Chapter 368: The Second Pudan War

  Chapter 358 The Second Prussian-Danish War

The Prussian government suddenly declared war on the Kingdom of Denmark, the one who was most confused was still the Danish King Christian IX, he had no idea what was going on and the war broke out.

Christian IX only succeeded to the throne in 1863, just succeeded the throne soon he changed the constitution to Schleswig – Holstein two duchies into the Kingdom of Denmark, which is the cause of the second Prussian-Danish war in history.

In this time and space, Christian IX did likewise. Naturally, it inspired the anger of the people of the German region, and the three German regions issued issued a warning.

Only because the Paris Conference provided them with legal support, and these territories do not border with Austria, the Vienna government roared a few voices and forget about it.

Without Austria, the Kingdom of Denmark, with the support of the Russians, succeeded in merging the two duchies.

This proved to be a bad bargain. The Prussians tolerated it at the time, and were actually holding back a big move. It didn’t wait for the Russians to take care of themselves, then it was time to make a move against them.

War was declared on the afternoon of October 24th, and it was only on October 25th that the government in Berlin mobilized the country, and on October 27th the Prussian army crossed the border line into Denmark.

On the face of it, this was in full compliance with international law, and the military mobilization only on the day after the declaration of war was more like a sudden decision.

However, not every country was Prussian and had that many troops. The Kingdom of Denmark, for one, was not militaristic; they had a standing army of just a few tens of thousands.

In normal times, with the Russians covering them, these armies were sufficient. War broke out even if it is not possible, the Prussians casually pulled out a few tens of thousands of troops, they are tired to deal with.

Christian IX asked: “Why did Prussia start the war without any warning? How long has it been since the last Prussian-Danish war, could it be that your vigilant hearts have been eaten by dogs so quickly?”

This self-contradictory question, naturally no one answered him. Without warning, who knew that the Prussians would suddenly strike?

This is the concept of the problem, the emergence of the railroad army mobilization speed has been greatly accelerated, two days has been enough time for the Prussians to gather tens of thousands of troops, which is already enough.

Prime Minister Rahil persuaded, “Your Majesty, it has already happened, we’d better immediately conduct a national mobilization to fend off the Prussians’ attack.

At the same time, order the ambassadors in Europe to use their diplomatic good offices, especially the Russians must be enlisted.”

Christian IX nodded, regardless of whether the government was responsible or not, now was not the time to pursue responsibility, the most important thing in times of war was stability.


The government was dumbfounded, the Danish civil society was even more confused, how did they start a fight for a good reason?

The normal mode of operation is that the two countries first pull the rug out from under them, and fight in the newspapers for several months or more. When the negotiations failed, the war party slowly gained the upper hand and then looked for an excuse to declare war.

This time is really abnormal, the Prussian government found a pretext and declared war, no diplomatic efforts at all.

Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, was already boiling, and countless Danes felt that their dignity had been provoked. To realize that Denmark’s ancestors are also broad, how can be provoked by the Prussian barbarians?

In the bakery, a few customers exchanged words, and Lax, as the owner, could vaguely still hear their conversation.

“Robertella, the king has issued a mobilization order, I am going to beat up the Prussian barbarians, do you want to go together?”

Roberta confidently replied, “Colfergen, are you out of your mind? Are the Prussian barbarians that easy to deal with, we alone are no match for them!

Now you’d better stay honest and wait for the European countries to intervene. Don’t forget our geographical position, the gateway to the Baltic Sea, the Russians will certainly not tolerate the Prussian barbarians to occupy this place.”

Kolfingen said with dissatisfaction, “In the past you were not a brave man, why are you now a wimp? How can a valiant Dane be afraid of a bunch of barbarians?”

Robertella sneered and said, “Don’t be silly, everyone can see how the military strength of the Kingdom of Prussia is.

In the last Pudan War, our troops were knocked around by the Prussians. Do you know, more than 30,000 people were sacrificed throughout, and in the end, we still lost the war.

The Prussians weren’t driven away by us at all, they were scared off by the threat of force from the Russians. If we had relied on our own forces, the Jutland Peninsula would have changed masters.

The Kingdom of Denmark has fallen, and now we are just a small country surviving under the wings of a great power; such a war is not for us.”


The two men walked further and further away, their voices fading from Lax’s ears. This was not the first time he had heard such a conversation, and the aged Lax sighed, Denmark was not the Denmark it once was.

Even in that failed Pudan War over a decade ago, the courage shown by the Danes was likewise not comparable to that of today, Lax personally participated in that war.

