Chapter 801: A Priggish Nonsense

  Chapter 784 – A Priggish Nonsense

Vienna Palace

The heavy-hearted Foreign Minister Weissenberg, worriedly said: “Your Majesty, this is a diplomatic note from the Tsarist government.

The epidemic that has appeared in Asia Minor has been determined to be a bubonic plague artificially created by the Ottoman government, and the epidemic is currently out of control.”

After the “bubonic plague” was pointed at the former Ottoman government, the Russians immediately interrogated the surrendered Ottoman officials.

Under torture, they confessed to everything they should or should not have confessed to.

A furious Alexander III immediately issued a warrant for the death of Abdul Hamid II, a diplomatic note informing his allies of the news.

Carefully read through the note, Franz slowly said: “Call on the people of the country to exterminate rats, order the relevant enterprises in the country, full production of rodenticides.

First raise a batch of anti-rodent medicine and send it to the garrison stationed in Asia Minor, and order the troops to reduce contact with the outside world.”

One had to be thankful that it was winter, and the severe cold was not conducive to the growth of the virus, and there were no mosquitoes or flies to spread it. If the bubonic plague had broken out in the spring, or summer, the lethality would have increased several times.

Looking for the obscurity of the Ottoman remnants is not in a hurry, those guys are hiding, it is difficult to find in a moment, the priority is still epidemic prevention.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


Prime Minister Felix asked, “Your Majesty, should the news of the plague be blocked?”

Franz shook his head, “There’s no need, it’s impossible to hide something this big, it’s only a few days or so, just disclose it to the outside world!

The news coming from the Russians may not be complete, the bureaucrats are likely to conceal the pre-existing losses in order to minimize them.

With the increased defense against the epidemic, we must also prepare for the worst by blockading the coastline of Asia Minor, and the borderline of the Middle East.”

After a pause, Franz added: “Pay attention to guiding public opinion, focusing on the fact that the Ottoman Empire created the bubonic plague, which can be appropriately drawn toward the Black Death.

Publicize in the European world our efforts to prevent the spread of the virus, and touch the British in the meantime.”


With Franz’s order, the Vienna government stepped up its efforts to prevent the plague while the propaganda machine was turned on.

All sorts of lurid headlines appeared on the front pages of European newspapers, objective and more realistic ones such as “The Plague Maker – The Ottoman Empire” and “The Tumor of the Human World” ……

This is a picture of the truth, although a certain amount of artistic processing, but the artificial creation of the plague has not wronged the Ottoman Empire.

The topic of the latter nonsense is much richer, the Austrian propaganda ministry just started it, the rest is all free play by the news people.

Origins of the Black Death, The Greatest Conspirators of All Time, and the Real Culprits of the Black Death Rampage ……

The Black Death has been around for centuries and no one knows exactly how it came about, but that doesn’t stop people from putting the blame on the Ottoman Empire.

The rise of the Ottoman Empire and the Black Death are cleverly linked to history.

For example, in the case of “The Black Death Saved the Ottomans”, the Timurid Empire’s expedition to the Ottoman Empire in 1399 had already surrounded the Ottoman capital, but was forced to retreat because of the ravages of the Black Death.

Another example is “The Road to the Bloody Rise of the Ottomans,” where the article directly attributes the rise of the Ottoman Empire to the fact that the Black Death was widespread, resulting in the loss of the European nations’ ability to suppress the Ottoman Empire.

While the Ottoman Empire was also a victim of the Black Death, though, people outright stole the concept, ignoring the disparity in population between the two sides.

The Rheinische Zeitung lists a set of data gathered from who knows where: the Black Death ravaged the European world and killed 25 million people vs. the Ottoman deaths of my 210,000, a ratio of 119:1.

To summarize: without the Black Death, there would have been no rise of the Ottoman Empire.

The final conclusion: the Black Death was an Ottoman conspiracy.

Not to mention the general public, even Franz, the originator, was somewhat convinced that the Black Death was an Ottoman conspiracy.

True or false? Hundreds of years have passed and there is no way to check.

