Chapter 1014: Lying Winning Tactics

  Chapter 994 – Lying Winning Tactics

Vienna Palace, listening to the news brought by his brother, Franz said with an expressionless face: ”All right, the Belgian issue will be dealt with by the cabinet, so don’t continue to get involved.

Now that the franc has hit rock bottom, let your government-in-exile pay back the French debt first, and take the opportunity to brush up your presence!”

Without expectation, there is no disappointment. Having never had faith in Massimiliano from the beginning, Franz was naturally not disappointed.

In a sense, Massimiliano’s performance was much better than Franz expected. Apart from being rather idealistic, he performed well in all other respects.

After so many years of

The Mexican Restoration Organization under Massimiliano’s leadership also gradually grew and grew, especially among the European students who had the greatest influence.

These days, the European continent is originally the home of the monarchy, the governments of various countries have not less instilled the idea of loyalty and patriotism, Massimiliano in this mixed a foot, the governments are also happy to see it.

The ability of how to put aside, in the personal morality of Massimiliano or blameless. Compared to the Mexican domestic gang of warlords, he is the emperor in exile to give everyone the impression of not too good.

In this regard, Franz did not less help, public and private use of more than once, only to put Massimiliano this emperor in exile whitewash.

Can study in Europe of Mexican students are not ordinary families, with these people to return home, the tentacles of the restoration organization also returned to Mexico.

According to the current situation continues, coupled with the support of the Vienna government, it is not likely that one day Massimiliano really have the possibility of restoration.

Of course, this is only possible. Neither the British nor the Americans were willing to see the flag of the Habsburg dynasty appear again in Mexico.

The most crucial thing is that Massimiliano’s ability is not enough, there is no great talent in the restoration organization, unable to cope with the complex situation in Mexico, the restoration is to push him to hell.

Not to mention, even the devaluation of the franc such a good opportunity did not find, but also Franz personally reminded, we know that Massimiliano’s restoration organization are what kind of goods.

“Devaluation of the franc-payment of debts-brush of existence!”

Was awakened Massimiliano, incredulous look at Franz, this operation is really beyond his knowledge.

There is no doubt that this is a bright hooliganism. The French can not say anything, the devaluation of the franc this is their own tossed out, and Massimiliano does not exist one franc relationship.

According to the current value of the franc that amazing currency, only need to throw a god guilder to the bank, you can generously say: “Converted into francs to pay off the debt, the rest do not have to find.”

One guilder to a bank, no more than a hundred guilders at most, and the Mexican Empire’s debt to the French would be paid off.

Of course, it doesn’t play out that way if there’s a condition attached to the loan contract: settlement in accordance with gold.

However, such a thing was almost impossible to happen. Thirty years ago, who knew that France would end up in the situation it is in today?

Under normal circumstances, even if the franc is devalued, it is only a short-term fluctuation, and the magnitude of the devaluation will not be too large. With the high interest rate of the loan, even if the value of the currency fluctuations, it is blood money.

However, if you are confident in your own country, you will not mention the problem of currency fluctuations when granting international loans. This is common in the whole world, including the Holy Roman Empire issued out of the loan, are to the divine shield for settlement, few people mention the problem of currency value.

Regardless of whether the franc has depreciated or not, the government in exile took the initiative to repay the debt, and this kind of spirit of abiding by the contract is worthy of a big book. The devaluation of the franc, that can only be counted on the bad luck of the French.

The European media will certainly not let go of this opportunity to gain attention and increase newspaper sales. Without even using a hundred guilders, they were able to make it to the top of the hit list, so there was no reason to let go of such a good thing.

“Alright, I’ll go arrange it right away!”

Having soft ears was Massimiliano’s most obvious weakness, but being obedient was his greatest strength. Basically what Franz commanded, he would earnestly do.

If it wasn’t for this advantage, Franz would have already scattered his hands, not to mention sponsoring a sum of money for the restoration of the country every year.

As a matter of fact, the funds for the restoration of the country did not come from the beginning. In the beginning, it was all up to Massimiliano himself to go around and ask for help, as well as the financial support of his parents; only in the late 19th century, when Franz’s pockets gradually grew bigger, did he get this “huge” sponsorship.


“The question of restoration is not urgent; what you need most at present is to find talent. Governance of a country, never is the emperor a thing, you need a team to help.

