Chapter 524: The Pig Teammate Who Couldn’t Be Carried

  Chapter 512 – The Pig Teammate Who Can’t Be Brought Along

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, finally waiting for an excuse to intervene. Without any hesitation, Governor Hummel immediately ordered to send troops to Mexico, the excuse is naturally “to investigate the cause of death of Austrian soldiers”.

Tens of thousands of troops to investigate the case, the end is already doomed from the beginning. Governor Hummel had no doubt that the final answer would be what Austria wanted.

“By the time the news reached Mexico City, the Austrian army had already landed in Veracruz.

The Mexican republican government was in a state of disarray; to resist or not to resist? It was a question to be pondered.

Barsky, the leader of the radical faction, said with righteous indignation, “Your Excellency the President, Austria has bullied us too much, they are blatantly trampling on our sovereignty, and they absolutely can’t just let it go.

I suggest disarming the Austrian embassy immediately and taking them as hostages. At the same time, order the troops along the way to intercept the Austrian army, delay their speed, and buy time to gather the whole country’s army to fight them to the death.”

Vice President Anakin immediately retorted, “Balkis, you reckless man. If you do this, there will be no room for détente.

We have no chance of winning a war with Austria at this time, you are destroying Mexico!”

Conservative leader Cristal spoke up and said, “You can’t say that, there is still some truth to what His Excellency Balkis said.

The Austrians are beating down the door, Hon. Anner you don’t think that these tens of thousands of Austrian troops are just here to roam the country, do you? What kind of case requires tens of thousands of troops to investigate?

The Austrians are clearly unsettled, and if they don’t send an army to intercept them, I’m afraid it won’t be long before they hit Mexico.

I know the Austrians are not easy to deal with, and they will definitely lose a lot in a war with them. But we can’t just put the interests of the country at risk in order to preserve our strength!”

Archbishop Lulanka concurred, “That’s right, we must give the Austrians a little bit of color and let them know how powerful we are.

Your Excellency the President, give the order! Any later and the enemy will be in Mexico City, and we can’t just abandon the capital again and allow Massimiliano I to be restored!”


The voices of the main war effort continued to rise, putting pressure on President Juarez.

Normally, to go to war with Austria, everyone is against it. But this time the situation was exceptional, the struggle within the Mexican Republican government had turned white hot.

Currently occupying the upper hand is naturally President Juarez as the head of the republican faction, their armed forces are the most powerful, Mexico City surrounding areas are their sphere of influence.

Once the war with Austria, the Republicans will bear the brunt. Unwilling to lose in the power struggle of other political forces, naturally will not let go of this opportunity to kill people with a knife.

For many people, the threat of Austria is a pimple, not a threat to their core interests, but rather it is the republicans who will want them dead.

When overthrowing Massimiliano I, conservatives, constitutionalists, Catholics, republicans, and radicals could still unite, and when it came to the distribution of power everyone went their separate ways.

During his administration, President Juárez had already offended the Catholic Church and the conservatives with his reform program. Because of the damage to their own interests these people support the constitutionalists, and hooked up with the French, invited Massimiliano I from Europe.

Just did not expect, they personally supported the emperor, actually also an idealist, to take the reform measures, more radical than Juarez.

There was no way out, and in the end everyone just couldn’t stand it any longer before they revolted and toppled Massimiliano I’s rule.

Now that the Republicans were in power, in order to protect their own interests, the conservatives and the Catholic Church also wanted to bring down President Juarez. This is a struggle between you and me, without the slightest possibility of reprieve.

Republican force advantage is not obvious, able to subdue the forces of all parties, mainly the first to occupy Mexico City, Juarez is the president has the name of the great justice.

In ordinary times this is an advantage, and now that Austria is at the city’s doorstep, the advantage becomes a disadvantage.

If you don’t resist, you will be sprayed as a traitor, and if you resist, you will have to use up your valuable troops. If you win, you can make up for the lack of strength by prestige, and you will have little problem retaining power.

If you lose, the Republicans are finished. The defeated government is not qualified to remain in power, and it is inevitable that a new political force will come to power.

Except for the radicals who are more simple and are true patriots. The rest became war-mongers in order to fulfill their political ambitions.

Seeing that the Republican faction was outnumbered, Juarez slammed the table and roared, “Enough, this is not a food market.

You guys want to fight, right? Yes, I’ll personally lead the team and we’ll go together as a death squad.

In this war where the odds are stacked against us, since we’re going to die, let’s let us old guys go, no need for the boys to go and die for nothing.

If you want to fight, come to me and sign up, or shut up. Now is the time to deliberate on countermeasures, not to watch you put on a show, disgusting!”

The crowd’s faces changed greatly, letting others sell their lives was fine, to go to war themselves then forget it, everyone hadn’t lived long enough yet!

No one doubts that Huarez words, this is a ruthless man. To be able to become the President of Mexico as an Indian, relying on not lips, but a knife and a gun to kill out.

