Chapter 372: An Organization That’s Worse Than Rotten

  Chapter 362 – An Organization That Sucks More Than Sucks

After sending Aarest away, Stephen had a headache. Easier said than done, operating was not the same thing at all.

Austria was not the United States, and the Hungarian region was heavily influenced by German culture, especially the compulsory education that had been introduced in the last decade or so, which had influenced a generation.

What is the core of German culture? This question is difficult to answer, but there is a tradition that has always influenced this nation, that is – military culture.

A country that puts military training into the textbooks of elementary school is cultivating discipline in everyone from a young age. Discipline that has penetrated into the bone marrow of many people.

A nation that is disciplined up is not a nation that just fools around and someone will march with you in the streets. If you can’t convince them, you are more likely to be sent to the police station.

Theoretically, it can be organized if one takes the time to convince. In practice, all it takes is a little mishap halfway through and you get reported and it’s all over.

If the Hungarian Independence Organization had the ability to string together tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of people to march in the streets, they wouldn’t be in the situation they are in now.

Stephen asked, “What do you guys think? It seems that the Americans are afraid of countries interfering in this civil war and want us to make things difficult for the Austrians.”

He, the leader of the independence organization, was now gradually becoming a nominal leader. This was America, where liberalism was prized. Affected by this Stephen’s rights were greatly diminished and could not forcefully order any of the members.

Senior revolutionary Cesar frowned and said, “Mr. Stephen, the current situation is very troublesome. Aarest knows exactly how much power we have.

If it wasn’t for him wanting to profit from it and help us cover up, the federal government would probably have canceled its funding for us a long time ago.

Our roots in the country have long been lost, and even if we all still have some connections, they are used less than once.

Occasionally a small favor may be okay, if they know about our plan, do not take us to invite reward, even if it is enough friends.

Now, nominally, we still have 28,000 members, but in reality, we all know that these people have either already met God or are on their way to meet God.

For political prisoners, the Austrian army of road builders has always been in and out.

Now we have the same few hundred members that we developed in the United States. A little sabotage once in a while is all right; for a big operation, it wouldn’t be enough to take all of us on.”

It was because of his knowledge of the Independence Organization that Aarest had come up with the idea of having them organize a popular march instead of an armed revolution.

However, Jarest had immigrated to the United States with his parents at an early age and did not know the realities of Austria. His outlook on life and the world was the American system, and he took it for granted that organizing popular marches would be very easy.

Even if there was no support, you could build up the momentum by paying people. This is really no problem in the United States, to Austria is to sit through the bottom of the prison, simply can not play.

Not all of Cesar’s so-called sabotage was actually carried out by Hungarian independence organizations, most of which were self-appointed.

It’s the same as a terrorist organization claiming responsibility for some unrelated event, it’s really just a way of making a statement.

They are no exception to this rule, taking credit for more than eighty percent of the major cases in Austria.

The Americans could not have verified it, nor did they dare to. This era of the U.S. government has not been in Europe to do things at the bottom, in case of sending people to investigate was discovered, the federal government can not afford to pocket.

To the very beginning, the federal government did not take the initiative to contact them once, did not set up any of the tasks. Including the relationship between Yarest and the federal government, we all just have some speculation.

A flower armor old man said sternly: ”Or we casually cope with it, the big deal is that in the future, the activity funds do not take, we all have a family with a job, but also can starve to death.

I don’t believe the Americans really dare to hand us over, are the Americans not afraid that we will give them up?”

Stephen calmly said, “Mr. Suzali, don’t say such childish things. The Americans naturally wouldn’t dare to let us fall into the hands of the Austrians, it would bring them heavenly trouble.

But with the style of the Vienna government, even if we were dead, the Americans wouldn’t mind making a deal with our corpses.

Throughout the revolutionary organizations of European countries, the Austrian revolutionary organization is the least, and their attitude towards political prisoners has always been to get them dead.”

This is the most chilling of all; the Vienna government has not pardoned a single political prisoner since Franz succeeded to the throne. Once a political prisoner, the arrests were made on a life-or-death basis.

With the exception of those who were traitors and had surrendered to the Vienna government, who could be pardoned, the rest were only wanted if they were dead, and the warrant would be revoked.

The Revolution involved too many people, as long as they were not the real top brass, and usually kept a low profile and did not openly propagate independence, revolution, or rebellion, who would recognize them as pawns!

Unfortunately the crowd present, because they didn’t have any money in their pockets when they first fled to the United States, they took the banner of the Hungarian Independence Organization to their fellow Hungarians to make money, and put up a big flag here, which happened to be enough to qualify for the list of Austrian political prisoners.

Of course, there is more than one revolutionary organization in the U.S. that has been defrauded of funds in this way.

The federal government has not inventoried them, partly because such things are not easy to investigate and can easily draw fire, and partly because they need these organizations to exist politically to prove that the monarchy is unpopular.

Historically, the U.S. has played this very successfully. Just by relying on these messy revolutionary organizations, the U.S. political system was promoted, and the foundation was laid for the seizure of world discourse.

