Chapter 945: Jaw-dropping Strategy

  Chapter 926 – Jaw-dropping Strategy

Vienna Palace, after receiving the news of the outbreak of the refugee wave, Franz’s entire body was dumbfounded.

There was no way around it, the news was just too shocking. You have to know that Belgium and the Rhineland region are both the heart of Europe, not an insignificant poor countryside.

It is conceivable that once this news spreads, all the diplomatic efforts made by the French government before will be paid for. Including their allies, the British, will look at the Paris government differently.

Having played politics for many years, Franz’s heart was already very strong and quickly recovered.

“Is the news certain? The influx of refugees was really created because the French were expelling the local population, not because of the war.”

War generating refugees and expelling locals were two very different concepts, the former belonging to the inevitable, the latter signaling French ambition.

Never mind that the war broke out because the French wanted to seize the territories west of the Rhine, the fact is that the French government never admitted to annexing these areas.

To engage in expansion on the European continent in these days would not only provoke a swarm of public opinion and diplomatic hostility, but would likewise be a political taboo.

The juridical foundations are just impossible to get around. Destroying it would be tantamount to shaking up the European political system. Breaking the rules will inevitably be met with a backlash against them.

The French initiated this war on the grounds of missing soldiers, similar war excuses, in the European continent is really not too much. For a jar of honey can break out a war, let alone soldiers missing?

Did not openly show ambition, belongs to the quiet dry, we can guess to understand pretend to be confused, countries are also happy to look at the two countries to kill.

Many politicians are secretly operating, waiting for the French and Austrians to lose, and then jumped out to pick the peach, to restore the continental balance system.

The situation is different when the French are so engaged. Especially for small countries, the lid has been lifted, if you do not do something, the big countries follow the example, how can they live?

Of course, this is all theoretical. In a sense, politics is a bitch. In this day and age, as long as you are strong, all problems are not problems.

Prime Minister Karl replied with a grim face, ”The information has been verified, the French army has been devastatingly plundering the people in the occupied areas, robbing the locals of their food, burning down their houses, and forcing the locals to leave.

In addition, the French army has blocked the ports in the Belgian region, as well as the roads to Switzerland and Holland, and it looks like they are preparing to deport all the refugees.

According to the information from the inside, the French army had a logistical problem and was unable to supply the consumption of the frontline troops. The reason was that the allied forces had destroyed local roads and bridges and burned down granaries and supplies before withdrawing.

If the war continued, the French government would not only have to feed the troops on the front line, but would also have to solve the problem of feeding tens of millions of local people, which was far beyond the capacity of the French.

Then the plan to deport the locals was proposed. Almost the entire population was included in the expulsion, except for a few who had defected to the French as traitors.

If nothing else, we may take in nearly ten million refugees next, far beyond the government’s previous plans.”

Hearing this explanation, Franz had to believe it. It was no longer a question of whether the French wanted to do it or not, but had to do it.

Without expelling the locals, how could the problem of food be solved?

There are tens of millions of people in the area, and once the civilian food reserves are exhausted, the French government will have to find a way to feed them. Otherwise, the belly hungry, these people are going to revolt.

Food is only a short-term problem, behind the bigger problem. Look at the Italian region to know, after so many years, the local still not completely stabilized.

Assimilating the Italians is so difficult, trying to assimilate the tough Germans will be even more difficult.

The former now has no country, all the problems are internal; the latter is not the same, even if France won the war, it is impossible to kill Austria.

Since it could not be digested, leaving these people behind was no longer an asset, but rather a heavy burden.

Whether in terms of short-term needs or in terms of long-term strategy, for France, these locals were a potential threat.

Instead of leaving these hidden dangers behind, it would be better to expel them and add trouble to the enemy.

The French proved successful in this operation. Around the many preparations made, Austria was not prepared to welcome so many refugees.

Creating trouble was always easier than solving it. The French didn’t need to pay attention to civilian losses and simply and brutally expelled the locals, one month was enough.

In contrast, Austria had to resettle these people, the situation was very different.

Not to mention a month, even in a year, resettlement of so many people, is not an easy thing.

