Chapter 1046: The Capital That Can’t Be Read

  Chapter 1026: Unreadable Capital

With the spring breeze, everything began to recover. Under the light of the sun, the withered tsubaki tree spat out fragrant red buds again, as if telling the cycle of history.

The rehearsal before the parade started, looking at the army converging from all over the world, Schlieffen was not happy at all.

Sensei’s officer corps, or ordinary soldiers, walking in the square formation queue, there is no essential difference.

The Prussian army is certainly elite, but the teams participating in the parade from all over the world are not straw men. Trying to stand out by stepping on someone else’s shoulders was simply impossible.

“To be new and different”, that was completely overthinking it. All the parts of the parade were set up in advance, and the troops participating in the parade only needed to follow the plan.

“Military order is like a mountain” is not a joke, and play new tricks on their own initiative, no matter how the result, the court-martial is necessary to go on.

Schlieffen wanted to attract the emperor’s attention, but was not prepared to do so through death. If you really mess up the National Day parade, not only do you have to be finished, or maybe the troop number will be canceled.

No matter how glorious the Prussian army was in the past, they were only an insignificant part of the current defense system of the Holy Roman Empire.

Purely not much with them, but not much without them. The Holy Roman Empire, with a population of 130 million, had already established absolute dominance on the European continent.

If there was just no way to catch the Emperor’s eye, then so be it. After all, the odds of such a thing would have been low, and they had backup plans.

What made Schlieffen’s heart sink even more was that among the many armies that had arrived in Vienna, they had become the shabbiest of all. If that counted as drawing attention to themselves, then they had truly succeeded.

While the other state armies had arrived in armored vehicles and looked very impressive, the Prussian army had arrived on horseback.

While cavalry had not yet retired from history, the torrent of steel had become the mainstay of future development. Especially the countries that had experienced the war against France firsthand had a strong determination to develop armored tanks.

Chasing hotspots is a human instinct. Regardless of whether it was a large state or a small state, but all those who retained armies got themselves a bunch of new toys to hold up the front.

If it wasn’t forbidden by the traffic control department, it is estimated that there would be people flying airplanes and tanks over.

Anyway, the number of participants in the parade of each state is not large, less than a few people, more than a hundred or so people, with whatever transportation is the same.

In that case, of course, it is how the scenery how to come. After all, we all want to face, in front of the whole country, how can not lose face is not.

To know that the movie has been born, as the first military parade of the Holy Roman Empire, surely it is necessary to keep the image data. Once it was recorded, it would be an eternal stain.

As it turned out, this was completely overthinking it.

Aircraft cannons, tanks and armor, the central army was just responsible for the show. The armies of the states participating in the parade all walked in infantry formations.

This result, can only let Schlieffen slightly a trace of relief, more or bitter. Looked at by the former is not as good as their own neighbors one by one beyond, which feeling will never be wonderful.


The Holy Roman Empire’s grand parade, touching not only the hearts of the domestic public, but also attracted the attention of the world.

As the new hegemon, every move of the government in Vienna is subject to “political interpretation” by the outside world. Even if there is no purpose, it will be interpreted as a purpose.

The most concerned about all this is naturally just arrived in Vienna, want to obtain diplomatic support, and policy loans Spanish Foreign Minister Junior.


In Vienna’s embassy district, there is a row of buildings with distinctive levels and heights, full of sunlight and vigor.

Almost everyone who arrives here stops to admire the artful, Spanish-style building.

Perhaps this is the last stubbornness of the old-school empire. Despite its decline, Spain has never been shabby in its commitment to diplomacy, at least the embassy in Vienna.

“Count Brad, you’ve been in Vienna for twenty years, and if there’s anyone in Spain who knows the Holy Roman Empire best, it’s definitely you.

The Vienna government is having a military parade at this time of year, do you think they are really just simply demonstrating to the British?”

There was no way for Junior not to think more, don’t look at the government of Vienna seldom make things happen, but when they do, it is all stone cold.

On the “parade” event itself, that is not big, not small. If put aside before, Junior would not be so concerned.