Cesar said with some hesitation: “There are a lot of messy revolutionary organizations over here in the United States, and in earlier years there was the Austrian Revolutionary Party, which was much more powerful than us.

Only then that Brooks guy had an accident, lost his leader, and finally surrendered to the Vienna government in the midst of infighting and disbanded the organization.

I figured it would be best to muddle through and get by. If the Americans pushed us too far, we would have to announce the dissolution of the Hungarian Independence Organization.

Without the Hungarian Independence Organization, we wouldn’t be political prisoners anymore. Use our domestic connections again to help smooth things over, and there’s a good chance that the government in Vienna will lift the manhunt for us.”

This can only be considered a solution that is not a solution; after more than ten years of exile abroad, everyone’s ambition has been sapped.

Now that everyone has a wife and children, how many people are able to leave their wives and children behind and walk down a road with no hope in sight?

Stephen thought for a moment and said: ”It’s better to contact other revolutionary organizations first, the Italian Independence Organization and the Polish Independence Organization both have some strength, we can act jointly with them.

It’s better not to explain the Hungarian Independence Organization until it’s absolutely necessary. Offending the federal government won’t make our future days in America any easier.”

The strongest revolutionary organizations within Austria were the Italian Independence Organization and the Polish Independence Organization, and these two independent organizations were also transnational revolutionary organizations.

The Polish Independence Organization spanned the three countries of Russia, Austria and Prussia; the Italian Independence Organization had members in Sardinia, Lombardy, Venetia, the Papal States, Naples, Tuscany and other regions.

These two transnational organizations are a hundred times better off than the Hungarian Independence Organization. Other than that, just look at the number of immigrants in the United States, and you will know the difference.

The number of Italian immigrants in the United States is only followed by the three major groups of England, Ireland, and Germany, and even the Polish immigrants are more than 100,000 to 200,000, while the Hungarian immigrants are less than 10,000 people.

This makes it much more difficult for Hungarian independent organizations to develop and grow, how can they develop members with a small population base? It was even more difficult to organize volunteers and death squads to start a revolution in their home country.

Now Stefan was forced to put his hopes on other revolutionary organizations.

Even if the federal government’s authority was not high, many people did not take the federal government seriously. But for them, a small group of people who were at the bottom of American society and had no country to rely on, they still couldn’t afford to be offended.

In the United States, a country of immigrants, there are also three, six, nine classes, usually the more powerful the mother country, the higher the status of the social class in which they live.

This is why many Hungarians refused to join independent organizations. If you don’t hang out with them, you can at least carry the flag of an Austrian immigrant and seek help from the Austrian embassy when things go wrong.

This is also why the Italian gangs in the US are famous. Italy has a large number of immigrants, and there is no protection from the motherland behind them, so we can only hold each other together, and all kinds of societies came into being in this context.

Hungarians are even more tragic, because the number of immigrants is too small, in the United States, even if they are holding groups have no influence.


Inside an estate outside New York City, Polish independence organizations also faced prodding from their gold masters. Of course they are treated much better, at least no one is threatening to hand them over.

Alexandra, a core member of the Polish Independence Organization, said, “We should refuse these unreasonable demands. It would be very unwise to mess with the Austrians now that the organization’s forces are all committed to the uprising against the Russians.”

Kesia objected, “But these capitalists have provided us with a lot of funds, and if we take the risk of rejecting their demands, it will be difficult to seek help from them in the future.”

Kesia was a second generation immigrant now, his parents were both members of the Polish Independence Organization and had inherited it in his generation.

But while supporting Polish independence, he had also inevitably moved closer to the United States, and tended to be a bit forward-thinking when considering issues.

Alexandra shook her head and said: ”There’s no need, if this uprising is successful, the Kingdom of Poland will be re-established, and by then it won’t matter if there’s any support from them or not.

Guaranteeing the independence of Russian Poland comes first now, the problem of Austrian Poland can be left for the future. In order to increase our success, we cannot face two enemies at the same time.”

Obviously, this time the support of the European countries gave him confidence. In Alexandra’s view this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and if the dispersion of forces at this time led to the failure of the uprising, it would be a sin in Polish history.

However, the Polish Independence Organization had long since ceased to be an organization. Everyone was just temporarily united for the sake of Polish independence, with a long list of internal interest groups, large and small.

Although many people knew that Alexandra’s opinion was correct, unfortunately, out of their own interests, they still jumped out to sing against him.

“This is cowardly behavior on your part, the whole world is supporting the independence of the Kingdom of Poland, if you don’t get rid of the Austrians at the same time at this time, when is the next opportunity going to be?

Even if you miss this opportunity, the Kingdom of Poland will be completely divided, and there will never be a chance to take back Galicia from Austria.”

It wasn’t that Radzi was against allowing Russian Poland to become independent first, the problem was that the boss behind the scenes wouldn’t agree to it! He was the Federal Government’s eyes planted within the Polish Independence Organization and had to take a stand at this time.

