Chapter 961: Too Much.

  Chapter 942: Giving Too Much

Austria was on the move, and the British were not idle. In order to bring the Russians into the fold, British Foreign Secretary George personally visited St. Petersburg.

The most notable sign of the industrial age is speed. In the Middle Ages, it usually took half a month to travel from London to St. Petersburg, but now it took only four or five days.

The rapid development of maritime technology has brought the human world closer together. There are two sides to the coin: with closer ties come more international disputes.

Stepping out of the plywood, looking ahead at the sparse greeting crowd, George’s anger has risen.

Too perfunctory, as Britain’s foreign minister to go wherever is the most honored guests, did not think the Russians actually so do not give face.

Not to mention the royal family members, even the czarist government high level is also one did not come. Only sent a few low-ranking officials over, the status of the two sides is completely unequal, can be said to be very rude.

Of course, this was the view of the British. In the eyes of the Russians, this treatment is already very much a sign of respect.

The Anglo-Russian War had just ended, and the hatred between the two countries was at its peak. What would the people at home think if the government sold out to the British at this time?

Politicians are smart people and know how to choose what is best for them. For tasks like receiving the British, which are not pleasing to the eye, everyone naturally pushes them down one level at a time until they can’t be pushed.

When the big shots don’t show up, the welcoming crowd is even less likely to be there. The fighting nation was not a reputation to be taken lightly, and it would be embarrassing if a few hot-blooded youths were mixed in and wanted to rush up and duel with the British.

It’s not like this hasn’t happened before, and if you look in the history books, you’ll see that more than two dozen Russian diplomats, including the famous poet Pushkin, have been killed in a duel.

Anger after anger, things still need to be done. The current international situation is very unfavorable to Britain, a bad handling of the world hegemony will be replaced.

Since the reception staff identity is not equal, George naturally will not waste time on them. After disembarking from the ship, he went straight to the embassy, and even refused the welcome banquet.


“What’s going on, why are the Russians acting so cold?”

George asked seriously. Since it was an official visit, the foreign ministries of the two countries must have communicated before this. Positively speaking, this kind of prior negotiation, no matter what, the face should be able to pass.

Minister Richard Trulli explained: ”The situation is very bad, just a month ago the Austrians suddenly struck and set off an anti-French wave in St. Petersburg.

Russian civil anti-French sentiment was already strong, and the pro-Austrian faction dominated the Tsarist government government, pushing up and down soon erupted into a national anti-French movement.

By the time we reacted and were ready to take measures, it was too late.

The influence of popular opinion, coupled with the advocacy of the pro-Austrian faction, I am afraid that the political position of the Tsarist government has already changed.”

It was not his responsibility; for a time Britain evacuated its embassy in Russia because of the Anglo-Russian War. Richard Truly, the minister, had actually been in office for just over a month.

In that amount of time, it would have been shrewd and capable to rationalize the day-to-day work. Trying to sabotage the Austrian operation would be too much of a challenge.

George waved his hand and said very sympathetically, “Forget it, this is not your responsibility. The French, the party in question, didn’t even realize it, let alone us.”

As Britain’s foreign minister, George still understands the internal political factions of the tsarist government, and currently or in recent decades, it has been the pro-Austrian faction that has held the power.

It was dictated by interests, and as the Russian-Austrian trade continued, more and more people were tied into the chain of interests.

Not only were there many pro-Austrian factions in the Tsarist government, but there were just as many pro-Russian officials in the Vienna government, and this could not be changed by individual will.

Of course, political inclination is not necessarily equal to political position, and essentially everyone was still oriented towards their own country.

Generally speaking, this tendency is only able to work if it does not jeopardize the interests of one’s own country.

Even so, there was nothing Britain could do to undermine Austria’s public opinion building. After all, the Anglo-Russian War had just ended, and the pro-British faction in the Tsarist government simply did not dare to venture out.

Without the cooperation of the groundlings, there was no way for Britain to go up on its own! If the British Minister really came out to help the French, it is estimated that the original anti-war faction can become the main war faction.

But George also did not take the change of position of the tsarist government, seriously. Between countries, the only thing that can last forever is interest.

In George’s view, stopping Austria from dominating the continent was a common interest of Britain and Russia. The indifference shown by the Czarist government was merely an attempt to raise its own profile.

