Chapter 773: War

  Chapter 756 The War

On June 17, 1882, under the cover of the Austrian Navy, the five major war zones of the Anti-Turkish Alliance launched a simultaneous attack.

From the Caucasus to the Black Sea, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Middle East, stretching more than 20,000 miles are all the battlefield, creating the longest battle line in human history record.

If Franz hadn’t set his eyes on Iraq, Persia might have joined the Anti-Turkish Alliance as well.

The lips are cold and the teeth are dead?

Doesn’t exist!

This is also a pair of old enemies, far history will not turn over, alone the refugee crisis after the last Near East war, let the two countries like water.

After the outbreak of the Third Near East War, the Persians were also eager to try, but Austria did not take them to play.

Without the backing of the Great Powers, the Persian government could not cope with the pressure of the British, and could only hold back its throbbing heart.

At the headquarters of the Allied Forces in Constantinople, Albrecht was the only senior officer left.

Perhaps the Ottomans look very weak, everyone wants to go to the war, Albrecht naturally can not hinder everyone’s green road.

From the beginning of the execution of the split battle plan, he, the general command officer, became the head of logistics, except for the Austrian army, other troops do not need him to worry about.

Bright sunlight shone through the window, and it was another beautiful day.

The top brass had all left, and the allied command, except for the staff officers, were the representatives of the countries that had stayed behind.

The overall battle plan had already been finalized, and the specific implementation details were again the task of the major war zones, and the combat command became laid back.

Unconsciously, everyone’s daily work became receiving battle reports from the front line and analyzing and interpreting them.

Albrecht asked, “How is the landing operation going?”

A staff officer replied, “Except for the Marmara Sea theater, which has encountered a little trouble, the situation on the battlefield is all good.

The Russian forces in the Black Sea theater have successfully completed the occupation of Ava and Zonguldak, and have successfully landed from the four ports of Cape Inje, Samsun, Orsha, and Rize.

In the Mediterranean theater, our forces have captured the areas of Cheshme, Dartcha, Finikei, and Kemer, and have successfully landed from the four ports of Adalia, Anamur, Itchel, and Iskenderun.

The Greeks in the Sea of Marmara theater have also successfully landed at Pendik, only to perform poorly after completing the landing, and the battle is still raging.

The forces of the Duchy of Montenegro have failed to land from Banderma on three separate occasions, and Marshal Maxim Trentiev is planning a fourth landing.”

It was indeed a great day, only three days after the launching of the landing campaign, and with so many brilliant results, it was impeccable.

As for the minor flaws in the Marmara sea theater, they were not worth mentioning at all. From the very beginning Albrecht had no expectations for Greece and Montenegro, which were themselves two small countries that made up the numbers.

It wasn’t a matter of trying hard or not, the point was that they had limited troop strength and limited ability to withstand casualties.

Many people only noticed the brilliant battle results, but ignored the bloodshed and sacrifice that accompanied it.

Looking at the map, Albrecht directly gave up the intention to go further, in a sense, this war is in a mess.

The Anti-Turkish Alliance relied on its strong strength to start the siege from all sides, and the enemy broke through from wherever they were weak, without any technical content.

After a little thought, Albrecht instructed, “Report the victory to Vienna, and copy a battle report to the allies along the way.”


The allied command had already begun to report the victory, but Marshal Publius of Pendik Harbor could not feel half the joy of victory.

Watching the allies soar while they were being pressed by the enemy here was an unpleasant feeling that only the parties involved knew well.

At the military meeting, Publius slapped heavily on the table and scolded angrily, “All look at yourself, this is the battle you are fighting.

Two infantry divisions actually couldn’t capture a small harbor and were pushed back, it’s simply a disgrace.

This is the battle report from the General Command, from now on we are the laughing stock in the allied army, three times the superior force couldn’t make a breakthrough on the battlefield ……”

As the general commander-in-chief of the Greek army, Publius was also under a lot of pressure. Do not seek to keep up with the level of the allies, but no more can not be too much worse.

If the current situation continues, I’m afraid that this war will be over and they’ll still be stuck in this small harbor.