Unlike the Hungarian Independence Organization, which was a small group, the Polish Independence Organization was a federation, and it was very easy to join it – just sign up. If you are good at organizing flimflams, then you can all be in a high position.

If the Polish Independence Organization had been so well organized, it would have gained its independence long ago, and it would not have had to wait until after the World War.

The organization was scattered all over the world, but there was no core of leaders, and it was directed only by personal prestige.

The Americans were not the only ones who bribed members of the organization, but almost every country had eyes and ears in it, including the Russians.

This organization has long been infiltrated like a sieve, including this Polish uprising, which leaked out in advance.

Most of the leaders were arrested before the uprising was launched, and it was only in order to solve the hidden problems that the Tsarist government decided to recruit soldiers in the region on an ad hoc basis, preparing to send all these suspicious elements to Central Asia as cannon fodder.

The uprising would have been aborted if not for the fact that the Tsarist government was equally corrupt and the bureaucrats were slow to act, creating an opportunity to reorganize the uprising.

Of course, the fact that a large number of leaders were captured may have been a good thing. The historical January Uprising was resisted for over a year because of the capture of this group.

If this group of mouth-breathers had been left in command, it would have been God’s favor if they could have resisted the Russians for a month.

This is not a joke, it is a fact. If you look at the history of the Polish revolution, you will see that the more leaders there were after the outbreak of the uprising, the shorter the revolution lasted.

Alexandra was enraged by Radzi’s “coward” remark, and immediately punched her, and the two of them fought each other. The two fought, which soon turned into a melee as the crowd tried to persuade them to fight.

Of course, the fight came and went in a hurry. After the fight, everyone continued the meeting. The injured were naturally retired early, which was a unique way of handling the situation.

There was no doubt that Laddsey was kicked out. People are not stupid, his identity has long been found out, only still hanging out in the Americans’ territory, more or less to save a few faces.

Now that the time has come to decide the fate of Poland, those faces don’t matter. Basically those suspected of being spies from various countries were kicked out by this putative style.

The highly respected Autumn Scott spoke up, “Well, the flies have all been kicked out. First of all, let me say that this uprising went better than expected, and although word got out before the uprising, the insurgents still captured Warsaw.

Judging from the current situation, we have a very good chance of winning, but we still have to see if we can withstand the Russian counterattack later on.

Whether or not to start an insurrection in the region of Galicia, we can all express our own opinions. Our opinions can only serve as a reference, the final decision is still left to the commanders at the front.”

Obviously, the successive failures of the Polish Independence Organization had still learned their lessons and were no longer so blindly arrogant.

This is also the reason why countries support the Polish Independence Organization, if it has always been in a mess, who’s money is not blown by the wind, it is impossible to invest at will.

Of course, this also had something to do with the fact that there were many groups within the Polish Independence Organization. Everyone was not under each other’s umbrella, they were just allies, and the Polish Independence Organization in the United States was not the leader of the Polish Independence Movement.

Basically, whoever started the uprising, listen to whoever, other groups opinions are limited to reference, do not have the power to enforce.

Alexandra said, “My opinion has been mentioned, it is not appropriate to make too many enemies at this time.

The Galicia region is not our core, and the local population base is immature. Austria has much stronger local control than the Russians, and the Habsburgs are more popular than the Tsar.

This can be seen in previous uprisings, both in 1846 and 1848, which were strongly resisted by the local populace.

Instead of dying at the hands of the Vienna government, many revolutionaries died at the hands of local peasants and workers. I don’t think that by launching an uprising now, we will be able to achieve success.”

This was a problem that embarrassed many revolutionaries; the mass base in the Galicia region had always been poor. It wasn’t that they didn’t try, the point was that locally the Poles didn’t dominate.

After so many years of operation by the Habsburgs, the local Ukrainians, Czechs, Germans, Slavs and other nationalities combined far outnumbered the Poles.

Talking to these people about Polish independence naturally resulted in tragedy. Thanks to the good name left behind by the Polish aristocracy back then, then the local population decisively stood against them.

What hurt them the most was that many Poles, thinking it was good to stay in Austria, likewise stood against them.

Before the windowpane was poked, people could still negotiate. Now that it was poked through by Alexandra, naturally no one would be foolish enough to propose a hard line.

This was not only true for Garcia, but in fact for Prussian Poland as well. After the Germanization campaign of the Kingdom of Prussia, the Polish Independence Organization had likewise lost its local popular base.

That’s why when people think of the Polish independence movement, they think of Russia.

It’s really too risky to mess around in the territory of the other two, and one bad move and you’re in for it, so they had to make a stand for independence in Russian Poland.

Seeing that the atmosphere had fallen into an awkward state, Autumn Scott broke the silence: ”Since everyone has no opinion, then continue with the original plan.

After the Kingdom of Poland has been established, we will then consider the issue of recovering the country from Austria and Prussia. Pugal put together our opinions and pass them on to Traugut as soon as possible.”

Pugal’s young man replied, “No problem, Mr. Tyuscott.”


(End of chapter)

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