Chapter 1004: Seeing the Guillotine Again

  Chapter 984: Seeing the Guillotine Again

The biggest characteristic of the French revolution is that it is fast enough. Once the uprising was launched either succeeded immediately or failed immediately, there was never a protracted war to speak of.

This time is no exception, the continental countries have just received the news, the curtain fell on the sensational second revolution.

Without any surprise, the revolutionary government in Paris, which had long since lost the hearts and minds of the people, withdrew from the stage of history, and the radicals seized power.

As the leader of this revolution, Danièle was at this moment proudly pointing to the mountains. He had a reason to be proud, having taken control of a country at the age of less than thirty.

“Mr. Daniele, we’ve captured Robert the traitor, when do you think he’ll be executed?”

Trees fall and monkeys scatter. The revolutionary government in Paris collapsed, and the politicians who realized the danger were long gone. The revolutionaries were all professionals in this regard, except for the unlucky one who realized it after the fact – Robert.

As the scapegoat that everyone pushed out, Robert’s presidency did one thing, and that was to go to Vienna to sign the armistice treaty.

As soon as the treaty went into effect, the political life of this unlucky president was over. Bearing the name of traitor and losing the presidency, Robert naturally fell out of favor, and along with it, was not well-informed.

It’s not all the top government officials have successfully run away, leaving him, the unlucky one, to fall into the hands of the new government as an afterthought.

“Andrew, don’t be in a hurry. The people are in our hands, it’s not like they can’t run away.

No matter what, Robert was also once the president of France, the revolutionary father who overthrew the Bonaparte dynasty, the necessary respect should still be there.

Send someone to keep him under close guard, don’t let anything happen to him. After the public trial, then send him on his way.”

While others did not know why Robert, the revolutionary father, suddenly became a traitor, Danièle, who was one of the participants, knew exactly.

But knowing is knowing, people still need to be killed. Summarized the lessons of the failure of all revolutions, Daniele came to the conclusion that the revolution must be bloodshed.

Not enough blood is not enough to civilian anger, not enough blood is not enough to deter people’s hearts. Robert this kind of reputation stinks of the big man, just is the best object of authority.

The same is to kill, different ways to kill the effect is also very different. Directly kill Robert, the radicals are certainly happy, but this can not deter people’s hearts.

The situation in Paris is very complicated, as the leader of the second revolution, Danielle knows very well what kind of goods the revolutionary army is, if you can not deter the aristocrats in the city, the nascent regime of the second revolution may be subverted at any time.

As a matter of fact, the weight of Robert, the former president, is still a little light, the last object of authority, or pull out a few big nobles to click off.

However, this kind of thing Daniele can only think about at most. Not to mention the Russian army stationed outside the city will not interfere, just the private army of the nobles are a difficult bone to chew.

If you really fight, it is possible that you will not be able to establish your prestige, but you will bury yourself first.


March 11, 1893, this is a windy and beautiful day, the golden sunshine sprinkled on the earth, printed with the new shoots of grass, the whole world is full of vitality.

The square of Versailles, at this moment, is already crowded. The French people who came from all directions are anxiously waiting for the execution of the traitor – the former former former … President Robert.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Admiral Evgeny, who was watching the scene, shook his head and secretly thought: ”The guillotine is already online, I just don’t know if it’s the same one that executed Louis XVI back then. Too much time has passed, and there was a restoration experienced halfway through, so I guess it shouldn’t be.”

The president is different from the monarch, this thing in the era of monarchs itself is not popular, just how the French kill, the international community will not have a problem, Admiral Evgeny naturally do not mind watching the fun.

With the sound of squeaky wheels, all eyes converged on the past, early prepared French soldiers rushed to take action, forcibly divided in the crowd to a road that could be used for the passage of the prison wagon.

Rotten leaves, rotten eggs naturally does not exist, the French people are hungry to eat dirt, how could be in a guillotine on the “traitor” on the waste of valuable food?

There were no rotten leaves, no rotten eggs, but Robert still did not escape the attack of concealed weapons. A group of unruly people still threw out the “hidden weapons” that had already been prepared.

