Chapter 134: Basic Operation – Digging a Hole

  Chapter 132 Basic Operation – Digging a Pit

With the opening of compulsory education, Austria’s internal reforms came to an end for the time being. The government’s energy is limited, and it is impossible to take care of every aspect at the same time.

Utilizing the opportunity of the 1848 Revolution, Austria’s internal reforms had taken a big step forward, and now it was time to consolidate the success.

No reform could be accomplished by a single decree of the government; it was more a matter of putting policy into practice.

The government was busy, Franz was relaxed. It seemed to him that the emperor’s days would only be better if all the bureaucrats under his hand had something to do.

Once they were allowed to be idle, then problems would come. Either the power struggle within the government would intensify, or they would join together to try to take power from the Emperor, or even do both together.

Mei Quan Palace

The maid Jenny twittered in Franz’s ear, “Your Majesty, this is the best tea Viscount Paul Kochagin brought back from Qing – Longjing.

It is said to be produced from the West Lake which has the best water quality over there, I didn’t think that tea trees can still grow in water, it’s true that there is nothing strange in the world.”

Franz laughed and said, “Nonsense, who told you that tea trees grow in water?”

As the emperor how could there be less people to kiss ass? After knowing Franz’s habit of drinking tea, naturally, there are people who would like to do the same.

Due to cultural differences, many things naturally become tasteless when translated.

As for whether this tea is West Lake Longjing, only God knows. Franz can at most determine that this is Longjing tea, specifically from the West Lake, or Yuezhou, or Qiantang, this is too difficult for people.

Considering the relationship between the yield, Franz estimated that these teas, even if the production of West Lake, will not be the best Longjing, Paul Kochagin is most likely to be deceived by the businessman.

In this era, they are not able to penetrate into the interior, and there are many people who have been deceived in doing business over there.

“Could it be that Paul Kochakin that bastard cheated me? Hmph! Turn around, I’ll definitely settle the score with him!” Jenny said angrily

She was really angry, as Franz’s maid, there were quite a few people who curried favor with her.

For example, these tea leaves that were sent to her, if Franz drank them alone, it was estimated that she wouldn’t be able to finish them by the next century.

Paul Kochakin also blew this tea and sent a considerable gift to make Jenny mention it in front of Franz in passing.

The result was a big mess, the little maid who thought she was humiliated, naturally wanted to be furious.

Franz touched Jenny’s forehead and comforted, ”Okay, don’t be angry, I guess he was also fooled.

West Lake Longjing already has a history of more than a thousand years, and was only a top quality tea a few hundred years ago. In modern times, there was an emperor in the Qing Dynasty who visited West Lake, and he liked Longjing very much.

Upward and downward, the status of West Lake Longjing in the tea has increased, the best Longjing tea is now a tribute, the production is very small rarely outflow, the general public simply can not buy.

In fact, there is no such thing as the best tea in the world, everyone’s taste is different, only their favorite is the best.

This tea is still good, color, aroma, taste and shape are all complete, it is considered the top grade.”

After a bit of showing off, it allowed Franz to successfully harvest a wave of adoration from the little maids.


After the little episode, Franz successfully remembered Paul Kochakin.

Austria was still not lacking in talent, even though these people didn’t leave a big name in history, it was the stage that mattered, not that they were really bad at what they did.

There were usually only three kinds of people who ran overseas in this era: outlaws, those who aspired to further their social status, and those who wanted to get rich.

No matter what kind of people, in Franz’s opinion, they were all talents. Once Austria’s overseas colonization program began, these people were all useful.

Drinking tea, reading newspapers and books, this is Franz’s spare time. The extravagant life of paper drunkenness, he also wanted to try it, but unfortunately, his persona could not collapse.

Who let the original owner be an ascetic monk? A sudden change all of a sudden, that was very likely to cause trouble. The Emperor was not an ordinary person, every word and action could affect politics.

If Franz took the lead in living a corrupt life, it was estimated that it wouldn’t be long before the Austrian officialdom, which had just improved, would fall back again.

In order to more than 30 million Austrian people’s happy life, Franz had to continue to play his role, at most a little lazy.

“Your Majesty, Mr. Metternich is here.” The maid’s voice rang out

“Bring him here.” Franz said calmly

The Emperor did not have a fixed day of rest, and being disturbed while resting was something Franz had long gotten used to.

“Your Majesty, news has just come in that the Pudan War has broken out again.” Metternich spoke up

After the Berlin Revolution, the Kingdom of Prussia initially reached an internal compromise, and in order to divert internal conflicts, Frederick William IV and the liberals very tacitly instigated the Prussian-Danish War in an attempt to swallow the two duchies of Schleswig and Holstein.

