Chapter 175: Only Benefits Last Forever

  Chapter 172 – Only Profit Lasts Forever

No money was a big problem, and even though Fikwenna was a writer with a decent income, she was likewise unable to solve the problem of funding the school.

Fundraising? A study of the reasons for the establishment of the Hungarian National School would be and road, and trying to raise funds now would be impossible.

It had something to do with the Revolution of 1848, and most of those who strongly advocated the promotion of the Hungarian language and writing were inclined to the Revolutionary Party, and these people pretty much met God or were fighting for the Austrian railroads.

Those who got away with it were mostly moderates, who tended to be cautious and were too few in number to afford the expense.

The Hungarian language and script, which took ten centuries to evolve into shape. Originating very early in the 9th century A.D., it already had eight hundred words in the Middle Ages, mainly from the Turkic, Caucasian, and quite a few borrowings from the Romance, Slavic, and German languages.

The Hungarian language and writing revolution was launched in 1836, and the later Hungarian language and writing were basically shaped at this time, and Hungarian became the official language of Hungary in 1844.

Most of the Hungarian nobility came from the Germanic region, and there were quite a few of these nobles who knew Hungarian, but not many of them had learned Hungarian writing, and Hungarian circulated mainly among the underclass.

Against this background, Istvan Széchenyi established the Hungarian National School to promote the Hungarian language and writing among the middle and upper classes.

If history had not changed, such language schools, which would have blossomed all over Hungary, would have laid the foundation for the Hungarian national culture of later times.

This is one of the reasons why Istvan Széchenyi has been labeled as “the greatest Hungarian”.

In fact, he contributed to Hungary in many other ways, such as the establishment of the Academy of Sciences, the establishment of the Noble Club, and the promotion of abolition of slavery. ……

However, there is no “if” in history, and the great Hungarian nationalist met his death before his time due to Franz’s butterfly effect.

Without this leader, the remaining nationalists became scattered, and with the Austrian government’s suppression, many speculators retreated from the national movement.

As the social situation changed, the aristocrats and capitalists were no longer willing to allow their children to continue learning the Hungarian language and script, fearing that such an educational experience would reduce the chances of the next generation to enter the university, and naturally, donations were out of the question.

Without the support of their gold masters, these schools naturally fell into a difficult situation and had to accept the edicts of the Austrian Ministry of Education.

Pest, the once most glorious city in Hungary, was now in decline. For political reasons, the Austrian government did not allocate funds to rebuild Budapest after the war, and it was now once again split into two cities.

In the past, the lively aristocratic clubs are now also cold and quiet. Stepping through the door, looking at the sparse few acquaintances inside, most of the rest were new faces. Fikwenna’s originally hot heart had already cooled down.

That even though three years had passed, this place still hadn’t been able to recover. As the former capital of Hungary, the local aristocracy had suffered a great deal, and many of the old nobles had gone up in smoke.

The reason why so many people were able to gather today was because Hungary’s celebrity Liszt came over to perform, and people came because of his fame.

Don’t look at the number of people, but there were not many people who were willing to raise money for the national school. Fikwenna wouldn’t have been unrecognizable if they were all the way around; after all, it wasn’t like this circle of nationalist moderates was too big.

The paper and wine life remained the same, as if nothing had happened. Fikwenna didn’t speak up in the end, the pride of the literati not allowing him to stoop to his level.

The government’s establishment of Austrian as the lingua franca and its announcement of the abolition of the vernacular press did not move these people; nor did the abolition of vernacular education in the schools.

I do not know when Finkwena also accepted the term “dialect”.

Of course, it was not wrong to call it a dialect. The Hungarian language was mainly concentrated in the Hungarian region, and was spoken by less than one fifth of the people in the entire Austrian Empire.

A well-dressed middle-aged man came over and greeted him, “Fikwenna, come and have a drink!”

Fikwenna raised the wine glass in her hand and clinked it with the middle-aged man, then took a sip with poise and said, “Hanks, it’s been a long time, what are you busy with?”

Hanks smiled and said, “It’s true that I haven’t seen you for some days, and I’ve been preparing for a shipment recently. It’s no secret that the Vienna government intends to make a move against the Ottoman Empire and is stocking up on strategic supplies, so I popped in for a bite of soup.

What about you? How to worry about the frown, still for your small newspaper sad?

