Chapter 309: Falling Down the Well

  Chapter 299 – Falling Down the Well

Vienna Palace

Franz looked at the telegram sent to him by Napoleon III and said with a smile, “The French want to make a move on the Kingdom of Sardinia, and now we are asked to fulfill our promise, what do you think should be done?”

Archduke Louis, the Minister of the Interior, suggested, “Your Majesty, the French are ambitious for the Italian region, and I’m afraid that one Kingdom of Sardinia is not enough to satisfy their appetite.

Once we allow the French to penetrate deeper into the Italian region, the pressure on our defense will be great, and for the safety of the Lombardy region, we should put a stop to this.”

Metternich objected, “It’s not that serious, the Vienna system has just been established, the French are not going to violate the treaty now, at most they will take some advantage, it’s not possible to swallow the Kingdom of Sardinia in one bite.

If the French really want to annex the Kingdom of Sardinia, then just give it to them. Once the French take this step, a new anti-French alliance can be established again.”

Prime Minister Felix sneered and said, “Not bad, now that France is no longer the France of Napoleon’s era, since Napoleon III has this ambition, let’s just fulfill them.

The European countries have just let down their guard against the French, and now that the French have jumped out again, let’s give them another push to stand a little taller.”


Strength determines position, if Austria is not strong enough, it is natural to stop the French from expanding and prevent them from doing so.

Now the situation is different, even if the French annexed the Kingdom of Sardinia, it is still within Austria’s reach.

A strong Russia + a strong France, in this case, the continent of Europe and then appear a strong Austria, also inconspicuous.

Without them to attract attention, then the growing Austria, it won’t be long before it becomes a target.

In this case, push the French a hand, let them become a little bit fat, but more in line with the interests of Austria.

Franz made a decision: “Tell the French that we will honor our agreement and support their annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

However, they must find a reason acceptable to everyone that the Vienna system cannot be undermined.”

The Vienna System was Austria’s state policy and would not change for at least ten years. A French annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia in this case would be too eye-catching and would affect the stability of the Vienna system.

However, Franz didn’t mind weakening the Vienna system a bit in order for the French to draw fire. It was only used to maintain the balance of the European continent anyway, and had limited binding power over several great powers.

As long as the problem of slow population growth could not be solved, Franz would not be the heart of Austria. Even if the annexation of the Kingdom of Sardinia caused a population boom in the short term, it wouldn’t do anything.

Nationalism has tended to fanaticism of the Kingdom of Sardinia can not be ruled, want to digest the region, without decades of effort is very difficult to do.

The Habsburg dynasty operated in the Italian region for hundreds of years, or when Franz came to power, carried out a major cleansing of the region, and by the emancipation of serfs, land redemption to buy the grassroots, and only really stabilized.

Because of the Austro-Saxon War, Franz made the Kingdom of Sardinia the backstabber, taking the blame for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Just look at the civil relations between the Lombardy Kingdom and the Sardinia Kingdom now, even though the two sides have bordered each other, the people on both sides are still dying of old age, so you know the power of hatred.

With no backstabber to be found, would the French dare to carry out the Great Purge? If not, how can nationalism be suppressed?

Metternich replied, “Yes, Your Majesty!”

Minister of Finance Karl reminded, “Your Majesty, since the Italian radicals have plotted to assassinate Napoleon III, there is a high probability that they will also turn against you.

It is necessary for us to conduct a security crackdown to eliminate all possible hidden dangers.”

Franz was very afraid of death, and for such existences that might threaten his life, there was never a wrong to kill.

Not to mention pardoning the assassin, even if there was merely a motive to assassinate and had not yet had the time to act, it was still to be sent to the gallows, and Austrian law could be much harsher in this regard.

After a few moments of contemplation, Franz said in a murderous voice: “Well, it is indeed necessary to carry out a rigorous investigation. This matter, the Ministry of the Interior is responsible for, to hide in the corner rats are caught out.

As for the individuals and organizations associated with these rats, all of them should be investigated to the end. I want to see how many rats are hidden in Vienna.”

There was no doubt that someone was going to be out of luck. Regardless of their identity and background, once they were tainted with regicide, they were all dead. Even though they hadn’t taken action yet, the end would be the same.

