Chapter 962: Illogicality

  Chapter 943 Illogical

Tokyo, after receiving the news of Austria’s meddling in Philippine affairs, Emperor Meiji convened an Imperial Council overnight.

There’s no way around it, this is the deterrent power of the top powers. Like most ordinary people in this era, Emperor Meiji also suffered from “foreign” fear.

Light challenge Spain, Emperor Meiji is very apprehensive, and then an Austria, the day really can not live.

Don’t look at this time the southward strategy unfolded very smoothly, the Spaniards than expected more waste, only a short period of more than a month, the Japanese army occupied a small half of the Philippines, can be said to be the results of the war is brilliant.

But this is only on the surface, the Japanese army’s high tide just hit Spain a surprise, essentially, Spain’s comprehensive strength is still above Japan.

The Meiji Restoration, no matter how powerful, has only been developed for more than twenty years, and the hundred years of accumulation of the old empire has no comparison.

Of course, since it dared to be a challenger, the Japanese government also had its own advantages, such as: closer to the mainland, and a stronger fighting force and higher morale in the army.

Having an advantage militarily is not the same as having everything in order. Being the first to challenge the existence of the white nations, Japan fell into a total political and diplomatic disadvantage.

The key is not even a solidarity, can be said to be more isolated than France; on the contrary, Spain, at least fished the sympathy points of the European world.

The intervention of the Great Powers became the biggest risk of this southward journey. Discovering the Austrian movement, even if it is only a trivial matter, Emperor Meiji did not dare to take it lightly.

Ito Hirobumi analyzed, “Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. Austria is busy with the Continental War and should not really want to meddle in Philippine affairs.

We are traveling south this time under the banner of being invited by Britain and France, so it is normal for the Austrians to be wary.

It just so happens that at this time the Chinese in the South China Sea have come to our door, so they have gone along with it to have a trial run to determine whether we have any signs of continuing our journey southward.

Admiral Yamagata Arimoto did a very good job, decisively choosing to back down without causing a conflict, and now the Austrians should be relieved.”

Not without thinking about it more, the Japanese army entered the South Seas under the pretense that they had been invited by Britain and France, and at first glance, they were headed for the Austrian South Seas. Despite the Japanese government’s explanations after the fact, this would have caused Austrian resentment all the same.

Powers, must be temperamental. It is normal to create some small obstacles and take a small revenge.

Oyama rock questioned: “Ito-kun, this is the shame of the Japanese Empire, how can we call it good?

Today Austria comes, we have to give in; tomorrow Britain and France come, do we still have to give in?

One step back, one step forward. This is how the ambitions of the Great Powers give way to habit, and if we do not learn to say no to the Great Powers, the Empire of Great Japan can never really stand up!

Don’t say anything about trying or not trying. Austria has never given us a second thought. The Vienna government won’t even bother.

I think it’s mostly the personal behavior of a diplomat. Whether the Austrian government knows about it or not is an open question.

Austria is so overbearing when they are not yet the hegemon of the continent. If we let them win the war, are they going to just tell us to get out of the Philippines?

I suggest ignoring the unreasonable demands of the Austrians and dealing with this incident forcefully to show the outside world our tough stance on foreign affairs.

Anyway, with the continental war going so badly, there’s no way the Austrians will push us into a confrontation at this time.”

Not being able to grab the position of commander-in-chief and being forced to stay at the base camp to engage in planning was just fine, the key was that the strategy formulated at the base camp became completely different when it came to the front line.

In the face of the Japanese Army’s number one patriarch, Yamagata Arimoto, Oyama Rock had no choice but to endure, but the fire was still held in a stomach.

Now that this has happened again, naturally he can’t help but vent it. Moreover, his status also required him to be tough with the outside world, otherwise how could he build up his prestige in the army?

Besides, there was no problem with his analysis, in a short period of time, Austria really didn’t have the effort to worry about the Southern Ocean region. Even if it had gone too far, it would not be possible to come over and liquidate it right away.

As for settling scores, can’t we still hug our thighs? The Royal Navy, as long as the British do not agree, even if Austria wants to settle scores, it is difficult to do something.

Ito Hirobumi rubbed his forehead, this kind of reasoned rebuttal is the most headache, but he did not want to offend Austria.

The Japanese Army studied the French, and there is a kind of mesmerizing confidence in France, but as a politician, Ito Hirobumi does not see it that way.

Continental war is huge, the combat power of the troops is certainly important, but it is more important to look at the comprehensive national strength.

In the eyes of many politicians, from the moment the war is in a state of anxiety, France has lost. Just when Ito Hirobumi was torn, an appalling news came.

“Your Majesty, a telegram has just been received, the Russians have declared war on France!”

Emperor Meiji couldn’t care less about his culmination, as soon as he grabbed the telegram from his attendant, he quickly skimmed through it.

Despite not knowing what had happened, it was clear to all that the issue that had just been disputed did not need to continue. From the moment the Russians entered the war, France was powerless.

Possible victory and destined victory were two different concepts. In the case of not being sure that Austria would definitely win, there were still people who dared to take a gamble; now that the general situation had been decided, everyone could not help but be concerned about the attitude of the future hegemon of the European continent.


London, the unproductive George had just disembarked when he received the bad news. Without time to rest, he hurried to the royal palace to attend the royal council.

The matter is so big that Queen Victoria, who doesn’t ask much about politics, can’t sit still now.

