Chapter 799: Characterization of land

  Chapter 782 – Land Characterization

The Vienna government’s Great Near East Development Program has undoubtedly injected a powerful agent into the domestic economy, and the first to react was the stock market.

Construction, medicine, engineering equipment and many other sectors of the stock price soared, as if a new bull market is about to open again.

In order to stimulate the stock price, the relevant enterprises have announced that they have joined the Near East Development Program, and “Near East Development” has become the hottest term in Austria overnight.

Not only was domestic capital attracted to the program, but also many overseas capitals were attracted to the program.

The Great Depression in Europe, capital has no place to go, Austria’s Near East development program, undoubtedly caught up with the good times.

In order to attract attention, the Vienna government naturally will not mention what the advance plan, the focus of publicity is naturally “one billion guilders big investment.

This is absolutely the largest investment ever, in this century can not be surpassed, take out bragging without a little pressure.

The original time and space European capital even miles away from the United States have dared to invest, near the Near East, not to mention.

Unfortunately, these guys are too shrewd, one by one are slippery, Franz wanted to pit a few unlucky to undertake the construction of railroads, no one took the bait.

Even if the authorization of monopoly operation is also no one asked, there is no way now the Near East is a blank slate, the Vienna government’s plan looks no matter how beautiful, that is just a plan.

Capitalists are not see the rabbit does not spread the eagle of the Lord, in the immigration program has not been carried out before, who would not think to invest in railroad construction?

We are all in it to get rich, not to contribute to it. The Near East Development Program, even if it goes well, will prosper in a decade or so.

Until then, investing in railroads is a losing proposition. Continuous loss of ten or twenty years, before the possibility of profitability of the business, is indeed the value of investment.

Unfortunately, these days it is still popular to make quick money, long-term value investment, not in the capitalist’s consideration.

Everyone prefers to engage in a project that looks like it can make a lot of money, artistic processing to portray a grand blueprint, and then listed to circle money.

Success is blood money, failure also has a receiver to bear the loss. This is also one of the reasons why people are reluctant to invest in railroads.

The economic crisis that has affected the entire capitalist world, one of the main factors include the excess of railroads, especially in Western European countries such as Britain and France, too many duplicated railroads.

If you look at the stock market, you can see that the price of railroad shares is the one that has fallen the most.

In the stock market crash a 70% to 80% discount is good, many railroad companies market value are directly cut, some fell particularly strong, less than one-tenth of the peak.

Eat a moat, long a wisdom.

Investors have just experienced the social poisonous beating, temporarily lost interest in the railroad, this project is difficult to fool the receiver, capitalists are naturally not interested.

No one to jump the railroad this sinkhole, it is only the Vienna government themselves on the battlefield, but the port terminals, urban renewal, there will be people to invest.

Although the same investment cycle is long, but these projects are lower risk.

Even those who are no longer optimistic about Austria’s Near East development program will not think that the Vienna government even has the ability to develop the coastal area.

Reporting plans to report plans, take the project to take the project, the real investment funds, it will take some time.

After the war, the Vienna government did not immediately disarm. Hundreds of thousands of troops were busy fighting bandits at this time, and it was extremely irresponsible to run into construction before solving the law and order problem.

The development of the Near East was different from the development of Africa. Back then, there was no way to open up African colonies with limited government power, so we had to rely on civil power.

To this day, there are thousands of small and large civil armies on the African continent, adding up to more than Austria’s standing army.

These forces in the laying of Austria in the African continent hegemony at the same time, but also inevitably appear local aristocrats to become bigger.

In the political context of Europe, this was naturally not a big problem. Nobles in their own fiefdom, originally have to form the power of private army, also did not see who pulled the flag rebellion.

The African continent was forced to rely on the power of the nobility to rule. Nearby the Near East, Franz is ready to collect in the hands of their own.

Not long ago in the imperial conference, the Asia Minor Peninsula, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula to determine the property rights, the delegates passed by an absolute majority of the above areas for the imperial jurisdiction of the motion.

The combined votes of several small states had exceeded 20%, which theoretically allowed them to veto the motion.

However, this was only theoretical, on the premise of not involving their own core interests, no one had intentionally made things difficult for the Emperor.

Of course, the main thing was still not being able to find a reason to oppose it.

The Imperial Council has a very strict rule that if you oppose for the sake of opposition, the Emperor has the right to dismiss the councilor.