People who know Juarez are clear, his origin is not high. 3 years old, lost parents, raised by his uncle.

Early years also gave people as a slave, from the slave to the president of the realization of life reversal, this way but stepped on the bones of countless people on the throne.

Moreover, President Juarez is already in his sixties. In this day and age, he already has a long life expectancy, and he was injured in his youth, so his health condition is already very bad.

In the case of not having long to live, the matter of dragging everyone along with him to be buried with him might not be something that President Juarez could not do.

The atmosphere in the room became awkward all of a sudden, and after half a dozen moments of effort, the Foreign Minister opened his mouth to break the silence.

“The Austrians expanding in Mexico is also not something everyone wants to see, we can invite Britain and France to intervene and mediate.

The Vienna government’s colonial expansion center of gravity is in the African continent, the Americas is not the target of their expansion, they have not been reaching out to Mexico for so many years.

Austria has not increased troops to the Americas, we can initially judge that the Vienna government is not prepared to go to war with us.

The Austrians to send troops should be Franz authorized, ready to pick up Massimiliano I. Some time ago, the Austrian Minister also negotiated with us on this issue.

If Massimiliano I had not refused to abdicate, we would have let him go long ago.

The shooting was just an accident that gave the Austrians an excuse. It is now supposed to be the Austrian Governor of Central America who has taken matters into his own hands, using this opportunity to make use of the pretext and trying to engage in political blackmail.

As long as we do a good job of responding to the situation, don’t let the Austrians catch a hold of us, and then ask Britain and France to mediate, this matter can still be resolved peacefully.”

It must be said that the Mexican Foreign Ministry still did its homework. Basically guessing the truth, the Vienna government really did not give orders for expansion, and certainly did not order the colonial government to be prohibited from expanding outward.

The countries, including the mediating countries, were handpicked. Powers are not charity, to ask people to mediate, also need to take the benefits to buy, otherwise why support you?

In this case, naturally, the more countries involved in mediation, the better. Spending a large sum of money to invite some small countries that have no say in mediation, in addition to wasting the interests, it is impossible to have any gain.

There are five countries that have a voice in Mexico, besides Austria. Besides Britain and France, there are Spain, the United States of America, and the Confederate States of America.

Spain was in civil strife and had no energy to participate in these issues. The United States of America and the United States of America, although close at hand, were too great a threat to Mexico, and there was a blood feud between them.

Inviting them to participate in mediation would be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger. The Government of the Republic of Mexico is still wary of these two uneasy neighbors.

With this exclusion, the British and French were left. Although their relationship with the French is not good either, but the one who owes money is the master, if Austria expands its power in Mexico, what will they take to pay back the French?

Radical leader Barsky questioned, “Britain, France and Austria are allies, let the British and French ministers intervene to mediate, can they side with us?”

Foreign Minister Eppert explained, “It’s not true that Britain, France and Austria are allies, but their relationship is not that harmonious.

The Anglo-Boer War that broke out not long ago was a game between Britain and Austria centered around the fight for the African continent. Further back, there was the Mediterranean Sea dispute and the Suez Canal dispute.

In short, the conflict of interest between Britain, France and Austria is very much. Even if the three countries had made an alliance, their positions in the international arena would not have been the same.

When it came to the diplomatic level, the Austrian governor of Central America was not yet capable of coordinating Anglo-French relations. Unless the Vienna government intervenes and communicates at a high level with London and Paris, the British and French ministers should be on our side.”

After a pause, Eppert added uneasily, “Of course, the British and French support us you prerequisite is that we must prevail. If we let the Austrians seize the handle, Britain and France will not go against Austria for us.”

The rule of the game of the powers is: reason with the strong countries, and play bayonet with the weak countries.

President Juarez nodded, this was the way to deal with the problem. The kind of moving and shouting for war was clearly just a deliberate attempt to cause trouble.

If the fight was winnable, President Juarez also wanted to be tough for a while. But there was no way, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, they simply couldn’t beat Austria.

President Juarez sternly warned, “The seriousness of the matter, I think you all are clear. Handle the shooting case as soon as possible and don’t leave any leverage to the Austrians.

If anyone deliberately messes with this issue, they are committing treason, and for such traitors to the country – no amnesty!”

With a bunch of pigmies in tow, President Juarez’s heart was tired. Deep inside he had an unsettling feeling that something big was going to happen.

His tired body made it impossible for him to continue thinking. The years were getting old, and just having a meeting to subdue all the forces made Juarez a bit overwhelmed.

The political struggle was too complicated and did not let him feel at ease for a moment. The delay in finding the real culprit of the shooting case cast a shadow over the event.

If a Chinese medicine practitioner had seen Juarez, he would have concluded that he had run out of gas. He was now holding on with just one breath, and once that breath gave out, his life would come to an end.

(End of chapter)

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