Even with heavy losses and repeated defeats, they still kept fighting. A large number of young men volunteered to join the army and fought bitterly against the Prussians.

Under the Prussian attack, they supported themselves for more than a year without giving in. By now, the younger generation actually pinned their hopes on the intervention of the Great Powers.

It can’t be helped, the Kingdom of Denmark is really in decline. Take out the two duchies. The population of the Kingdom of Denmark is still less than 2 million, around 1.66 million to be exact.

Population is not the whole story of a country, but without enough people, the country must not be strong.

In the last war, the Prussians did not capture the two duchies, but left the Kingdom of Denmark devastated, and to this day, many people have a soft spot in their hearts for the war.

The mouth screams a lot, really if they let them go to war, one than who is a wimp.

In contrast, the Kingdom of Prussia is another story. Ever since the Berlin government issued the mobilization order, the militia reserves from all over the country spontaneously rushed to the designated place to gather.

After being forced to concede defeat in the last war, the Prussians were extremely defiant, and would have gone up to the Mao Bears if they hadn’t been a little too strong.

The next taunt from the German region was even more humiliating to the younger generation of Prussia, wanting to wash away the shame of that year.

The Russians are indeed powerful, but the younger generation is not afraid at all. A bunch of middle-aged teenagers thought that once the war started, all the countries in Germany would support them.

There is nothing wrong with this statement, as long as the Prussian government is willing to really can get the support of the German region countries.

It’s very easy to operate, just revert to the Shinra era. The government in Vienna would not mind tearing up the Russo-Austrian alliance as long as the government in Berlin dared to do it.

Anyway, the Russian Empire is weak now, and with Britain and France as teammates, we can all go together to kick the Russian Empire once, then stomp on it twice, and it will be done.

The specific operation is to dismember Russia and give independence to Finland, the three Baltic states, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Far East all.

Such a wave of operation down, the population of the Russian Empire directly discounted, even if you want to play the Soviet Union model outbreak, Comrade Lenin was not yet born?

Fixed a side of the threat, and then face the British and French Franz is not a wimp. The big deal is to stabilize Napoleon III first, the Italian region is not enough then add the lowland countries.

In the face of interests, any conflict can be put back. Now Germany and France and no deep-rooted hatred, the fat meat sent to the door of Napoleon III is impossible not to eat.

Great Germany and Great France at the same time, I guess John Bull will be confused, do not know how to do that one first good. One operation is not good, Europe is again a dominant.

As long as the British hesitated and let Austria integrate the German region, the back will be invincible.

Sea of men tactics can smash the French, this era John Bull can not afford to organize millions of cannon fodder, sent to the European continent to consume.

There is no doubt that this is only what the Greater German nationalists believe, the prerequisite for the establishment: is that the rulers of the countries in the German region are not selfish.

This idea is a bit naive, but idealists can’t ask for too much. Nowadays, those who dare to fight against the guns and for the unification of Germany are the best of the best.

The Prussian Chief of General Staff, Mauch, has personally entered the troops to sit in command. Because we can’t fight for the unification of Germany, we can’t even write inspirational propaganda now.

What was even more troublesome was to explain to the soldiers why they could not fight for the unification of Germany. Directly say because of the interests of that certainly can not, Austria tossed the new Shinra system, has gained the majority of the German people’s approval.

The rights of the ruling class were impaired, but not the ordinary people. It’s not like their interests were compromised, so the likelihood of benefiting was rather greater.

Looking at the combat report with the three words Germany, Mauch frowned and said, “Replace all of these contents, and in the future, all army documents will be centered on Prussia, Germany is the name of a region and cannot represent us as a country.”

The middle-aged officer objected, “Your Excellency the Chief of General Staff, this time we are going to recover the two principalities in the German region, isn’t it not good to remove Germany?”

There was insufficient legal basis for not fighting this flag, and it could even be said that there was no legal basis at all.

If we can’t continue to use the German nation, we can’t use the flag of the Germanic nation, can we? This one involves a much wider scope, the Danes are considered the northern branch of the Germanic nation.

If we use the Prussian flag directly, the people of the duchies of Schleswig-Holstein will not buy it.

It’s a unique European cultural trait, and people wouldn’t recognize it in a different guise.

But there are no ifs in politics, and after realizing that there was no chance to unify the German region, the Berlin government had already decided to de-Germanize, just as Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland were generally self-contained.

This is also the will of Britain and France, want to stop the unification of the German region once and for all, the most effective way is to let them split.

Mauch glared at him fiercely and said, “Major General Amanda I don’t want to hear any reasoning, right now you just need to carry out the order!”


(End of chapter)

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