Chapter 88: Budapest Attack and Defense – Undercurrent

  Chapter 88 Budapest Attack and Defense – Undercurrent

Austria’s church, is not a soft touch, although now it has fallen, but the church has colluded with the local nobles, the church in the senior basically are the children of the nobility side branch.

This is also the reason why Franz did not rush to the church, a slight change will affect the whole body. The meal has to be eaten one by one, the enemy has to be killed one by one, it would be better to turn the enemy into a friend.

There is no doubt that the Austrian church members are not worthy of him to pull together, these people are rich, but also hinder the development of Austrian society, is the real gold full of reactionaries.

Prime Minister Felix opened his mouth and said: ”Your Highness, it is best to postpone the matter of the church. Not long ago there was a change in the Papal States, Pope Pius IX went into exile in Naples and has come to our rescue.

The cabinet has decided to speed up the pacification of the rebellion and defeat the Sardinian Kingdom before sending troops to the Papal States to help Pius IX take power!”

Obviously, the cabinet government was no fool and knew that the Church could not act rashly. Since the Middle Ages, the divine power had begun to play with the king’s power, and now the secular king’s power had prevailed, but the divine power still could not be underestimated.

Making a direct move against them was certainly not a good choice. However, these clergymen were not without a nemesis, and the Austrian Catholic Church was still subject to the leadership of the Holy See.

Now that the Papal States had undergone a change of heart, Austria was needed to lend a helping hand. After it was accomplished, could Pius IX not return the favor?

Franz nodded with satisfaction, thought in his heart: it is true that this group of old foxes in the political arena, are not oil lamps, in the grasp of the timing of the pinch is accurate.

The Pope is in a bind, selling out the Austrian Church for his own interests, without any hesitation at all. With the Pope on top, the pressure they have to bear, to be much smaller.


With an order from the Vienna government, the Budapest offensive and defense was launched.

Now Lt. Gen. Julius didn’t have to worry, according to the Vienna government’s plan, Budapest was already dispensable in the future administrative division, and didn’t have to worry about the war destroying the city.

Budapest is actually a merger of two cities, Buda and Pest, as early as the medieval era, the city of Pest became the capital of Hungary, Buda is just a city separated from Pest by water.

When referring to the two cities, people usually link them together, Budapest or Pest Buda.

After the establishment of the Republic of Hungary, the two cities were merged, and naturally after the war they were split up and would still fall under the jurisdiction of two provinces.

“His Excellency the Governor, the War Ministry has issued an order to attack the city, asking us to take Budapest as soon as possible, what is your opinion?” Lieutenant General Julius asked with concern

The Bohemian and Croatian legions complemented each other’s unity, and this attack on Budapest was only a temporary joint command organized, Julius had to consider Governor Josip Jelacic’s opinion.

“His Excellency the Commander, the Hungarian rebels are already in a jar, attacking Budapest is not a problem, the key is to be able to eliminate the rebels in one fell swoop!

By this time, the Transylvanian Corps has arrived along the Tisza River, and the Austrian Corps is marching along the Danube River, and outside of our encirclement, an even larger encirclement is forming.

The only way for these rebels to survive was to flee to the Ottoman Empire. The Sultan’s government, which had begun its great reforms as early as 1839, had long been hostile to the Empire, and there was a good chance that they would take in these rebels.

If they were allowed to merge, this would be very detrimental to the future rule of the Empire in Hungary. Therefore whether or not the enemy can be completely annihilated is the key to this war!”

Governor Josip Jeláčić was a military politician, and he viewed things more from a political perspective. In the long run, completely extinguishing the Hungarian Revolutionary Party was more meaningful than conquering Budapest.

Lieutenant General Julius smiled bitterly and said, “It’s hard to do, the revolutionaries aren’t as valiant as they brag about themselves, once the momentum is off, they run faster than a rabbit.

It is estimated that by now they have prepared their backroads, and when we launch the Budapest siege, they will bolt, and unless they can be blocked in the city, it will be impossible to eliminate them.”

As a loyalist of the Habsburgs, Julius was very hostile to the revolutionaries, and he wouldn’t mind hanging all of them if possible.

Franz had made him the commander-in-chief, and the main purpose was still to have him go on a killing spree and click all the miscreants who were involved or suspected of being involved in the rebellion.

Regardless of whether or not the rebels could be wiped out, on May 24, 1848, the Austrian army launched the Siege of Budapest, and Julius even chose the militarily undesirable siege of the city on four sides in order to annihilate the head of the revolutionaries.

With the outside world of the Republic of Hungary completely cut off, Budapest had become an isolated city, and perhaps letting go of its regard, the Austrian army unleashed its artillery fire on the city with impunity.


Since the sound of the siege guns, this ancient city has become noisy, the main war party and the main peace party quarrels, some handful of people have to look for a way out, the pressure of the Kossuth government increased greatly.

“Count Shemir, the revolutionaries still refuse to compromise, what should we do now?” Golgai asked with a headache

“General Golgai, how many people in the National Self Defense Army listen to our command?” Shemir asked with concern

“Kosut has begun to suspect us, half a month ago he had Behm take over the military power in my hands, and now he has brought in the famous Polish general Henrik Dembinski to preside over the city’s defense affairs.

If I were to do it now, I would be able to command thirteen thousand troops, but these men are still scattered among the various units and cannot be centralized!” Golgai replied with some embarrassment


This was Shemir’s first reaction, as the Minister of War of the Provisional Government, he actually didn’t have a reliable army in his hands.

Over thirteen thousand people? This was obviously a snub, if they still had this many full-fledged troops in their hands, they would have flipped out with the revolutionaries long ago.

You know, the Hungarian National Self-Defense Force Görgüe was single-handedly involved in the formation of the Hungarian National Self-Defense Force, as a member of the bourgeois aristocracy, they can stuff a lot of people into it.

Now, actually by the revolutionaries to empty, in addition to “waste” to describe, Shemir can not think of a better word.

“General Golgai, I’m not asking how many people are inclined towards us, but rather how many people you can use without attracting attention from the outside world, immediately, not how many troops you can concentrate!” Shemir explained helplessly

“At the most, I can only utilize more than five hundred men without attracting outside attention.” Golgai frowned and replied

Pushing the book “The Strongest Chongzhen in History

Reporting a good news, the first day of Three Rivers was not at the bottom after all, it was awkwardly the second from the bottom.

Forget it, pouncing is already used to it, Hai Yue is just so unambitious! This is a good start, thank you for your support, votes smash over it!

(End of chapter)

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