Now it is different, the continental war has been over for more than three years, the economic crisis is about to pass. The Holy Roman Empire, which had initially completed the integration of the German states, had already come out of its weak period.

The two-headed eagle that has recuperated its body will always go out to hunt. No matter how much it changes, the eagle is still an eagle, and it is impossible to change to a vegetarian diet.

Throughout the world today, the only one who has the strength to fight against the Holy Roman Empire is Britain, and the Russians are at most half.

On the face of it, it is true that Anglo-Austrian relations have been somewhat strained in recent years, and there is nothing wrong with the government in Vienna parading troops to demonstrate to the British.

Only Junior didn’t think things would be that simple. After all, the Holy Roman Empire’s strength was on land, and the British strength was at sea.

Even if the Holy Roman Army was no longer powerful, the British, protected by the Straits, could not feel any real pressure.

Unless the location of the parade was changed to the sea, and dozens of battleships were concentrated in one show, it was estimated that it would still be able to give the British a headache for a few days.

Minister Bullard smiled slightly, put down the coffee in his hand, and replied: ”The purpose of the Vienna government, naturally, is not only to demonstrate to the British.

If you want to give the British a hard time, you might as well just increase the naval budget and build a few more warships to be effective.

Your Excellency the Minister, do not forget that apart from the British, there is also a polar bear on the European continent. Even though this bear is now hibernating, no one can ignore their existence.

Especially since they’ve just changed their Tsar and the newly succeeded Tsar, Nicholas II, has recently begun tossing around the country.

Based on past experience, I personally judge that this National Day parade by Shinra is Franz the Great hammering the Russians again.

It’s almost a deadly cycle, every time an ambitious Tsar succeeds to the throne, Russian-Austrian relations are strained for a while, and after hitting a wall, relations between the two countries quickly return to normal.

Of course, the intention of demonstrating to the rest of the world is not ruled out. After all, they are now the hegemon again, and something has to be done.”

In recent decades, there has not been a European politician who has not had a headache when talking about the “Russian-Austrian alliance”. It can be said that this alliance, directly determine the direction of the situation in Europe.

However, this seemingly unbreakable alliance, the internal relationship is far from the outside world to see so harmonious.

Around the alliance dominance of the dispute, Russia and Austria’s secret struggle has not stopped. Until some recent years, Austria by virtue of economic advantages gradually gained the dominance of the alliance, the struggle has gradually eased.

However, how could the Tsar’s government be willing to give someone as a little brother? From Alexander II onwards, almost every Tsar made efforts to get rid of Austrian influence.

Unfortunately, the Tsarist government was simply too poor. Every time their economy had just picked up, a new war followed.

The end result was that after each war, the Russian Empire’s dependence on Austria increased by one point.

From the economy, then the military, then the industrial system, and now the arts and culture, the connection between the two countries was just too strong.

The economic crisis that erupted not long ago is an example of this. When the Holy Roman Empire’s economy was in trouble, the Russian Empire didn’t even have room to struggle, it was dragged straight down with it.

Whether one wants to admit it or not, the interests of the ruling class of the Tsarist government were tied to Austria.

If they were unlucky, Austria might only be in a short bout of pain; but once Austria went wrong, their pocketbooks must have followed.

If not, the tsarist government would not have been easily fooled into joining the war against France, and would not have sat back and watched the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire.

Having developed to this point, it is no longer the case that if someone says they are against it, they can be against it. Any behavior that undermines the relationship between the two countries is moving the cheese of the bureaucratic aristocracy.

If you really turn the other cheek, the Vienna government to let African agricultural products into the market, liberalize the development of mineral resources restrictions, the Russian Empire’s agriculture, mining industry, immediately will be finished.

Not only the bureaucrats and aristocrats do not agree, the following buyers, national capitalists also do not agree. At the same time in the buy buy buy, the lifeblood of Russian industry and commerce is also inevitable Russia handed over.

All the vested interests were opposed to the mere fact that the tsar wanted to change, and the ultimate end was known without thinking.

This conclusion is not something that Minister Bullard guessed out of thin air, but something that Britain and France have learned from decades of experience.