At this moment, the aged Queen Victoria’s voice trembled as she questioned, “According to your meaning, the monarch should not meddle in politics. In these recent years, I have seldom asked about politics.

The big and small matters of the empire have been left to you all to handle. But who can tell me why the international situation has developed to this point?”

The struggle between the power of the monarch and the power of the phalanx has been seen time and time again throughout the ages. The world only knew that Queen Victoria seldom asked about politics, not realizing that this was also the result of power struggles.

Ever since Prince Albert passed away, Queen Victoria has lost her strong political arm, and has gradually become overwhelmed in the power struggle.

However, Queen Victoria is not an idle person, see can not suppress the cabinet, decisively chose to retreat for progress.

One side to reduce the less involved in politics, one side and firmly hold the power not to let go. In short, the power I can authorize you to use, but the same I also have the right to take back.

This is also the reason why Edward VII was able to reshape the power of the monarchy in the future. After all, the power has always been in the hands of the royal family, only usually not used.

In contrast, the later British kings could not. From the time George V relinquished power, he could never get it back.

In the face of the Queen’s questioning, the crowd lowered their heads. Everyone knew that a crisis was coming, not only Britain’s crisis, but likewise theirs. Once it was not handled well, everyone’s political life would be over.

As the person directly responsible, Foreign Minister George stiffly stepped forward and explained: ”Queen, the Russians’ declaration of war against France came too suddenly and is completely illogical.

Austria has been growing so fast in recent years that it has become a behemoth before we had time to suppress it.

The main reason for this mistake is that successive governments have had a false consensus – Austria is not enough to worry about.

Geographically, Austria is sandwiched between France and Russia, blocking both the French path to the east and the Russian path to the west.

The seeds of crisis were innately planted, and theoretically, the stronger Austria became the more hostile it would be to France and Russia. All we have to do is push from behind the scenes and France and Russia will join forces.

Based on this judgment, all along we have been focusing on France and Russia. You are aware that both France and Russia are restless, the French often jump up and down, and the Russians even directly invaded Afghanistan ……”

Not waiting for George to finish his sentence, Queen Victoria forcefully interrupted, “I don’t care whether it fits your logic or not, in any case, the Russians have now declared war on France.

Your so-called plan of France and Russia joining forces to check Austria is a piece of shit, not even close to shit.

What’s even more ridiculous is that this continental war is still promoted by you. I still remember when you swore and promised that you would use this war to make France and Austria lose and fight both enemies at the same time.

Now you have seen the result. The mission is half accomplished, and it has succeeded in weakening the French. If nothing else, France will no longer be a threat to us after the war.

Doesn’t that sound great? Britannia’s arch-enemy has been taken out, and you are all heroes of Britannia.

But is that what we need? Without the French, who’s going to keep Austria in check for us and count on the Russians?

Are you sure that they are going west to fight Austria for continental supremacy, and not south to fight us for India?”

Whether the balance of continental Europe is upset and Austria becomes the new hegemon; or the Russians invade India, they are the greatest threat to Britain.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that since the Russians declared war on the French at this time, it must be that Russia and Austria have reached an agreement.

There is only one European hegemon, Austria is now a great power, in this issue the Vienna government will certainly not give way, then it can only be that the Russians have changed their strategic direction.

With the vast glaciers of Siberia in place, even if the Russians wanted to move eastward, they could not move past it. At least not until there was a railroad to support their ambitions.

Not to mention that to the north, the Nordic Confederation was a hedgehog, or the kind that didn’t have much meat on it, and was clearly not the Mao Bear’s cup of tea.

Looking around, in addition to going west and Austria to fight for continental hegemony, there is only south to seize India.

The queen in the guise of a big spray is invincible, and no one dares to go up and touch the bad luck at this time.

Explanation is to cover up, things have happened, no matter whether it is reasonable or not, it is a fact. If you don’t think it’s reasonable, it only means you don’t have enough brains.

Perhaps he had sprayed enough, or perhaps he was too old to be physically active. After venting her anger, Queen Victoria slowed down her tone and asked, “Prime Minister, what are you going to do next?”

Taking on the situation personally was out of the question, it was now a mess that could explode at any time. The responsibility had to be borne by this government, which was why Gladstone’s cabinet hadn’t flipped yet.

“Queen, the Russian entry into the war happened so suddenly, we know nothing about what happened in between. It’s imperative that we figure out what’s going on here, and then target a way to preserve the French.

The government has already taken action, and has now convinced a dozen neutral countries to join us in mediating the war when the time comes.”

It wasn’t true that a dozen neutrals had been pulled together, but unfortunately it was all with preconditions. The London government promised everyone that the British and Russians would lead the formation of an intervention alliance, and that everyone would just follow and play along on the line, before the countries agreed to participate.

At this point, even if the countries continue to fulfill the agreement, there is no use. These days, it is not the case that more countries have the right to speak, the key is still to look at the strength.

Let the small countries go to mediate this war, it is not likely that the negotiation table will be scared to pee. The great powers play a hooligan, not everyone dare to take the trick.

Not to mention, anyway, the European countries can not count on. With a little warning from the Antifa coalition, everyone will follow their hearts.

This unreliable program, Queen Victoria naturally will not be satisfied, coldly said: “Really, then may God bless Britain. May the French hold out a little longer and give you a chance to take action.”

The program was unreliable, but something was better than nothing. Until there was a better way, it could only be used as it was.

(End of chapter)

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