Chapter 32: Out of Control

  Chapter 32 Out of Control

Two stone pillars stood high and low on either side of the doorway, like two imposing sentries, and an iron door was barred.

The security guards inside seemed to have deserted, paying no attention to the fact that someone was calling the door from outside.

“What about the sheriff? The people inside the school aren’t cooperating, should we lead a charge in?”

A police officer said in a rush to show his loyalty, not noticing that he had exerted himself too hard and clapped the horse’s ass onto the horse’s leg.

“Charge your ass!”

“Are the people in here ordinary people?”

“In the dark, if an accident occurs and someone dies, will you take the responsibility or will I?”


Winston to the little brother is split head and face a scolding, the heart of the depressed gas to vent out.

He was already an old man in the workplace, and knew that the middle-aged teenagers inside the school were not to be messed with, and all of them were little masters of death. If he rushed in now, he might even get smothered.

If they don’t move the gun, they may not be able to do the students inside, and he doesn’t dare to move the gun, in case he kills any of the ones with backgrounds, and if they retaliate, he won’t know how to die.

These are all by the rich workplace experience summarized, otherwise Winston could not be by an ordinary person, climbed to the position of sheriff.

He has been satisfied, want to go further, if you want to participate in politics. Winston has a self-awareness, on his level of elementary school did not graduate, run to play politics, sooner or later are pills.

“Everyone keep guard, don’t let the suspect inside get away!”

Winston came up with a stupid solution, just block the door here, anyway, as long as the people are controlled and not allowed to go out and make trouble, then things will be fine.

Compared to the school, other places weren’t so lucky, they didn’t scare the police, and a lot of people went to jail.

Instead of scaring the people, the Vienna government inspired a common enemy, and under the planning of the revolutionaries, an even more powerful march broke out in Vienna the next day.

Inside the government building, Prime Minister Metternich had panicked, and it was customary that the anti-government movement would fall apart as soon as the leading figures were arrested.

Unfortunately, this time was different, everyone was backed into a corner, and how could they stop when the government couldn’t solve the real problem?

The Vienna government panicked when a powerful demonstration broke through the police blockade and headed straight for the palace. In a hurry, Prime Minister Metternich ordered the city guards to be mobilized to maintain order in the city.


A fast horse galloped furiously down the mountain passes, known to all Austrians as the messenger. In front of the barracks gate, the messenger rolled over and dismounted, and was ushered inside.

“Your Excellency the Commander, urgent military information!”

Albrecht, who had been prepared for this, received the urgent report and opened it on the spot to read it, there was no surprise, Vienna was in chaos, and the government, fearing that the situation was getting out of hand, ordered the field training troops to return to the city immediately.

“Pass the order down, immediately stop training, pack up and prepare to go back!”

Albrecht said calmly, the messenger rushed over only half a day’s work, but the army returned to the fastest two or three days, so long enough for a lot of things to happen.

Franz did not stop the army from returning to the city, doing so would be too deliberate. He needed the Austrian Empire to be broken, but definitely did not need Austria to be really torn apart.

The Vienna Rebellion could break out, but it had to be extinguished immediately. He needed to take the opportunity of the rebellion to remove the worms from the government, but had no intention of letting the rebels overthrow the government.

“Franz, the situation in Vienna has gotten very bad, 100,000 people participated in a demonstration yesterday, I’m afraid that if the government doesn’t handle it properly the consequences will be very serious!”

Albrecht said seriously, by this time he was already a little worried about Franz’s layout, fearing that it would evolve into the February Revolution in Paris.

Franz smiled faintly, then pointed to the barracks before saying slowly, “Don’t worry, Austria is different from France, we still have troops in our hands that are loyal to the royal family!”

This was his bottom line, there was still a palace guard in Vienna that could guard the palace. The remaining 5,000 city guards, even if all of them were trash, they were still trash loyal to the emperor.

Unlike France, the Austrian army wasn’t accessible to anyone, the officers were basically nobles, and they wouldn’t betray their class easily.

An uprising without the support of the army would at best be a loud riot that would eventually be suppressed.

Franz was already prepared to give an account to the people by first dismissing Metternich’s cabinet after he returned.

Then announced the abolition of serfdom and the implementation of the Labor Protection Act to appease the people, followed by the natural coercion from the unquestioned, only to pursue the first evil.

At worst, a few more corrupt officials will be arrested and sentenced to death to divert everyone’s attention.

Even after World War I, the Habsburgs were very much in the minds of the general public, and if the descendants hadn’t been so rotten, the Austro-Hungarian Empire wouldn’t have collapsed.

Historically, after the Vienna Revolution broke out, there was a proposal to abolish the Emperor, but it was opposed by the Viennese public.



Crowds of demonstrators have surrounded the government, the royal palace, and the parliament, demanding that the government agree to their terms.

Dismissal of the cabinet, release of political prisoners, constitutional reforms, opening up of electoral restrictions, abolition of serfdom, confiscation of noble fiefdoms and distribution of land to serfs, abolition of censorship ……

The situation was still on the verge of getting out of control, and there was no way that the government in Vienna would agree to these conditions, which would mean the destruction of the empire.

History changed, and by this time the bourgeoisie, could no longer be satisfied with ordinary reforms, they wanted to seize the power of the country in order to survive the crisis.

In order to achieve this, people no longer cared about the future of Austria, and the patriots were used by the conspirators without any thought of the consequences of doing so.

The general public was even less discerning, and most of them followed blindly. Even more workers participated in this march because there was money to be had.

That’s right, there was money to be paid for participating in the demonstration, otherwise the revolution wouldn’t have been able to do that and organize so many people to come in a short period of time.

Without the cooperation of the capitalists, in this age when communication is all by roar, if you want to do the ideological work of these more than 100,000 people, just relying on the hundred and eighty revolutionaries, give them a month’s time and they won’t be able to organize it.

I don’t know who shouted “Metternich come out”, then quickly spread out, thousands of people at the same time:

“Metternich out!”

“Metternich out!”


By this time the scene had gotten out of control, and the aged Prime Minister Metternich, at this moment, was already pale and without his former elegance.

(End of chapter)

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