Chapter 521: Embassy Storm Clouds

  Chapter 509 – Embassy Storm

Seizing Mexico City without bloodshed and overthrowing the rule of Massimiliano I, the republican government led by Juarez finally got rid of the rebel name and became true to its name.

Too late to celebrate, Juarez received the news that Massimiliano I had taken refuge in the Austrian embassy, causing his good mood to vanish instantly.

There was no doubt that Massimiliano I’s stay in Mexico City was an untimely bomb that could trigger a political earthquake at any time.

To be precise, there was no need to wait for later, right now Massimiliano I was causing them trouble, albeit unconsciously.

Massimiliano I has not yet abdicated and remains the internationally recognized legitimate ruler of Mexico. In contrast, the republican government under Juarez has not yet been recognized.

The uprising was under the banner of “Death to Tyrants”, and now that the Emperor was in the Austrian Embassy, were they going to arrest him or not?

A young officer said, “Mr. President, there are not many soldiers in the Austrian Embassy, should we send people to rush in and snatch that bastard Massimiliano out?”

Juarez also cursed Massimiliano I in his heart, all left a way to escape, don’t know how to run, isn’t this a brain disease?

“Bauer, are you out of your mind? That’s the Austrian Embassy, if you send people in now, aren’t you giving them an excuse to intervene!

Send people to surround the Austrian embassy first, notify the people from the foreign ministry to communicate with them, and tell the Austrians to hand over Massimiliano I.”

This was said in such a way that Juarez himself did not believe it, but in politics all this work is an essential part. To venture to storm an embassy of a country, especially one of the Great Powers, was to seek death.

On this issue, the European powers were united in their position, and none of them would allow the storming of an embassy to happen.

Although the Austrian Embassy has interfered in Mexico’s internal affairs by taking in the Mexican Emperor, who made Mexico just a weak country?

In this cruel era, weak countries have no right to speak. As long as Austria balked at the idea that they were rebels and that the republican government had no legitimacy, the matter would just go away.

Don’t expect international opinion to support them, it’s still the age of monarchy. Even in France, the most open-minded country, no one dares to publicize that the rebellion is justified.

The Mexican republican government has already offended the French to death, and then challenge a wave of Austrians, do they still want to have a good time?

Don’t look at the Americans to support their revolution, really need to head out, custodian of the Americans as a humpback. One of the most important obligations of the Anglo-French-Austrian Triple Alliance is to suppress the Americans.

It is fine if they do not venture out, but once they do, they have to consider whether they will be poisoned by the society. The wounds of the Civil War have only just healed, and now is the time when the Americans are at their lowest ebb, so how can they stand up for them?

Geopolitically, a weak, backward Mexico is more in the interest of the Americans. On this issue, both the United States of America and the Confederate States of America are on the same page.

Bauer, who was scolded, did not get angry, but instead was relieved that he did not have to be used as a scapegoat. As the first troops to enter the city, if they were to storm the Austrian embassy, it would most likely be them.

If they really did it, they would definitely need to give an explanation to the Austrians in the future, and the specific executors definitely could not have a good time. He hurriedly ran to ask President Juarez for instructions, and in fact, it was also to avoid trouble.

This little trick, Huarez is naturally clear, Bauer does not dare to take this responsibility, he is the same president dare not.

Back then, because of reneging on the debt, incurred the French invasion, only to be subverted the regime. Once again, Juarez no longer have that part of the courage.

The two tacitly ignored the fact that Austria will not hand over people, anyway, it is always right to be cautious in foreign affairs. Only if nothing happens, is the best result.


In the Austrian embassy, Minister Compton righteously screamed, “You have not been recognized by the international community, you are not yet the legitimate government of Mexico, and you are not qualified to engage in diplomatic negotiations with Austria.”

Negotiations did not begin, the Mexican representative Phillips was dumbfounded. Right off the bat, they talked about legitimacy and refused to recognize the republican government, leaving Phillips at a loss as to how to respond.

There was no way, the Mexican Foreign Ministry was also a grassroots organization, and since its establishment, it had never conducted formal diplomatic activities, and simply did not know how to deal with such things.

Without waiting for Phillips to come up with a result, he was kicked out. Immediately after Compton invited the European ministers to meet, although no valuable agreement was reached, but in the refusal to recognize the Mexican Republican Government, everyone still agreed.

Monarchies refusing to recognize republican governments simply didn’t need additional justification; it was politically correct.

Unless the Mexican government can come up with moving benefits, it should not expect to be recognized by the international community.


One by one, the fallen leaves fall on the ground, paving a golden “golden road”. Step on it from time to time issued a “cackle” sound, let a person feel so comfortable, as if stepping on a cotton blanket, no extra piece of leaves, each piece is a gold leaf, another person to recall.

Pods grinned, grains smiled and bent over, soybeans were blown by the wind and made a sound of joy. ……

Governor Hummel, who was touring the area, was still basking in the joy of the harvest. Thought: another year of good harvest, looks like the new railroad project can be launched.

“His Excellency the Governor, this is a telegram from the Embassy in Mexico, please read it.”

The uninvited guest interrupted Governor Hummel’s reverie. Without any hesitation, Hummel quickly took the telegram and skimmed through it.

The smile that passed through the corners of his mouth had betrayed his thoughts, and it was clear that this was good news.

After reading the contents of the telegram, Governor Hummel immediately ordered, ”Order the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd divisions to stop field training, and they must arrive at Barrios Harbor within a week!

Order the Caribbean Fleet to immediately stop all outings and standby within the harbor.