In order to split up the Russian-Austrian alliance, the French worked for more than thirty years, the British worked for forty years, and countless international relations experts and scholars studied painstakingly before finally coming to this conclusion.

The easiest and only way to break up the relationship between the two countries is this: a political earthquake in the Tsarist government that cleanses out all the original vested interests.

And, the new ruling class must also be battle-hardened. Not only must it be able to withstand the enemy’s sugar-coated bombs, but it must also be prepared to endure long periods of hard work and to suppress domestic rebellions by bankrupt workers and peasants at any time.


As long as it wasn’t against Spain, Junior had absolutely no desire to get involved in the rotten business between Russia and Austria.

“As long as it doesn’t involve us, it’s good to watch the fun. By the way, the matter of borrowing, how are you talking to the bankers in Vienna?”

Junior didn’t forget his purpose of coming to Vienna, as long as he could borrow money, the rest was just side issues.

At the mention of borrowing money, the smile on Minister Bullard’s face immediately ceased to exist. After a few moments of silent effort, he slowly said: ”Your Excellency the Minister, you are aware of it. Those vampires, they are all masters who eat people without spitting out bones.

Not only is the interest rate on the loan high, but they also require collateral, and not collateral in the usual sense.

They want us to use the issuance rights of the Tournament Tower as collateral.”

Minister Bullard was also helpless, with the financial situation of the Spanish government, it was impossible for ordinary commercial banks to lend money. If you wanted to get a loan, then you would have to go to those uncommon speculative banks, or financial microfinance companies.

Interests are most likely to make people lost, watching overseas bankers one by one hand deep into the political, and even some people directly control a country’s right to issue currency, Shen Luo financial sector is also someone can not sit still.

There was even once someone who had hit the attention of the issuing rights of the Divine Shield, only that these guys were unlucky to run into a strong government, and soon met God.

The big meat can’t be eaten, a little bit of meat is equally tempting. Spain at this time to the door, financial speculators can not help it.

After a long period of silence, Junior slowly said: “a big appetite, they are not afraid of being choked to death?

Just who gave them the confidence to eat us, could it be ……”

Not waiting for Junior to finish his sentence, Minister Bullard interrupted: “Not the Vienna government, this I can be sure.

They have not touched the right to issue money from the Italian states, when it was brought to their door; nor did they take advantage of the fire in the economic crisis of a short time ago.

The S.D.A. is already a world currency, and the Match Tower and the S.D.A. are pegged, and our right to issue money is of no importance to them.

As for where this vampire is coming from, the truth is we’re all familiar with it. Except for those damned Jews, you won’t find such greed in the whole world ……”

Brace for the bold, starve for the timid. Jewish capital, in this regard, is most prominent.

Despite heavy losses in the previous anti-corruption campaign, after a period of recovery, Jewish capital has once again appeared in the financial world.

Only this time, the identity is no longer a mainstream banker, but some financial microfinance companies that fish for side deals, or speculative banks.

There is no way, in addition to fishing outside the door to make quick money, the ordinary business model, it is simply not possible to rise again so quickly.

Unlike the recklessness of the past, after experiencing the social poisonous beating, the Jewish financiers are still a lot more restrained.

After realizing that Shinra was not suitable for their development, these people were also considering a cunning rabbit in three holes. It was precisely at this time that Spain came to their doorstep, and the back story came to be.

After calming down, Junior quickly realized that something was wrong. Without anyone to back him up, he dared to hit the idea of the distribution rights of the tournament tower, which was no longer a general boldness.

“No, there must be a problem behind this. Jewish capital is not strong in Austria, and with their power alone, it is simply impossible to mobilize so much cash in a short period of time.

What’s more, we’re not in a good situation, and what makes them dare to borrow a loan that no other commercial bank dares to put up?

It’s important to find out who’s behind this. Otherwise, I’d rather make a deal with the Vienna government than deal with these vampires of theirs.”

Although he did not know who was counting, one thing was clear to Junior, and that was that Jewish capital was not capable of confronting a state.

Even if a contract was signed, there was nothing they could do if the Spanish government broke the contract.

(End of chapter)

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