Fewer three or five people are small problems, as long as the number of representatives is more than half, the meeting held with the emperor’s permission has the force of law.

Members of parliament for a term of five years, halfway removed, not fill the seat, must wait for the next change, the state to which they belong to be able to re-sent into the.

The Imperial Council has been established for so many years, no one dares to fool around, just afraid of being kicked out by the emperor to seize the handle, losing the right to speak in the empire.

There are no people in the Near East right now, the conditions for an independent province simply do not exist; without people, there is naturally no basis for implementing colonial rule.

Separate divisions to be ruled by the states is also a solution. It is not yet known whether the governments of the states will oppose it or not; anyway, the people down there will certainly not agree to it.

To the people of the small states, spending money to build the Near East, which is 10,000 miles away, does not have a dime’s worth of interest to them.

The central government is going to develop the Near East region everyone is supportive, the local and central financial split is very clear, who’s land who is responsible for paying for governance.

Shen Luo Empire’s land jurisprudential attributes are so much, nothing else meets the conditions, not included in the Emperor’s direct territory, how can the central government legally invest funds for construction?

Even if you don’t consider the strategic factor, for the sake of everyone’s deepest “dream of the Roman Empire”, the Near East must be rebuilt.

Can only say that the Roman Empire is too powerful, in the history and culture of Europe brand is too strong, even if the demise of thousands of years, there are still a bunch of successors.

The French have made themselves heirs to Rome, the Russians have made themselves heirs to Rome, the Italians have made themselves heirs to Rome, the Greeks have made themselves heirs to Rome ……

As the rightful heirs of the Western Roman Empire, the Germans were naturally not exempt from this, especially after the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, and the call to rebuild the Roman Empire.

Of course, it stayed at the stage of lip service, and the official media definition was very clear – the New Holy Roman Empire.

A few more words with a completely different meaning. With so many guys claiming to be the heirs of the Roman Empire, it’s a hateful thing to shout slogans indiscriminately.

Not only the Near East, but in fact Franz was ready to include overseas colonies in the Emperor’s direct territories, only to postpone it for the time being, taking into account the sentiments of the smaller states.

After all, it is everyone together to pay money to get out, suddenly from the legal theory and they have no relationship, it is not likely that some people will not be able to figure out.

This is all a minor issue, the overseas colonies are all bannermen of Franz, the emperor, not vassals of the empire, and it’s been established juridically from the beginning.

It wasn’t that people didn’t want to be vassals, but unfortunately Franz wouldn’t grant them. There was nothing anyone could do if the Emperor didn’t agree, they couldn’t just jump out and make a scene with the Emperor, could they?

That would be a blatant tell: I have a problem, I have ambitions, I want to ……

Such stupidity, Franz has not seen. After all, relying on military service all the way up, the head is not flexible is impossible.

Since it is the emperor’s bannerman, there is no way to go against the emperor, or you can get rid of the knighthood in a minute.

This is also the reason why the emerging nobles are more obedient, the glory and power are tied to the emperor, if you don’t follow the boss, it’s all gone.

The biggest benefit of the Emperor’s direct collar, that is, theoretically all of the unclaimed land, belongs to the Emperor, the government is just managing the place for the Emperor.

Of course, this is limited to theory. If you really eat alone like that, then you will become a loner.

High-quality land, pasture, mountains, Franz is not left a mu, all taken out to reward the meritocracy, these areas are also the government’s next focus on the construction of the region.

(Remarks: Good land, pasture, mountains and forests can be converted into military fields, the specific proportion is determined according to the actual situation)

When everyone is done picking, the rest of the rotten land is what legally belongs to the Emperor. Leave it where it is for now, and wait for the future when it needs to be developed.


After the knighting ceremony was completed, Franz led a group of emerging nobles to draw circles on the map, all of which were determined beforehand, and now it was just clarified from the jurisprudence.

Looking at the crowd with an excited face, Franz knew that the showmanship was successful. Think about it, everyone on the battlefield horse leather, is not for this moment of honor?

From now on, no matter what their previous origins were, they now had a unified title – Noble.

With a political status, one’s pockets would soon bulge. Nobles with fiefdoms these days would not be too poor as long as they didn’t fool around.

Soldiers below were able to obtain several hundred acres of land to become farmers, not to mention the nobles, perhaps one shouldn’t use acres as a unit, replacing it with square kilometers would be more apt.


(End of chapter)

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