Chapter 125: Austrian Civil Service Examination

  Chapter 124: Austrian Civil Service Exam

The Austrian government has been very busy recently, the end of the war, the government’s commitment to military rewards, must be honored; just taken over from the hands of the Church’s industry, but also must be taken care of; the popularization of compulsory education, but also the need for the local government to vigorously cooperate with ……

The government has a lot of things to do, naturally there is a shortage of manpower, since the lack of manpower that will have to be recruited externally.

What kind of talent in this world, there may be a shortage, but only want to be an official will not lack of people.

Of course, if it is in the harsh conditions of the place, there will be exceptions, but in the Austrian mainland, absolutely impossible to appear.

I don’t know how many have noble children in the home to stay at home, struggling to find the opportunity but can’t, slowly degraded into the assholes.

Now that the opportunity has come, it is natural to join the ruling group.

Don’t think that the grassroots civil servants are not popular anymore, it’s not easy for the fallen nobles to find a decent job.

Austria is conservative, the vast majority of noble children, can not let go of the frame to work for the capitalists, it will damage their family reputation.

They preferred to join the army and work their way up the ladder, rather than take a good salary under the capitalists, which would make them feel that their dignity had been insulted.

At first, Franz proposed a national civil service examination, which was immediately rejected by the government. After analyzing the actual situation, he gave up this tempting idea.

This year’s intellectuals are not many, only the aristocrats, capitalists, middle class, the common man is very rare, if there is really Franz also dare not use.

As a qualified monarch, the first thing to do is to ensure the loyalty of the people under him. As for the ability of God, ordinary civil servants need a hair ability, as long as the IQ in the passing line, able to carry out the orders of superiors, can be competent.

That’s why this time, we still choose among the noble children, if we look at it comprehensively, the overall level of ability of the noble children is a bit higher, they also received some of the life experience passed down from their fathers, it’s not something that can be compared to the outbursts.

Of course the emperor’s face everyone still have to give, the public service examination should also be held, only this is a unique Austrian characteristics of the civil service examination, in the application qualification excluded most people.

For example: the educational requirements of secondary school to start, but also through the social knowledge level examination results, political review (three views are correct, no bad speech records, ancestors of three generations without criminal records), industry avoidance system (parents, relatives engaged in the industry, the children shall not be referred to the supervisory positions) ……

If there is no green light for noble children to go straight to the second round, then this civil service exam is generally fair.

At least the government’s restrictions, in terms of reasoning, all still make sense. After the newspaper published these restrictions came out, public opinion was in an uproar.

Unexpectedly Franz, so naked exclusion conditions, in the outside world, this is still the Austrian government reform a big step forward, public opinion gave high praise.

If he was not sure that he had not manipulated public opinion, he suspected that these clear favorable comments were all water armies.

It wasn’t as if there was no opposition, many young students had opinions, feelings that their participation in demonstrations and government bashing could be an obstacle preventing them from applying for the civil service.

Of course, they can only keep their opinions to themselves, since the Ministry of Education has strengthened the management of the quality of school education, their schoolwork has increased a lot.

The exams were introduced by Franz into the Austrian education system, with monthly exams, half-yearly midterm exams, and annual exams.

Each examination results are all publicized, not afraid of losing face can try, the future diploma will be noted on the results during the school period.

If you fail three times in a row, prepare to repeat the year. If you can’t do it, you’ll have to wait for the school to expel you.

Of course, the rich and powerful can continue to play, do not want to repeat the grade to pay, the first time to pay 5,000 guilders to follow the fee, the second time to pay 10,000 guilders to follow the fee, the third time to pay 20,000 guilders to follow the fee ……

If you have the money, you can buy all the way through, Austrian colleges don’t mind selling diplomas. If you have enough money, you can even change your school performance.

Under the pressure of the Ministry of Education, Austrian students spend their days “happily” studying.

Truancy? If you have the guts, try to find out what happens when you get kicked out of school.

The bourgeoisie, which is the most restricted class, is silent this time, because the Vienna government has been targeting them for a long time, with a lot of restrictive measures.

They had no choice, their peers had managed to piss off the Austrian government by planning the fucking March Revolution, and even though the bastards were dead and running away, the government obviously still had a grudge?

We are all smart people with rich experience in social struggles, and know that we can’t risk our heads at this time, and even if we have any ideas, we have to wait until the wind has passed.

These situations Franz have anticipated in advance, the most worrying thing for him is that some people oppose the privileges of the nobility, triggering domestic unrest.

Originally, the nobles had the advantage, but also directly into the second round, simply do not give others a chance.

Facts proved that he just overthinks. The general Austrian public, their ideological awareness was not that high. No matter what conditions are set, it is impossible for them to take their turn, and things are not their own.

For the disguised ban on capitalists becoming public officials in the government, everyone is even more in favor. These guys are already very black, if they become officials then what’s the point?

