Chapter 331: Piggy Teammate

  Chapter 321 pig teammates

Into the reform state of the woolly bear is equally restless, the European continent does not have the opportunity for them to expand, it ran to the Far East to do things.

First in the second opium war fell on the well, from the Qing dynasty ceded a large area of territory, and then set his sights on Japan.

In 1861, Russian warships broke into Tsushima Island (an island in Nagasaki Prefecture) in an attempt to forcefully occupy it as a bridgehead for an invasion of Japan.

A divided Japan was naturally incapable of defending itself against the Russian invasion. The Shogunate turned to the Great Powers for help, hoping to draw on the strength of the other Powers to dissuade the Russians from their ambitions.

In order to limit Russian expansion in the Far East, Britain, France and the Netherlands expressed their support for the Japanese government, and the British sent warships to confront the Russians.

If history hadn’t changed, it would have been time for the Russians to back down due to the pressure from the British.

It was at this time that the Austrian fleet entered East Asia, and the Russians, who were not willing to lose, turned to Austria for help.

The Austrian minister in Japan delivered the news to the fleet, and the commander of the fleet, Arest, had a headache, the politics of the problem was too difficult for him.

According to the treaty of alliance between Russia and Austria, the two countries were obliged to help each other as much as they could without involving their own interests.

The degree of this ability is not easy to grasp, the colonial era, everything depends on the strength to speak, in the Far East is currently the strongest strength of the Austrian fleet.

Before the arrival of the fleet, the Far East only sail warships. Ironclad is only heard of, not seen, many people thought it was a rumor.

The arrival of the Austrian Ocean Fleet undoubtedly opened up a new era. This global visit, Austria ruthlessly brushed a sense of presence. Let the countries of the world understand that there is still a top power in Europe – Austria.

Because of the second opium war, the Manchurian Qing government’s phobia of foreigners has become more serious. Even if this is just an ordinary diplomatic visit, there are still many people who can not sleep.

After indicating their intentions, the Austrian fleet was easily resupplied, and the officials along the way were like sending a plague for fear of getting into trouble.

The fleet did not come out to cause trouble, but usually just hung around in the harbor, restocked their supplies, and then headed to the next stop.

Now the fleet is docked outside the Dagu port, responsible for the diplomatic affairs of the ambassador Hummel, is still in the capital for daily diplomatic visits. The problem of poor communications fell to Commander Aleister.

Chandler, the fleet’s chief of staff, suggested, “Your Excellency, Commander, when it comes to diplomacy, why don’t we let the minister in Japan decide for himself?

We still have to visit Japan anyway, so we’ll talk about any problems then. Even if Britain and Russia do get up, we can still go over and mediate.

Right now the St. Petersburg government is busy with reforms, and the Tsarist government is not going to go to full-scale war with the British, so even if there is a skirmish, it’s still under control.”

Chief of Staff Chandler’s political sensitivity was obviously a bit higher, and the Anglo-Russian conflict was not the same as the Anglo-Austrian conflict. This time Austria did not expand its sphere of influence in the Far East, and there was no conflict of interest between the two sides, so naturally there would be no conflict.

Verbal diplomatic support for the Russians is not a big deal at all. In the absence of the ambassador, it was in order to give the lead to the minister in Japan.

Commander Arest rubbed his forehead and said, “Well, it’s better to let the people in the Foreign Ministry handle the diplomatic issues!”

To be able to serve as the commander of the Austrian Ocean Fleet, Arest was naturally not a fool. The political vision was not good, that was because he never participated in politics.

He still cared a little about Europe, the Far East was beyond the scope. If he didn’t come here personally, in his subconscious mind there was no difference between the countries of the Far East and the indigenous kingdoms of Africa.

Indifference to politics was also an important factor in his leveling off. On the contrary, the officers who were politically gifted bullies, one by one, did not mix well.

It was an Austrian rule that military personnel were not allowed to get involved in politics. If you want to go into politics, retire from the army first.

Like most emperors, Franz also wanted the military to be simple, thinking too much could easily lead to problems.


After years of bitter fighting and paying a terrible price, in mid-October 1860 the British captured Delhi and took the Mughal Emperor prisoner.

With the nominal leader of the Indian insurgents gone, the bond that united the insurgents was severed and they fell into a state of fragmentation.

Immediately afterward, the British army successively attacked Lucknow, Karpi, Gwalior and other areas, the insurgents suffered heavy losses and were forced to turn to guerrilla activities.

The British, who were good at political struggle, took the opportunity to release the Letter to the Princes, Chiefs and People of India, to draw in the local princes of the native states, landlords and religious groups.

Seeing that the tide had turned, these princes, landlords and religious groups of the native states turned against them, and the insurgent army fell into an isolated state.

By March 1861, the great Indian uprising was extinguished. The British Empire was finally free to continue their global strategy.

The fact that the British had their hands free was certainly good news for Franz, who wanted to intervene in the American Civil War.


In the United States, after diplomatic efforts by the British, French, Austro-Spanish, the number of Confederate states joining the Confederacy increased to fourteen, narrowing the power gap between the North and South.

The northern states were not ready for war, and many of the Confederate states were actually ready for compromise; after all, the four British, French, and Austro-Spanish countries were in favor of the independence of the Southern government.

