Chapter 727 – Shirley AMP Dog

Chapter 727 Shirley & Dog
On the broken floating island shrouded in stagnant starlight, Dog and Shirley came to the end of the earth, sat down and began to stare.

A dark chain extends from Sherry’s arm, covered in black bone fragments, and connects to Dog’s cervical vertebrae, and the thoughts of the two minds flow quietly through the chain-constructed connection, mingling and sharing reason and humanity with each other – just as they have for the past twelve years.

They had a lot to talk about, and in the short but thrilling period of time after the chain broke, the pair of twelve year old “partners” had faced many unimaginable things, and even Sherry, who was not the most cerebral of thinkers, had had a lot to think about in her life at this time.

Of course, by the way, they also have to think about how to adapt to the “guardian dog” and “contracted human” this in the world are very explosive new relationship ……

Duncan did not disturb them, but took Alice to a place a little farther away from the border of the floating island, while waiting, he also investigated the strange environment of the “deep sea”.

The surroundings were quiet, and there was no living thing to be seen in the wilderness, which was shrouded by an obscure starry sky.

There used to be many Profound Demons gathered here, but in order to avoid being beaten up, they had already fled cleanly, leaving behind a wilderness of black rocks and some jagged and undulating shadows in the distance.

If he did not know that he was in the “deep sea”, Duncan felt that the scene in front of him was like a barren alien planet – the surface of the dead planet around him and the stagnant starry sky above his head exuded a bleak and depressing atmosphere, which was really not a good environment. The environment is not a good one.

If you consider that the only “animals” here are countless raging demons, and that all the demons do is gnaw on their own kind, gnaw on rocks, and be gnawed on by their own kind, then this place is even more unrelated to “livable”.

“…… I’m starting to think that the Church of the Four Gods’ plan isn’t a good one,” Duncan said casually, “I mean the one about settling in the Deep Sea- -Even if human beings did survive in this hellhole, they’d be twisted beyond recognition. …… Whether or not a ‘civilization’ that is completely inhuman can be considered a ‘human civilization’, I’m afraid it’s a question of whether or not it can be considered a ‘human civilization’. ‘, I’m afraid this has to be a question mark.”

Alice on the side thought about it and seemed to understand.

However, she seemed to have little resistance to the environment here, and even adapted well, and until now was still skulking around with gusto, the bare wilderness and dim surroundings didn’t affect this mannequin’s good mood – she ran aside and picked up an oddly shaped rock, and happily held it out to Duncan: “Captain! Look at that, look at that rock!”

Duncan immediately gathered his thoughts and took a look at the stone Alice had picked up with a serious and grave expression, “What’s so special about this stone?”

“Do you see that it looks like a goat’s head on its side?” Miss Mannequin burst out laughing with a braggadocio expression on her face, “I noticed it with a glance just now!”

Duncan: “……”

And while he was in this daze, Alice ran off to the side again and dug something up from among the jagged rocks nearby, gleefully showing it to Duncan, “And these, do they look like tree branches to you?”

Duncan looked at the branches Alice grabbed in her hand – this thing saw a lot along the way, they looked like the thin branches of some kind of shrub, growing in the rock crevices, with grayish-white lines on the surface, but only the main trunk without any leaf structure, the form was quite strange.

Anyone who first saw this thing, I am afraid that they would subconsciously think that this is a kind of “plant” unique to the deep sea.

However, Alice casually broke off a thin branch and pointed at the thin branch’s section: “Look, this thing is also a stone.”

Duncan frowned slightly, took the “thin branch” that Alice broke, and curiously observed its fracture form – this thing seems to be very brittle, the stubble is neat and sharp, and presents the same texture as those black and gray stones on the surrounding ground, but when Duncan took them under the starlight and looked at them carefully, he saw that they were also stones. them under the starlight and examined them closely, he saw that the fracture was faintly reflecting a fine glow, as if very fine metallic dust or fibers had been mixed in with it.

And then he raised his head again, looking towards the vast space in the distance that was shrouded by the obscure starry sky – large and small broken islands floated in this dimension, some of them were almost as large as the largest city-state on the infinite sea, while some of them were just bigger rocks, but no matter how big the “island” was, it was structurally the same. But no matter how big the “island” was, it had one thing in common structurally:

The lower part of the “floating island” is a regular “disk”, and at the bottom of the disk, you can see many clumps of stalagmite-like inverted objects, and there is a huge structure that you can’t see the shape of the connection between those inverted objects, as if it is the “substrate” of the floating island. The “base” of the floating island.

Duncan slightly frowned, couldn’t help but think of the “mirror island” that he had seen at the bottom of the frosty sea – that black mirror island floating in the deep sea also showed the same barren and primitive appearance as the broken floating island here, and the island was also covered with a similar, mixed with a faintly different color of the island, which was similar to the one here. And the island was also covered with “black stone” materials similar to this one, mixed with a slight metallic texture.

Obviously, the two are similar things.

If those black clay figures with human silhouettes were “human roughs”, then that barren and primitive dark mirror at the bottom of the Frost Sea was “city-state roughs”. …seems to be stuffed with “rough casts of city-states”.

