Chapter 123: Educational Reform

  Chapter 122: Education Reform

The new official has three fires, Franz, the new emperor on the throne, not to mention, do not make some achievements, how to live up to his identity as a traveler?

“Reform” has become the theme of the government, the Austrian Empire has many problems, even after last year’s revolution, cleaned out a lot of garbage, but the carrion attached to the empire is still there.

To cut the flesh? This is too painful, Franz said that the Austrian Empire can not afford to hurt, no anesthetic, it could kill people.

He wasn’t prepared to die like that, so he had to remove the hidden dangers bit by bit. Anyway, the serfs had been emancipated, the land issue was taken care of, and the working class barely filled their bellies.

The bourgeoisie and mouth-breathers who dared to make trouble were few and far between after the great purge some time ago.

Those who survived are all smart people who know what can and cannot be said; what can and cannot be done.

The citizens of Vienna, who had experienced a revolution, hated the revolutionaries with a passion, and whoever dared to propagate revolutionary ideas to them would be beaten up and sent to the police station.

So far, the Vienna Police Department has received dozens of such rebels. After months of policing, the police arrested hundreds of rebels, dealing a heavy blow to the arrogance of the revolutionaries.

A large proportion of them were young students, which made Franz very angry and determined to fix the Austrian education system.

Freedom of speech was fine, but everyone had to take responsibility for what they said, and all those who talked nonsense, created rumors, and maligned people had to go to prison to reflect on their mistakes.

Gone are the days when schools were independent of the government and not subject to regulation by government departments. Universities, in particular, are the focus of regulation.

What happened before the March Revolution, when the University of Vienna refused to allow the police to enter and arrest the revolutionaries, could not happen now.

If it does happen, then I’m sorry for all the people who obstructed the execution of official duties and went to jail with the criminals, lawlessness doesn’t exist in Austria.

“Count Hoh Hum, what are the specific plans of the Ministry of Education to strengthen the ideological education of young students?” Franz asked

The Minister of Education, Count Leo von Tuss-Ho hum, hurriedly replied, “Your Majesty, the Ministry of Education has decided to create additional teachers of ideological education in schools, specializing in the ideological education of students, and once a bad seed is detected, it will be stifled immediately.

In order to strengthen the management of the schools, the Ministry of Education has decided that in the future, the appointment of key school leaders must be reported to the education department for approval, and the same applies to private schools.

The number of students enrolled in a school each year must be reported to the local education department for the record; the staff employed by the school must be correct in their thinking and have no criminal record.

In order to strengthen the management of universities and colleges, the Ministry of Education will provide references on the types of specialties offered by schools and the number of students enrolled in each specialty.

Based on the performance of each institution, the Ministry of Education will determine their financial allocations for the coming year. Institutions with frequent problems will be banned and those responsible will be held legally accountable.”

This is going to come from the top of the purse strings, it is very costly to run an education, and without government support, it is estimated that most schools would have to close down just by collecting tuition fees.

In this era, Austria adopts an elitist education model, the enrollment of each school is not much, basically only a few hundred people, and the teaching staff likewise has a hundred or eighty people.

In this case, without the Ministry of Education’s funding, primary and secondary schools, if the tuition fees are a little more, the source of students are rich children, perhaps still barely maintain.

When it comes to universities, it’s no good. Without money, they simply can’t afford to support expert professors, even if they enroll all liberal arts students.

This is Austria, don’t count on donations from the community. Schools that are unpopular with the government are also unpopular with celebrities.

Franz thought for a moment and said, “Supervision must be taken seriously, and it is very necessary for the Ministry of Education to guide school enrollment.

Some majors that society does not need to enroll so many students, graduation is the same as unemployment, this is not a misguided?

In the supervision, but also must be implemented in the education accountability system, in addition to the problem can be pursued to the responsible person.

A school principal is the first responsible person, as a principal has the responsibility to educate every student; to the class, we can implement the class teacher responsibility system, designate a teacher responsible for a class.