If it really is not interested in mediation, the tsarist government would have rejected his visit, there is no need to engage in these small moves that do not come to the surface.

“Is the situation on the European battlefield bad?”

Minister Richard Trulli asked.

St. Petersburg’s information is still a little bit closed, even if the news came over, it has been spiced up in the middle of the day, and has long since lost its original flavor.

George nodded: ”The situation in the French Italian region is unstable, many guerrillas have appeared on the peninsula, and the French’s southern European defenses are in jeopardy.

In the central European battlefield, the French seem to be maintaining their offensive, but in reality, they are also physically and mentally exhausted. Troop attrition is very strong, and according to the current situation on the battlefield, France will hold out for at most one more year, and will be worn down by Austria.

The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow. Arrange a meeting between me and the Russian high command as soon as possible, the formation of an intervention alliance can no longer be delayed.”

It wasn’t that George was sullen and wanted to rush into contact with the Russians, the point was that there wasn’t much time left for them.

An intervention alliance could not be built in a day or two. Even if the alliance was established, there was still the need to coordinate all parties, which could not be done in a moment.

If the internal relations are not yet straightened out, and the Continental War comes to an end, Britain’s fun will be great.


Almost at the same time that George arrived in St. Petersburg, the negotiations between Russia and Austria also came to an end.

Once again it was proved that there is nothing that money can’t fix; if there is, it must be that there isn’t enough of it.

Real money, naturally, the Viennese government was reluctant to give, but at the expense of others, Franz was under no pressure.

After the Vienna government promised that “once the tsarist government joined the war, it would receive no less than twenty percent of the total war reparations”, the tsarist government could not hold out any longer.

As the world’s third largest power, France’s family is very solid. The reparations that could be made after the war were at least billions of guilders.

According to the lowest twenty percent calculation, that is also several hundred million, or even more than a billion guilders, equivalent to the Russian Empire’s revenue for several years.

Simply declaring a war, without stipulating a combat mission, was able to obtain such a generous return, completely out of the Russians’ expectations.

In the view of the tsarist government, this is a rare Austrian confused, if they do not quickly sign the treaty, when they react to it will be too late.


After all the dust had settled, Oscar Jimenez, the Russian Foreign Minister in a good mood, finally remembered the British Foreign Secretary who was visiting Russia.

People come from afar, not warm reception is just, but also cool people there for several days in a row, can be said to be very rude.

However, for Oscar Jiménez, none of this could be considered a problem. The relationship between Britain and Russia is like this, a few months ago, the two countries are still fighting on the battlefield, offended also offended.

Improving diplomatic relations with the British?

Sorry, the Tsarist government had not given up its ambitions for India. Even though the top echelons of the government knew that the British were not to be dealt with, there was no stopping the enthusiasm of the nation.

Everything is afraid of comparisons, and the Anglo-Russian War was so much easier compared to the Russo-Prussian War. In many people’s opinion, if not for the logistical drag, the Tsar could have had a military parade in India.

Even if the final objective was not achieved, Central Asia, including three-quarters of the “heart of Eurasia”, was captured.

Just after the Russo-British War, there was a proposal within the Tsar’s government to build a railroad between Moscow and Afghanistan in preparation for the next war.

If it were not for the lack of money in the government’s pocket, the plan would have been implemented. Against this background, any attempt to repair Anglo-Russian relations was doomed to futility.


British Foreign Minister George asked, “Your Excellency the Marquis, I wonder what your country’s thoughts are on what was said in the last telegram?”

Thoughts? Oscar Jimenez was a bit confused. Frankly speaking, if it wasn’t for George’s reminder just now, he had almost forgotten about the British proposal to form an intervention alliance.

The reason for this was very simple: I oppose whatever my enemy supports. The Anglo-Russian War had only just ended when the British came to the door, and naturally the Tsarist government didn’t believe that the British would be at peace.

In the opinion of Oscar Jiménez, the British proposal was meant to alienate the Russo-Austrian alliance. Then the telegram, which seemed to the British to be of great significance, was dealt with by the Russian Foreign Ministry itself.

Even this visit of George was deliberately staged by Oscar Jiménez in order to negotiate terms with Austria. Now that the purpose has been achieved, the actors are naturally not so important.