Because of the distance, Evgeny did not see clearly what it was, in any case, it would not be something good.

I don’t know whether it is because of intentional, or the accuracy is too poor, as the protagonist of Robert was hit not many times, on the contrary, the two sides of the people, soldiers more unlucky.

If the escorting officer did not order to stop in time, it is estimated that the people on the sidelines may also break out a “civil war” between the people.

As the supreme commander of the Allied forces in Paris, Admiral Evgeny naturally knew what was going on. Paris has not been a peaceful city for a long time. After the success of the Second Revolution, the new government immediately carried out a major purge of the city.

Every day, countless people were executed, either for crimes, politics, or just plain bad luck, but the atmosphere in Paris was very tense.

Sometimes Evgeny even suspected that the new government was deliberately using the political struggle to reduce the population in order to reduce the consumption of food, so as to survive the food crisis.

This was not an idle suspicion. Although the war was over, there was still not much food flowing into France. Especially after the Vienna government cut food exports to France, the food crisis in Paris became more serious.

Preliminary estimates indicate that in 1893, France’s grain deficit will be as high as 6 million tons, with roughly 3.2 million tons solved through imports and smuggling, leaving a gap of 2.8 million tons that can’t be filled.

Theoretically, this little food gap, all the people together to tighten their belts, such as reducing livestock, pets, and stop wastefulness, the crisis is almost over.

However, the reality is very cruel, the rich continue to be well-dressed and wasteful, taking possession of a large amount of food, exacerbating the food crisis, and the only people who go hungry are the lower class civilians.

Now the French government wants to survive the crisis by itself, in addition to letting the aristocrats, farmers and capitalists hand over the excess food in their hands, the only way is to reduce the population.

Evgeny admitted that he thought too dark, according to the current situation in France, really rely on the reduction of the population to survive the crisis, the death is not ten thousand or so, but to die millions of people.

If it were not for the seriousness of the crisis, the French government would not have engaged in such extreme internal cleansing. It seems to be in the removal of dissidents, in fact, more or more in order to survive the crisis and efforts.

At least the grain merchants who were playing hoarder in Paris were clicked off and the confiscated grain was also used to provide relief to the refugees.

In contrast to the previous revolutionary government, the present French government has done a decidedly better job. By a series of means, order was restored to Paris in the shortest possible time.

Throughout the entire execution, from beginning to end, President Robert did not open his mouth, which made Admiral Evgeny, who wanted to watch the fun, very disappointed.

It was obvious that this was a show. As for the unlucky Robert who was sent to the guillotine, he had long been moved, and did not even have the opportunity to cry out for justice.

Putting down the binoculars in his hands, Evgeny: “Let’s go, Andrew. There’s no more hilarity to watch now!”

Lieutenant General Andrew, who was on the side, shook his head, “Your Excellency Commander, there should be hilarity to be exact, but we won’t be able to see it.

The new French government is playing such a big game, I’m afraid the nobles of France will not be able to sleep tonight. If they continue to let it go on like this, there’s no chance that one day the butcher’s knife will fall on them.

You should know that this is a precedent, history of the French revolutionary party but cut off the head of the king, killed a few nobles, and now this scene is no wonder they do not have associations.

Next it’s time to see how both of them fight, it’s a pity that the allies forbid us to interfere, otherwise where would there be so many rotten things now, messing us ……”

Evgeny interrupted, “Come on, Andrew! These issues are for politicians to worry about, you and I are soldiers and should not get too involved.

Besides, Daniele is not a simple commodity. To be able to restore order in such a short period of time and temporarily deter the nobles in the city, he is definitely a difficult master to deal with. It won’t be easy for us to intervene if we really send troops.”

Defeating the revolutionary army was easy, the problem was what to do after defeating the revolutionary army.

It was not that Admiral Evgeny was boasting, if the Russian army was really allowed to sweep through the city of Paris, it was estimated that the French would not only have to worry about the current food problem, but would also have to think about the necessity of moving the capital.

In order to clean up the Russian military discipline, Admiral Evgeny since taking office are efforts. For example: vigorously developing the smuggling side business, the money earned not only increased the income of officers, but also subsidized the food of Russian soldiers.