Until then, it’s the gangsters, the street gangs, that will be the first to go. Every time the government cracked down after Franz’s succession, the government would take them as a sacrifice.

Whenever they were caught, it was ten years to start, and as of now it was just people going in, no one had come out yet.

Engaged in Vienna now have not been on the stage of the club organization, can escape are timid as a mouse old geezer, low-profile can not be low-profile again.

In the gray area quietly fishing for money even if, dare to run out of the king, are short-lived ghosts.



Ever since the Indian Rebellion broke out, the British government has had a rough time of it, with several of the major powers making small moves.

The Russians were just as bad, they were already enemies, and both sides had long since torn themselves apart. The Tsarist government openly supported the Indian rebels, and the two countries were close to declaring war.

Austria in the Mediterranean, the African continent to expand their power, which is still within their tolerance, anyway, no loss of self-interest.

Originally thought that the pro-British French government will be a little more peaceful, in the colonies to take advantage of a little bit of it, the results of Granville helplessly found that the French on the Italian region of the ambition is still unabated.

What’s even more annoying: the excuse is still the Italians themselves sent to the door, even if the London government is willing to support the Kingdom of Sardinia, but the bottom line is not enough.

Hooliganism should also be divided into objects, France is not a soft persimmon, belonging to the object to be reasonable.

In favor of the French now there is a moral advantage, the Italian charcoal-burning party members conspired to assassinate Napoleon III, the murderer was caught on the spot.

Granville thought more and more headache, angry curses: “Damn radicals, is their brains are all shit?

Assassinating Napoleon III, such a bad idea they also came up with, shouldn’t there be someone else to assassinate Franz!”

Granville didn’t realize that he had hit the nail on the head, the Charcoal Burners did have a plan to assassinate Franz as well, and had already taken action.

Unfortunately, he ran into Franz, the old geezer, who was harboring in the royal palace every day and didn’t go out, so there was no chance to start.

Until the time of the crackdown, because of the suspicious behavior was reported, the police in the search of the residence found a bomb, only exposed.

Of course, Granville would rather he did not guess, a France is enough trouble, add another Austria, then really can not pocket.

Foreign Minister Thomas analyzed, “Your Excellency the Prime Minister, it’s too late to talk about this now. The French hold the Kingdom of Sardinia accountable, and if they can’t give Napoleon III an explanation, I’m afraid they won’t stop.

The European countries will not support the Kingdom of Sardinia on this issue. It is still time for the Sardinian government to hand over the radicals and not give the French a reason to strike.”

Handing over the murderers is easier said than done. The charcoal-burning party’s power in the Kingdom of Sardinia was not small, and its influence in the civil society was so great that it was not at all easy to move.

In the case of nationalistic outbursts, the Sardinian people obviously could not calm down, and would not seriously consider what was right or wrong, but would only choose to fight hard.

Under the pressure of public opinion, would the Sardinian government dare to take action against the Charcoal Burners? Or do they have the strength to do so?

Minister of Finance John Russell shook his head and said: “By now, this is no longer a problem that can be solved by handing over a few scapegoats.

The main purpose of the French in asking the Sardinian Kingdom to hand over the murderer is still for the sake of profit, otherwise they would not have accused the Sardinian government of allegedly planning this conspiracy.

If the benefits given by the Sardinian government don’t satisfy them, this suspicion can also turn into a fact, and once the French define the murderer as the Sardinian government, then war will be inevitable.”

The murderer was definitely to be handed over, and the matter would not be finished until the French were given a breath of fresh air. Benefits were likewise in short supply, and Napoleon III would likewise not rest until the price was paid to the satisfaction of the French.

How to say is also the emperor of a country, the light was frightened of the mental damage costs, that also need to cede land compensation to be able to make up. Specific cession, or compensation, depends on the actual operation of the situation.

Granville thought for a moment and said: “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs to mediate this conflict, first see what the French want to say.

It is best to be able to pull on the Austrians, together to pressure the French, I think the Vienna government also do not want to see the French continue to expand their power.”

The London government has never relaxed its vigilance against the French, and stopping the French from expanding has always been the British government’s national policy.

Britain and France hundred years of world hatred is not a joke, do not think that now the French government is pro-British, the two sides of the conflict is less, in fact, in overseas colonial activities, Britain and France are still each other’s biggest rival without one.

(End of chapter)

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