Chapter 252 – The Ancestral Demon Cult Struggles for the Liberation of the Demon Race! (

Chapter 252 – Ancestral Demon Cult – Fighting for the Liberation Cause of the Demon Race! (4700 words)
A few days later.

Somewhere in a remote cave.

Several young masters and young ladies of the Pureblood Demon Race were gathered together, holding the book of words in their hands and reading them with great interest.

“Too wonderful! It’s too wonderful, worthy of Nicholas!”

“This is the flavor, no other talking book has this flavor, Nicholas my god, I’ve missed it!”


The crowd was full of praise, their eyes filled with a look of enjoyment and satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, in today’s situation, they could actually read Nicholas’s unreleased new book, simply too happy!
God knows, how did they get through these days without new books to read?
It was simply torment!
“Elephant Mountain, tell me honestly, are you in contact with Nicholas?” Suddenly, a teenager spoke out, and the atmosphere around them froze as a pair of eyes looked over.

As a matter of fact, they had long had such speculations.

After all, Nicholas was not allowed to see the light of day at all nowadays, countless great clans were searching for him, and what happened in the Returning Dream Lodge before had truly slapped the faces of many great clans.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the young masters and young ladies in many of the great clans were cool with Nicholas’ works.

I’m afraid that on the market, even Nicholas’s past words are going to be banned, and not a single book will remain.

Under these circumstances, Elephant Mountain actually managed to get Nicholas’ new book.

They can’t afford not to think about it.

However, they were very sensible and did not ask, and as Elephant Mountain requested, they made a heart and blood oath to never divulge to the outside world that these books came from Elephant Mountain’s hands.

This is the most poisonous oath of the Demon Race, swearing by the bloodline and honor, and once you renege on the oath, it is the same as reneging on your ancestor’s bloodline.

The bloodline will be corrupted, and the devil’s heart will collapse, so not only is there no hope for the future, but he will also become an invalid, and his fate will be extremely tragic.

To be honest, many devil clans will never take a blood oath in their lifetime.

Because the cost is too great.

No one was willing to bear that eventuality.

They had hesitated, but there was no way around it, the temptation of those six words, Nicholas’ new book, was too great.

It was tantalizing.

In the end, they still chose to compromise, and they thought very clearly, they are just a group of book reading, read and pull down, in addition to searching their souls, who can prove that they have read it?

As long as they keep their mouths shut and don’t talk about it everywhere, the probability of something happening is still very small.

They tacitly did not ask about Nicholas, because they knew that there was absolutely no benefit for them.

But now that someone was asking questions for them, they didn’t mind listening to it.


The youngster who spoke out was named Xiong Gu, the pride of the Bear Demon Clan.

His body was tall and robust, with thick hair all over his body, and he was about ten feet tall.

He was close friends with Elephant Mountain and had an excellent relationship.

He asked this question because he was worried that Elephant Mountain would be involved in the whirlpool of those big shots.

Just brain mute a bit.

Otherwise, he should have waited until all the people present had dispersed before asking such a question.

Yet Elephant Mountain’s reaction was calm, as if he had already prepared for it, nodding his head and saying, “Not bad!”

The moment these words came out, all the people’s faces changed slightly.

It was unexpected that Elephant Mountain would admit it so frankly.

They looked at each other and all felt that today’s atmosphere was a bit strange, and they were afraid that something was going to happen.

“Are you crazy? Don’t you know how dangerous that guy is right now? If it’s known, you’ll be finished, even the Earth Demon Elephant Clan won’t be able to withstand it!” Xiong Gu was surprised, he was genuinely thinking for Elephant Mountain.

“Of course I know, but there’s no way I can do otherwise!” Elephant Mountain sighed, incomparably serious.

“Why? Could it be that …… that Nicholas has coerced you with some means?” Xiong Gu’s big eyes like copper bells glared, glowing all over his body, terrifying demonic qi surfaced and flowed, his breath was regal, and the earth trembled.