Not to mention the spoils of war, it is estimated that by the time the Austrians will also charge them for supplies, not to work but to eat where there is such a good thing?

In accordance with the agreement: the supplies consumed in this war, will first be deducted from the spoils of war, and then we will share the proceeds.

There was no doubt that this was calculated on a national basis. The strategic materials consumed by Greece would be converted into money and subtracted from their rightful share of the benefits.

If you are not satisfied, you can not have the Vienna government provide the logistics, you don’t need to worry about that if you are responsible for it yourself.

Unfortunately, Greece can’t afford that. Laboring for a long journey is never an easy thing to do, it is considered a gold swallowing beast among gold swallowing beasts.

Do not look at Greece only sent more than 20,000 troops, as long as the battlefield fought, every day to consume tens of thousands, or even more than 100,000 shields of supplies.

A month to knock out Greece’s financial income for a year, that is easy and effortless.

First Division Commander Weber Velvet explained, ”Marshal, it’s not that we don’t work hard, it’s really that the enemy’s firepower is too fierce and ours is too weak, and the moment we show our heads, we’ll be suppressed by the enemy.

When we fought along the coast, we had the Austrian Navy to provide firepower reinforcement, and we still had the upper hand.”

Again, they were all equipped with Austrian equipment, and the level of equipment was different for all of them. The firepower of each country was equipped differently, and in general the Austrian firepower was the strongest, with Greece and Montenegro at the bottom of the list.

In the age of hot weapons, the strength of firepower directly affects the combat effectiveness of troops. Greece itself was not rich, but also kept a navy, making the finances even worse.

Having lost the threat of foreign enemies, the army began to horse-trade, and the troops were still equipped with the same firepower as twenty years ago.

As corrupt as the Ottomans were, they had experienced a social beating, and after losing two consecutive Near Eastern wars, the Sultan’s government became more and more concerned with building up the army.

With fortifications to fall back on, and still having an advantage in firepower, along with a stronger will to fight, the Greeks did not lose unfairly.

Publius interrupted, “Don’t give excuses for your incompetence, the problem of firepower I have already applied to the coalition command, it won’t take long to solve.

It is imperative that we still come up with a battle plan as soon as possible to capture Pendik in the shortest time possible and prove our strength to our allies.”

Under the law of the jungle the weak are the strong, and if Greece wanted to tear a piece of meat from the Ottomans, it had to prove that it had the strength to match.


Compared to Publius’ rush to the fire, Marshal Maxim Trentiev on the other side of the fence was in a much more balanced frame of mind.

This war, the Montenegrin Duchy was only here to make up the numbers, and had no substantial requirements for dividing up the spoils of war.

Geographic location has blocked the road of their expansion, surrounded on three sides by Austria, it is difficult to have a coastline, but unfortunately the opposite side is the French territory.

Want to expand, no matter how to go is a copy of hell. In front of the cruel reality, the Duchy of Montenegro very wisely chose to give up its ambition.

There were many purposes for joining the war, such as: to take revenge on Ottoman, and by the way, to boost the morale of the people and increase the prestige of the government.

Another example: to increase the sense of existence, so as not to be forgotten by the European world.

Or simply to brush up the goodwill of the government in Vienna, becoming an ally strategic security is guaranteed, this is the survival of small countries.

Maxim Trentiev deeply understood Albrecht’s orders, holding the enemy’s forces was enough. As for attacking and pillaging, that was all the task of an ally.

Failed to land? That’s fine, regroup at another location and continue, as long as the number of casualties is kept under control, it’s whatever you want to toss at it.

The battle results didn’t matter, everyone didn’t have expectations of them, and no one would point fingers if they lost.

The biggest contribution of Montenegro’s participation in the alliance was not to send troops to fight, but to politically strengthen the anti-territory alliance.

Once the landing operation started, Maxim Trentiev changed the landing site frequently, each time with the help of a burst of Austrian naval gunfire.

After the exploratory landing operation, the development can not easily break through, then decisively give up, not at all and the defenders hard fighting.

The sound of artillery fire, another landing operation began. It was the second time Maxim Trentiev had patronized the area, lowered the binoculars in his hands, and muttered, “The time seems about right.”


(End of chapter)

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