Well, since no one is expressing an opinion, Franz will take it as if no one has an opinion.

Things are so finalized, the question of the test or not, direct interviews or not, how the various departments to recruit, Franz are too lazy to ask, he only need the results.

Bureaucrats are not fools, now recruiting people to do things, and is a low-level civilian officials, how can get a bunch of lords in to add to the chaos?

If they do not do a good job, it means that they have to be held accountable by higher officials, the Austrian government does not have the establishment of temporary workers can be used to cover the cylinder, under the people to do things are not good, the immediate leadership followed along with the bad luck.

Since Felix Prime Minister came to power, it purified once again the Austrian bureaucratic team, this time the government in the efficiency of the work, to enhance the not one star half a point.


Mei Quan Palace, located in the southwest of Vienna, was built in the 17th century, and halfway through several expansions, to the time of Queen Mariji Theresia was completed.

With 1,441 rooms and a total area of up to 26,000 square meters, it boasts a variety of regional cultural styles and is second only to the Palace of Versailles in terms of luxury.

Franz was born in the Mezzanine Palace, probably influenced by the memory of his predecessor, and had a unique feeling for this place, and after succeeding the throne, he took up permanent residence here.

The palace specialized in oriental classical architecture, such as Chinese-style rooms inlaid with rosewood, ebony and ivory, and Japanese-style rooms decorated with gilt and lacquer.

The interior decorations of the rooms were also harmonized in the Oriental style, with ceramics inlaid on the walls and ceilings. Among the wide array of ceramics, there are Chinese celadon, a large plate of Ming Dynasty Wanli colored porcelain, and a vase of Tsouhua flowers.

Any one of these things could have gotten rid of his loser career before crossing over, but now they were laid out in front of him wholesale.

Except for the initial excitement that passed, Franz didn’t have much feelings left. So what if it was an antique? At his position, as long as it was something he had used, it would be an antique artifact in the afterlife.

The prerequisite was that he succeeded all the time, if he failed, the value of these things would be greatly reduced.

Franz is aware that the luxurious Meiquan Palace is actually a bad project. When the design of the Palace, the size and luxury compared to Versailles, but due to financial constraints, the original design did not work out as hoped.

As a modest receiver, Franz does not mind completing the original design, of course, this is the future, now he can not afford to drop money on this.

I don’t know since when, Franz likes to drink tea under a huge tsubaki tree while reading the newspaper.

“Your Majesty, Prince Wendischgraetz requests an audience.”

The maid rang out crisply, waking up the floating Franz.

“Bring him here, and add a chair by the way.” Franz commanded.

This is his respect for the ministers, in informal occasions everyone deliberates together casually, the chair is placed there to sit or not to sit casually, coffee, tea, juice like what, order the maid to fetch it yourself.

Unless it is the first time to meet, Franz will personally greet. Behind are you love to do whatever you want, do not expect the great emperor his majesty will greet you every day.

For Franz’s way of doing things, Prince Wendy Schlegelz is well aware of it, the great nobles naturally have the manners of the great nobles.

After a polite salute, he automatically sat down on the chair next to him, and also asked the maid for a cup of coffee before speaking:

“Your Majesty, you see that all government departments are expanding their personnel, and our retired officers also need to be resettled, how about letting them fill some of the positions?”

Out of generals and into ministers, this was a regular operation in Austria. Take Franz’s current cabinet as an example, all of them were of military origin.

This is the choice of the vast majority of the nobility in the German region, adult sons and daughters have to go into the army for a while, even if it is only nominal service, they must go through the motions.

The general environment was such that there was naturally no obstacle to the conversion of military to civilian. Prince Wendischgraetz’s request was nothing more than an attempt to open the back door.

“In principle, there is no problem, but what position they are suitable for still has to be decided after an examination.” Franz replied calmly

Prince Wendischgraetz continued to fight, “Your Majesty, these transferred officers all have military service, they ……”

“I know all these things. It is for their own good that I feel they should be placed in positions that suit them.

If they are given positions that they are unable to fulfill, I feel that this is not rewarding, but rather setting them up.

The Austrian government is no longer the old Austrian government, and every employee in the government is now responsible for his or her own work.

If something goes wrong because of their own incompetence, they are also accountable, do you want these meritorious officials to be dishonored for the rest of their lives?” Franz asked rhetorically

Perhaps feeling that his words were a bit heavy, Franz added, “Instead of talking about this here, why don’t the Ministry of War conduct a training program for retired officers, and when their abilities are up to date, will they still not be able to compete with others?”

Preferential treatment? Franz is indeed giving preferential treatment to military personnel, but the problem is that the basic principle cannot be lost, and equal conditions can be prioritized. If one’s own ability is not good, then one will have to go to a simple job.

Extra, still owe 22-1=21.

(End of chapter)

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