Chapter 177: The Countdown

  Chapter 174: Countdown


Since the negotiations began, Abdul Mejid I had not been in a good mood, having just been threatened by the Russians, and now the Austrian representative was on the scene.

Mestse was purely diplomatic, not as aggressive as Maeshkov, and Austria’s appetite was not as big as the Russians’, and it was still possible to talk.

Abdul Mejid I said firmly, “Mr. Mestse, your country’s demand is too much, both the Principality of Moldavia and the Principality of Wallachia are sacred and inseparable parts of the Ottoman Empire, and can never be ceded!”

(Note: The Principality of Wallachia was in the southern part of present-day Romania; the Principality of Moldavia was in the northern part of present-day Romania, Moldova, and part of Ukraine)

But this was said with a bit of a lack of courage, who made them now being targeted by both the Russians and Austria?

Against one alone, with the support of Britain and France, they could still be tough for a while. Against one against two, not to mention that Abdul Mejid I wimped out, even if Britain and France were to take on the fight themselves, they wouldn’t have the backbone.

The division of Russia and Austria became their top priority. Otherwise, once the war broke out, the Ottoman Empire would be almost finished.

Meistersay calmly explained: “Your Majesty, these two small duchies are not your country’s former territory, but are just two dependent countries, why are they not transferable?

From the current situation, your country is simply incapable of keeping these two duchies, and if they are sold to the Austrian Empire, you can still reduce the defense line bordering Russia.”

Good face is not only the patent of the Qing, the Ottoman Empire is no less. “Transfer”, “sell”, this was Mestse taking care of Abdul Mejid I’s face as much as possible.

Influenced by European culture, selling land was no big deal. It was much more acceptable than a mere cession.

If Austria really wanted to buy these two duchies, Abdul Mejid I didn’t mind selling them, and anyway, this place couldn’t be defended when the war broke out.

Although these two duchies flat terrain, fertile land suitable for the development of agriculture, but because of the close proximity of Russia and Austria, the Ottomans did not develop it much, so it does not hurt to sell.

“How much is your country willing to pay?” Abdul Mejid I asked expectantly

In any case, some negotiation is better than no negotiation, even if it is just for the sake of compromising time, Abdul Mejid I also want to pull the rug out from under Austria.

Mestse said forcefully, “Your Majesty, the Austrian government is willing to contribute one hundred million guilders!”

This price is very sincere, anyway, in this era, undeveloped land is not worth anything.

Without waiting for Abdul Mejid I to reply, Mestse added, “However, right now the Austrian government is in financial difficulties and cannot afford to pay such a huge sum in one go, we are prepared to pay it off in a hundred years.”

Pay it off in a hundred years, isn’t that bullshit? Inflation aside, with the strength of both sides, is the Ottoman Empire capable of receiving the money?

Anyone with a little bit of brains knew that Mestese was talking about purchasing, but in reality, he was not prepared to give any money at all.

A hundred years to pay off, completely a blank check, as long as the time has not arrived, can not be said to be Austria default.

Such a long time, the middle of the two countries once a bit of conflict, or a war, not a penny to pay.

Even if the money is received a hundred years later, there is no use. Now a hundred million can buy the more than 200,000 square kilometers of land, a hundred years later can buy 20 square kilometers of land, are a question mark.

Bullying is not to be treated like this, if you are intimidated and just give in, that is not telling the world: the Ottoman Empire has fallen, want to divide the heritage – come quickly.

Abdul Mejid I questioned, “Mr. Mestse, are you not joking? There is no such funny business in the whole world!”

Mestse laughed without saying a word; the Austrian government was not prepared to pay for it at all, and he was offering it as nothing more than a cover for the Sultan’s government.

Through the means of negotiation to get the Danube River Basin two duchies, Meistersay is not so naive. If it was that easy, why mobilize the army?

The bottom line of the country is very clear, just talk about it. Even if it can be negotiated, it can’t be agreed upon right now, or else how will the rest of the play play out?

If the Ottoman Empire and the reconciliation, Austria should not stop the pace of preparation for war? If you stop, the previous preparations will be all for nothing; if you don’t stop, it’s even worse, the strategic purpose is exposed.

By the time the South German states were prepared, coupled with the intervention of the Great Powers, the westward strategy would be almost null and void.

In order to make the negotiation deadlocked, after the Danube Valley two countries, Mestse put forward to the Ottoman Empire further territorial requirements, a breath of ring away half of the Balkan Peninsula.

Even if the British and French efforts to mediate the conflict between the two sides, the same is to no avail. Certainly do the full set of theater, Mestse also began to slowly concessions.


In Constantinople negotiations started, Paris is also lively. The struggle between the parliamentary and presidential factions had turned white-hot, and there was no longer any reprieve.

After long preparations, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was finally ready.

With the support of the British, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte staged a military coup in Paris on June 12, 1851, and forcibly dissolved the Parliament.

The Parliamentarians, who were not willing to lose, also organized an army to make a counter-attack, which failed because of betrayal by traitors, and Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte took the power.

When the news of the coup reached Vienna, Franz was not surprised, even though the coup had been organized half a year earlier.

The butterfly effect was already growing, France was affected, and the future direction of the world had become completely different. The advantage of foresight was slowly disappearing.

Franz has been prepared, his arrival but changed the fate of many people, affect the world situation is inevitable.

After this coup d’état in Paris, it won’t be long before Louis Napoleon Bonaparte is restored, and the Anglo-French pair will appear on the stage of history.

Franz did not make a move to stop it, compared to Napoleon III, this good-for-nothing monarch is not too difficult to deal with.

France’s bottom is thick, the emergence of a love of tossing the monarch is not terrible, if the emergence of a love of planting the monarch, for Austria is the real disaster.

The usury empire or let them continue to usury good, the development of industrial matters, Austria on behalf of on the line.

After the coup d’état in Paris, the pressure on the British was instantly reduced by a large part, and with France as a battering ram, they had a heavier say in European diplomacy.

Abdul Mejid I was the most deeply felt, the support from France increased, the soon-to-be restored Napoleon III sent him military instructors to help train the Ottoman army.

This support, however, was not enough to change the current unfavorable situation. As time went on, the attitude of the Russian representative, Duke Alexander Mareshkov, hardened.

Instead of negotiating, the Russians were making conditions, making the Ottoman government make a choice: acceptance, or war.

The Russians seemed to be ready for war, and on July 23, 1851, the Anglo-Russian negotiations in St. Petersburg ended in failure because the bottom line of the two sides was so far apart, and a new round of Russo-Turkish war entered the countdown.

(End of chapter)

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