Chapter 416: Unlucky Child

  Chapter 406 – Unlucky Child

In the case of France and Austria digging each other’s holes, the Italian rebels have been fighting for a while, sneak attacked the French army today, and ambushed the Austrian army tomorrow, the red shirts opened to make the world famous.

That’s just what the newspapers said, but in reality the Red Shirts were already being beaten up in every direction. The Red Shirts were actually being beaten up by the army, which had been recruited on an ad hoc basis, and were no match for the regular army, which lacked guns and ammunition.

Having lost a battle doesn’t mean there is no war record. Even if there is no battle record, it is not possible for someone to deliver it hard!

After the arrival of the French and Austrian armies at the front, Naples was recaptured in less than a week, and within half a month all the cities of the rebels on the Italian peninsula had fallen, and the main force was almost completely wiped out.

It was at this time that the Red Shirts’ performance immediately surged, and the casualties of the French and Austrian armies have broken through four figures.

Scurrying around, Gabori didn’t realize that he had become famous and instantly turned into an Italian hero, and now he was ready to go into exile again.

It’s not that they don’t try hard, it’s really that the enemy is too strong. Even if Italy is really unified, it is impossible to face France and Austria at the same time, it is a war that is impossible to win.

Francesco II was afraid. Initially, the French and Austrian armies were just digging holes and setting traps for each other, but now it had developed to the point of a large-scale firefight.

Of course, for the sake of the friendship between France and Austria, the two armies naturally could not fight directly.

Soon both sides thought of a way to take off their uniforms to fight, casualties are all credited to the Italian rebels, the red shirts of the war was born.

I don’t know if this is the corrective force of history, originally the red shirts were stepping on the Spanish army to become famous, now by the French and Austrians single-handedly sent up.

In fact, whether it is the original time and space, or now, this force is very heavy water. In the Austro-Prussian War, the original form was revealed, with more than half of the total strength of the Austrian army was beaten almost completely destroyed.

Now, needless to say, it was even worse than in the original time and space, and it was pushed flat on its face without even leaving time for Gabori to practice.

Francesco II was a gentle, kind, and weak man, with a strict moral and religious education, lacking sufficient political and military education.

It was the family pot, his mother died just half a month after his birth, and Ferdinando II took for his second wife the Austrian archduchess Maria Theresa Isabeau.

Against this background, the education of the unlucky child Francesco II was undoubtedly neglected. The stepmother was morally good if she didn’t play a conniving game to get him killed.

As Ferdinando II and Maria Theresa Isabeau had eight sons and four daughters, the number of children was worthless, and Francesco II was raised to be a good boy by his father’s neglect.

Good children are occasionally rebellious, Francesco II did not want to see Austria in the government of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies alone, was fooled into sending a telegram to the French for help.

After sending the telegram, Francesco II regretted it. As a member of the Bourbon dynasty, actually to Napoleon family for help, this is simply not take the family honor seriously.

Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world, and he had to fight on with tears in his eyes.

Francesco II has now returned to the capital Naples, now the rebels were eliminated almost, the tragedy also began.

France and Austria played their game, and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies became the greatest victim. It’s not so much that the war broke out on their soil, but the key is the loss of casualties on both sides, and in the end, they have to be made to pay for it.

Naples Royal Palace, Prime Minister Carlo Ferangeli said seriously, “Your Majesty, there is still a possibility that the conflict between France and Austria will continue to escalate, we must find a way to stop it, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.”

Carlo Ferrangieri was against letting the French intervene in the first place, as a political veteran, he was very clear about the nature of the powers.

Even if Spain was no longer viable, there was still Austria, enough to solve the problem at hand. If France was introduced, it would be adding an exploiter.

Facts have proved this point, France’s intervention checks and balances Austria did do, only to pay the price is too painful some.

The military expenses of enlisting help increased at least threefold, and perhaps even more in the end. The economy of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies suffered greatly as a result of the military conflict between France and Austria, and the rebels in Sicily have gone unheeded to this day.

This is only the immediate trouble, sandwiched between France and Austria, the future of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies is destined to have no good days.

Although Francesco II’s political ability is on the low side, in the end, he is still from the royal family, and he still has the ability to make basic judgments.

The current situation is very dangerous, once the conflict between France and Austria escalates, or even the outbreak of war, then the two Sicilian kingdoms will be in big trouble.

