Chapter 512: The Lord of the Rings is a Deceitful Man

  Chapter 501: Er Yu Me Deceit

After preparing to stop the losses, the French government immediately compiled a list of assets and sent it to European countries to find interested customers.

The focus is naturally Britain and Austria, other countries simply do not have the strength to eat the Mexican Empire. The military strength of Prussia and Russia may be enough, but there is no money in the pocket, not a good buyer.

Vienna, since France is ready to sell its assets in Mexico came, the Austrian government also conducted an in-depth analysis.

The result is naturally self-evident, properly inferior assets. Do not look at the French got a series of privileges, near monopoly of Mexico’s mineral resources, the problem is that these assets are difficult to realize.

Want to turn these real estate into real assets, first help the Mexican government to stabilize the situation. Civil war does not stop for a day, these minerals are worthless.

The local people have no purchasing power, and the business privileges are also chicken ribs. Can not contribute money and effort to help the Mexican people to become rich and prosperous, right?

This is not the 21st century, now the resources are not worth anything. This era, the Mexican Empire’s most valuable is the silver mine, however, the silver mined, the first to be used to pay off the French debt.

Yes, now the French are in a tearful sale, but the investment required is too large, and the benefits that can be obtained are uncertain.

To put it bluntly, the money you can get your hands on is your money. Vague future earnings, depicted in the beautiful, as long as you can not get your hands on, it is all in the idle bullshit.

We all see the point, the French bottom line is also a drop again and again. From the initial get back the loan, and then sell a three melon two dates, to now can get back the principal on the line.

Really can not also be renegotiated, to be able to recover the investment of 70% or 80% discount, it is estimated that Napoleon III can also accept.

This is not Napoleon III bottom line low, mainly on the Massimiliano I lost confidence. Long-term to a bottomless pit of money, even the rich and powerful France can not stand.

Once the Massimiliano regime collapsed, their investment was all down the drain. The Mexican Republicans were overthrown because of reneging on their debts, and the possibility of counting on them to continue to fulfill their obligations is really too low.

Unfortunately, it may be that the prestige of the French in Europe is too strong, they can not eat the meat, everyone dares not touch.

Although the Paris government has repeatedly lowered the conditions, these loans are not required to take over the immediate payment, as long as the Mexican government to ensure compliance on the line, and even they also gave a commission.

Simply put, the French get back most of the loan principal, the rest of the interest, all kinds of privileges brought about by the proceeds of the receiver.

The result remains the same, no one is willing to take over. In case the Mexican government did not fulfill the debt, then it is the turn of the receiver to pay.

Facts have proved that countries have a bottom line, not willing to lose their own credibility, no one is willing to give the French this guarantee.

In fact, there are a lot of people interested in Mexico, but most of them just want to make a profit and are simply not willing to make large-scale investments.

The Spanish, for example, have always wanted to re-colonize Mexico. They also took real action when the American Civil War broke out, only to be squeezed out by the French.

Now a civil war has broken out in Spain because of a dispute over the throne. There is also a credit to the French in this, if not for Napoleon III using the threat of force, forcefully vetoed the military nominee, things would not have gotten to this point.

The civil war was fought, naturally it is impossible to expand to Mexico. Now the Spanish overseas colonies are still on tenterhooks for fear of being swallowed in one bite.

Another example is the British, who are also expanding in Mexico, only not investing enough to compete with the French.

They refused to invest back then, let alone now. The British have too many colonies to run their own, and it’s hard to bring up their interest in the Mexican empire.

Then there’s the Kingdom of Prussia, which has also expressed interest in Mexico. Unfortunately they have no money in their pockets, and they can’t even take out the initial investment in suppressing the Mexican rebellion.

Such poor people are naturally not quality customers. Estimated free to Prussia, they do not have the money to send troops to intervene in the Mexican civil war.

In order to stop the loss, the French government has secretly contacted the republicans. As long as Juarez is willing to continue to fulfill the treaty signed with them by Massimiliano, it is not non-negotiable to let them come to power.


Late at night, the command headquarters of the Mexican insurgent army was brightly lit, and Juarez was still holding a military meeting to discuss the next battle plan.

Repeated defeats are used to describe the Mexican insurgent army. From the beginning of Juarez’s uprising, which has lasted until now, the insurgent army has experienced hundreds of battles, basically all ending in failure.

Thanks to the reform policies of Massimiliano I, however, the insurgents did not go up in smoke, but rather grew stronger in defeat.

War is the best teacher, and from the beginning, when they fought hard against the French, to now launching guerrilla warfare around, the insurgents grew a lot.

Although they still couldn’t beat the French, against the Mexican government forces, they were no longer outmatched. Without the support of the French, Massimiliano I would have been overthrown long ago.

Foreign Minister Hadlow said, “Your Excellency the President, word has come from the Americans that the position of the government in Paris has changed and they are ready to sell the privileges they received from that tyrant.”

The Mexican insurgents also had a government, they did not recognize the legitimacy of the government of Massimiliano I, and formed a separate republican government, a continuation of the previous republican government, so to speak.

After obtaining the financial support of the gold masters, the situation of the insurgents improved, and this hasty government was gradually perfected, and is now complete.

The leaders were almost all political prisoners who had been pardoned by Massimiliano I in the first place, which was a bit embarrassing.

