Chapter 492: A Flight to Heaven

Chapter 491 – A Flight to Heaven

Disputes and grudges, relying on hard pressure, can’t be suppressed, instead, it will end up accumulating greater hidden dangers, and will eventually explode completely one day.

Within a clan, so many disciples, of the same clan and origin, all have their own small circles, all will have immortal conflicts. With a territory as large as the Thousand Feathers Alliance, it would be even more impossible to expect every power to live in peace.

The previous scramble for the secret realm was a way to defuse the situation, according to the unspoken rule among martial artists that the strongest gets everything, the winner takes it, and the loser backs down.

And if between the forces, produced a big entanglement, either in the outer sea secretly killed, this is also many people choose a way.

As long as the evidence is not found by the people of the Thousand Feathers Alliance after the fact, then the Thousand Feathers Alliance will end up turning a blind eye, and will not be deadlocked.

But if you explicitly, directly two forces fire fight, this is completely do not give face to the Thousand Feathers Alliance, certainly to find you to settle accounts.

Blood war, is the place to solve the grudge.

Promise to fight, no matter how the final result, the past everything is not to blame. But in the middle of the battle, the result of everything is also their own responsibility.

“What do you want!” Miao Wanhong colored and asked loudly.

“Take a walk on the bloody battlefield.”

Chen Fei glanced at the Divine Water Sect underneath and said expressionlessly, “Add another five hundred medium-grade Yuan Stones as an addition!”

A blood battle, somewhat similar to a gambling fight, the blood battle field was immortal, of course, if you were willing to spare the other side, you could let the other side leave alive in the end.

But no matter what way to leave, walk out or lie out, in the blood battlefield used all kinds of magic treasure spiritual weapons, all of them should be left, and finally belong to the winning party.

Compared to killing people in the outer sea, the blood battle can also get another amount of yuan stone for betting on the battle, many Harmonization Realm won’t carry too many yuan stones with them, and most of the time, they will be placed in the middle of the sect.

Miao Wanhong’s face turned slightly white, he didn’t say anything, he just stared at Chen Fei, regret rising in his heart for going to the Mourning Shadow Sect and placing the mission in the first place.

The rules for an invitation like the Blood War were interesting. An invitation to battle between martial artists of the same level of cultivation could not be refused. Chen Fei was at the first turn of the Harmonization Realm, and Miao Wanhong was also at the first turn of the Harmonization Realm, so Chen Fei’s invitation to fight must be answered by Miao Wanhong.

The Thousand Feathers Alliance gave shelter, but it couldn’t really protect everything extremely well.

The same cultivation level is already the greatest fairness given by the Thousand Feathers Alliance. Want to let the Thousand Feathers Alliance from head to toe to give you safety, then this kind of thing can not be given anywhere.

Of course, before actually going on the Blood Battlefield, Miao Wanhong could directly admit defeat, but would have to pay out five hundred medium-grade Yuan Stones at the top of the Early Harmonization Realm.

The reason why Chen Fei had just proposed a bet of five hundred medium grade Yuan Stones was because this was the top position. And if both parties’ cultivation levels reached the middle stage of the Harmonization Realm, the number of medium-grade Yuan Stones went up to one thousand.

Five hundred medium-grade Yuan Stones were enough to cause any early Harmonization Realm martial artist to break his bones or even lose his family’s fortune.

The resources that Duanmu Lord had saved up for so many years before were actually just a little more than this amount of Yuanstones, and the number of Middle Grade Yuanstones alone was not even close to this number.

Duanmu Lord was an assassin, the speed of coming to money was actually very fast, but that was it, after deducting the need for weekday cultivation, the remaining was not this much.

Although Miao Wanhong had a Divine Water Sect, and the Divine Water Sect had also developed for so many years, among which a lot of resources had been accumulated, but these five hundred medium grade Yuan Shi taken out, was also draining the foundation of the Divine Water Sect.

