Chapter 608: Fighting for Survival

  Chapter 595 Fighting for Survival

On June 12, 1875, Ferdinand I of Austria died in Jerusalem after a long illness. In accordance with his wishes, Franz held a state funeral in Jerusalem.

Ferdinand I in Austria does not have a strong sense of existence, there is no outstanding contribution in his life, of course, there is no bad reputation, leaving everyone with the image of “good old boy”.

The funeral was a grand affair, with ready-made guests, who had just attended Franz’s coronation and were touring the sights and attractions of Jerusalem.

Of course, this is only polite, in fact, Jerusalem is a large construction site, the city building is in accordance with the Holy See’s intention to remodel, there is nothing to see.

The truth is Franz sent someone to notify everyone, the European nobility is a family, or near or far everyone is a relative, come to all come naturally can not not give face.

Ferdinand I is not a qualified monarch, in the eyes of the older generation of the Habsburg dynasty is a disgrace, but in the eyes of the younger generation is a qualified elder, the atmosphere at the funeral was very heavy.

Affected by the sad atmosphere, a funeral down, Franz whole person is not good. Without the slightest hesitation, immediately ordered to return to Vienna.

Who persuade is useless, July is coming soon, this season to stay in Jerusalem is a disaster.

Who wants to stay here to recuperate, then just stay yourself, anyway Franz is not accompanied.

In the end, the Empress Sophie, the family of Massimiliano I, and a few members of the collateral family stayed behind, and Franz returned with the rest of the people.

This was the result of Franz’s efforts to force his two younger brothers to return. These days the nobles socialize, but also an important job, the royal family no one can not.

In addition to this, Franz is also worried about history repeating itself. In the original space and time, there is an unlucky person in the pilgrimage, drank the Jordan River water dye disease hanged.

The ones left behind now are different, they all have the attribute of being a dead house, they can stay at home all the time without going out, and will not run around at all.


Ankara, since the completion of the disaster, the Ottoman domestic situation has improved a lot, the social order is gradually restored.

Despite the stabilization of the social order, the Al-Shabaab government led by Midhat is still being condemned by all walks of life.

The mouth-breathers have come up with countless reasons to slam the government for being brutal, corrupt, incompetent and bloody ……

Sultan Abdul Hamid II has also taken a stand on several public occasions, criticizing the government for its gross negligence in dealing with the refugee issue.

These changes have left the Ottoman Al-Shabaab, which lacks experience in political struggles, with its hands tied and at a loss as to how to respond.

Foreign Minister Albiach: “Chancellor, the Russians used force to deport the entire refugee population, and about 5,000 died under the butcher’s knife of the Tsarist army.

This is a diplomatic note from the Tsarist government, the Russians have ordered us to restore the situation immediately and have threatened to intervene by force.”

Receiving the document, Midhart sighed. In normal times, he would have been outraged to hear that the Russians had slaughtered so many of the Ottoman populace, but now it was just a figure of speech to his ears.

A weak nation has no diplomacy, these people died for nothing, and there was no way the Ottoman Empire would hold the Tsarist government accountable for this.

After a half-loud effort of silence, Midhat slowly said, “Since the Russian Empire can’t go, then all of them will be sent to Persia!”

After a pause, he added: “Is there any trouble in Austria, and has the Vienna government accepted the refugees?”

It is not that Midhart’s heart is like iron, it is completely forced out by reality. Domestic food shortage, doomed to starve to death.

If the refugees are allowed to stay in the country, many of the areas that have resumed production will also be destroyed, and by then there will only be more people starving to death.

In order to preserve more people, he had to be ruthless. There was also the precondition that there should be no interference from the Great Powers, especially from Austria.

Foreign Minister Albiach: “No, the Austrians arrested all the refugees for illegal entry, and after they were gathered and tried, they were all sent to prison.”

The law is not a crime, perhaps feasible in later times when Madonnaism was on the rise, but not marketable in this day and age. The Vienna government followed the law, and no one could pick holes in it.

Midhart wanted to speak; the result was bad, but not unacceptable. With the precedent of the Russians, Midhart’s expectations were lowered from the start.


By this time, the situation in Persia had also changed. Watching the refugee tide snowball and expand, the expected international intervention, the delay in unifying the countries under the British stirring, the Persian government realized the danger.

