Chapter 977: Outbreak of Civil Unrest

  Chapter 958 – Outbreak of Civil Unrest

The government army’s big outburst naturally couldn’t keep a secret. As a matter of fact, the French government’s every move has always been watched by the consortium, only that people did not expect Napoleon IV to actually overturn the table.

The human heart is complex. “It is the norm to be lenient with oneself and strict with others. Even though they were planning the coup themselves, everyone was still furious at the Emperor for overturning the table.

There was no choice, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. With the action of the government forces, the capitalists, who had been hiding in the back and controlling the situation remotely, were now forced to come to the front.

“Fellow countrymen, take up the weapons in your hands, overthrow the corrupt Bonaparte dynasty, end this wrongful war, and establish a ……”

Maxim Sidorov, who was lucky enough to escape with his life, was at the moment hardening his heart to preach revolutionary theories to the workers, encouraging them to participate in the revolt.

It was evident that this was a pseudo-revolutionary party, propagating only the overthrow of the Bonaparte dynasty, lacking the theory of defeating the bourgeoisie.

There was no way to expect the capitalists to rise up and revolutionize themselves, was there? Even if it was just a random statement, it would be easy to be discredited!

Maxim Sidorov deeply felt what it meant to be “a showman who meets a soldier and can’t reason things out”. No matter how much he speaks on stage, the mood of the crowd below is not high.

The idea of “revolution” is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, but only among the intellectuals. Ordinary people, who were struggling to get three meals a day, had no time to think about these issues.

The key is that the Bonaparte dynasty has not yet reached the point of anger and resentment, despite the constant bad news on the front line, but the war is mostly fought abroad, the people of Paris do not feel it deeply.

The soaring prices at home have indeed triggered discontent. However, in order to stabilize the people’s hearts, the Paris government has also repeatedly issued relief food. Although still not enough to eat, but at least not hungry ah!

Many people were nostalgic for the good life of the Napoleon III era, and the “revolution” left a bad impression on the Parisian people. Typically, after the last Revolution, the standard of living dropped significantly.

Seeing that the spirit of encouragement is not effective on this hostage insurgent army, Maxim Sidorov helplessly announced: “the capture of the police station across the street, each person will be rewarded 5,000 francs, the first to enter the reward of 50,000 francs ……”.

The big ideas never work as well as real money, and even though the franc has been devalued considerably, five thousand francs is still an astronomical sum for the common man.

Looking at the insurgent army full of blood, Maxim Sidorov was no longer confident in the prospects of this revolution. Essentially, he didn’t even want a revolution, just a coup d’état for an obedient government.

How could it be that plans do not change as quickly as they should, and the sudden action of Napoleon IV disrupted their plans. Originally lurking in the government flags, are now prisoners, even they ran away in haste.

If there was no other way, Maxim Sidorov would never have personally taken to the battlefield and brought a bunch of rabble up to start a revolution.

There was chaos, the whole of Paris was in disarray. Faced with the butcher’s knife raised by the government, the capitalists and revolutionaries rose up to fight back and kicked off the revolution.

The sound of guns, shouts and cries were mixed together and resounded through the city of Paris. As the sky darkened and night fell, the fighting continued.

At midnight, perhaps because everyone was tired of fighting, or perhaps because it was too dark to see, the fighting gradually slowed down.

“Mr. Maxim, the car is ready to go.”

Maxim Sidorov nodded, “Hmm! After I leave for two hours, inform the revolutionaries to come over and take over the troops. After you have completed your mission, you are free to decide whether to continue to participate in the subsequent battles.”

Leading a revolution was impossible, Maxim Sidorov was not that noble and great, and today’s outburst was a necessity.

The government had already made its move, and he simply could not run away without stirring up Paris. Once in the hands of the government, the end of other people do not know, anyway, Maxim Sidorov is dead.

As for the great work of overthrowing the Bonaparte dynasty, naturally, it should be left to the revolutionaries. It’s good that his identity isn’t wearing out now, but if everyone knows that he’s the boss of the capital vampires, he’ll still be torn alive.

You know, from the birth of the bourgeoisie, and “unscrupulous” hook. Especially in the financial sector, but also the best of them.

The world does not revolve around individuals, and the civil war in Paris continues without Maxim Sidorov.

It’s not that the Revolutionary Army is so great, it’s really that the government forces have a lot of concerns. Often times it looked like they were fighting a war, but in reality they were just firing guns in the air.

It can’t be helped. French soldiers are used to sympathizing with the revolution. Letting them arrest unscrupulous capitalists was fine, asking them to shoot at ordinary people was just too difficult.

Even though most of the soldiers did not work, there were still some soldiers who were loyal to the royal family who sold their lives, so on the whole it was still the government troops who pressed the rebels to fight.


At Versailles, Napoleon IV could not be happy as he watched the government forces winning every step of the way.

Late at night, Napoleon IV sat alone quietly in the garden, looking at the sky full of stars, as if he was in the midst of the flames of war, he heard the old city of Paris issued a heartbreaking cry.

The plan did not change quickly, from the current situation, Napoleon IV’s cleaning plan is obviously a failure.

Although he had arrested many important figures in the consortium, seized a large amount of property and materials, and physically hit the bourgeoisie hard, it was a pity that a civil war had made these gains tasteless.

The civil war in Paris was just the beginning, and it was conceivable that the remnants of the Consortium would surely launch a counterattack in the days to come.

If it had been normal times, Napoleon IV would not have been concerned about the slightest backlash, and he would have been confident enough to deal with these troubles.

However, now is different, France is facing the attack of the anti-French alliance. The simultaneous outbreak of internal and external problems would make it even more difficult for France, which was already at a disadvantage on the battlefield, to survive.

“Not ruthless enough!”

“I wish I had done this earlier!”

Napoleon IV muttered. He knew that this was self-deception, and that relying on violence would not solve the problem. Don’t look at the power of the consortium is now suppressed, but in reality, it won’t be long before it resurfaces again.

In essence, a consortium was a combination of interests, as long as there were interests this group would exist. Unless the government is strong enough to cut them off at the source.

This is Napoleon IV envied Franz the most, the Austrian bourgeoisie started late, before they had time to develop and grow, they encountered a strong emperor, directly extinguished the possibility of the birth of large consortia.

Energy and transportation are either in the hands of the government or in the hands of the royal family, and the capitalists who dare to make trouble are taught to be human.

The financial sector and the real industry are two parallel lines from the very beginning, but anyone who plays a cross-border, or reports to the group, will immediately encounter a descending blow.

The most stringent inspections aside, that’s for sure. Water and power cuts every now and then are just routine; when transporting goods, there are no train wagons at all; buy ……

As a matter of fact, not only Austria, but almost all European countries, are limiting the power of the consortium, only Austria is doing it most vigorously, and France is doing it most unsuccessfully.


(End of chapter)

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