Chapter 437: Ethiopia

  Chapter 427 Ethiopia

During the London Peace Conference, the British did not stop their global strategic layout. In order to strengthen their hold on North America, in May the British Parliament approved a bill to establish a self-governing Dominion of Canada.

This inspired protests from the U.S. federal government, which naturally turned out to be is ignored, as it would have been a measure against them.

After the end of the American Civil War, the capitalists’ need for markets expanded further, and because of the North-South rivalry, the southern markets said goodbye to them.

Mexico became the sphere of influence of Britain, France and the West, with no room for them to intervene; the Central American region was regarded by Austria as its own land; the islands of the Caribbean Sea were also crowded with the power of the Great Powers.

The Americans’ America became a joke, and the European powers made a comeback against which the divided northern government could not stand.

To change this situation, both American governments were restless. The Confederate government was fine, they exported industrial raw materials and were not competitive enough with the Great Powers.

The northern federal government could not, in order to break the situation, they supported the revolutionary party in Mexico, and in Central America to support the Indian tribes.

As the number of Irish immigrants increased, anti-British sentiment became an important political force in the federal government, and in 1866 Irish parliamentarians proposed the annexation of Canada.

Undoubtedly, this death-defying bill did not pass. But the situation still irritated the British, and the government in London decided to strengthen its presence in the Americas.

The establishment of an autonomous Canadian territory was one of the means. The London government was ready to loosen the suppression of the Canadian territories and let them develop in order to increase its power of speech in North America.

The British were not the only ones to take action, in fact the French had increased their troops to Mexico before this. Franz’s advice to Massimiliano was still listened to a few times, and Mexico’s debt increased by one-third over the same period in history.

As the largest debtor, France was naturally kidnapped. The more it invested, the more the Paris government could not let go.

Mexico is not no repayment ability, as long as the suppression of the rebellion, the silver empire will soon be able to get out of the crisis.

British and French practices also affected Austria, the Vienna government is also very annoyed at the stupid Americans.

Looking at the information provided by the governor of Central America, Count Hummelauer, Franz felt the need to give the Americans a lesson, so that they know the sky is the limit.

Franz asked, “How much have the Americans invested in Central America?”

Colonial Minister Josip Jelacic replied, “About three million guilders.”

This basic information was all in the mind of Josip Jelacic. If it hadn’t been for the civil war, the Central American region would have been the Americans’ own land.

As early as a dozen years ago, the Americans were infiltrating Central America. It wasn’t until the outbreak of the Civil War and the Austrian occupation of the region that the Americans’ movements fell silent.

Franz said carelessly, “Then keep an eye on them and give them a confiscation whenever you find a problem.”

Foreign investment was not welcome in Austria’s colonies, and pushing the colonial economy was unfortunately not what the Vienna government wanted.

Stability overrides everything, Franz would rather smash it in his hands and develop it slowly than let foreign forces intervene.

On the surface, it seems that foreign capital pushed the colonies’ economic development, however, overseas investment in this era was the vanguard of colonial expansion.

Importing all kinds of messy ideas was also one of the means by which countries stabbed each other. If they were not vigilant, colonial rebellions would break out before the economy could develop.

In the late 19th century, all large-scale colonial rebellions were manipulated by international power. This was the main reason why countries closed the door to colonial markets.

The Americas were too far away from Vienna, and there was an inevitable decline in the control of the colonies. It was only when the Americans were allowed to see the opportunity that they ran over to make things happen.

Finding an excuse to confiscate these American investments is a warning to the federal government. Of course will not be only so simple, Austria is only a leading role, the back also need countries to follow the trend.

Before the U.S. Civil War, their capital has penetrated many areas of North America. For example: Mexico, Cuba and other areas.

When the United States is strong, countries are afraid of their strength, naturally no one will move these investments. Now that the situation has changed, the divided federal government does not have the strength to protect these overseas investments.

If they were at peace, people might not take drastic actions. However how can capital be peaceful?

Without enough markets, and the internal economic circulating market is not big enough, the capitalists will definitely have to do something if they want to survive.

Based on the intelligence in hand, Franz could be sure that the American federation had a very intense internal struggle, and that the expansion of power outward was forced upon them.

Unless there was a major change in Europe, there was no possibility for them to develop under the suppression of various countries.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Colonial Minister Josip Jelacic replied

This was just a small episode, Franz’s focus of attention was still the African continent. Ever since the Vienna government passed the colonial indigenization act, the importance of the European countries to the African continent had gone up a notch.

Among them, Britain and France reacted most vigorously. The French were the first to respond, Napoleon III was ready to follow the trend, and the Paris government formulated a plan for the North African provinces, ready to incorporate this area into the mainland.

