Chapter 494: Hurting People with the Origin

  Chapter 483: Injuring People with the Principle

No matter how much political showmanship was done, it still couldn’t change the fact that the situation was deteriorating. Conflicts that had been covered up in the past had bubbled to the surface.

The security of Cape Town is rapidly deteriorating, killing, robbing, raping …… all kinds of vicious crimes are endless, making people panic.

The colonial government of Cape Town is very weak in this regard, the police of the serious bureaucratic style of inaction. Not completely inactive, they concentrated their efforts on defending the interests of the powerful and the rich.

The deterioration of law and order was minor, but there were more firefights. The people of the colonies are not soft, even if the men are in the army, the women are equally capable of killing people with guns.

After the initial chaos, the populace had also learned to stick together. Anyway, the colonies have a tradition of people carrying guns, and most of the general public basically have shotguns in their homes.

Without outside interference, the future Cape Town would be another gang mecca. After this wave, it would be hard for the gangs not to grow and develop.

A middle-aged official worriedly reported: ”Your Excellency the Governor, from the outbreak of the war until now, the price of food in the city of Cape Town has tripled, and has already exceeded the limit of many ordinary people.

Not only food, but the prices of most of the living materials have risen to varying degrees, and some of the commodities are even out of stock.”

Making a national fortune, this was the basic quality of a good capitalist. Of course this time was an exception, the pot of soaring prices shouldn’t be taken entirely by the capitalists.

The war had deprived Cape Town of the food produced in South Africa, and it had to rely entirely on imports. This cost naturally went up, and price increases became inevitable.

Governor Delphi’s face changed, sternly ordered: ”Pass down the order to calm prices as soon as possible, absolutely can’t let the price of food go up any further.

Forget it, I won’t make it difficult for you, I’ll do it myself. Tomorrow night I’m going to host a banquet at the Governor’s mansion and invite these bastards, whoever doesn’t cooperate with the government to stabilize prices will be sacrificed to the flag.”

Such an extreme thing, under normal circumstances Governor Delphi wouldn’t be able to do it. But isn’t this an abnormal situation?

His backstage in the London government had already made his attitude clear, if he lost this war, Governor Delphi would only have one way to die. The difference lies in how he dies, by himself, or by someone else.

With his life on the line, Governor Delphi is naturally not afraid of offending anyone. Anyway, even if he wins the war, he, the instigator of the war, will have to go home to his old age, and he is not afraid of their retaliation.

The political struggle in the London government still has a bottom line, rarely appear to cut down the situation. Delphi Governor with the background, want to get out of it is not difficult.

A middle-aged man in military uniform, spoke, “His Excellency the Governor, our munitions reserves are severely insufficient. Due to the lack of prior preparation, we have only stockpiled three months’ worth of combat supplies for 20,000 people.

Given the current situation, these supplies will only last for a month at most. For the current newly enlisted soldiers, we can only give them decommissioned rifles to make do.”

Because of the war, most of the people of the British South African colony, except for the indigenous tribes, were concentrated in the area of Cape Town and the Cape of Good Hope, with 400,000 to 500,000 people, young and old, combined.

The food and drink of so many people could not be ignored. Even if maritime transportation can meet the demand for supplies, the pressure is still very great.

Before the arrival of Austria, the colonial government in Cape Town did not take into account the threat from the inland, and the Royal Navy is the world’s dominant force, enough to ensure that the sea routes are open.

In this context, the colonial government of Cape Town naturally did not consider the strategic reserves, the African indigenous tribes could not threaten them.

Governor Delphi could be said to be one of the first to anticipate the Austrian threat, and the main purpose of this attack on the Boer Republic was to eliminate Austria’s dominance in the South African region.

Unfortunately, the plan did not change quickly, but instead fell into the enemy’s trap, which directly led to the Boers throwing themselves into the arms of Austria.

Governor Delphi calmly replied, “The problem of supplies, I have already asked for help from home, it will not take long to solve.”

How long is not long? This question will have to test the modesty of the British bureaucrats, as fast as three or five days, as slow as three or five months.

There are just so many processes in the British government that can be delayed indefinitely if there is a problem in just one of them.

Keep in mind that not everyone wants to see him win this war, and there are plenty of people in the London government who want Delphi to lose this war.

The enemy within is always scarier than the enemy outside in a political fight. To many, Cape Town was the poor countryside, and winning or losing this battle was simply irrelevant.

To put it bluntly, the greatest value of the existence of the British South African colony at the moment was to hold the Cape of Good Hope and supply the Royal Navy.

If sacrificing a Cape Town could get the London government to change, it is expected that many of the opposition parties would not mind.