Elephant Mountain shook his head, tilted his head, looked at a forty-five degree angle towards the sky, and let out an exclamation, “I could have endured the darkness, had I never seen the light!”

Crowd: “……”

“What do you mean?”

“Can’t understand!”

“Seems like a very tall duck!”

“……” Elephant Mountain slightly lost his words, blanked this group of people, a group of uneducated guys, for nothing he held back for so long to come up with the opening line.

“I envy you guys, know too little, still can keep that clear stupidity!” Elephant Mountain opened his mouth again, and the faces of the crowd changed, no matter what, they could hear this sentence, it was scolding them.

“What exactly do you mean?”

“Now, I’ll give you all three questions to ponder over!” Elephant Mountain said in a serious manner, “Who am I? Where am I? Where did I come from and where am I going?”

Crowd: “……”

There was a silence, a somewhat awkward silence.

“Alas, have you all never wondered what the truth of this world is?” Elephant Mountain shook his head and sighed in anger, quite a bit of hatred.

“No, Elephant Mountain? What the hell is wrong with you today?” Xiong Gu wondered why he couldn’t understand a single word his best friend said today.

“It’s just!”

Elephant Mountain gave up, these people were too stupid, their intelligence was not on the same level as his.

Of course this was normal, after all, he was the one chosen by the Demon Ancestor.

He had also been personally instructed by Emissary Nicholas, inspiring wisdom, and had long since been removed from above the dust and mud.

He no longer spoke of some irrelevant topics, but instead, he retold the story that Nicholas had informed him of, about the truth of this world, informing the people present.

Without a doubt, this story was extremely shocking.

Everyone was stunned, their jaws agape.

What Mojo? What Buu? What plotting and scheming? What Nicholas the Creationist?
The room was in a state of shock, and the dead silence lasted for a long time.

“Our race, is facing unimaginable disasters and dilemmas! The evil Demon Man Buu, trying to turn the entire demon world, into a plaything in his palm!” Elephant Mountain was impassioned, stepping on the high ground, his voice was Lang Lang, his aura was powerful and regal, and his body emitted intense light.

“Xiong Gu, your father was once the Bear Demon Clan’s number one war general, pioneering for the Bear Demon Clan and making unrivaled achievements! But in the end, just because he suffered a serious injury and couldn’t fight anymore, your family was expelled from the core of the Bear Demon Clan, and even your mother was brutally abused and died! Can you really …… accept everything like this?”

Elephant Mountain’s words were suddenly sharp as he stared at his good brother.

Xiong Gu’s pupils shrank, that memory was the root cause of all his pain, weekdays deeply hidden, escape, do not want to!
But that was the truth, there was no escaping it.

His mountain-like body began to tremble, unable to say whether it was anger or pain, his body was bubbling with demonic flames.

“Kong Yue! You and your sister share the same mother, both should have been princesses of the Great Peacock Demon Kingdom, enjoying glory and wealth, but what happened? Your sister, relying on the fact that she can skulk around and has an old ancestor behind her, backstabbed you and siphoned off the demonic marrow in your body to accomplish herself, she is now high and mighty, but you are no different from a demon servant, and even this life of yours is still kept because your sister wants to see the misery of you falling into the mud, are you willing to do that?” His gaze shifted and landed on the corner, a silent young girl.

That young girl was trembling, her originally pretty face became incomparably hideous, and there was pain in her expression. “As for the rest of you, I don’t think I need to say more! We are all bitter people, struggling to survive in this rotten world!”

“But when you think about it, what have we done wrong? Who are we to accept all this injustice?”

“We haven’t wronged anyone, so why should we be oppressed and bullied like this?”

“Could it be that just because they are gifted, just because they have a background, they can arbitrarily dispose of us dead or alive?”

“True devils, heavenly devils, would they rather have the right kind?”

Elephant Mountain’s voice grew louder and louder, deafening, the words penetrating into the hearts of the people.

He unreservedly displayed his learning from the jade talisman that Nicholas had left him, exhorting the people.

