Chapter 722 – Crossing the Dome

Chapter 722 Crossing the Dome
The illusory and ethereal voice disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

Alice blinked her eyes in the dark “tunnel”, somewhat puzzled by what she had just heard, she suspected that she had just heard wrong, but ……

The captain said that in this kind of weird place, no matter what you hear or see, you have to say it immediately, even if it is really a hallucination.

So she immediately grabbed Duncan’s arm hard, “Captain, I just heard a sound!”

“Voices?” Duncan turned back instantly and gazed into the mannequin’s eyes in the darkness, “What sound?”

Alice immediately told the Captain what she had heard – including the short, unrecognizable noise, and the odd “name” of LH-03, “Pilot Three.” LH-03, “Pilot Three”.

In the darkness of the infinite tunnel, Duncan’s eyes slowly widened, and he looked at the mannequin in front of him with an oddly startled gaze, before a sudden realization dawned in his eyes.

So this is how …… surprisingly it is?
With a flurry of confused and misplaced thoughts and astonishing conjectures flooding his mind, he instantly figured out many things – and almost at the same time, he perceived some dense and magnificent light appearing in the corner of his eye.

Duncan jerked back in dismay and looked in the direction in which the patch of light had surfaced.

In the next second, he saw the “starry sky” located on the dome of the deep sea – the magnificent starlight appeared in the sky.

Magnificent starlight appeared at the end of the “tunnel”, that is thousands of stars, nebulae and high-energy radiation clouds intertwined to build a magnificent picture, the river of stars across the infinite darkness, violent outbreaks of giant celestial bodies were torn into the luminous clouds spreading in the intergalactic, all of this is like a curtain of endless splendor and brilliant, almost with the momentum of a mountainous The momentum swooped into Duncan and Alice’s field of vision!

Duncan’s eyes widened in an instant.

This is the “starry sky” known to captains who sail the infinite sea, a picture of the stars that lies between the spirit world and the deep sea, but under normal circumstances can only be seen through the complex spirit lens “looking down” – earthly seafarers. -Earthly seafarers can only cast a cautious glance at it through thick lenses and layers of protection, but here, the truest form of this starry sky and all its details were reflected in his eyes.

Duncan and Alice accelerated toward the stagnant starry sky “down”, in the invisible force pulling, they are rapidly entering the “dome layer” over the deep sea.

They fell into the “starlight” and began to pass rapidly between the stagnant celestial bodies.

After a moment’s hesitation, Duncan tried to reach out to the strange starlight.

A bright orange star passed through his palm like a phantom – he noticed that a little starlight appeared on his own palm at the same time, but the two apparently did not interfere with each other.

And then he suddenly noticed that Alice beside him was unusually quiet – normally, the doll would have staggered up long ago at the sight of such a magnificent starry sky.

However, Alice just stared at her surroundings with wide eyes, as if she had been attracted by something that had drawn her full attention, and those magnificent and brilliant starlight reflected in her deep purple eyes, jumping with a spiritual luster – it was only after a while that the mannequin suddenly lifted her hand, pointing in a certain direction, and muttered to herself as if she were talking in a dreamy manner: “The coordinates are out of alignment.”

Duncan frowned, “What did you say?”

Alice, however, acted as if she hadn’t heard the captain’s voice, still gazing at the starlight around her, and then immediately raised her hand to point in another direction, “The coordinates are out of alignment.”

“Coordinates out of alignment.” “Coordinates out of alignment.” “Coordinates out of alignment ……”

Alice spoke rapidly, her eyes sweeping between the stars, as if trying to find some kind of “reference” that could help her find her way, and just as Duncan was about to force her to “wake up”, she suddenly stopped, as if coming out of a As if waking up from a dream, she suddenly stopped, and turned to Duncan with a start: “…… Report, navigation system malfunction.”

She stopped as if she was a little more awake than she had been a moment ago, she slapped her hand over her head and scratched her hair again in confusion, “Ah …… Captain, just now it seems like so many strange things popped into my head …… “

Duncan backhanded Alice’s arm, wisps of firelight traveling through his fingertips, while slowing his voice to ask softly, “What did you see?”