You will determine the details according to the actual situation. Before the implementation of compulsory education, we have to manage the existing schools first.

Such management must be strategic, ensuring that teaching and learning go smoothly while at the same time strengthening students’ ideological education.

But setting up specialized teachers for ideological education will not be necessary, as this will very easily cause a backlash.

We can split such ideological education into the subjects of history, politics and language, and make these contents compulsory in the examination for further studies.

The Ministry of Education should regulate the promotion exams and not let people mess around with them. Children of rich people who want bad grades and want to go to higher education let them pay a school sponsorship fee, don’t let these people mess up our education system.”

Franz is also on the defensive, if you don’t leave a path for the rich, they will find a way to corrupt the education system, rather than that it is better to make it clear.

Can’t pass the test no matter, you pay money to get in well, can graduate this is your child’s own problem. If you can’t, you’ll have to pay a fortune to sell your child a diploma.

Prime Minister Felix proposed: ”Your Majesty, since we have decided to universalize compulsory education, should we not restrict private education now? These private schools are always a hidden danger.

Education is sacred and shouldn’t be turned into a tool for some people’s personal gain!”

His words were not unfounded, after an investigation of the young students who participated in the Vienna Rebellion, it was found that nearly eighty percent of them went out from private schools.

The young students who often participate in demonstrations are basically students of private schools, and public schools usually prohibit students from leaving the campus during school hours.

In other words, the origin of revolutionary ideas was spread from these private schools, which were independent of the government system, and had a subtle influence on young people’s life concepts.

The funny thing is that these private schools were also funded by the Austrian government. At the end of the day, the Austrian government pays, the capitalists make money, and a group of anti-government students are trained.

“This is indeed a problem, what is the Ministry of Education going to do about it?” Franz asked

As an emperor, he didn’t have the habit of thinking it all out himself and just letting his subordinates carry it out accordingly.

If he really did that, the people underneath him would be free, but he himself would be exhausted. This kind of diligent emperor usually has a shorter life, there are a bunch of them in ancient and modern times.

What’s even more tragic is that if you don’t have enough experience, it’s easy to do something stupid. Exhausted, the final harvest is not pleasing to the effort, representative of the Chongzhen Emperor.

A person’s wisdom, always than a group of people’s wisdom, the profession has specialization, professional things or professionals do better.

As the emperor can revise the plan of his men, you can also abolish their plans, but never let the men do the plan.

Count Leo von Tuss-Ho hum replied: ”Your Majesty, this issue is still under discussion by the Ministry of Education, there are two ways of handling this that we can choose from.

One, prohibit the private sector from continuing to build private schools, the government will fund the acquisition of the private schools that have already been established, and bring education fully within the scope of government management;

Second, stop allocating funds to private schools for education, strengthen the approval of the establishment of private schools, and strengthen the management of private schools.”

Both models are cracking down on private schools, only the first is a bit more extreme.

Learning from its mistakes, the Ministry of Education now abhors the idea of disorganization, for which public schools have fired nearly 100 teachers, some of whom have been sent to prison.

Franz sneered and said, “Stop funding private schools, since they are private schools naturally have to be self-financing.

We also need to add another investor responsibility system to strengthen the management of private schools.

If there is a mass spreading of illegal ideas in private schools, let the capitalists behind the scenes go to jail along with the principal!”

The Austrian government still has to watch what it eats, and it can’t solve the problem across the board. In European society, education in this day and age is supposed to be a business.

It’s just that it’s a unique business that’s been given a different meaning. People who invest in education in this era are definitely not the so-called philanthropists, they are all with a purpose.

The children of the lower classes were not qualified to study, even in the cheapest church schools, they could not afford even the most basic paper and pens.

In this climate, who can afford to subsidize poor students? It’s not one or two, or 10,000 or 20,000, but millions who are in desperate need of education.

The reality was far harsher than what was recorded in the textbooks, and being in this era, Franz was very much aware that it was a dark time.

(End of chapter)

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