“Ten days later, the Blood Battlefield awaits!” Chen Fei glanced at Miao Wanhong, grabbed Jiang Liulin on the side, and disappeared in mid-air.

The only thing that remained there was the sword mark, which was the proof of the next blood battle.

If after ten days, Miao Wanhong didn’t go to the Blood Battlefield and didn’t give five hundred medium grade Yuan Stones, then Chen Fei could really kill all the way up to the Divine Water Sect.

First a gift, then a soldier, if the strength is really not good, then take the money to eliminate the disaster.

The invitation to a bloody battle could only be made once, and then again, it could really be refused. From this point on, the Thousand Feathers Alliance still gave shelter. Strength is not enough, then shrink your tail and be a human being, cultivate well to go.

The world of martial artists is such a weak and strong, it is the same everywhere, and the essence will never change in the slightest.

Miao Wanhong stood in mid-air with a cloudy expression, while the Divine Water Sect’s top and bottom were terrified at the moment.

Miao Wanhong for the entire Divine Water Sect, is the top pillar, Miao Wanhong if something unexpected, Divine Water Sect are not as simple as breaking bones.

If it was in the past, facing Chen Fei, who had just broken through the Harmonization Realm not long ago and dared to threaten to challenge the door, the entire Divine Water Sect would not have the slightest worry.

But on the contrary, they all knew that Chen Fei’s strength exceeded that of Miao Wanhong.

This kind of strength comparison was not even that kind of nebulous comparison, but the two had really fought once, and Miao Wanhong had lost miserably.

In this situation, how could the Divine Water Sect’s people not be worried and afraid.


An ear-piercing air-breaking sound came from the sky, and Mo Shi Yi appeared in the sky above the Divine Water Sect, seeing the sword mark at a glance. As soon as he identified it and recognized it as Chen Fei’s aura, Mo Shi Yi’s expression instantly became gloomy.

“A bloody battle? What’s going on!” Mo Shi Yi turned his head to look at Miao Wan Hong. “He knows about the Mourning Shadow Sect.”

Miao Wanhong let out a long breath, but his brows remained locked as Miao Wanhong couldn’t figure out how to solve the situation in front of him.

“How did he know that this is how the Mourning Shadow Sect does things?” Mo Shi Yi’s eyes widened all of a sudden as a wave of anger shot straight to his head.

Not only was the target to be killed still alive, but as a result, the target also knew the identity of the employer, how did this Mourning Shadow Sect manage to do this to this extent today!
“I don’t know how he knew about it, but now, he has placed a letter of bloody war.”

Miao Wanhong looked up at Mo Shiyi, his voice appeared a bit hoarse as he said, “What should we do now? This matter was decided by the five of us together in the first place, and now the consequences cannot be borne by me alone!”

Mo Shi Yi’s brows furrowed as he did not immediately answer Miao Wan Hong’s question.

The rules of the blood war, Miao Wanhong was well aware of, after all, this was a way of settling disputes within the Thousand Feathers Alliance. To a certain extent, it was considered a relatively fair model.

But today’s situation was that Miao Wanhong really couldn’t beat Chen Fei, and this was nearly a fight that he was bound to lose.


Several air-breaking sounds came one after another, Hu Yanwu’s three people also arrived in the sky above the Divine Water Sect, and then they similarly saw the overpowering sword mark, and naturally recognized Chen Fei’s aura.

“Things are as you all see, I won’t go to the Blood Battlefield, if I really go up, I guess I won’t be able to come down.”

Miao Wanhong finished the matter briefly, looked at Mo Shiyi’s four, and said in a deep voice: “Five hundred medium-grade Yuan Stones is too much, Divine Water Sect can’t afford to contribute, the five of us shall each contribute a share!”

Miao Wanhong directly conceded, can’t be beaten is can’t be beaten, this flag capturing battle although the past more than a year’s time, but that was Chen Fei the whole scene of pressure, Miao Wanhong can not forget.

In Haiyue Cave, losing can also directly leave, pick up a life. In the Blood Battlefield, if you really went up and wanted to come down, it was completely up to the mood of the other party.