Combined with history, the Ottoman Empire rose to power after the Black Death and were among the beneficiaries. From a conspiracy theory point of view, they had motive to commit the crime.

It is also supported by the real-life case of man-made plague, and the years of propaganda by European countries, the original image of the Ottomans was just that.

European society in a short period of time to give a cover story, in addition to Austria to guide public opinion, or more importantly, no one to defend the Ottoman Empire.

Hundreds of years ago things can not be confused, but the facts that happened in front of us, but can not be erased.

At this time to jump out to defend the Ottoman government, it is easy to draw fire, in case the name of the Ottoman spies, it would be fatal.

Even the experts and scholars who have always been irresponsible and like to make new ideas, do not dare to jump out and go against public opinion at this time.


London, angry Prime Minister Gladstone once again tore up the newspaper in his hands, which was the nth newspaper he had destroyed in recent times.

Touching the Ottoman Empire is just a matter of blackness, the artificial plague thing is out, the already extinct Ottoman Empire is impossible to whitewash.

Anyway, it was a dead country, so there was no harm in labeling it as a Black Death conspirator.

But as time went on, public opinion gradually ran away with it, starting with the Austrian daily’s “Britain’s Disreputable Role in the Near Eastern War”.

The Austrian daily “Britain’s dishonorable role in the Near East War” described in detail that the British in the Near East War for the Ottoman Empire, accusing the British government of harboring the Ottoman “remnants” after the war.

In normal times this would have been a non-issue, with the grandiose term “political asylum”. Unfortunately, the timing is not right, and the “man-made bubonic plague” is happening.

It’s not that the British people are so international, it’s that the “plague” is so deadly and spreadable that once it spreads, everyone could be a victim.

The people who created the “bubonic plague” that threatened the safety of everyone’s life are naturally abhorrent. Hearing that the British government is harboring these guys, the public is naturally furious.

This problem is not easy to deal with, if we hand over the people, the London government’s face where to put it?

It’s even worse not to deal with it, the opposition party won’t let go of this opportunity, and Prime Minister Gladstone doesn’t want to step down in infamy just yet.

Gladstone had no choice but to order the arrest of several Ottoman executives who had already shown their faces, leaving them to the judiciary to quell public anger.

However, this was only the beginning. Perhaps the image has been ingrained by too many conspiracies, and the European media always likes to associate them with conspiracy theories.

This has just solved the problem of harboring the “Ottoman remnants”, and then there is another “British conspiracy”, not one, but many.

More than half of the mainstream media in Europe have linked the British government to the “man-made plague”.

The Britannia Conspiracy” is only the sharpest in style, speculating about the British government with the greatest malice, and boldly speculating that the British government and the Ottomans colluded and planned this “human plague” together.

The reason is: the British Isles are separated by a strait, which is conducive to blocking the spread of the plague; once the European continent reappeared in the Middle Ages, “the Black Death ravaged” the old story, Britain will become the hegemony of the European continent without bloodshed.

In return, the London government would support the Ottomans’ restoration. This was the only chance for the Ottomans to restore their country, and the evil Sultan’s government would not give it up.

This is just speculation, without any concrete evidence.

The center of public opinion in Europe is in Britain, France and Austria, everyone touches each other, similar things happen too much, according to the reason Gladstone guilty of not angry.

But the problem is that there are also people in the country to take issue, extremist newspapers openly criticized: the London government’s ability to execute is too poor, even this little thing can not be done, if ……

The specifics of the latter are not important, the point is that such a public admission of collusion between the British government and the Ottomans, do not have to consider the consequences?

There are many other similar newspapers that add to the mess, don’t ask why they write like that, ask is: cha sucks money.

Whether it is the international anti-British forces, or the conspiracy of the domestic opposition parties, this issue Gladstone has not cared to study.

There are people who believe this at home, not to mention internationally.

The core factor that led to all this is still: the London government and the Ottoman Empire does have collusion, but does not include the latter “artificial plague”.

If half of it is true, things are not explained.

If the plague was contained, it would be fine, but if it turned into the Black Death, the Gladstone government would be finished.

These days, no country can afford to anger the entire European world, and neither can Britain.

(End of chapter)

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