Chapter 769: The God of the North Wind helplessly declares negative for this wolf disaster

Chapter 767 766.The God of the North Wind Helplessly Declares Responsibility for this Wolf Plague
Murphy reached the Winter Shrine a little later than scheduled, but the God of the North Wind had no problem with that.

On the one hand, Sue’s heir had done terrible things, and as the racial god of the Star Realm wolves, Sue felt guilty.

On the other hand, as a god who stayed in subspace, Sue couldn’t have failed to feel the mournful howls of the Midnight Mother, who had been wailing in the obscure nebulae since the Kardman disaster.

The secrets of the world were always simple in the eyes of the gods, and he knew that if the matter of Tris wasn’t handled properly, an evil god representing vampires would be coming down in a minute, and that would be far more serious than the awakening of an old god like the Lord of Nightmares.

“As you can see, I’m quite tired right now.”

Murphy stood in front of the shrine to the winter wolf that had been emptied early, his face a bit haggard, Tris seemed to be particularly berserk this evening, making Lord Murphy and his loins really suffer from old age.

He stroked the winter wolf shrine and sighed:

“I also know that this wolf plague has nothing to do with you at all, it’s entirely the Silver Wolf Hellsong’s solo walk, but I still have to ask, why do you still keep such an ill-behaved daughter? Waiting for the Spring Festival to kill her to cheer everyone up?
She’s obviously a scourge!
You should have drowned her in a urinal when she was born.”


Visions with cold freezing mist covered Murphy’s eyes, his body remained in the material world, but his spirit was transferred to a rather marvelous area.

At the top of a ghostly cold mountain covered by miles of snow, under the light of a full moon, the giant wolf resting on the platform at the top of the mountain was close at hand.

It really was as big as a mountain .
Just one of the teeth exposed while sleeping was comparable to a thousand years of wood, so it was no wonder that one of the Nord’s three divine weapons, the Wolf Blood Sacred Sword, could be made in the style of a two-handed sword.

Using this scale, the wolf’s tooth that the God of the North Wind had given to the Hero King Boris in the first place was most likely Sue’s milk tooth that had fallen out when she was a child.

The enormity of this white pale wolf under the moon in front of him made Murphy have a bit of giant phobia this instant.

This was Sue’s face.

Not just the wolf in front of him, but this whole area was His face, and showed the powers Sue possessed, the cold wind, the falling snow, the ice fog as well as the sharp teeth and the not-so-clear moonlight.

That’s right, although Sue rarely used moonlight as a symbol of divine power, it did indeed have a portion of the moonlight divine power.

Of course, this one was just like Kurkan’s purifying fire, it was just a secondary power derived from the superposition of other powers and did not represent Su’s core power.

“Regarding Herzon it is true that I failed to teach her well.”

A tired voice echoed in Murphy’s ears, no longer the same majesty and indifference that Murphy had when he was “inviting the gods”, it seems that even a god will become helpless and despondent when it comes to his own family matters, just like a bad old man who can’t control his family.

This also shows that Kurkan is not lying.

After a thousand years of border wars, all the gods were tired, and they really desperately needed to rest.

“Although I’m quite interested in your family trivia, considering our current situation, I’d rather not hear about the past.”

Murphy said softly as he stood in the midst of this divine face:

“Bad things have happened you have to find a way to fix them, I think you’ve already prepared yourself regarding the end of Hellsong, I don’t know in what way I’ll dispose of her but I guess I’m sure I’ll do it, so I hope you’re ready to lose one of your daughters.

It’s not a bad thing, to be honest.

The fact that Hellsong managed to start a successful wolf plague against the material world without your permission as the god of the Star World wolf race already shows that something has gone terribly wrong with your pack.

It’s a good thing you’re not a god of faith, otherwise I’d have to prepare a funeral for you in advance.

But I am curious, is Kherson’s little maneuver related to subspace? Is this a contamination campaign against you, similar to the risks similar to what happened to Kurkan and Gaia?”


Sue replied decisively:
“Star Realm wolves don’t have faith, my faith connection is in Nordoff, if you want to contaminate me you’ll have to do it from the people of the Great Wilderness as well, this wolf plague is just the desires of the Khersons at work. Murphy, are you familiar with the survival mode of wolves?”

“Not too familiar, I’m not a hunter, but I’ve heard some from George.”

Murphy said softly:
“Hellsong is like the young alpha wolf that is challenging the old and weak wolf king, right?

She believes that you are too weakened to lead the thriving Star Realm wolves anymore, especially since you couldn’t return to the Star Realm for a thousand years after you ascended to godhood, so your wolves have actually been managed by Herzon for you.

It was expected that such a problem would arise, but I’m puzzled, you have many heirs, and Hellsong isn’t the most favored much less the most powerful one, so why was she able to manage all the wolves so easily?”

“Because I need wolves on the battlefield in subspace as well, Alpha.”

Sue gave a reason that Murphy couldn’t refute, while projecting the image that flickered by in Murphy’s eyes, letting him see the image of Sue leading thousands of giant wolves to sweep through the fiery swarm of enemies in the burning world of ruins.