What was lost on the battlefield could still be brought back from the negotiating table. The unprecedentedly self-confident British don’t think anyone would dare to stroke them.

Of course, it’s not the top echelons of the government that have this view, or Governor Delphi would really be screwed.

Once Britain and Austria compromised, the war was over. However, as the main culprit for the loss of the city and the land, Governor Delphi would have to face a court-martial, without even a chance to make up for his sins.

Even his backstage will be implicated in the fall of the colony, the colonial ministry is naturally the first to bear the brunt. If there is no backstage support, Delphi is really dead.

This bad situation did not happen, the politicians in the London government IQ is still online, did not listen to the boastful mouth cannon party command.

Austria is so powerful on the continent that in the event of losing Cape Town, it’s a complete unknown whether or not they can get it back in the future.

If the Vienna government doesn’t buy it, is it possible to take it by force?

Not bragging: in the sea, even if the Austrian Navy doubled the expansion, the Royal Navy can still hang; to the land on the opposite, the British Army doubled the expansion, sent to the African continent are not enough to die.

Relying on “sea deterrence” to force Austria to give in, this is to exist in the ideal state. Even if the government in London tried its best, the most it could do was to seize a few Austrian chicken ribs colonies, and the African continent could not be defeated.

Sending the Royal Navy to the Adriatic Sea to block the door, originally this is the most deterrent way. Unfortunately, times are different today, the Royal Navy dares to enter the Mediterranean Sea, we must be prepared to have no return.

The French occupied Sicily, the Mediterranean Sea from the substance has been divided into two. This time to send the Royal Navy into the Mediterranean Sea risk increases, in case the French and Austrians join hands with their knocking stick, may not be the Royal Navy to the burial.

This possibility was not just a matter of having it, it was bound to happen. The main reason France and Austria didn’t join forces to screw the British was that they didn’t meet the opportunity to do it.

Otherwise, in front of the interests of the two families would have done it. France and Austria to join forces, was originally aimed at the British to go, from the outset there is a similar plan.


The roaring sound of artillery fire was deafening, opening the prelude to the great war. After the artillery fire, a black crowd with a variety of weapons launched a charge at the British position.

Intense gunfire rang out, and the charging crowd kept falling. The heavy casualties demoralized the charging group, and many even turned and fled.

Putting down the binoculars in his hands, Viscount Fikeni’s brows were on the verge of wrinkling together. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with this tentative attack.

After sighing, Viscount Fikeni gave the most brutal order: ”Send out the supervisory team to supervise their attack, those who are afraid of the enemy and those who run away on the battlefield will be killed.

From now on, attack around the clock. Unless the cannon fodder troops in our hands die out, the attack cannot be stopped.”

This was the most typical tactic of taking human lives to consume, and it was also called: the worst tactic.

Attacking a city in such a way was completely hurting people with their capital. Even if the war was won in the end, the results would be dulled by too many losses on their side.

This problem, Viscount Fikeni was not worried at all, anyway, the troops used were cannon fodder, he didn’t feel pained by how many deaths there were.

In Viscount Fikeni’s opinion, as long as he can capture Cape Town, even if all of these 100,000 or so cannon fodder troops are consumed, it will be worth it.

A young officer immediately replied, “Yes, Your Excellency the Commander.”

This tentative attack wasn’t completely fruitless, at least it exposed the enemy’s fire points.

There was no need for Viscount Fikeni to give an order, and by the time the second round of artillery fire attacked, the frontline commander had already made a fine-tuning.

This time, it was no longer a four-sided attack, but was changed to a focused bombardment, specifically picking the area with the fiercest firepower to attack.

For a time the British positions suffered heavy losses, and the colonial 6th division, stationed in the north of Cape Town, became the first victims.

Hiding in the fortress Colonel Belding, angrily cursed: “Our artillery have gone to eat shit, but also do not fucking know to return fire!

The guards connect me to General Command, requesting fire support. It has to be quick, the 6th Division is going to run out of fire at any rate.”

It’s an exaggeration to say that the 6th Division is going to run out of steam. Even after taking two rounds of bombardment, the 6th Division’s casualties were only a hundred and eighty.

It was only the fact that being passively beaten was very demoralizing that made Colonel Childern angry.

It’s not that the British artillery didn’t launch a counterattack, it’s just that they suffered a small loss once in the front artillery fire against the bombardment.

The city of Cape Town, after all, is limited in size, and there are many buildings in the city, suitable for artillery to set up the site was not much.

Unlike the attacking Boer forces outside, there was plenty of room for the artillery to spread out.

Although it was more difficult to command the artillery when it was decentralized, the presence of telephones was not a big problem. Considering the increased security of the artillery positions, it was well worth it.

(End of chapter)

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