The Vienna government has a lot of experience in resettlement, but it does not have the ability to resettle nearly ten million people in a short period of time.

In particular, the current blockage of sea routes, Austrian ships can only move in the Eastern Mediterranean, but also increase the difficulty of resettlement.

It is certain that, affected by the influx of refugees, the Antifa Alliance lost the initiative in the battlefield of Central Europe for a long time to come.

“Things have come to a head, the next step is to do a good job of resettling the refugees first! Since the French made a move, we have to follow it.

The refugees are not all old, weak, women and children, arrange some of the young and strong to maintain the roads and reduce the number of conscripted laborers in the country.

Tens of thousands of kilometers of railroads and highways stretching from Central Europe to Africa should be able to accommodate many people. No matter what, we must give the refugees a job, not let them be idle.

These refugees and our cultural traditions are similar, integration should not be difficult, after the war how many of these people can stay, depends on everyone’s ability.

As long as we can keep one-fifth of them, our current investment will not be a loss.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should also take action, exposing the atrocities of the French to the world and calling on all European countries to boycott them together.”

The resettlement response was very simple, it just hurt a bit. But compared to the collateral benefits, Franz was willing to act as the ingrate.

Of course, this was based on the premise that there was no shortage of food in Austria. Any more refugees wouldn’t have to worry about eating, or the meat would be poisoned.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: “Your Majesty, the Foreign Ministry has already taken action, but I’m afraid the results won’t be too optimistic.

What the French are doing will certainly cause hostility from the European countries, but it also involves us. Judging from the current situation, it is not only France that is likely to annex the German region and Belgium, but also us.

The French have created the opportunity, and after the war there are not many people at all in the Rhineland and Belgium, and it can even be said that it is a no-man’s land.

As long as we win the war, we will have enough reasons to annex the said regions. Because of history, it’s still much less difficult for us to annex these regions than it is for the French.

It is estimated that at this time, the European countries’ vigilance towards us has risen to a new level.

Against this background, the sanctions taken by the European countries against the French are most likely to be all thunder and no rain. The French should have calculated this before taking action.”

Explanations are impossible; in a sense, explanations are cover-ups, and no matter how much the Vienna government explains, people won’t believe it.

Besides, the annexation of the German region was already within the scope of the plan, and the Vienna government had been working for decades to accomplish it.

If anyone dares to say that he or she will give up, the spittle of the people will be able to bury him or her.

As for Belgium, it is true that it was not within the scope of the Vienna government’s plan, and Franz was not interested in Belgium.

However, I am afraid that a separate commitment not to annex Belgium would not only fail to work, but would also expose the plan to annex the German regions.

Although this plan was known to almost everyone, saying it and doing it quietly were two completely different concepts. There are many things in politics that can only be done, not said.

In this context, all the Austrian government could do was to pretend not to know. It could neither admit nor deny it, leaving it to the outside world to make up its own mind.

When its own international image is not good, it pulls its competitors to the same level as itself. Faced with such a helpless ploy, Franz could only sigh.

“Do your best, anyway, the key to deciding whether this war is won or lost is still on the battlefield.

As long as Britain and Russia don’t participate in the war, even if other countries want to intervene in this war, they still have more than they can handle.

Since the refugee tide has delayed our decisive battle, the next stage of the battle plan, the European battlefield will be delayed for now, and the focus of the counterattack will be on the African continent.

The era of running around the African continent has long since ended, and now that there is an opportunity to redistribute the benefits, this opportunity must not be missed.”

I don’t know when the world started to popularize the reasoning of established facts. For the powers, as long as they created established facts, they would basically be able to eat their meat.

With the seizure of French Africa, the fall of France was a foregone conclusion. Even if Napoleon regenerated, there was nothing he could do.

Prime Minister Karl reminded, “Your Majesty, I’m afraid it’s not good to suddenly strategically focus!”

The national strategy involves one hair and affects the whole body, once it is formulated, it is almost an impossible thing to want to make drastic strategic adjustments.

Especially this kind of strategy that goes against the norm of Africa before Europe is simply refreshing the European world’s three views.


Don’t need to worry about eunuchs, normal updates will resume after the test is over, it’s weekly now.

(End of chapter)

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