The Mexican Restoration Organization is too loose, the members inside are even more mixed, there are almost no climatic ones, they can’t take on the heavy responsibility of governing a country at all.

Especially in a complicated country like Mexico, the requirements for government officials are even higher. This kind of thing can’t be rushed, it can only be discovered slowly by you.

In a sense, discovering and appointing talent is the most important skill a monarch needs to master. In this regard, you still haven’t done enough.”

Despite not holding much hope for Massimiliano’s restoration, Franz certainly wouldn’t say that in front of his brother himself.

One cannot be without ideals, no matter whether they are ultimately realized or not, one must have a goal to strive for. If he had told the truth, Massimiliano would have been struck down and died of depression.

Telling lies is also an art, and Franz was not good at it. On the issue of restoration, Franz never gave positive comments, but only pointed out the problem at the right time.

If it is not for him this behind-the-scenes mastermind remote control command, Massimiliano himself and willing to accept the advice, according to the original method of play, it is estimated that the Mexican restoration of the organization has long been dismantled.

An emperor in exile, if you do not have some means, how can you let people give you life?

Never mind how to point out, but “things are gathered together, people are divided into groups,” the law of nature has not changed.

An idealistic leader gathers a group of idealistic minions. This kind of organization is fine for propaganda, but if they are really allowed to rule the country, it’s bullshit.


At the very moment of Leopold II’s trip to Vienna, the situation in Paris changed again.

The coalition of nobles led by Carlos surrounded the city of Paris from all sides, and was forced to change to a long-term siege in order to minimize casualties, or to say that there were people within who were dragging their feet.

No matter how good the new government of Paris was, the essence of “man is iron, food is steel, one meal is not eaten and one is hungry” could not be changed.

With no foreign food being imported, it was clear that Paris, which relied only on its food reserves, could not sustain itself for long.

The revolutionary climax expected by the new government did not break out with the victory of the Paris revolution; on the contrary, the news of the Bourbon restoration caused the revolution to fall into a low ebb.

It was not that the French people had no enthusiasm for revolution, it was that they were so hungry that they did not have the strength to make a revolution.

Out of support for the Bourbons, the European Union made a decision that all goods imported into France would only be traded with the Bourbons.

Simply put, wherever a revolution broke out, there was an economic blockade. Not to mention the aristocrats who were already against the revolution, even the intellectuals, the middle class, and the workers …… who were originally inclined to the revolution have now shifted their positions.

Whether it was voluntary or not, it didn’t matter at all. Anyway, as long as people knew that they would have to starve if they followed the revolutionaries, no one was willing to go.

The people outside had a choice, the people trapped inside the city of Paris did not. If you want to leave the city and surrender, you have to cross the minefield first.

These are all gratuitous sponsorships from international caring people, all from the leftover stagnant products from the continental war. In order to avoid being wasted after the expiration date, they were stuffed by the Allied Forces to the Noble Allied Forces in a brainwave.

Free not used for nothing, in order to avoid sneak attacks by the city’s defenders, the soon-to-be-acceded King Carlos decided to adopt the tactic of laying down the law, and ordered a huge minefield to be placed outside of Paris.

There was no need to worry about security, except that those inside couldn’t get out and those outside couldn’t get in.

Still, they didn’t need to go in now. When the city ran out of food, the war would be over. This kind of tactic, besides dragging it out a bit longer, had almost no drawbacks.

As for the deaths of the people inside the city, they were all defined as mobs, so the nobles naturally didn’t care.

Food reserves were insufficient, and in order to support it for a longer period of time, the new government had to adopt a limited supply system. It was fine in the beginning, with the leaders taking the lead and everyone standardizing their standards, no one had any opinions.

As time went on, things changed. Black sheep exist everywhere, and the new government in Paris was no exception.

Driven by profit an underground black market, quietly emerged, as long as the money is almost no limit. Of course, this money does not mean the franc, can be taken out of the trade are through the hard currency, for example: gold, silver and jewelry, pounds, guilders and so on.

The grain that flows to the black market is naturally not out of nowhere, the new government’s management of the granary is still very strict, the bureaucrats want to get rich, they can only deduct the rations of the general public.

People’s greed is endless, at the beginning of the deduction of two or three points, see the people did not have a big reaction, the share of deduction is more and more, until beyond everyone’s limit ……

(End of chapter)

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