Don’t think about it so much, it’s a National Council decision that’s not likely to be changed, supposedly to advance the Austrian integration process.”

Fikwenna shook her head and said, “My half-dead small newspaper, you’re not unaware of it, it can’t make any money at all, so it’s just as well that it’s closed.

But if it goes on like this, our Hungarian national culture will be finished. Newspapers and books have been banned, and the only remaining national school in Pest City has now abolished the Hungarian language.

I’m really worried ……”

Hanks immediately changed his face and said, “Hold it, that’s the end of this issue. The unification of language and writing is the general trend, so don’t think about such nonsense.

Think about it, before this there were fifteen major languages and scripts in just one Hungarian region, and back then you were advocating for the unification of languages and scripts, but now you can’t?

Your mentality is not correct. It is best to unify languages and scripts, and we can save a lot of money on translation, which is good for the country and the people.


Fikwenna cried a little, this was being educated. He regretted communicating with this old friend, now this old friend has changed, capitalists are always profit-seeking.

At first these people were the most opposed to the Austrian government, now they have become the most pro-Austrian government. The world is impermanent, as long as the interests are eternal.

After the unification of Austria, whether it is the market, or the speed of economic development, potential, are far more than the original Hungary.

For capitalists, this time in Austria is undoubtedly the best time. As long as there is no problem in the brain, investing in any industry nowadays, almost all of them are able to make money.

The term “economic overheating” was unheard of. The Austrian government removed the obstacles to the development of the capitalist economy, and the economy grew naturally.

From the point of view of a free-market economy, there is nothing wrong with this statement. The influx of foreign capital was also a result of the market economy, with government policy playing only a small part.

“Alright, forget I said anything, drink!” Fikwenna said helplessly

Unable to change society, then he could only adapt to it. How could he not recognize that deep down in his heart?

The Habsburg dynasty had ruled Hungary for not a day or two now, and everyone had long since gotten used to being part of Austria.

Independence? A farce that lasted no more than a few months from start to finish, it resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties, nearly a million homeless, and a direct attrition of the nobility in the Hungarian region by half.

So great were the losses that those who had now survived the robbery talked of revolution and sniffed at it. It was no secret how the army that built the railroad came to be, in which the Hungarian region contributed at least 200,000 people.

The Hungarian region contributed at least 200,000 people. This kind of living example has shown everyone that rebellion has a price to pay. Without the support of interest groups, the so-called revolutionaries had no room for survival in Hungary.

They were hated by all classes in Hungary, from top to bottom.

The lower classes seemed to be these very same rebels, who then exploited and crushed them. Because the emperor prohibited them from oppressing and exploiting them, they started the rebellion.

The evidence is: after the rebel party was suppressed, everyone’s life was much better. The serfs were freed, the workers had labor protection laws, and the messy and exorbitant taxes were swept away.

Of course, this is the result of the Austrian government propaganda, the bottom of the people do not care so much, they do not understand the profound reasoning, but the reality in front of their eyes they believe.

The aristocrats, who escaped the calamity, did not dare to provoke the majesty of the government, and under the guidance of those who had the intention, the most popular saying now is: if it were not for the rebellion of the revolutionaries, they would not have lost their land and privileges.

Believe it or not, they have no choice but to engage in the Great Law of Hate Transfer, as they have no choice but to take the government to task. No one knows what they think in their hearts, but on their lips they have already put all the blame on the rebel party.

Not to mention the citizens who suffered heavy losses, who had personally felt how terrible the rabble revolutionaries were. With the pain, naturally hostile to the revolutionaries.

This enmity would slowly fade away over time, but it was not possible in this generation. People will believe what they see with their own eyes, and having experienced it once for themselves, this notion has been engraved in their bones.

The general environment is very influential, and moderates like Fikwenna are beginning to undergo a metamorphosis.

In a time of confused thinking, once one becomes skeptical of what was once an idea, then change is not far away.

Hanks, who thought he had convinced his best friend, said happily, “Okay, drink!”

After taking a sip of wine, he added, “If you want to resume publication, it’s not impossible. Just go to the news bureau and file it, and change it to Austrian.”

Fikwenna nodded, although the newspaper was half-dead, it was also a reflection of his status and position, being able to keep it was naturally the best, ideals always have to be compromised with reality.

(End of chapter)

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