Chapter 843: Chain Reaction

  Chapter 826 Chain reaction

Have to admit that the deterrent effect of the Mao Bear is just strong, a little action has caused the European world panic, many people are worried that the international situation will be broken again.

Whether it is receiving warships, or expansion in Central Asia, are declaring to the outside world: the bullish Russian Empire is back.

When the Russians want to make small moves in Central Asia, the first to bear the brunt is Britain. The boss is not a good time to be the boss, and when it is time to take the lead, you must take the lead.

In contrast to before, Prime Minister Gladstone now has much more confidence. There is no other reason, is the pocket money.

In this anti-Semitic campaign, the British government also harvested a lot of money, the old debt directly cleared one-third of the government’s finances have become more abundant.

Money naturally has to be spent, and only money that is spent can be turned into political achievements.

Unless an accident occurs, what every qualified British Prime Minister leaves to the next term is debt.

Gladstone is no exception, this is not in the wealth, immediately after the approval of the “food self-sufficiency program”.

In order to enhance the competitiveness of his own agricultural products, Prime Minister Gladstone also submitted to Parliament a “draft subsidy for food growing”.

That is to say, through the Government to distribute cash, seeds, fertilizers and other ways to subsidize growers, to encourage people to invest in the colony farms.

Parliament is still discussing, once the draft is passed, the British government can bypass the free trade system, support the country’s agriculture to achieve self-sufficiency in food, to get rid of Russia and Austria and other food-producing countries dependence.

There is naturally a reason why Gladstone dared to propose such a plan.

“Food self-sufficiency” is just a cover, the real reason is still because of the “Shield – gold system” on the “£ – gold system”. –The real reason is because of the impact of the “S.H.I.E.L.D. Gold System” on the “Pound Sterling System.

Britain is a small country, and most of its natural resources, except for coal and iron ore, depend on imports from the outside world.

As a result, Britain ran a trade deficit most of the time. This was a minor problem for the world’s leaders, and could be solved by printing money.

Unfortunately, Britain’s world hegemony is not stable, has been challenged by Russia, France and Austria, especially now Austria, S.H.I.E.L.D. – gold system has threatened their monetary hegemony.

In the past, people had no choice. In the case of insufficient reserves of their own gold, had to hold a large number of pounds, the British government, even if it is a little bit more printed notes, but also harmless.

Now it can’t, under the impact of the divine shield, in order to stabilize the value of the pound, the London government has not dared to raise the leverage of issuing money.

The ability to print money is limited, the trade deficit is particularly stinging, do not pull out this nail, Britain’s capital will flow out.

Of course, this little problem, for the big family of Britain, a moment to hold up, after all, they are still in a state of overcapitalization at the moment.

However, how can the far-sighted Prime Minister Gladstone let this kind of thing go on for a long time?

To calm the trade deficit, there are only two ways: either reduce imports of goods; or increase exports of goods.

Obviously, the earth has been divided up, the so-called “international market” is only a corner of the land, most of the area has been reduced to the colonies of various countries.

If you want to increase commodity exports, you can only fight with many competitors in this corner of the world.

Unfortunately, with the industrialization of the European countries, the competition in the market became more and more intense.

Not to mention the continued expansion of exports, even the current market share of Britain is being squeezed out by competitors.

Of course, the economy is moving forward, although the market share has declined, but Britain’s total exports are still increasing.

Imports can be increased at a much faster rate than exports, and the trade deficit is still widening.

In order to stop the outflow of wealth, under the advice of economists, and the influence of domestic public opinion, Prime Minister Gladstone accepted the “food self-sufficiency program”.

“What’s going on with the news of Russia’s expansion into Central Asia?”

Gladstone really does not know why the Russians are now expanding into Central Asia.

It seemed to him that the Tsarist government was either out of its mind for doing so, or bullying Britannia’s unfavorable swords, and there was a very small chance that Austria was up to no good.

But none of these reasons could be justified. War is all about money, and the British army might not be able to beat the Russians in Central Asia, but the British government could drag the Tsarist government into bankruptcy.

Even if Austria was willing to support the Russians, the government in Vienna couldn’t possibly pour money into it. A hundred million or two hundred million may be able to afford to lose, if a billion or eight hundred million, the Vienna government is 100% will wimp out.

In the final analysis, it is still the interest, pay and harvest proportional. A pay no return, normal people can not hold out.

Foreign Minister George: “For the time being, we can not be sure of the real purpose of the tsarist government, according to the information collected and analyzed, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that this is likely to be a test of the Russians.

Perhaps it has something to do with the anti-Semitic campaign not long ago, the Tsarist government should be getting restless again with its pockets bulging.”

Colonial Minister Primrose denied, “I see this as more than just a test, I’m afraid it’s the Russian ambitions that are pressing on again.

Mind you, this is not the first time the same thing has happened. After the Third Near Eastern War, the Russians similarly reached out to Central Asia.

Although we intervened and got the Tsarist government to stop their petty maneuvers, their sphere of influence in Central Asia still expanded.

According to the information reported up by the Viceroy of India, the Russians have eaten up at least 50,000 square kilometers in Central Asia in recent years.

If we don’t pay attention and find a way to cut off the Russians’ ambition to expand into Central Asia, I am afraid that the Russians will annex the Central Asian region again.

Now the Nordic Confederation, North Germany, and Austria have formed a brick wall, blocking the Russians’ path westward.

To the east, there was the ice world of Siberia and the Far East blocking the way, and the harsh climatic conditions limited the Russians’ eastward advancement.