Only the priority of the European strategy, coupled with the impact of the lack of immigration, this plan is still on paper, too late to fully implement.

The reaction of the British was much more drastic, following the trend was impossible. Colonial localization is not suitable for oceanic countries, even if it is reluctantly implemented will not choose Africa ah!

Open the map to know, France and Austria in the African continent has been very powerful. In order to curb the expansion momentum of the two countries, the London government was prepared to pre-empt the control of Ethiopia and Somalia, linking East Africa and South Africa into one.

Compared to the original time and space, the British plans for Africa were much more restrained. It only occupied the two southeast corners and did not transverse Egypt.

Ethiopia and Somalia were the last link in Austria’s African strategy, and once the plan was accomplished, then half of the continent would be Austria’s territory.

The British naturally could not sit idly by, and besides, they had long been eyeing Ethiopia. As early as 1839 after the occupation of Aden, they were infiltrating here.

Several feudal state lords have now hooked up with the British, and not long ago the British consul, Vernie Cameron, canceled the supply of arms to Ethiopia after his visit to the Turkish Sultan.

At this time, the monarch of Essaouria, Theodore II, did a stupid thing and directly detained the British consul.

There is no doubt that Ethiopia was handing the British the excuse itself. If they are not allowed to appreciate the iron fist of the empire, how can John Bull have the honor to be in the world?

Originally Franz was ready to intervene, but Austria has had a bad reputation on the African continent over the years. There is nothing to eat, people are too late to avoid, how can they come together?

This is something that can not be helped, Austria so many colonies naturally is not charging a phone bill to send, that is a knife and a gun to kill out.

In the European continent encountered problems, Franz will think twice before acting. To the African continent is the other extreme, usually regardless, directly reckless up to finish.

Diplomacy? Unfortunately, colonial governments didn’t even have that department. If you can solve a problem with bayonets and artillery, you will never use other means.

There are very few problems on the African continent that cannot be solved with bayonets and cannons, and as a result Austria became friendless. If it offered arms aid, people wouldn’t even dare to take it.

Changing the way of doing things is naturally unnecessary. European countries are like this these days, colonies just play around no one cares, shameless colonizers still call themselves the purveyors of human civilization.

Franz asked, “It’s only a matter of time before Britain invades Ethiopia, what are the plans of the colonial ministry?”

Colonial Minister Josip Jelacic replied, “Your Majesty, the difference in strength between the two sides is huge, there is no suspense in this war.

Our sphere of influence already borders Ethiopia, this African country has a large territory that the British can’t swallow in one bite, the colonial ministry plans to get a piece of the pie.”

This share of the pie, I’m afraid, is not just a piece of the pie. Even if it were to swallow half of Ethiopia in one bite, Franz would not be the least bit surprised.

The reason the British wanted to curb Austria’s expansion on the African continent was because Austria was too strong there.

If they were not restrained, they would be driven out sooner or later. Anyone who knew the situation knew how poorly the British colonial companies developing on the African continent were doing these days.

It’s not that they don’t try hard, but the days are really unbearable. It was not easy to establish colonial strongholds, but they were about to be attacked by modernized African armies.

The attackers were all African natives, so naturally they had nothing to do with Austria. Without evidence, the London government could do nothing.

Sending an army to round up the attackers would be a load of crap. How can we find the attackers in the middle of the African continent?

In retaliation, the British also organized black troops, and both sides killed each other.

In the end, it was the British who couldn’t hold out first. It’s not that they weren’t good fighters, it’s mainly because there were so few of them.

At its peak, up to thousands of soldiers were killed or injured every year, and many British colonial companies went bankrupt because they couldn’t afford to pay out pensions.

Under these circumstances, the British colonies on the African continent inevitably shrank. It was only after the two countries reached an agreement that the situation changed for the better.

The British were good at learning from experience, and soon realized that it was only by going deep into the inland jungle that they suffered. It was safer to establish strongholds along the coast, guarded by fortifications.

Now the British expansion is all the way to build fortresses, with fortifications in place, there is no fear of sneak attacks by black troops.

This is all a secret struggle, the Austrian army can not personally down, the two sides are considered a stalemate.

Because of the cost of the relationship, the British expansion in the African continent was curbed, many times also forced to give up the sphere of influence. After all, Austria is not the only one to do this, the French also did not do this kind of thing.

More enemies, many times after being attacked, even who did it the British can not figure out. Planting evidence to frame these are conventional means, in the colonial struggle everyone has no integrity.

This is why the British were so eager to take over Ethiopia. As long as they had control of the place, they would have a huge number of cannon fodder troops to fight the underground black war with Austria.

Franz said without changing his face, “Secretly send people to sell arms to Ethiopia to make them resist fiercely.”

(End of chapter)

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