They fought in collapsed temples, they tore through lost cities, and they came and went across the top of extinguished stars.


Sue also needed her own wolves to assist her in defending the Kingdom of God against subspace on the frontier battlefields, and all of those most powerful and loyal scions had been summoned to that truly grueling battlefield.

The silver wolf, Hurzon, was not among them.

Perhaps she didn’t have the guts to embark on a path from which there would be no return, or perhaps she had long ago plotted to take her father’s godhood .
“She is your child, so if she does kill you, will your godhood be taken by her?”

Murphy asked:

“I must not want to see a narrow-minded, kingless Queen of the North Wind appear, that would be a disaster for everyone.”

“Theoretically, it’s unlikely.”

Su hesitated and replied:
“This divine power in my body does not originate from the inheritance of my bloodline, but is a favor from the Creator, just because I use it does not mean that I own it, and according to the constraints of the Frontier Contract, once I die in battle in subspace, that power will be recovered by the Sentinel Legion to wait for the next fittest.

There is no doubt that there is no way that what Kherson did could have been selected by the Sentinels, but considering that my rebellious daughter never knew the specifics of the Borderlands Pact, it is understandable that she was just making a horrible, but foolish, attempt to do so.”

“Or worse…”

Murphy voiced that possibility that no one wanted to see, staring at the giant wolf in front of him and saying:
“Maybe the Shadow of Subspace told her all about it and promised her ascension to the throne of God if she could kill you in the battle of the wolves.

She’s not coming for me, Sue.

She’s aiming at you!

Unlucky me just happened to get between you and her.

Prepare yourself, I know you’re tired of fighting off enemies in subspace, but since Kherson has unleashed a wolf plague, she won’t stop halfway through.

There’s no way I can fight off a powerful demigod right now, plus Mannis can’t do it either, and if she does enter the material world, she might be able to overthrow Nordoff in one night, and the Hokage’s weakness means that you’re going to be weakened along with her.

You need to be prepared for the worst case scenario to arise.”

“That’s exactly why I called upon you, Alpha.”

Sue’s voice reasserted its majesty as it responded:
“I still have children in the material world!
It was the ominous beast that was born covered in pitch-black skin that was not accepted by the Starworld wolves, and all my children begged me to kill it, saying that it would surely bring calamity to the Starworld wolves, and at that time I had not yet ascended to the throne of God, but was only the Starworld Giant Spirit who was also the father of the wolves.

I had to maintain the unity of the pack, so I had to agree to the request of the other children, but I did not kill my child, I just banished it to the material world, let it shelter in the cold winds of the great wilderness. Find it, Alpha.

Call it by the name ‘Eris’.

If things go to the worst, then Eris will be my last defender when I am trapped in the Kingdom of God.”

“Ah, I know, the giant black wolf that roams the depths of the great wilderness, the legendary creature that the Nords call in horror the ‘Winter Wolf’, said to bring a winter that is enough to freeze countless people to death with each of its appearances.”

Murphy immediately thought of those stories about legendary creatures that Tris had introduced for herself, Sue didn’t defend her child, but simply said:
“That’s just the innate power of Eris, its rage is icy cold, that’s the power it inherited from me, which also destined it not to fit in with the pack, and can only roam the world as a lone wolf.

Eris is innocent, that fate of loneliness is not a script it can choose.

I hope it doesn’t harbor hatred for me just because it was banished in the first place.”

“Well, since you have a plan, I am relieved.”

Murphy nodded, then turned the conversation around and said:
“So let’s move on to the issue of compensation, great and just Sue.

This wolf plague is only the beginning, and Herzon will not rest until she achieves her goal, which means that the wolves she puts into the material world will pose a terrible hazard to us mortals in our wars, and on the battlefield, the jackals are much less disturbed than we are.

In extreme cases, this wolf plague could even be the last straw to overwhelm Transylvania.

Since you have admitted that this is a ripple caused by your family affairs, you must show some sincerity I heard that your relationship with the Holy Spirit of the East is quite good, help me persuade Ao.

I need Him to help Kurkan purify the filth within Him at the right time, Avalon all told me that you loathe Kurkan because she deserted, but she returned to the battlefield didn’t she? Helping the Feathered Serpent God rid herself of her corruption can only be good for your war as well.”

“It’s hard, Alpha, Ao won’t be able to look the other way in such matters, preferential treatment for traitors is a betrayal of loyalty.”

Sue said softly, rather helplessly:
“But Ao isn’t unkind, otherwise Mannis the Endless’s terrible provocation would only have gotten a body death, that bastard demigod actually compelled Ao’s daughter to betray Him, luckily Lixi came to her senses at the last moment.

The collaborator you chose is simply the most despicable fellow that can be born in the Astral Realm.

But what happened to the Endless One proves one thing, you just need to find a reason that can convince Ao, to be precise, a favor that He will have to repay
Ao himself is flawless, but His brothers are a different story, I suggest you start with the troubles that Leviathan left behind in the mundane world, the brothers who control the sky and the sea have a very close relationship, and His family harmony is enviable.