Persia was only an agricultural country with limited productivity of its own, and could not afford to resettle so many refugees. Even simple relief was beyond their capacity.

The Persians also abhorred this gang of locust-like uninvited guests. If they were asked to give money and food to these people, they were unwilling to do so from the bottom of their hearts.

After many warnings, the Persian government once again showed the world the sharpness of the “Persian blade” and the massacre began.

It’s not about right or wrong, everyone is fighting for survival. Refugees want to live and need more food, so they must go to rob; while the Persian government needs to protect the people’s lives and property, and can only kill this gang of uninvited guests.

Just as Franz was returning to the ship, the most brutal scene played out in the Persian region, with both sides killing each other in a bloodbath.

There were no surprises, the rabble was doomed to defeat the regular army, even with the Ottoman government at the controls.

However, the Persians, as the victors, did not fare any better, as the Persian army took no prisoners and broke the back of the refugees who surrendered, the battle went on extraordinarily fiercely.

This was just as well, nothing more than a little more loss. The most troublesome thing is that the number of refugees is so large that it is easy to crush them, but difficult to annihilate them all.

Even if the Persian army had been on guard, there were still many groups of refugees who fled to the rear, stirring up the Persian places.

Under the power of hatred, these refugees have been transformed into roving bandits, killing, looting, and committing atrocities that would put bandits and robbers to shame.

According to incomplete statistics, after the war, the total population of Persia fell by 1.5 million, and the total economic output fell by a quarter, so the loss is imaginable.


The tragedy that happened in Persia quickly spread to the European continent, the impact is far less serious than Franz thought, the vast majority of the European public are eating the crowd.

In this day and age, Ottomans, or Persians, belong to a race with no human rights, and mainstream society does not take them seriously at all.

Except for a few Madonna parties who were yelling and asking for relief for the refugees in European countries, most of the people were watching with cold eyes. Who cares about others when they can’t even feed themselves?

In order to have three meals a day, most of the workers have to work hard in the factories for more than ten hours a day, not daring to get sick or take a vacation, and the pay they get is just enough to cover their stomachs.

What kind of joke is it to ask the government to pay for the relief of the Ottoman refugees? There are still a large number of people in need of relief in the country, the government can not even relief over, actually dare to take money to the enemy, this is naked treason!

Our Lady’s Party did not make a few waves, but was drowned out by a flood of criticism. The Ottoman Empire hadn’t fallen for long, and without a hundred or eighty years, it would be hard for people to forget their hatred.


As one of the chief directors of the fiasco, Prime Minister Gerston was pleased with how the situation was unfolding. Even though the casualties were a bit higher, it was all worth it.

With the loss of so many people at once, the internal conflicts of the Ottoman Empire had eased considerably, and the nail that held Austria in place had finally been saved.

The refugees wreaked havoc in Persia and created an opportunity for Britain to invade Persia, completely killing two birds with one stone.

Foreign Minister MacLean: “Your Excellency the Prime Minister, this is a diplomatic note from the Ottoman government, they want us to fulfill our promise to give them a counterinsurgency grant.

Judging from the current situation, the Ottoman Empire’s biggest crisis has been passed, and the risk of giving them a loan is greatly reduced.

But it’s not certain. Right now the Persians are massacring the refugees. In order to survive, these people are likely to return to the Ottoman Empire again.

Perhaps this number will be greatly reduced, but if only a third of them return, the Ottoman government will immediately be in trouble again.

And after this experience, I’m afraid that these refugees who survived will not be able to live in peace. In essence, these people have learned the hard way and are not fit to be submissives.”

Prime Minister Gerston nodded, “This is the inevitable result, but all in all, the situation in the Ottoman Empire has changed for the better.

These refugees who have turned into mobs, let the Ottoman government dispose of them themselves! Whether they are disposed of or severely disciplined has nothing to do with us.

In any case, they also helped to hit the Persians hard, so they are our friends, and Britain never treats its friends badly.

As long as we are sure that the Ottoman government has stabilized its rule and has the ability to repay its debts, we can provide them with loans.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can communicate with the French, to support a nail to hold Austria, and not all of our efforts.

If the French are willing to contribute, then the training of the Ottoman Army can be given to them.”

(End of chapter)

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