, the key is that there is no network, and it’s difficult to transmit information in time. In this context, the opening of value-added services is to add trouble to themselves.

Think about all the information transfer, all can only be carried out manually. Any mistake in the middle of the process will bring huge losses to the bank.

In fact, these days there are just as many people complaining about the cumbersome procedures of banks and the slow pace of remittances.

But there is no way, purely manual operation, for security reasons, the bank can only play this way. Even if they know it will reduce efficiency, no bank risks making changes.

If it involved international business remittance, this time would be even longer. The fastest way to remit a sum of money from Britain into the Holy Roman Empire would take more than a month.

If something changed in the middle of the process, it wasn’t impossible to delay the arrival of the money for three or five months.

Troublesome procedures, long time is just, the key is that the bank also charge high fees, and the vast majority of banks do not accept small remittance business.

Rivera’s investment group, although the total amount of business is very large, but it does not mean that the amount of each investment will be very large.

Investors are not fools, in the case of uncertainty, many people will first invest a small amount to try to determine the safety before additional investment.

If the existing business model is followed, the funds will not only have to stay in the bank for a month or two, but will also be charged high fees, and the investment group will suffer much greater losses.

Although Rivera also secretly manipulated the Appel Commercial Bank, it was only a small bank operating in the German region. The outlets didn’t even cover the entire Holy Roman Empire, let alone overseas markets.

Not to mention this kind of small bank, even the largest commercial bank in the world has limited branch coverage these days.

Generally speaking, if you can cover the main cities in your country and at the same time set up a few outlets in international metropolises like London and Vienna, then you are a proper international bank.

This is embarrassing, now it’s not a matter of whether the bank does it or not, but people simply can’t do it. As of now, no bank in the world has the ability to meet Rivera’s needs.

One problem wasn’t solved, and a new one appeared. If one bank couldn’t do it, then they had to find multiple banks to work with.

Especially when it comes to cross-border business, it’s not enough to rely on the cooperation of banks alone, Rivera also has to deal with insurance companies and law firms.

Without the help of these local snakes to supervise, the money into the bank can not come out is an unknown. This kind of thing is not unique to a certain bank, and in this era of relying on manual labor, there is a greater possibility of accidents.

Only the times are different, the way to respond is also different. The impact is naturally different.

Engaged in the financial origin of Rivera, these operations are really too familiar, he does not have so much time to defend the rights.

Perhaps it is too much fun these days, so much so that later European countries have introduced strict to perverted disciplinary decrees to change the situation.

For a while Rivera was like a diligent little bee, flying around the European continent, constantly looking for banks, insurance companies, law firms to talk about cooperation.

As a result of Rivera’s influence, the performance of European airlines increased dramatically.

After all, there are not many people who dare to take flying tools these days, and Rivera, a well-known figure who flies every day, is a good case for announcement.

As for the vast American and Asian markets, limited by the means of transportation, Rivera can only temporarily endure the pain of giving up.

A president who can be fooled, plus a seemingly good story, together with a beautiful earnings statement, it is simply invincible.

Under the promotion of the running team, for a time Rivera, together with his investment group, became the man of the hour in the European world.

Whether or not they bought space is unknown, but anyway, above all the major economic newspapers, Rivera’s picture appeared.

With the comment, “The greatest entrepreneur, investment expert, and financial expert of the 19th century …….”

Rivera’s investment group, also known as the most promising enterprises in Europe, is highly sought after by the capital world.

The popularity is almost a household name, even Franz, who has been living in the palace for a long time, has heard the name of this person more than once.

If not sent to confirm again and again, Franz once thought that Rivera is another mistaken traveler.

No kidding, just look at Rivera’s investment objectives, all is what has the potential to buy what, almost all the bottom of the high-quality assets.

There was no way, who let the two people plumbing the bottom of the target amazingly similar?

The difference is that Franz started earlier and bought a larger share, while Rivera started later and didn’t have as much money.

Surprised as he was, Franz stopped paying attention after he was sure it wasn’t a traverser.

The emperor is also very busy, in addition to the daily work, but also busy eating melon watching. How can he have the time to pay attention to a “capitalist”, even if he is an investment genius.

It’s not like similar geniuses haven’t appeared before, only these people don’t have a good ending. Either they died in their dreams, or their virtue was not worthy of their position and they were killed.

“Break the oligarchic model of the consortium and build a new economic era.”

Just listen to it, it has lasted until the 21st century, the oligarchic model of the consortium has not been able to be truly broken, let alone now.

It’s useless to click the consortia all over again. “If the old doesn’t go, the new doesn’t come.” The story of the dragon slaying boy who eventually turned into an evil dragon has always been continuously played out in this world.

Despite not being able to achieve its goal, Rivera still played an active role in pushing society forward.

Stimulating the development of the aviation industry, that goes without saying, it was just incidental. After all, he had also plowed through the aviation stocks, so it was only right to help with the advertising.

The most important thing was still to promote the development of the financial industry, as more and more banks and insurance companies, were pulled on board by Rivera as the favorable news continued to come in.

Services that should have appeared only in the twentieth century, in the nineteenth century on the stage of history in advance, greatly facilitating the enterprise.