If the Tsarist government still wanted to continue their expansion, the only strategic option left for them was to go south to the Indian Ocean.

Both Persia and Central Asia were likely to be the next targets of Russian expansion.

Compared to Central Asia, there is still Austrian power in the Persian region, and the best option for the Russians if they don’t want to involve Austria is Central Asia.”

It had to be admitted that the colonial minister’s analysis was very reasonable.

After the failure of the westward scramble for continental Europe, the most suitable direction for the Russians to expand now is Central Asia, followed by Persia, and then the Far East.

This does not need to doubt, open the map to know that this is God’s arrangement, against God’s arrangement, to be sanctioned by the harsh natural conditions.

Something felt wrong, but Gladstone could not tell what exactly was wrong, but this did not prevent him from making a decision.

“The Foreign Office sends an official note to the Tsarist government ordering the Russians to withdraw from Central Asia and warning the Tsarist government not to play with fire.

The 11th Division stationed in India is ordered to rush immediately to the Central Asian region and join the Central Asian countries in a military exercise.”


The British government moved, and the French government was not idle. Of course, the French did not care about Central Asia, and the tentacles of France could not yet reach the Central Asian region.

After launching the anti-Semitic campaign, the French government’s finances turned over. After having money, Napoleon IV began to make big moves.

The urban renewal program of the Napoleon III era was restarted again, and this time it wasn’t just Paris that was transformed; several of the country’s major cities were covered.

The large farms program, which had been slow to progress due to financial constraints, was immediately appropriated to speed up the process.

The ongoing reconstruction of Egypt was also fully expanded, not only to empty the rivers, but also to restore the flooded farmland.

Even the towns, plantations, roads and bridges that were destroyed by the rebels were also included in the post-war reconstruction program, and for a time the Egyptian region had a great deal of civil engineering and a different kind of prosperity.

As a result, refugees from the war were given jobs and livelihoods, and the situation in Egypt was stabilized.

Benefits naturally have disadvantages, as the existence of the first to open the prelude to anti-Semitism, Napoleon IV recently did not dare to go out.

In the past month, he was assassinated four times. If he hadn’t been concerned about the repercussions, he would have gone on a killing spree.

It should be realized that although the French anti-Semitic movement is very powerful, but the actual killing of the Jews is not much, and most of the victims are the bottom of the civilian population.

Napoleon IV just wanted money from Jewish capitalists, not as dark as his next door neighbor who took his life along with it.

Unfortunately, this perceived leniency did not gain him the understanding of the Jewish capitalists, and he was instead greeted with round after round of assassinations.

Inside the temporary palace, Napoleon IV growled, “Yadonis, do you police department all eat shit!

After such a long time, you still haven’t found out who is behind the assassination, are you going to let me never go out again?”

Police Minister Adonis had a bitter look on his face, not knowing how to reply. I don’t know since when, the position of Police Minister had become a hot potato.

In the last ten years, the French government had replaced seventeen police ministers, with an average term of seven months each.

This number was still decreasing, and Adonis did not have any confidence that he would be able to stay in this position for a full term.

“Your Majesty, we have interrogated the assassins closely, and according to the information they gave us, they were all silenced by the time they found their connectors.

The suspect locked by the police left the country long before the assassination case broke out. The murderer is very cunning, so ……”

Napoleon IV interrupted, “So you guys just find nothing and tell your emperor that it’s dangerous out there lately, so don’t go out yet?”

Adonis shut up straight away, the form of Paris was very complicated, filled with forces from all sides, most of these forces were enemies of the Bonaparte dynasty.

Perhaps these forces, generally will not send people to assassinate the emperor, but give Napoleon IV pulling back or will do it.

The police delayed the results of the investigation, naturally, these forces are not without trouble.

If these forces are not held back, only by the power of the Jewish capitalists, again and again play the assassination, would have been exposed.

After a fierce ideological struggle, police minister Adonis slowly said: “Your Majesty, although there is no definitive evidence, but from the motive and strength of the analysis, the black hand behind the scene is most likely to be the Jews. How about, first arrest the Jews in the country ……”

This is the simplest way, if you can’t find evidence, don’t look for evidence, whoever has the motive and strength to commit the crime, arrest them first.

People arrested and then slowly investigate, sooner or later there will be results. Even if you can’t tell who is the real culprit here, it doesn’t matter, just kill all the suspects.

It doesn’t matter if you kill the wrong person, they are all enemies anyway. Just as a precautionary measure, eliminate hidden dangers in advance.

Napoleon IV shook his head: ”No way! The government has already reached an agreement with the Jewish capitalists and made a promise to guarantee their personal safety, we can’t go back on it.”

Even a cunning rabbit has three holes, let alone the Jews, who are often “killed”.

Most Jewish capitalists don’t put their eggs in one basket, and in addition to their assets on the surface, they also have a number of industries in the shadows.

Napoleon IV did not send people to keep an eye on the Jewish capitalists, and did not move for decades, so naturally, the copy can only be copied to the surface of the industry.

If they encountered a ruthless person who wanted money and could not squeeze out the oil, the government had to pay for the maintenance of the enterprises after confiscating the factories and enterprises in order to stabilize employment.

Against this background, most of the people who were really unlucky in the anti-Semitic campaign were ordinary Jews who had no money.

The powerful Jewish capitalists had the capital to negotiate with the government, for example, by paying a sum of money to buy their lives in exchange for government protection of their personal safety.

(End of chapter)

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