Chapter 343: Jindan Cultivator Vagabonding in Xuan Qin

Leaving the village, Qin Ran transformed into another form and, without pausing, continued to rush towards the Xuan Qin capital city of Mudu.

Sprinting along for another day, almost nearing Murdock, he stopped.

He remembered that Zhao Ya Ai had said that there was a great priest in the court who was about as powerful as they come. Therefore he couldn’t fly into Mudu so struttingly.

His best bet was to blend in disguised as a mortal and wait for an opportunity.

It was already afternoon, the sky was dim, and although it was no longer snowing, the sky was as gloomy as ever.

There was a very long line at the gate of Murdock City, all people who were going to enter the city. Qin Ran took a look from afar, most of them were old men and women.

He walked over and his form quietly shifted into that of an old man again, silently lining up at the end of the line.

The ground was wet and cold, the sky was dull, and no one spoke in the long line, it was quiet, but, it also made Qin Ran feel dead silent.

The queue advanced forward little by little in an organized and very regular manner. The quality of this very civilized and disciplined queue where no one cuts in line makes Qin Ran indistinctly feel that he is in the modern era.

Coming to Xuan Qin’s territory for a walk, he practically felt that Xuan Qin, the country, was very different from Northern Chu.

Northern Chu is an ordinary feudal dynasty, but Xuan Qin is a little more disciplined and ancient …… Perhaps she is more lawful.

The group shortened and approached the city gates. Qin Ran realized that every person entering the city would hand over a piece of paper and a black object he didn’t recognize to the city gate guards. The guards would carefully read the paper, take the black object and check it, and finally ask the person entering the city about something, and after confirming that it was correct, they would return the paper and the black object before allowing the person to enter the city.

“What’s that? So strict even to enter a city?!” Qin Ran frowned, this gave him the feeling that he wasn’t entering an ancient city gate, but rather the security gate of a modern station, requiring an ID card, a ticket, and making sure that there were no controlled knives or flammable or explosive dangerous items on his body, “Xuan Qin’s law is this strict?”

But regardless, he didn’t have either of those things on him, and it only slowly dawned on him as the group advanced and he kept his eyes peeled to see what the people in front of him were handing out:

That paper is a letter of introduction, stating that the person entering the city has come to the city to do something, the letter of introduction is written by the village chief, the governor and other people with certain authority; that black object is a photo sticker, which is really similar to an ID card, and on it there is the basic information about the person entering the city, his name, gender, year of birth, and place of residence, etc.; the cross-examination is to make sure that the information you have given is accurate, and then there is also a check to make sure that there are no weapons with you.

“This is something that would appear in a feudal dynasty?” Qin Ran felt a bit confused.

Soon, it was his turn. He pretended to reach into his arms, and at one point suddenly looked up, his eyes lighting up as his pupil illusion unfolded silently.

The city gate guards looked at him, saw him holding a letter of introduction and body sticker, naturally took it over, double-checked on it, confirmed that there was no mistake, as usual, out of the voice of the interrogation:

“May you carry swords and weapons?”


“From where?”

“Anlu City.”

“Come to do what?”

“Casting off to relatives.”

“Relative who?”

“A vendor in the West Side who sells cooking cakes called Wu Da Lang.”


The guards asked more or less the same questions and confirmed them all before stepping aside and allowing Qin Ran to enter the city.

Qin Ran walked past him, and another guard came over to check with him briefly before releasing him completely into the city.

He had just walked through the city gates when he heard someone behind him ask, “General, why didn’t that man use a road guide, a photo sticker, and a letter of introduction?”

Just now, he had cast an illusionary boundary on the guards under the city gates, but not on the people behind him.

“Why doesn’t he have a photo sticker, he has a photo sticker!” The guards replied loudly, “I have checked them all and confirmed that they are correct. I’m doing everything according to the laws and regulations issued by His Majesty! Don’t you dare talk nonsense!”

But then another said, “I clearly saw nothing in his hand! You didn’t see anything!”

Seeing that several people near him swore, the guard couldn’t help but hesitate, he would turn back to call the man, but when he did, he realized that the man had already disappeared into the crowd.

“Don t talk nonsense, this official personally checked …… it,” he only had to turn back to rebuke these ignorant and unruly people.

Qin Ran has entered the city, but see this street although there are people, but mostly old people, coming and going less sound, even the sound of vendors hawking are not, walk a little more, coming and going as the walking dead, out of the blue thought that the ghost city.

“How is this Xuan Qin so ……” He frowned and pondered for a while before arriving at the adjective, “lifeless!”

It did not seem like a prosperous, powerful and terrifying feudal empire or an ambitious country, but rather wooden and archaic, overly disciplined and lifeless.

In his previous life, he had heard that the ancient times of prosperity were full of songs and dances, relocated guests, literary and military achievements, cultural prosperity, and abundant martial virtues ……

But he did not see any prosperous scene …… in the capital of the Xuan Qin Empire, Mo City, the legendary fop, the public man, and the literary aspirants, is one can not see.

In this description of the rotten city wandered for a while, what I saw and heard, mostly old people, very boring, see the sky is also dark, Qin Ran will find an inn anywhere and walk in.

