Chapter 825: The Last Strike

  Chapter 808 – The Last Strike


Re-entering the ancient city of Cairo, Governor Adolf was like a world away, the thousand words in his heart all converging into a sigh.

At this moment, Egypt was in a mess. Such a mess, naturally, no one will rush up to take the blame, so Adolf still has to continue to fulfill the duties of the governor.

Said to be the governor, in fact, his decree can no longer get out of the city of Cairo. Outside of the city, the insurgents were already active, and external communication had long been cut off.

Since the news of the defeat came, the Governor’s Palace, which used to be filled with traffic, fell silent all of a sudden.

Even when reporting for work, everyone was in a hurry to come and go, as if staying here for one more moment would cause a plague.

Seeing a familiar figure, Adolf asked suspiciously, ”Fidus, why are you here?

This is not a good place right now, so don’t regret it if you get implicated.”

This was sincere. Although the walls were falling, as a governor, Adolf still had a few close friends who would not leave him.

It was precious when it was lost, and in order not to hitch all of these connections, Adolf took the initiative to draw a line in the sand with his men.

I don’t know how effective it is, anyway, one is one to keep now. As long as there is a person who is willing to appreciate the people who saved, it is not a loss.

Fidus shook his head with a bitter smile, “Your Excellency the Governor, according to the current situation, as one of the military commanders, do you think that I will be able to stand alone?”

This war was too humiliating to lose, and even if Adolf took the initiative to come forward and take the responsibility for the war’s failure, the other officers in the counterinsurgency army would not be exempt from being held accountable.

The best result would be nothing more than retiring and going home, wanting to return home in one piece was simply impossible.

Since he couldn’t hide, Fidus simply didn’t bother to hide. In any case, if he is held accountable, the end is also to be retired and go home, but it is only a little bit of a mess.

Including the war’s most responsible person, Governor Adolphus, the court martial after a walk, most likely is also retired from military service to finish.

In essence, this defeat was an accident, and logically, they were not at fault in their command.

Adolf nodded helplessly, ”Well, then I can only wish you good luck and may God bless you!

Now first tell me, why did you come over today?

Don’t ever say it’s to visit me or visit me or any such nonsense, you should know that I’m in a very bad mood right now.”

Fidos: “Your Excellency the Governor, now that the situation is completely rotten, dare you take another gamble?”

Adolf smiled helplessly and bitterly, “It’s come to this, do you think there’s anything I dare not do?

Anyway, the situation in Egypt is already completely rotten, so how bad could it be. Tell me, what’s your plan?”

Fidus: “The rebel’s outside the city are a bunch of rabble, it only takes a regiment of troops to be able to defeat them.

I have calculated that there are still over three thousand regulars, two thousand colonial troops, and four thousand young men just recruited in Cairo.

Send a regiment of regulars to look for an opportunity to sneak up on the enemy, and even if we fail, the remaining troops will be able to keep Cairo.”

No one was willing to fail, and Fidos was no exception. The same applies in France when it comes to redeeming one’s honor.

Defeating the rebels outside the city and relieving the siege of Cairo, even if it couldn’t make up for the previous Aswan defeat, it would still be able to give everyone a decent ending.

After hesitating for a few moments, Adolf slowly said, “According to the time, the reinforcements should have just arrived in Egypt.

If you want to rake in the battle credits and wash away the shame you want, it’s best to wait for another three to five days before launching.”

The fact that Governor Adolphe agreed so readily still gave Fidos a shock in his heart. In the eyes of the French government, the defeat of the rebels was deserved and counted for no great merit.

At most, it will be able to make Fidos and these generals retreat in one piece, for Governor Adolfo, this little merit is not enough to make up for a tenth of his faults.

Unless the rebellion could be extinguished before reinforcements arrived, Governor Adolf’s end would not change.

If he wins, he won’t get any benefits, and if he loses the bet, Governor Adolf will have to bear the greatest responsibility.

This kind of self-sacrificing spirit, so that Fidus was really touched, originally prepared to say now can not be used, he first found that the original Adolf Governor so ……

Sending off this uninvited guest, Governor Adolf once again fell down. Promising Fidos an adventure, he was also forced to do so.