This is the tsarist government’s pot, and the logistical supplies and the local Russian army is the same, which makes the “Russian soldiers in Paris” who are used to seeing the big scene how to think?

It is not possible for them, as the army of a victorious country, to be treated less favorably than the French soldiers of a defeated country, is it?

Dissatisfaction, but the loyalty of gray animals can not be doubted, as long as they can fill their stomachs, basically there will not be a big problem.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t make a fortune on the payroll, Russian soldiers and officers are the best at making their own food. Paris is so affluent, even after the war, the oil water is also great, just a little bit can be ……

The Allied Command prohibited the Russian army from interfering, in addition to putting pressure on the French aristocracy, there is no lack of fear that the Russian army will lose control after entering the city and turn Paris into a hell on earth.

If it really comes to that, not to mention what war reparations, when can stabilize the situation in France no one knows.

Things have two sides, there are disadvantages and advantages. Although the Russian army is not easy to use, but the deterrent ah!

Obviously tell the French, in your side put a powerful time bomb, as long as the slightest click on the remote control, Paris will become a piece of rubble.

As for the consequences?

The big deal was that the war reparations could not be collected and the Allied troops stationed in France suffered heavy losses. These could scare most of the countries of the anti-French alliance, but not Franz the Great, the mastermind behind the scenes.

As long as through the current years of economic difficulties, war reparations to the Holy Roman Empire will be dispensable; the loss of the Allied forces, not to mention, is not their own troops have absolutely no reason to be distressed.

Now did not cut down, that is because to leave this “Sword of Damocles”, for the Holy Roman Empire, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Not only can use the allied forces to limit the development of the French; but also be able to use the interests of France to unite the countries of the anti-French alliance, consolidate the position of the Holy Roman Empire in the continental alliance; by the way, it also gave the Russians the bottom of the south to India.


The Presidential Residence in Paris was transformed from the former French Prime Minister’s residence, and I don’t know if it was cursed, but anyone who stayed here had to say goodbye to the comfortable days.

Seventeen consecutive French presidents, none of them can stay for a full month, the most tragic is directly on the guillotine.

Daniele’s arrival is undoubtedly breaking this record, is now his stay in the 34th day, but the final outcome of how, is still an unknown.

Smoking a cigar of unknown origin, President Daniele looked at his close associate and asked: “Barker, what is the reaction of that group of noble lords now?”

“The nobles are stepping up their collusion, and the orthodox, Orleans, and Bonaparte top brass have secretly held secret meetings. Our people were not sufficiently identified to be able to learn the content of their conversations.

Judging from the current situation, they shouldn’t have reached an agreement yet, or they wouldn’t be so quiet.”

The success of the Second Revolution still hasn’t been able to change the situation of the aristocrats controlling the army, and once the three royalist parties reach an agreement, Paris could change at any time.

Daniele nodded: “Inform our people not to stimulate this group of noble lords for the time being, as long as they don’t move, we shouldn’t be in a hurry to move either.

The most important thing now is to intensify the infiltration of the army, as long as we don’t take control of the army, our revolutionary cause will not be secure for a day.

Also don’t forget to collect the prisoners of war released by the Allies. Don’t look at the fact that these people lost the battle and became prisoners, but that’s not their responsibility either.

Once armed, they are still the most capable army in France, and the current regular army in the country, which was previously a second or third tier unit, is no match for these elites.”

People are good learners, and with the previous experience of the last revolutionary government in Paris, Danièle realized the importance of the army early on.

“Soldiers do not interfere in politics and have to remain neutral in domestic political struggles,” such nonsense, Danièle never believed in.

If it was not for the control of the national army and a group of private army in his hands, the three royalist parties could have such a position now?

Once the royalist parties reached an internal agreement, the original neutral French military would immediately tear down the disguise, and embrace a new king to restore the throne.

With the example of Napoleon III in place, the royalist party just need to copy it again on the line. Even now, there is no need to be so troublesome, the united royalist party is far more powerful than Napoleon III years, just a coup can be a step.


(End of chapter)

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