And not surprisingly, the inn also needs to be registered according to the body sticker information before you can stay, he only had to use the illusion world again to confuse the shopkeeper, before living in the inn.

The night fell, the darkness deepened a little, and the cold wind blew snowflakes again. The snow, which had stopped for half a day, fell merrily in the dead of night.

Qin Ran tumbled out of the inn through the window and onto the street outside, wrapping the cloak draped around his body tightly and recognizing the direction, he sped towards the direction of the palace.

As the capital city of Xuan Qin, Mo City also does not have a colorful night life, the eleventh hour has just passed, the official curfew, at this time Qin Ran walking in the street, long long street, wide and broad, but not see a person, only the cold wind and cold snow and his company.

The city was that high priest’s territory, and he didn’t dare to cast spells easily, so he didn’t travel too fast. At most, he was running at a fast pace in the dark corners with his divine Walking Steps. Traveling in this manner, he almost ran for more than an hour, and it was only after the third watch had passed that he approached the solemn palace whose main color was black.

Xuan Qin is honored by black, the army is proud to wear black armor, the officialdom is pursued by a touch of Xuan color on the clothes, the emperor’s dragon robe is a black and gold dragon robe, and right now, this palace, is also dominated by black.

Qin Ran stood a little farther away and looked out at this palace, and it dawned on him that this was a demon palace. The place where the great demon king in the story would live, the sight of which was frightening.

…… So is he the hero of the story?

“I hope not!” He sighed mentally, heroes and warriors were not words used to praise people nowadays.

Qin Ran stood here looking out, was looking for the way into the palace, after looking for a while, he finally confirmed that with the tightness of this palace, if he did not use spells, he really could not enter. He sighed, it seems that he still has to use spells …… Then it might as well go in from the main door!

Thinking, he returned to his senses and walked forward.

However, just as he moved to take a step, a voice suddenly came from behind him, and someone chided him, “Who is that?”

He turned back to look, it was a patrol wearing black and gold armor with extremely gorgeous equipment, and as Xuan Qin honored black, this was clearly the Imperial City Guard.

The one who shouted to him was the one at the head of the escort.

And seeing that he didn’t answer immediately, the leader waved his hand, and someone behind him immediately pulled out a crossbow and aimed it at him.

“Stand still, don’t move!” The leader bellowed, signaling his men to surround him again.


Qin Ran sighed, he had only stood in place for a little longer and he was discovered. Was the level of defense in this imperial city that outrageous?

He shook his head, and with a display of his cloak, he performed his body technique, transformed into water, and disappeared from the sight of this escort.

“Cultivator?!” The leader frowned.

“General, should we inform the Palm Spirit Division?” A guard asked him.

“The High Priest will know …… for himself,” he voiced, but after a pause, he still called over one person, “Go forward and inform the Master of Spirits.”

The men led the way and ran straight into the palace.

Qin Ran had already arrived at the foot of the Imperial City. He was in a state of invisibility and was unusually invisible. He stood at the root of the wall and looked up at the city wall …… This city wall is more than ten feet high, standing here and looking upward, only to feel that it towers straight into the sky.

Ancient and simple, atmospheric, this is another temperament revealed by Mo Cheng.

Qin Ran cast a spell and flew towards the top of the city wall. Just halfway up the wall, his heart was suddenly in a desperate state, he vaguely sensed that there was something terrifying on top of the wall, it was divine sense perception warning him not to go up any further.

He couldn’t help but stop.

If it was the main body, he wouldn’t have hesitated in the slightest and would have long ago run far away without a life. But the one that came here was only a bilocation.

He stabilized his mind, but continued to fly upwards, setting his heart palpitating, and flew to the top of the city wall with a flourish.

Standing on the city wall, which was nearly ten feet wide and thick, Qin Ran looked forward at the majestic and atmospheric, solemn and dignified palace. This mortal city made him feel a majestic aura that called to his heart.

…… It s this Imperial City that scares him.

He took one step forward, and then how he no longer dared to move forward. Because there was something in front of him.

He raised his hand and slowly probed forward, and soon, he touched something like a membrane. The moment he touched the membrane, the membrane stirred him up, and the stirring force called the mana and aura in his body to boil, calling him to subconsciously jump back as if he was electrocuted, and he almost fell off the city wall.

“Formation!” His face changed drastically, recognizing that this was a formation that protected the entire city, and it was a formation that targeted mana and aura, that is, all things with aura and mana could not pass through this formation, “What a subtle formation!”

Qin Feng would never have thought that he would encounter a formation of this magnitude in the mortal human world! This was not far from the Dao Sword Sect’s Mountain Protector Formation!

“Who?!” It was at this moment that he suddenly perceived a voice descending from the gray sky and penetrating into his ears.

It was perceived, not heard, and the voice was directed specifically at him. It was as if the lord of this sky was addressing him.

“Transformation God?” Qin Ran was so creeped out that he no longer dared to have any thoughts of entering the Imperial City, he turned around and jumped off the city wall, burrowing into the moat and disappearing.

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