Order the Ministry of Logistics to immediately deploy 50,000 men with three months’ worth of combat supplies to converge on the coastal port cities on the Caribbean coast.

Order the Ministry of Foreign Trade, immediately organize a fleet of ships ……”

A dozen or so orders were given in a row, all of which were to be accomplished with fire. Obviously, there was some preparation beforehand, otherwise it would be impossible to accomplish in a short period of time.

Colonial division units, in particular, were usually undermanned. They were usually only one-fifth to one-third manned, keeping the rack of the army and expanding rapidly in times of war.

Of course the daily recruitment of reserves into the army training is still rare, other nationalities may not be accustomed to this kind of daily training, but the Germans are a family affair.

This was the way it was done in the old country, and naturally it could be done in the Americas as well. After so many years of development, the registered population of the Austrian colonies in Central America has exceeded 3.78 million, of which the white population accounts for two-fifths.

Of course, there is still water in this. Quite a few newborn mixed-race children, were also included. This era is not strictly regulated, as long as the difference in looks is not too big, then it can be mixed over.

Of course, the bureaucrats wanting political achievements was also a major factor. If the bureaucrats hadn’t watered it down, where did the 7.8% birth rate of Austrian citizens in Austro-Central America come from?

This birth rate is one of the highest in the world, and completely exceeds the normal birth level of the population. Among the many Austrian colonies, only the South Seas region has a comparable birth rate for its citizens.

This statistic is limited to those who have Austrian citizenship, the rest of the population is not included in the statistics. The Vienna government was only concerned with the birth rate of its own citizens.

The number of ethnic Germans already accounted for 32% of the total population, and it didn’t matter how this statistic came about. It is an indisputable fact that the Germans have become the largest ethnic group in the region.

Theoretically in Austrian Central America, the number of registered reserves was 210,000 men. This was the limit mobilization, which was, of course, limited to the registration of Reich citizens.

Governor Hummel did not think that the local Indians would also respond to the Imperial call and naturally did not include them in the reserves.

Theoretically, the maximum mobilization of the Austro-Colombian colonies in Central America was 100,000 people, and any more than that would have had a serious impact on local production.

And there is no way over foreign wars, can not be in the training time, the home economy tossed half dead.

This number also exceeds the mobilization level of a normal agricultural country, but it does not matter, Austrian Central America is an agricultural and mining economy, but the mother country Austria is an industrial country.

The Austrian colony of Central America was the equivalent of an agricultural province in an industrial country, and its mobilization capacity was naturally a little stronger than that of an agricultural country.

This child’s military strength, in the American continent can be ranked in the top five. In addition to the British, the United States of America and the United States of America, other countries Governor Hummel do not put in the eyes.

This intervention in Mexico is an opportunity to show it. Perhaps in Franz’s view, bring Massimiliano this unlucky brother back safely, even if it has achieved the purpose.

But for the colonial officials who are eager to build a career, if they do not make things happen, then they are sorry for their colonial identity.

Governor Hummel was no exception, in his opinion this matter must be expanded, otherwise how can we all build a career?

Otherwise, he would have sent troops to snatch Massimiliano I out. The Mexican Republican government, anyway, didn’t want the trouble.

Putting Massimiliano I in the Austrian Embassy was to screw things up. Never doubt the ability of the revolutionaries to make things happen. There are always some middle-aged teenagers who make fools of themselves.

Whenever there was an armed conflict, Governor Hummel had an excuse for armed intervention. According to the consistent principle of Austria, usually do not like to casually make a grudge with people, once made a grudge that can only get dead.

Annexation of the Mexican Empire, Hummel did not have such a big appetite. Even if it is eaten, only by the strength of the Austrian colonies in Central America, but also can not be digested.

Moreover, countries will also intervene, it is impossible to watch Austria so crazy expansion.

Now can bite off how much meat, in addition to look at the strength, more importantly, or to see how big the things caused. A reasonable excuse can always reap the greatest benefits.

What Governor Hummel would like to see most is that the Mexican Republican Government sends troops to besiege the Austrian Embassy regardless. At that time the two countries officially declared war, no one can accuse Austria of being wrong.

Compared to building a career, Massimiliano I’s personal safety came second. As long as he was still alive, he could communicate with the Emperor, and a little bit of aggravation was completely acceptable.

In case of an unforeseen eventuality, if they did their best to rescue him, they would be able to cope with it as well. While others didn’t know the inside story, Governor Hummel, as a senior member of the government, was well aware of the fact that Massimiliano I had fallen out with the family.

Perhaps as an elder brother, the Emperor still wanted to give him a hand, but the people within the Habsburg family who hated this unlucky man’s early death were definitely not in the minority.

Of course, this death is a natural death, absolutely can not die in the hands of the Mexican rebels, or for the family honor, they also want to seek Mexico’s bad luck.

This kind of thing, all only can be said, can not be said. On the safety of Massimiliano, Governor Hummel is still very assured, this era dares to regicide is still a phoenix.

The previous lesson in there, cut off the head of Charles I and Louis XVI guy, basically all die a miserable death, and even dragged the family together with the bad luck. As long as a little bit of political minded people, are clear about the consequences.

Governor Hummel actively launched preparations for war on the one hand, and on the other hand, reported to the domestic work, and asked the government of Vienna to make instructions.

This is just a formality, Franz does not have the desire to remote control command, the Vienna government is naturally not impossible to do so, in accordance with the usual practice is to authorize the colonial governor to wait for the opportunity to act.

(End of chapter)

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