His voice lingered in the cave.

The group of demons was quiet.

But the silence, however, was deafening.

Everyone clenched their fists tightly, remembering past scenes, all kinds of heartache, unwillingness, grief and anger surged to their hearts, transforming into a full-blooded passion, almost wanting to spurt out.

“All of these, are the result of the evil Demon Man Buu!”

“He steered this world in the wrong direction, deviating from the expectations of the Demon Ancestor!”

“This world should be full of flowers, the strong have their own paths, the ordinary demons have their own ways of living, every demon’s life can be colorful, not necessarily by oppressing others to achieve their own success!”

“This world shouldn’t be like this!”

Elephant Mountain’s words were fierce and powerful, and wherever his eyes passed, the gazes of everyone present gradually took on a sharp edge.

“Nicholas said that when a race, more than ninety percent of the population is suffering, then no matter how powerful and prosperous the race looks, it’s all false, it’s all castles in the air!”

“The demon population is water, and the demon realm is a boat! Water can carry a boat and it can also overturn it!”

“If this continues, they will destroy this world and our home! We must stop this, save our Demon World, save our race! Down with those who oppress us, down with those who bully us! Return a clear sky to this world!”

Hearing this, someone couldn’t help but ask, “But, with just us? Can we do it?”

“Of course not!” Elephant Mountain did not hesitate to say, “This world, is a world shared by all the demon masses, only if all of us work together and unite all the forces that can be united, will we be able to break the haze that has been shrouding the head of this world for countless years!”

He proclaimed aloud that they were not the only ones being oppressed in this world, there were also hundreds of millions of foreign devils, vast and countless.

Though, their single power was weak.

But gathered together, it was likewise a torrent that could not be ignored.

“Of course, this battle is destined to kill people, many, many people! But it doesn’t matter, we don’t fear life and death, anyway, …… even if we live, we are still suffering from humiliation, one of us dies, there will still be thousands of us standing up!
Even if our generation dies out, there will be the next generation, the next generation!
Sons will have sons, and sons will have grandchildren!
The generations are endless!

One day, this world will become the world we aspire to!
As long as our faith is strong enough, the bright demon world …… will surely come, and the Demon Ancestor will bless us!”

Hearing this, many people’s eyes lit up with a refined light, rising with strong hope and passion.

The group was excited at this moment, and their fervor was ignited.

Previously, they had read a part of the words, planted seeds in their hearts, and at this moment …… those seeds took root, sprouted, and gradually grew, filling their hearts.

“Nervous! A bunch of weaklings who want nothing, what to resist with? Play life? What’s the use? If you want to play, you play, I won’t accompany you!”

Right at this moment, an extremely discordant voice came out.

It was a Pureblood Demon Race’s heavenly pride, strong and powerful, with a proud status in the race, very content with the status quo, and very disdainful of Object Mountain and the others.

He laughed coldly and was about to leave this place without looking back.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the way.

“What? You want to kill me?” This heavenly pride laughed coldly, looking at Elephant Mountain’s eyes full of disdain, his strength was powerful, and his years were longer than Elephant Mountain’s, and when it came to moving, Elephant Mountain would never be a one on one enemy for him.

“You and I are fellow demons, I naturally won’t kill easily, you don’t want to join, I understand and don’t object! As long as you make a heart blood oath that you won’t divulge everything here today, I will let you go!” Elephant Mountain said word by word.

“Joke, you say swear and swear?” Tianjiao laughed coldly, unwilling to agree, everything that this group of people had plotted, once it was leaked out, it would be a certain death, and if he was meritorious in his prosecution, he would still be rewarded with a considerable amount of money, how could he possibly swear?

“This matter, is related to my demon race’s grand plan, if you refuse to take this oath today, don’t blame me for being unsympathetic! Although I pursue peace, I will never be merciful to evil heretics!” Elephant Mountain said with a resolute gaze.