Before suppressing this rebellion, there were many nobles within France who came to gild the lily. For this reason Adolf also collected a large wave of favors, and after the defeat these favors all turned into hatred.

The nobles who survived were cut off from their future, not to mention the ones who died in the war, and the families behind them will definitely hold a grudge.

Adolf is also dragging his family bachelor not up, if he can not dissolve these hatred, after returning to his country, his whole family’s bad luck days will begin.

Agreeing to Fidos’s plan was actually creating an opportunity to let these related families off the hook.


Those who were also trying to find a way to get out were Hutil and the others. It couldn’t be helped that the war had gotten so far that the few of them were on the verge of losing control of their troops.

From less than 10,000 initially, it had rapidly swelled to more than 200,000 in just over a month’s time.

The chain of command had long since gone haywire, using a mixed bag of fish and dragons could no longer situation this rabble.

“Soldiers don’t know their generals, generals don’t know their soldiers”, all operating normally here. Many times officers assembled troops and pulled in the ones closest to them.

They are all insurgents anyway, so they don’t need to count that much. Every day there are people who run away, every day there are people who come to defect, even the exact number of people Huttil can not figure out.

Frankly speaking, this huge number of rabble is not even as good as some roving bandits. At least the roving bandits had the old battalion that was more capable of fighting, this unit was trash inside and out.

Potiorek: “The French reinforcements have landed on the coast, less than 150 kilometers away. The mission is done anyway, there’s no point in staying any longer.”

The bloodbath doesn’t exist, this time the French government has been ruthless and has amassed 150,000 troops. With this amount of strength of the insurgent army, people had no trouble.

Faginhan nodded, “The enemy is coming on strong, we really should consider getting out.

It’s just a pity that we have this opportunity to fight the French head on, if possible, I really want to do battle with the French on the battlefield.”

Thinking about it, it was still time to run away. In case they were caught, it would definitely be hard for them, the culprits of the scourge of Egypt, to escape.

Hutil made a decision, “Let’s re-plan the evacuation route, the original plan can no longer be implemented.”

No one knew beforehand that the main force of the insurgent army would be able to make a wave against the odds, not to mention that it would be so easy to stir up Egypt.

Now Egypt is full of insurgents, this time to disguise the expedition team mixed into the city, in case halfway by the insurgents to click, that will become a laughing stock.

Streithausenberg objected: “It seems that now we do not need to run, it can be completely and France to fight first, lost directly retreat is.

Anyway, the telegraph lines have long been cut off, and the French troops cowering in the city will not dare to come out to intercept us until they are sure of their safety.

As long as the luck is not too bad, we can fight and retreat, the big deal is that the original way to Austria belongs to Africa.”

Hutil, who had fallen into a misguided thinking, reacted at once that the situation was different now.

The original Eighth Division had less than 10,000 men, of course, to run away.

Now there can be more than 200,000 people, even if the battle is lost, there are so many people messing with the army, the French want to capture prisoners, a moment is not busy.

As long as the reaction is quick, with tens of thousands of remnants of the army to run away, everyone’s safety is still guaranteed.

Hutil immediately clapped his hands and said, “Then let’s seize the last time and continue with something meaningful.”

“Meaningful things”, naturally, was destroying the Nile River. If he hadn’t been concerned about the Egyptians’ reaction, Hutil would have ordered the river to be filled in.

It didn’t matter now, both Egyptian regions couldn’t stay anyway. Blowing up the mountains on both sides of the river, artificially creating a weir to block the channel, the strategic significance becomes very important.

Flooding is only a minor problem, anyway, the essence of the delta, has been almost destroyed by the insurgents.

The key is the later military operations, without the Nile River to transport logistics, the French army lost the possibility of rapid use of troops.

From Egypt all the way to the Sudan, stretching thousands of kilometers, relying on manpower, animal transport, the logistics are enough to drink a pot of French.

Not only the river, along the railroad, road, bridge, also in the scope of destruction and so on.

As long as the guerrillas are a little bit more powerful, there will be a front line of one soldier to fight, the rear of five or six soldiers to transport food dilemma.

(End of chapter)

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