Finally, under strong pressure from the Russians, the Kingdom of Prussia made concessions and an armistice was agreed upon.

“What happened, did the Prussians notify us beforehand?” Franz asked with concern

On the issue of the two duchies of Schleswig and Holstein, the Austrian government was the only supporter of the Prussians.

Even though it was only a verbal support, they should not give up trying to get Austria’s support when all the European countries were supporting Denmark.

“The gap between the Prussian and Danish conditions is too great, the negotiations between the two sides broke down three days ago, and yesterday the two countries declared war on each other, and it was only after the war broke out that the Prussians informed us of the news.” Metternich replied with a frown

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the Prussians’ approach. To not even inform us in advance, isn’t this ignoring Austria?

Franz did understand the Prussian government’s approach, even if they were to negotiate with Austria, it would be useless, the Austrian government would definitely not support their annexation of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein.

It is better to create an established fact, when Austria as long as not to war against the Kingdom of Prussia, can only hold their noses and recognize.

“In that case, let’s contact the Russians and make our attitude clear, so that they can do it with confidence and boldness, Austria will only support Prussia in name.” Franz sneered

The Kingdom of Denmark in this era has long been in decline, and is not a match for the Prussians at all, but it can’t help that people will join forces and find the Russians as a backer.

Without Austria’s full support, Prussia wants to annex Schleswig and Holstein, first ask the Russians to agree?

Public opinion was indeed very important, but Franz did not mind going against public opinion for once if he could get Prussia and Russia to go to war. He had already thought of the excuse that the Austrian government did not have the money to fight the war.

Anyway, the Austrian people had not cultivated the spirit of internationalism, and would not come out to demonstrate just for this matter. If anyone clamors for war, Franz doesn’t mind bringing all of their family’s assets to be used for military pay.

“Your Majesty, it is unlikely that the Russians will launch an attack on the Kingdom of Prussia, otherwise the Russian army would have launched an attack last year.

If we don’t intervene, there is a real possibility that the Prussians will occupy Schleswig and Holstein, which would be very unfavorable to us.” Metternich analyzed

The Russians don’t want to go to war with the Kingdom of Prussia for the sake of the Danes that’s very obvious, it’s not in the interest of the Russians to start this war.

The Russians didn’t even want to fight, let alone the European countries. Shouting slogans was fine, but if they really had to go to war, they would probably all wimp out.

Austria’s nominal support, but also let the Prussians increased confidence, at least do not have to worry about the south.

“Express our dissatisfaction to the Prussians, and at the same time encourage the Kingdom of Prussia to persevere in the fight through the German nationalists, giving them the illusion that the German people are all behind them.

Secretly contact the other German states, and once the Prussians take over Schleswig and Holstein, we’ll all join together to apply pressure and force the Prussians to make these two duchies independent.

If necessary, we can launch a preventive war and cede Prussian Poland to the Russians in exchange for Russian troops.” Franz thought about it and said

Well, that’s ideal, as long as the Prussians aren’t stupid, they’ll figure it out ahead of time, and historically haven’t they backed down?

Franz digging this hole is just saving for a rainy day, in case the Kingdom of Prussia is caught then it’s a big money maker.

“Your Majesty, if we want the Kingdom of Prussia to fall for this, then it’s best if we don’t make secret contact with the German states, otherwise it’s hard to maintain secrecy with the number of countries involved.” Metternich said thoughtfully

Although he didn’t think Franz’s plan could succeed, Metternich didn’t mind trying it out, if it failed, the Austrian government would have performed for nothing, if it succeeded, Austria’s position as the leader of the German states would be secure.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will see to it, if the Prussian government doesn’t take the bait, let the nationalists put pressure on them to keep the Prussians in the war for as long as possible.” Franz said thoughtfully

War is very costly, and for every day that the Prussian war is delayed, the Prussian government has to spend a considerable amount of money on military expenses.

With more money spent in the war, the amount of money that the Kingdom of Prussia was able to put into domestic construction naturally decreased.

One day or two days is not obvious, if it is delayed for a few months, the Kingdom of Prussia’s yearly revenue will be almost lost.

You know, now the revolutionary government in Schleswig and Holstein also need Prussian financial support, these are pure investment, a short period of time will not be able to return.

Even if you win the Kingdom of Denmark there is no prize, with the Russians as the backstage, the Danes are neither have to cede land, nor have to give reparations.

History, the Kingdom of Prussia is forced by the pressure of the countries, gray withdrew from the war, and then watched the support of the Schleswig-Holstein revolutionary government was destroyed by the Danes.

(End of chapter)

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