Chapter 315: Personnel Adjustment

  Chapter 305 Personnel Adjustment

The Paris Conference, because of Austria’s stirring up the situation, so that the Kingdom of Sardinia lost its bargaining capital, ended with a near lightning speed, which is very rare in the history of diplomacy.

The French, who had made a great show of themselves, were once more the center of public opinion. The Kingdom of Sardinia had not yet been swallowed, and the French threat theory once again attracted everyone’s attention.

This little problem naturally did not attract the attention of the Paris government. The French threat theory has been going on for decades, not just for a day or two, and everyone has become numb to hearing it.

Just say it, it won’t cost you a piece of meat anyway. At this time, the French were still celebrating this diplomatic victory.

Franz can only attribute this to the French Italian complex, much like the Habsburgs’ Swiss complex, always wanting to annex these regions.

In his view, these regions could actually gain very little beyond sentimental gains.

Of course, it was in Austria’s interest for the French to do so, and with them as the headliners, both Britain and Russia’s fear of Austria dropped a notch.

The human mind is complex, and many times it is judged by subjective consciousness. From the comprehensive national strength, Austria is not weaker than the French, but in everyone’s subconscious, or that the French are a greater threat.

This cannot be changed in a day or two. Historically, Bismarck utilized this subconsciousness to isolate the French.

The Entente would not have been established if William II hadn’t played out later and made the government in London realize that Germany was a bigger threat.

Now the French are complacent, and I guess they can’t even dream of what price the French government paid in history to eliminate the French threat theory.

In order to bring the Russians into the fold, the French government gave away tons of money in the form of loans, slowing down economic development at home.

In order to bring the British into the fold, it went so far as to deliberately show weakness and abandon the naval arms race of the early 20th century. Of course, the government’s lack of financial resources was also a factor.

Many people thought that the British were great at diplomacy, but in fact the French were also great at diplomacy. In spite of their absolute inferiority, they pulled together Britain and Russia to form the Entente.

Only the French loved infighting too much, the cabinet changed too often, and many strategies could not be implemented because of the power struggle.

Franz was refreshed after he had pitted Napoleon III against him. No, this can’t be called a pit, it should be called a win-win situation, everyone is getting what they want.

Now the bullish France, is still in the middle of the day, do not feel the existential threat. The French are still dreaming of world domination, and naturally don’t care about everyone’s envy and jealousy.

In front of the tangible benefits, pull a little hate and what is it? When Napoleon singled out the entire European continent, the French were not afraid, and now just out of the limelight, even more unlikely to wimp out.


Vienna Palace

At the cabinet meeting, Franz announced new personnel appointments.

“After the departure of Prince Metternich and Field Marshal Radkis, the Foreign Minister is to be succeeded by the Ambassador to Russia, Wessenberg, and the Chief of the General Staff is first to be succeeded by Field Marshal Edmund.”

Originally, Chief of the General Staff Franz had been more favorable to Field Marshal Julius Jacob von Heinau, but unfortunately the Habsburg Tiger was on his last legs and had to settle for second best.

Perhaps to many, Julius was a mercenary, a butcher, but to Franz it was just the opposite.

All he did was to maintain the rule of the Habsburg dynasty, in order to solve the hidden danger once and for all, he did not hesitate to take the blame for the bloody suppression of the rebellion, completely is the model of human subjects.

Under Franz’s strong intervention, Marshal Julius still became a positive figure. It did not become as infamous as in history.

It has been proven that good or bad moods do affect one’s life span. Many people’s fates were rewritten under Franz’s butterfly effect.

Archduke Louis asked with concern, “Your Majesty, my resignation?”

The first two retirements were approved, and when it came to him, he was suddenly stuck. Archduke Louis did not want to continue to consume, and the desire for power has nothing to do with it, it is really the body can not hold out.

Europe does not have the cultural tradition of sudden in office, basically the body can not, everyone will choose to retire.

Franz explained: “first wait two months, I am ready to let Prince Wendy Schlegelz take over as Minister of the Interior, need to familiarize themselves with the affairs in advance.

After the transfer of Prince Wendischgretz’s position, the Minister of War will be taken over by Admiral Albrecht, the Governor of the Balkans; and the Governor of the Balkans will be taken over by Lieutenant General Morse.”

It was a rule established by Franz after his succession that if an interdepartmental official was appointed, he had to familiarize himself with affairs beforehand, lest a joke be made.

Important personnel appointments were the personal responsibility of him, the Emperor. Further down the transfer of positions, Franz will not be asked.

Human energy is limited, Franz does not consider himself a superman. Manage the central government and local dignitaries, these hundred and eighty people is enough, the rest of the matter is naturally left to them to manage.

The appointment of the Minister of the Interior, Franz is a temporary decision, prior to everyone did not know.

Previously, it was also discussed in the cabinet meeting, the suitable candidate is too little, the choice of Prince Wendischgraetz is also a helpless move.

It was not a case of Austrian talent withering away, but rather a case of talent withering away amongst the great Austrian nobility. This situation is inevitable, the population base where to put, how can there be talent from generation to generation?

Because of medical technology, several families were in danger of becoming extinct. In the absence of new blood, the nobility was not destined to hold power for long.

This kind of alternation between old and new power is often the bloodiest time as well. If one fails to grasp this degree, it could easily lead to domestic unrest.

“As an emperor, it is not possible to look at status when employing people, and it is equally not possible to not look at status.” This was the sentence that had made the deepest impression on Franz when he was educated by the emperor.

Now he had a deep understanding that in order to govern a country well, it was definitely time to promote talent, and at this time it was obvious that he could not look at status.

But in the balance of power, it is necessary to look at the identity. Otherwise in the end, one family is dominant, the emperor becomes dispensable.

Relatively speaking, the so-called class is actually not important. This identity can be transformed, Franz suppressed the bourgeoisie but not the capitalists.

To suppress this class, the main bourgeoisie is too aggressive.

Once bigger, driven by profit, they will turn the country into a money politics that is more in their interest.

The emperors and aristocrats are feudal tumors, so they must be cleansed. With luck, the emperor can still become a rubber stamp, with bad luck, he will be guillotined.

Since they were destined to be on the opposite side, they could only be suppressed.

But the bourgeoisie, the group itself, is a combination of contradictions, the internal struggle is more intense than the external struggle, and everyone is far more competitive than cooperative.

Only if they are not allowed to gather together and form a coalition of interests, then the threat is within control.

To do business and make money in peace, Franz had no objection. Wanting to get involved in politics was fine, and as long as he followed the rules to get into the system, he wouldn’t object to that either.

If he used the money in his hands, corrupted government officials, and tried to manipulate the country’s politics behind the scenes, then he would have to be suppressed.


(End of chapter)

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