If Leviathan, the God of the Sea, Storms and Raging Waves, helps to persuade him, the odds are that Oo will give Kulkan a chance.

This is all I can say about it.

I also don’t want to lose Ao’s trust again at this time of crisis, that guy is a bit cautious.”

“Then I’ll change my request for compensation.”

Murphy thought about it and said:
“This time it’s not for me, the warriors of Transylvania are eager to obtain the followers of the wolves of the Star Realm, especially those hunters who wish to have their own partners. But the will of the pack does not allow a particular Star Realm wolf to submit to a mundane hunter, about that…”

“Murphy, they have all followed Kherson in rebellion against my orders, do you think the power I have given you to tame them will make them obey?”

Sue was even more helpless.

The pale wolf under the moon sighed and said:
“The only way to get the wolves back on track is to destroy Hellsong’s ambitions, and while I can certainly grant those alien wolves recognition, they have to be involved in this. Starbound wolves don’t submit to the weak, they have to rely on themselves to gain the loyalty of the pack.”


Murphy nodded with some regret, but he rolled his eyes and said:

“Look, to give one is to give, and to give many is to give by the way, why don’t you grant my hunting partner George the power to form a wolf pack.”

“That is a power that George will need to earn for himself! The wolves will not have the gentle tradition of passing from father to son, each wolf king will have to rely on his own sharp claws and fangs to seize his position, even the rebellious Hurlson was killed so step by step as a wolf king.”

Sue decisively refused Murphy’s request to walk away from the favor, He said:
“As the Father of Wolves I can’t take the initiative to destroy this tradition, that’s the root of the wolf pack’s strength.”

“Neither this nor that, I’m beginning to doubt your sincerity, not just Sue.”

Murphy grunted and said:
“Tell me yourself then, how are you going to take responsibility for this embarrassing incident? You can’t just issue a statement admitting your mistake and then pretend nothing happened, can you?”

“Murphy. I’m a deity, and while I’m not good at prophecy, you do realize that I can hear any whisper blowing in the wind if I want to, right?”

The God of the North Wind was completely helpless with this Murphy fellow.

He simply picked his words and said:
“I know what you’ve asked Kurkan to do for you, I don’t have the power to gift Him with the Holy Light aptitude you’ve so carefully cultivated, but I can give Him some of the symbolism of ‘battle’, to use my words, to help it grow sharp teeth and claws.

I also know that you are striving to bring back the ancient and orthodox shamanic heritage in Transylvania, and that the fire of the sun given by Kurkan has become symbolic of the way of the elemental fire, so I will grant your shamans the power to harness the gale.”

“And the Wolf Spirit!”

Murphy added:
“Shamans who can’t summon wolf spirits always feel like they’re lacking something… Give them the power to summon ghost wolves, and use it as the power trait of the ‘Wolf God – Wind Harnesser’. Well, I must say, dear Sue, you really are too generous in this regard.

Of course, at the end of the day, I have a small request!
Don’t worry, this time it’s not a matter of coveting your power Transylvania will definitely have to clash with Nordoff in the future, the wolf girl has taken over the territory that belongs to us, and we’ll just have to take it ourselves if she’s not willing to return it.

I hope that in that war your servants do not get involved in this dirty politics, it does not detract from your greatness, but of course some of your followers will surely complain about it.

But how?”

Murphy moved his neck as he said:

“As administrator, I should always get some preferential treatment, right?”

“If I’d been alive at the time, I would have sent down an oracle, but I couldn’t stop them from going to war on a personal basis; faith isn’t everything, especially when it’s at odds with the loyalty that makes people lay down their lives.”

Sue made a promise.

Murphy was pleased with this and said:

“That’s enough from you, perhaps you should find a way to talk to your daughter next, and while I don’t think relying on ‘talk therapy’ is going to solve the big problem you’re facing right now, I’d like to wish you well in your next conversation with the traitors.

After all, we’re all family, there’s nothing we can’t talk about, right?

If your fatherly majesty can’t make Ms. Hellsong realize what a terrible thing she’s doing, then I, an outsider, wouldn’t mind getting involved in your family strife.”

Murphy leaned down in a farewell salute, and in the next instant his consciousness returned to his body.

The vampire lord took one last look at the silent winter shrine, he shook his head and sighed:

“Aiya, family conflicts, ah, making such a great god have to break his spine to whisper to a vampire, thus showing that this misbehaving child is truly a calamity for his parents. Luckily, Tris and I won’t be having children in the future, and Adele probably won’t be working towards it, so is this a good thing that comes with the vampire’s curse?”

With such feelings, Murphy walked out of the place where this shrine was located, only to just come out and see Maxim finishing his conversation with Leonia, a certain sadness written on the bow knight’s face.

Well, after the “walking bulldozer” Yvette was taught a hard lesson by Tris, it was time to put the matter of this bitter couple on the agenda.

(End of chapter)

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