“Hahaha, speaking as if it’s true! Want to leave me behind, just based on you guys?” This heavenly pride laughed wildly, raising his hand and flipping it, a pitch-black bead appeared in his hand, with devilish patterns entwined around it, emitting a horrifying devilish light all over, oozing with a powerful aura that flowed, taking in the hearts of the people.

“Extermination bead?” The group of devils in the field were all shocked and retreated, not daring to lean forward.

This was a very famous demonic treasure with unimaginable power that could be called destroying the heavens and destroying the earth, even the older generation of demonic powerhouses would find it hard to possess, and it would actually be rewarded to him?
Coupled with his own strength, I’m afraid that if he wanted to leave today, these people present, would not be able to keep him at all.

For a time, people were on edge.

They had already been persuaded by Elephant Mountain, but if this person was let go, then there was no difference between today’s matter and a joke.

If they couldn’t even keep a young demonic pride, what was there to talk about against the legendary Demon Man Buu?
“Alas, I originally thought highly of you, but you have disappointed me too much! The great Nicholas Demon Envoy, who had given me unlimited power to help me eradicate heretics, today …… will use this life of yours to sacrifice the flag for the great democratic revolution of the demon race!”

Elephant Mountain sighed, and the next moment his eyes surged with refined light, and his original figure, which was still quite clean, steeply swelled thousands of times, bursting through this cave.

A devilish elephant silhouette that covered the sky emerged between heaven and earth.

Like a round of sun blazing, breath horror to the extreme, horrifying pressure will be the devil clan pride shocked, only feel all over the body by an invisible shackles, even a finger is difficult to move.

Devil Elephant World Suppressing Fist!
Elephant Mountain’s fist smashed down, like a star smashing down, the void shook and cracked, the devil elephant shadow that covered the sky stepped into the sky, crushing everything.

That Demon Race Heavenly Pride had a terrified expression, and he couldn’t even move his Demonic Treasure in time, and was directly blown to smithereens!
In an instant.

The field was dead silent, all of the Demon Race Celestial Pride were as if they had lost their souls, foolishly looking at this scene, their eyes filled with disbelief.

“Empty Mountain …… was actually blown away with a single punch!”

Empty Mountain, was the name of that demonic race heavenly pride that was killed, his strength was overwhelming, an absolute leader among his peers in the Three Origin City, very few people in the room could match him, even Elephant Mountain couldn’t, it was much worse.

Now holding a demonic treasure, he was directly killed by Elephant Mountain without any delay.

Simply unimaginable.

“Could it be that everything is true ……,” someone wondered, remembering what Elephant Mountain had said earlier.

Honestly, those, although very shocking, but too distant and vain, still very difficult to convince, persuasive far less than this punch.

Elephant Mountain’s strength had skyrocketed so much.

Obviously is the performance of an extremely high grade mastery, this kind of mastery …… three source city three pure blood families are not likely to have, and even the night imperial city kind of place, there is a devil emperor sitting in the town, I am afraid that it is also very difficult to find out this kind of inheritance to come.

For a while, they were quite convinced by what Object Mountain had said before.

“That explains it, Elephant Mountain must be certain, there is a mysterious great power sitting behind him, perhaps that Nicholas, that’s why he dared to make wild statements!” Someone who had not taken a stance before, now finally figured it out, a brilliant light emerged from his eyes, excited.

“In that case, it’s believable ……”

The crowd was all intent on talking about it.

In the midst of the roiling demonic aura, Elephant Mountain stepped on the void, and the demonic elephant shadow behind him covered the sky, dominating the sky.

He looked at the crowd in a loud voice and said, ”Nicholas once said that a devil’s life should be spent like this – when he looks back, he does not regret his wasted years, and he does not feel ashamed of his inactivity, so that when he is dying, he is able to say: my entire life and all of my energies have been dedicated to the world’s most magnificent cause–striving for the liberation and light of the Demon race!”

“Gentlemen, I hereby sincerely invite you, to join – the Ancestral Demon Cult!”

(End of chapter)

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