In many people’s opinion the use of force to unify, it is easy to attract the joint intervention of the countries, or perhaps to repeat the embarrassing situation of the White House on fire.

During this period, most of the officers in the U.S. Army were from Southern plantation owners. Capitalists were not in the habit of carrying guns to war, and the dominant power of the army was always in the hands of the southern plantation owners.

After the Southern government declared independence, the U.S. Army was dispersed for the most part, and officers became especially scarce.

If nothing unexpected happened, President Lincoln would not have enough officers available to him in a short period of time, even if he wanted to settle the Confederacy by force.

As long as it dragged on, it created the established fact that the North and South were divided. Whether the Northern government recognized it or not, in the end there was nothing more they could do.

At this time the Southern government did something stupid and ignited the war.

On April 12, 1861, the ego-inflated Southern government sent troops to attack Fort Satem, ready to force the Northern government to recognize Confederate independence by force.

The Southern government struck first, a move that undoubtedly rattled the nerves of the populace in the Northern states. The capitalists immediately manipulated public opinion and the northern government was packaged as the victim.

The opportunity that Lincoln had waited so long for came, and immediately after the outbreak of the war a draft order was issued.

The states that had originally resisted a forceful solution to the southern problem stood behind the northern government at this moment and supported the federal government in quelling the rebellion.

Several northern states that had already been persuaded by a coalition of nations to remain neutral in the Civil War now wavered in their positions once again, influenced by public opinion.

After receiving the news, the ministers of Britain, France, Austria and Spain were all cursing their pigmy friends.

According to the pre-booked plan, the Southern government declared independence, utilizing the American public’s opposition to the Civil War to create an established fact with the intervention of various countries.

Now, most of these diplomatic efforts were in vain. In addition to snubbing three more livestock states to participate in the Confederacy, the Northern states, which had been so hard to convince to be neutral, were again involved.

Austrian Minister to the United States Drucker said with an ugly look on his face, “Things have come to this point, talking about this will not help, let’s just consider what to do next!”

France’s minister to the United States, Alfred sneered, “What else can we do, since this group of discredited Yankees want to fight, then let them have a good fight.

When they are exhausted from the fight, we will come out and clean up the mess. As long as we stay united, then we can turn the situation around even if we split up the winners and losers.”

Obviously, Alfred was already very dissatisfied with the southern government. To start a war was such a big thing, but there was no consultation with the countries.

One must know that the current situation of the Southern Government was still held up by the four countries contributing their efforts together. It had only just gained the upper hand, and the Southern Government had drifted away.

Whether the Americans fight or not, in fact, people don’t care. But the relationship between the performance of everyone is different, now the war broke out the situation is out of control, the future want to intervene can only rely on force.

Splitting the United States by force and splitting the United States by political means is not a concept at all. If you rely on political maneuvers to split the United States, then the four sitting in the history of diplomacy has created a miracle, with this credit, even if it is mixed into the foreign minister is not strange.

Other countries are politically stable, a carrot, want to become a foreign minister and difficult. But France is not the same, up to a few years in line, it is his turn.

This was during the Napoleon III era, when politics was relatively stable. If in the Republican period, a change of seven or eight times in a year is not surprising.

Mark Oliver, the British minister to the United States, shook his head and said: “Reversing the situation is not that easy. It’s best for the North and South to fight to the death, and in the end, we will intercede.

It’s just that this degree is not easy to grasp, in case the game collapses and allows one side to win the war, we then want to intervene to pay a big price.”

Francisco, Spain’s minister to the United States, complained, “It’s all because of that idiot Jefferson Davis, his mind is full of fighting and killing, he doesn’t know what politics is!”

“If he wasn’t stupid, why would we support him? It’s better to support a fool to dominate the Confederacy than to support a kingpin.” Drucker, the Austrian ambassador to the United States, soothed

There was no doubt that Jefferson Davis, the great plantation owner, was able to become the president of the Confederacy without the support of the four countries.

Jefferson Davis was able to stand out from the crowd of contenders, and was obviously no slouch. He fought in the Mexican-American War and served as Secretary of War (the predecessor of the Department of Defense).

In times of war, it’s natural to choose a national leader who is well versed in the military. As for other aspects of competence, there is no harm in lacking a little. Besides, the fact that he was able to serve as Minister of War is proof that his political skills are not low.

French Minister Yalfrid proposed: ”In that case, let’s support these fools in the south first. Anyway, their strength is limited, and even if they capture Washington tomorrow, they don’t have the ability to unify America.

At that time, we will then support the northern government to fight back. It’ll come back a few times over and over again, depleting their national strength as much as possible, lest they become a scourge.”

British Minister Mark Oliver thought for a moment and said, “Since the Southern government dared to set us up, how can we not teach them a lesson? How about now we declare neutrality together and call for a peaceful resolution of the dispute between the two countries.”

There were many ways to support, and the strongest was naturally to go straight down. Obviously, the stupid things that the southern government had done had made everyone very unhappy, and directly pulling the plug wasn’t going to happen.

Declaring neutrality was undoubtedly a warning to the southern government not to play with fire.

Calling on the two countries to resolve their disputes peacefully, in another way of understanding, can also be seen as creating a pretext for armed intervention.

By the time everyone is ready to intervene, the subtext becomes: whoever refuses to resolve the North-South issue peacefully, then the four countries will have to use force to make them agree.

(End of chapter)

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