“I’m sorry, Sir George. After careful study, we feel that the situation in Europe is moving in the right direction and there is no need to form an intervention alliance.”

Hearing this answer, the coffee cup in George’s hand almost fell. It was really too unexpected that the Russians were not worried about Austria getting bigger.

George’s horrified expression naturally fell into Oscar Jimenez’s eyes.

It was true that the Russian Empire did not want to see Austria get bigger. But there was no way, identity determines position, the Russian Empire had all joined the anti-French alliance, and the situation was moving in the direction of favoring the alliance, that had to be correct.

After calming down, George asked: “Your Excellency, are you kidding? According to the current development of the situation, after the Antifa Alliance wins the war, Austria is going to be the only one.

The emergence of a giant spanning Asia, Europe and Africa not only jeopardizes world peace, but likewise threatens your country’s interests.”

Oscar Jimenez shook his head and said with a faint smile, “Sir is overly concerned, Russia and Austria are allies, so there is no need to say such provocative words.

What happened in the Continental War is clear to everyone, had it not been for the French invasion of Central Europe, there would have been no such war at all.

The anti-French alliance has struggled so hard to gain the upper hand after a bloody battle, and to intervene at this time is not condoning the atrocities of the French?

If the aggressor is not punished, then will the countries of Europe not follow suit in the future, and where will there be any peace to speak of?”

Ridicule, naked ridicule. Having easily occupied the moral high ground, Oscar Jiménez naturally would not give up this opportunity to ridicule the British.

Everyone knows that jeopardizing world peace is a joke. More than half of the world’s wars since the 18th century have been attributed to the British.

Oscar Jiménez was naturally aware of the threat that Austria’s growth could bring. But just because he was aware of it didn’t mean he could do anything about it.

By joining the Antifa alliance, the Russian Empire was able to reap large benefits without taking any risks by following the lay of the land.

If you join the British-led interventionist alliance, in addition to harvesting a wave of hatred, they can not even get a hair. Even if the British and French were willing to compensate the Russian Empire, there was absolutely no way they would be as generous as Austria.

It can’t be that the Russian Empire will give up the benefits that are within its reach for the sake of the British in the greater good! This kind of self-interest and selflessness is not possessed by the Tsarist government.

Just came to suffer a bellyful of anger, and now being taunted, around is George’s culmination is very high, also can not help it.

“One day, you will regret your behavior today! A bunch of rat-faced fools! Just wait, the Austrians will let you know what ……”

After saying that, George turned around and left without looking back.

Retaining was impossible, Oscar Jimenez was not a good-tempered master, and George’s last words were clearly provoking Russian-Austrian relations.

Seemingly insignificant, if it falls into the ears of those who have the heart, I do not know how many storms will arise.

Did not rush up to beat people, it is already a cultivated performance, mouth naturally will not concede: “This will not bother your honor, you still take care of yourselves first!

The Russian-Australian alliance has lasted for decades and has withstood the winds and rains. The relationship between the two countries cannot be provoked by Your Excellency’s words.

Instead, your country is jumping up and down so much that it will surely be liquidated after the war, it’s better to think about how to gain a foothold in Europe after the war first!”

Oscar Jimenez’s voice was so loud that many people heard it, directly exasperating George, who was still far away.

However, it was also true. Just based on the role the British played in this war, Anglo-Austrian relations were doomed.

To be able to become the foreign minister of the Russian Empire, Oscar Jimenez was naturally not reckless. Taking the initiative to turn the tables on the British was naturally done to Austria.

The Tsarist government had already decided to declare no war for the time being. Against this background, they naturally had to do something to prove their worth.

Otherwise, if they just take the benefits without doing anything, how are they qualified to share the booty after the war? Is it just a paper treaty? That would be too easy. There is no free lunch in this world.

By flipping off the British now, the Tsarist government can announce to the public that it has crushed the British plot to pick the peach and made an outstanding contribution to the anti-French cause.

As for stirring up the Anglo-Austrian conflict, that could only be considered incidental. Russia and Austria were allies, and the heavy responsibility of restricting Austria was destined to be impossible for the tsarist government to accomplish, so it could only be carried by the British.

From the standpoint of the Russian Empire, it would be perfect if the British could be dragged into the quagmire of the Continental War.


(End of chapter)

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