If it is not limited by technology, it is estimated that the transnational financial cooperation promoted by Rivera may be able to realize the ultimate goal of the banking industry – “convergence of the world”.

While the public’s attention was drawn to the story of wealth, politicians were preoccupied with the three wars in the Far East: the Sino-Japanese War, the Cuban Independence Movement, and the Philippine Rebellion.

The Sino-Japanese War is needless to say, anyway, it is now the time for the Japanese to have a stroke of luck and officially open their protagonist’s aura.

The Cuban Independence Movement and the Philippine Insurgency both centered around one protagonist – the Kingdom of Spain.

Let’s just say that a defeat on either battlefield would literally remove Spain from the Great Powers.

This time, unlike last time, it was only the British, Russian, and Austrian media that were dissatisfied with the fact that Spain was one of the four great powers of Europe.

After all, the title of “Four Great Powers” has a historical origin. Nearly a hundred years are monopolized by Britain, France, Russia and Austria, whether it is the gold, or forced are full of.

Mixed into Spain, it is like mixing a husky in a wolf pack. Although it looks like there are a few similarities, the problem is that the husky is a husky, never change the real “wolf”.

It may seem that Spain’s fall from the top of the list has little to do with us. In fact, it means that there is one less person at the table who is qualified to share the cake.

There are a lot of countries that have the ambition to become a great power, but those that have the strength to get to the top are none. No one to fill the seat, which means that after France, the powers are one less.

The decreasing number of powers seems to reduce the pressure on everyone, not needing to face so many bosses, which is conducive to the reduction of international disputes.

In fact, it is not that way at all. Fewer powers only means that the resources are more concentrated, and by absorbing these resources, the top powers will become even more powerful.

The law of “the strongest is always stronger” is manifested to the fullest extent here.

Along with the decrease in the number of powers, the international competition will also become more and more intense. At the critical moment of competition, all countries will be forced to take sides.

Perhaps for a short time, the three powers of Britain, Russia and Austria stood side by side and seemed solid. The problem was that the existence of the Russo-Austrian alliance directly upset this balance.

Although Spain can’t change this pattern without falling, it can at least bring comfort to everyone’s mind. At critical moments everyone hugged each other and had a chance to remain neutral.

There is no doubt that the current situation is very unfavorable to Britain. After the fall of Spain, the international situation facing Britain may further deteriorate.

If possible, the British government certainly wanted to bring the Spaniards into the fold. Even though Spain’s strength was not great, it was better to have one more ally of the Great Powers than one more enemy of the Great Powers.

Unfortunately, for various reasons Britain and Spain were still on opposite sides. It was impossible for the Spanish government to throw itself into the past without regard to its own interests for the sake of a nebulous promise from the British government.

Since it could not be brought together, it could only be suppressed.

Shen Luo dried up France, now is the time of the day; long time no performance of Britain, now the same need to establish prestige, set up their own hegemony majesty.

Otherwise, if all the countries are pulled away by the Vienna government, Britain will really become a loner. From the moment of the establishment of the European Union, the British were destined to abandon “isolationism”.

The bitter Spain, very tragically, became a victim of the great powers game. Otherwise, the British government would not have caught Spain in the act of taking the blame for someone else.

This is also the reason why the Spaniards suspected that the government of Vienna was the black hand behind the scenes. No matter which way you look at it, Shinra is the biggest beneficiary at the moment.

Both powerful enough and the biggest beneficiary. To say that there is no relationship with the mastermind behind the scenes, who would believe it?
Franz wouldn’t believe it either if he wasn’t sure he didn’t do it. The Cuban independence movement has nothing to do with Shen Luo, but the increasingly unstable situation in Morocco, that is somewhat ashamed of the allies.

As a temperate emperor, Franz naturally will not stab his little brother’s knife at this time. But just because the emperor has a sense of propriety does not mean that all of his subordinates also have a sense of propriety.

All signs indicate that there are people within the Holy Roman Empire who have their eyes on the Spanish colonies.

We all know that for the sake of international image, the rich Philippine Islands and Cuban Shiloh cannot be eaten. The only place to start is Morocco, which has not yet been controlled by Spain.

Although it was tacitly recognized by governments as a Spanish sphere of influence, the Kingdom of Morocco was indeed an independent country and not a Spanish colony.

As the saying goes, “Don’t be afraid of thieves stealing, but be afraid of thieves thinking.”

Now that the opportunity has come, naturally, some people have made small moves. Fortunately, these guys know to take into account the impact, the hand also has a sense of proportion.

Only to the Moroccan region imported a number of arms, peddled to the indigenous tribes who hate Spain, or in the name of British arms dealers to do.

Did not plan the so-called Moroccan independence movement, let Franz slightly feel a trace of relief. Of course, it probably wasn’t due to temperance; after all, the Kingdom of Morocco had always been independent, and there was no need for another one.

Everything was done without saying a word, without stirring a single wave.

Although the lack of excesses still embarrassed Franz. In order to make up for the guilt inside, he decided to wait for the Spaniards to come to his door the next…one time, and pay for the Moroccan region.


(End of chapter)

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