Perhaps these are the “original blanks” used by the Profound Lord in the Third Night? Or to put it another way …… are they the “half-finished products” of the many islands on the boundless sea?
If these are all semi-finished products …… then it is obvious that the Profound Lord had a much more grandiose plan when he constructed the “shelter” – more islands, more city-states, more space to live in, more abundance of food, more space to live in, more space to live in, more space to live in, more space to live in, more space to live in, more space to live in. More islands, more city-states, more living space, more abundant resources, and even …… the scope of the Boundless Sea in the beginning of the plan could be many times wider than what the world knows now.

However, now, these “semi-finished products” are just quietly floating in this space like a cage, letting the years pass by, forgotten by the world and the gods, only chaotic and unintelligent demons of the abyss are fighting here all day long, maintaining the meaningless material cycle and “balance” day after day. The only thing is the chaotic and unintelligent demons fighting here all day long, maintaining the meaningless cycle of matter and “balance” day after day.

The sound of footsteps suddenly came from the side, snapping Duncan out of his thoughts. He raised his head and looked at the sound, and saw two tall figures coming this way – one was Shirley, who was still in the form of a Profound Demon, and the other was Dog, whose mental state had been fully restored.

“Looks like you guys are done talking.” Duncan took the initiative to walk forward and was the first to break the silence.

“Thank you for your time,” Dog said very politely, bowing his head, “I hope this didn’t delay things.”

“We’ve got a lot of work to do – but there’s no rush for the ten minutes,” Duncan said casually, while observing Shirley’s and Dog’s expressions for a moment (mostly Shirley’s, Dog’s bony face was really hard to read), and “It looks like you’re in good shape – have you discussed what to do in the future? I mean your new contractual relationship …… about the unprecedented situation of a demon summoning a contracted human.”

He himself felt a burst of weirdness in his heart when he said this, but he didn’t expect the opposite side of the table, Sherry and Dog, to be extraordinarily calm after hearing this instead, with the latter shaking his head unconcernedly, “It’s not a big deal, Sherry and I don’t think it’s going to have much of an effect on us …… “

Alice next to him immediately opened her eyes wide in surprise when she heard it, “No effect?”

“Yeah,” said Doggett frankly, “Anyway, it’s usually Shirley who goes around head-butting, and I’m in charge of holding the chain to prevent her from getting into trouble, and what did the captain say …… Oh, the dog walks the man, and we’ve been doing that for more than a decade, and now it’s not even a problem. We’ve been doing this for over ten years, and now it’s just the same!”

Duncan heard, and Alice looked at each other, after a few seconds before saying in unison: “It seems to be ……”

Next to Shirley listening to the head almost drooped into the chest cavity, while lowering his head while awkwardly chanting, “Don’t say this okay …… I’m not that reckless ……”

Duncan immediately felt that the girl’s words were unconvincing – from the day she first threw Dog out on a chain and beat him up, her relationship with “recklessness” had already been irrevocable… …

However, after such an interruption, he was slightly relieved, as it seemed that Shirley and Gou really didn’t care about the “small matter” of the contractual relationship conversion, which made him worry a lot less unnecessarily.

Shirley, on the other hand, lowered her head and glanced at Gou, who was connected to her, and she gently shook her arm, causing the chain to make a clattering sound.

The chains held them together, as they always had, and it didn’t matter so much as to who was human, who was demonic, who shared who’s humanity, whose heart beat in whose chest …….

They are “Shirley and Dog” – always, together.

“That leaves only one other question,” Duncan broke the silence with a couple of coughs after a few seconds of silence, looking up at Shirley, who had “grown” and was almost three meters tall when supported by her skeletal limbs. “Can you change back in your current form ……?”

“Yes,” Sherry immediately nodded, but immediately followed by a somewhat hesitant expression, “After the chains were restored Dog and I ‘sensed’ a way to regain control of our bodies, but… …”

Duncan looked puzzled, “Only?”

“A slight after-effect ……,” Dog grunted next to him.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Shirley had begun to control the transformation of this brand new body of his into a human –

Accompanied by a series of clicks of bones deforming and reorganizing as well as smoke rising, her size rapidly shrunk in the smoke, and after just a few seconds she had returned to her normal human height and size, those lurid black bone fragments and bone spurs all shrinking into her, and her once-matured face returning to her normal time appearance, except… …

Eyes that still filled with a blood-colored shimmer.

She lifted her head and looked at Duncan with those eyes completely covered in blood, rather helpless in her tone, “The features of a Profound Demon, they can’t be eliminated. Dog, on the other hand, can just revert back to its previous appearance – it’s just a full body shrinkage anyway – but my eyes can’t change back no matter what, they don’t look right at first glance.”

“…… It’s actually kinda believable.” Duncan commented very objectively.

Shirley held her tongue for half a day and let out a long sigh, “Ugh …… never mind, I’ll go into town with my eyes closed from now on, I can see things with my eyes closed now anyway.”

(Push the book time ~ “for the good warhammer to offer the group of stars”, warhammer as the main body, added the group of stars elements of the homoerotic works, the protagonist for the planetary governor who is in the dark side of the empire, in the five gods friendly common blessing under the meteoric development of the story.)
(End of chapter)

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