Although the battle such things, instantaneous change, everything is possible, but Miao Wanhong completely do not want to go to wrestle that poor possibility.

This kind of even on the blood battlefield do not dare, directly admit defeat, for the Divine Water Sect’s reputation is undoubtedly a huge blow. But even a bigger blow was better than having no one left.

If the person is really gone, then it’s not the reputation that’s being hit, even the strength is left, and then the Divine Water Sect will really be finished.

“Since he knows about the Mourning Shadow Sect, why don’t we hurry up and urge the Mourning Shadow Sect to kill Chen Fei and get it over with!” Hu Yanwu said in a vicious voice.

“In these ten days, that Chen Fei probably won’t go anywhere, the Mourning Shadow Sect doesn’t stand much of a chance.” Meng Heng shook his head and said.

“Do we really want to give out so many medium grade Yuan Stones to that kid?” Hu Yanwu was unwilling to give up.

Hu Yanwu didn’t think of letting Miao Wanhong go to the Blood Battlefield, having both faced Chen Fei, Hu Yanwu knew Chen Fei’s strength.

But really give yuan stone for nothing, Hu Yanwu and extremely unwilling. Obviously have spent a lot of yuan stone to invite the Shadow Sect, the results of the people did not kill, now even want to pay again.

Even if it was only one hundred middle grade Yuan Stones from one family, it was still a great expense.

“Or else what do you think should be done?” Miao Wanhong looked at Hu Yanwu.

Hu Yanwu didn’t know and looked to Mo Shi Yi, amongst the alliance, many things were left to Mo Shi Yi to decide. And the last time the Mourning Shadow Sect was invited, it was also Mo Shi Yi’s proposal.

“This five hundred middle-grade yuan stones, it’s not that we can’t give it, but after giving it this time, next time he switches to a family to lay down a bloody war book, what are we going to do?”

Mo Shi Yi looked at Miao Wan Hong for a moment and then turned his head to look at the others.

Hu Yanwu’s several people’s expression could not help but stiffen, if this Chen Fei invites battles over in turn, they likewise can’t beat Chen Fei, when the time comes, won’t they also have to pay out Yuan Shi for nothing?
A family of five hundred middle grade yuan stones, in addition to Mo Shiyi, that is two thousand middle grade yuan stones ah. Even if Chen Fei and the others were a little stronger, they would definitely invite Mo Shiyi to fight, and at that time, would Mo Shiyi accept or compromise?
It was simply unimaginable for an early stage of the Harmonization Realm to have so many Yuan Stones.

And with the natural talent Chen Fei had displayed, if the problem of resources was solved, then wouldn’t the next step be to soar into the sky?

Hu Yanwu and the others suddenly realized that by asking the people of the Shadow Loss Sect to kill Chen Fei, how did they end up dragging themselves into the pit instead?

If the Mourning Shadow Sect had been more reliable and killed Chen Fei, then there would have been no problem at all. But nowadays, the Mourning Shadow Sect’s mission had not been completed, and they had been caught by Chen Fei.

If it was anyone else who randomly placed a blood war on other sects as a way to profit, I’m afraid that they would immediately become a target.

But Chen Fei had seized Jiang Liulin, and with a name, that nature became different. Although Mo Shi Yi’s five could deny it, the onlookers could no longer censure Chen Fei for anything.

“Then what should we do?” Meng Heng said in an astringent voice, in the future, he might have to pay out four hundred medium-grade Yuan Stones, and an early stage of the Harmonization Realm like Meng Heng, who had just broken through not long ago, did not have that many Yuan Stones at all.

“Answer the battle!” Mo Shi Yi said in a cold voice.

“Answer the battle?” Miao Wanhong froze for a moment.

“I will lend you the Xuan Yuan Bead, and before we go on the field, the four of us will infuse our power into it.” Mo Shi Yi’s right hand moved slightly, and the Xuan Yuan Bead floated in front of several people.

(End of chapter)

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