There was also a lot of internal conflict in the provisional government, and in order to prove that there was no collusion between themselves and Massimiliano I, these people gave Massimiliano I the name of tyrant.

Frankly speaking, this hat is too wrong. Massimiliano I was at most a fainting monarch, absolutely nothing to do with a tyrant.

That’s all beside the point, everyone was a republican and no one would defend him. Since he was the enemy, naturally the blacker the better.

Juarez said joyfully, “It seems that the French can’t stand it, and the day of victory for the revolution is not far off.”

Hearing the good news, the crowd was overjoyed. After all, it was making an enemy of France, and this pressure was still very great.

In this era, France was in the ascendant, and its influence in Mexico was even more extraordinary, and if it wasn’t for the serious damage to their interests, many of them wouldn’t have participated in this revolution.

Even if they joined the insurgent army, many were skeptical about whether they could achieve victory. In order to drive out the French, they had waged many duels, and each of these major battles had ended in defeat.

The shadow of defeat had always loomed large within the crowd, and it was clear to all that the French had committed less than one-tenth, or even one-twentieth, of their own forces to Mexico.

With such a small investment, all pressed them to breathe, everyone is naturally fearful of the French. At this time to hear the French to give up, everyone is naturally very happy.

A middle-aged officer asked with concern, “Is someone taking over?”

The French had quit, and if someone filled in, it would be their new enemy. It would be a tragedy if they had just finished rejecting the wolf at the front door and then suddenly realized that a tiger was coming in at the back door.

“Driving out wolves and expelling tigers” sounds good, but it would be difficult to maneuver. The limited strength of the insurgent army could not accomplish such a great task.

The biggest worry was Austria, where the emperor was from the Habsburg family. If France intervened and became Austria, the cooperation between the two sides would be even closer.

Next door was the Austrian colony of Central America, and it was too easy for the government of Vienna to meddle in the internal affairs of Mexico.

Foreign Minister Hadlow replied in a spirited manner, “How can anyone take over when the French have failed?”

The crowd’s tense look was instantly soothed, if there was no intervention by foreign forces, the overthrow of Massimiliano I’s rule, everyone is still confident.

After a pause, Hadron continued, “Your Excellency the President, why don’t we agree to the French terms first, and then backtrack after expelling Massimiliano I?”

The contact with the French was done in secret, but those here were all at the top and naturally knew well that the insurgents and the French were secretly linked.

This is not surprising, the French are too powerful, people do not have the certainty of obtaining victory, and are prepared to compromise with the French while arming the uprising.

There was no negotiation, that is, the gap between the conditions of both sides was too big. But the line was kept, a sort of a back way left behind.

“Tease the French,” Hadlow’s suggestion had just come out, and the crowd’s faces turned pale.

It was hard to wait for the French to hold out and might be ready to withdraw their troops, this time to stimulate the French, who knows if it will make the French annoyed?

Juarez shook his head and said, ”No, France is a big country, even if we fail them here, it still won’t affect their strength. If we offend them to death, we will never have peace in the future.”

It is not that Juarez is fearful, it is really that there is no strength in the hands, and it is not hard to speak or do anything. Even if the French gave up Mexico, the same can create a lot of trouble for them.

Hadron defended unwillingly, “Your Excellency the President, the matter of the French and us secretly contacting each other is strictly confidential.

Even if they were to make a deal with us, the Paris government would not dare to sign a paper treaty with us. Otherwise the news of the betrayal of Massimiliano I would come to light, and Napoleon III wouldn’t be able to afford the political shock it would bring.

Even if we were to violate the treaty, the French would not be able to take it out on the surface.

As for the question of retaliation, at this point in time, can our relationship with the French still be good?

Unless we continue to honor the treaty signed by Massimiliano I, there is no possibility of détente between the two sides at all.”

Juarez was caught in hesitation, wanting to win the revolution in the shortest possible time, then snubbing the French was the best option.

Not to mention that there was no treaty, even if there was a treaty it could be reneged on. But the French retaliation could not be easy to bear, and Juarez did not dare to underestimate the strength of the French.

When the debt defaulted, it was a profound lesson. In addition to the government’s financial collapse inability to pay, there is also the Mexican government that the European countries will not be so little money for the big fight, the results of the British, French and Western countries have intervened, the French are even more reliant on here not to go.

So many years of civil war down, to Mexico brought economic losses, already do not know how many times the debt.

Even if no one took this matter to accuse him, Huarez is still very clear that he is responsible in this issue. After having had a lesson, naturally became more cautious.

Juarez asked, “What about the opinions of the others?”

Finance Minister Andersson was the first to reply, “I think it’s worth a try, the French annexed Italy not long ago and are busy digesting the results of the war.

In a short period of time, they should make a strategic contraction. This is a matter of national policy, and the Paris government is unlikely to change it for our sake.

This time, it may last for more than ten years. This is our chance, as long as we complete our internal reforms during this time, and the country is strong, we won’t be afraid of French retaliation.”

Minister of War Groovy concurred, “It’s all come to this, what do we care about the French? They’re all enemies anyway, so there’s no harm in offending them hard.

As long as we can overthrow the corrupt tyrant regime early, we can establish a strong Mexican Republic and don’t have to worry about French retaliation at all.”


Everyone was an optimist, believing that as long as the rule of Massimiliano I was overthrown, Mexico could be strong immediately.

(End of chapter)

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