This team is not good to stand, once you choose the wrong – light is abdication, heavy is the loss of the country.

The best way was to not let the conflict escalate and avoid this life and death stand. As for the introduction of other countries to intervene, Francesco II learned from his mistakes and never dared to mess up again.

Francesco II asked helplessly, “How can I stop it? I have already summoned the ministers of the two countries, and the military conflict that is happening now is not recognized by either France or Austria.

Even if we want to reconcile the conflict between the two countries, we are not qualified enough.”

The secret game, of course, could not be brought to the surface. Unless one side couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to flip the table. Otherwise, these conflicts don’t exist, and the troop casualties are caused by “eliminating the rebels”.

The only way to make both sides stop is if they have won or lost and one of them admits defeat; or if they have suffered heavy losses and neither side can afford it and are forced to stop.

Undoubtedly, the French and Austrian armies have suffered thousands of casualties, and there is still no sign of a victory or defeat, let alone a point where they can’t take it anymore.

Prime Minister Carlo Ferangeli replied, “Your Majesty, we can start with international reputation and remind the generals of both the French and Austrian armies.

They can’t solve the rebels for such a long time, and their casualties are still increasing by the day. If they keep playing around like this, they are going to lose their reputation.

Secondly, create evidence that someone deliberately brought up the conflict between France and Austria to give them a leg up.

I remember the Americans used to support the rebels, so we can get the Americans to take the blame.”

This and the best solution, as long as the French and Austrians still had to save face, it was unlikely that they would let the casualties continue to mount.

Otherwise, it won’t be long before the European continent will spread the news of the incompetence of the French and Austrian armies, even the district Italian rebels can’t handle it, these generals on the front line have no way to give an explanation to the domestic public.

Manufacturing backstabbing object, in fact, or the British best, they have the suspicion and strength to do it. They have the suspicion and the strength to do it. If they casually make a mess, Paris and Vienna will not suspect anything.

Only Carlo Ferrandelli Prime Minister goat, do not dare to mess with the British, afraid of things exposed will lead to fire.

Planted the Americans will not matter, anyway, this time the American losers, only in the American continent to shake the wind, dare to venture in Europe will have to experience what is the social venomous beatings.

Lincoln’s government support for the Revolutionary Party’s account, the European countries have not yet to find them to count it? Do not think that the federal government paid a certain interest, things are even finished, once there is an opportunity to countries will still retaliate back.

After contemplating for a moment’s effort, Francesco II made a decision, “Do it stealthily, don’t implicate us in it.”

Society is the best teacher, the cruel reality can make people grow up. If it was before this, Francesco II would never do these things.

Now the modesty had also inevitably declined, teaching him that he was no one else, who happened to be a revolutionary.

After Francesco II succeeded to the throne, he also carried out social reforms, such as: devolution of more autonomy to the local level, promotion of the liberalization process, amnesty for political prisoners, tax cuts ……

It is worth mentioning that shortly after the amnesty for political prisoners, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies went up in smoke, and this part of the existence sworn and cursed to be loyal to the king, left the prison and pulled the flag to revolt.

The rebellion of 1860 can be said to have been created by Francesco II. The revolutionary party, which had been leaderless, was kicked off by the presence of these men.

There was not so much a cause, it was all a matter of profit. Any reform will inevitably jeopardize the interests of a part of the people, and the social reform led by Francesco II was no exception, and a part of the disillusioned became the supporters of the revolution.

Political prisoners, who had previously pledged to still clean up their act and make a new life for themselves, saw the opportunity to become leaders of the revolution once again and lit the first fire.

Without external intervention and with the support of Austria, that revolution was suppressed in 1860 by the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and it was the current Prime Minister, Carlo Ferrandelli, who led the suppression of the rebellion.

It didn’t end there; Francesco II, in his old habit of being soft-hearted, didn’t execute all the rebels.

Later, I don’t know what came over him, but he had a brain fart and actually played with justice.

The final result was: because of insufficient evidence, a large number of rebels were acquitted, and those who escaped the net, once again lurked.

This rebellion can develop, these leaky fish but a great deal of credit, without the cooperation of these local snakes, the uprising could not be so smooth.

Without the cooperation of these local leaders, the revolt would not have gone so smoothly. Having received more lessons, Francesco II’s outlook on life was also affected, and his moral bottom line was constantly moving closer to that of politicians.

(End of chapter)

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