“There are lines between the stars …… stars, and numbers and symbols,” Alice’s eyes still had a hint of blankness in them as she answered the Captain’s question, yet her head still seemed to be partly processing something else, “I should find a way out of the gravitational traps that are collapsing …… but the coordinates are out of alignment and we …… have no safe path ……”

She looked up, confused, at the “starry sky” around her – the stagnant stars seemed to be a record of a distant voyage, a scene from the distant past, in some extinct universe that she had traveled through, guiding the last of the evacuees to the the last of the asylum seekers to find a way by which they could escape …… But escape …… from what?
A spreading dark red glow appeared in her mind.

The entire universe was red-shifting …… The stars were disintegrating, physical space was collapsing …… The fabric of matter was falling apart …… The servos were whistling with a critical collapse ……

The ship is about to disintegrate, the navigational module has caught fire and burned …… Disaster backup activated.

Alice’s eyes snapped open, and the chaotic and noisy information in her mind seemed to be wiped out in an instant by some powerful force, and she shook her head, forgetting about the mess that had just been going on in her head as the joints in her neck loosened slightly.

The warm fire burned quietly by her side, and the power coming from the fire gradually restored her mind to stability, she turned her head and saw that the captain was standing beside her and casting a concerned gaze, “Alice, don’t get carried away with your thoughts for now.” Alice thought for a moment and shook her head in some confusion, “Captain, just now I seem to have seen something …… but I forgot!”

“…… I know, but it’s okay, forget it,” Duncan said softly and patted Alice’s arm, “We’ll go find the answer here.”

“…… Oh.” Alice nodded plausibly.

Duncan then didn’t say anything else, just maintained the flame cautiously to protect Alice’s mind while looking his stony gaze into the depths of this river of stars.

A series of pieces of information then surfaced in his mind, and finally dwindled into threads –

There was a still “holographic snapshot” of the stars, which had been floating in the “dome” layer of the deep ocean for a long time, and had provided “navigation” for the navigators of the whole world; and “The master of the Deep Sea, the
The owner of the Profound Deep Sea, the Profound Holy Lord, was called Navigator One, number LH-01;

Alice briefly hears a voice when she enters the “black door” that calls her LH-03, Pilot Three;
Rahm, the God of Wisdom, whose real name is LH-02, Pilot II, and whose image in the canon gives Duncan the impression of a large server with countless lights blinking on its surface;

Ten thousand years ago, a spaceship called New Hope crashed into this “world of ruins”, it seems to have tried to escape the end of the home universe, but in the final stage of the voyage still suffered disintegration, split into three parts ……

The three parts correspond to the three modular “mainframes” ……

Duncan exhaled softly, letting the stormy thoughts in his mind gradually calm down, and glanced at the doll that was honestly following him.

Now …… he finally knew what the clone of the Profound Holy Lord had stuffed into this mannequin’s shell back in the Frost Deep Sea.

The starlight in front of his eyes had gradually reached the end – the depths of the dome layer were countless broken floating islands floating in the dark chaotic space.

The deep, deep sea.

A pitch-black skeleton limb with countless hideous barbs fell from the sky, and nailed a deformed lump of flesh that was running wildly on the earth and whose surface was constantly rising and shrinking and writhing firmly to the stone.

The mass of profound demons called “Dread Demon” let out a series of ear-piercing and horrible whistles, but no matter how much it struggled, it could not free itself from the skeleton limbs, and almost in the blink of an eye, it quickly dried up like a punctured balloon, with countless turbid soot vaporizing and dispersing from the surface, and what was left of it transformed into a thick, flowing “slime”, and the remaining part of it was turned into a thick, thick, and sticky “mud”. The remaining parts turned into sticky “mud”, which was quickly absorbed by the skeleton limbs.

The towering skeleton limbs curved upwards, and in the center of the twelve symmetrical limbs, a huge demon that retained part of its human female form was slowly raising its head.

Shirley calmly swept her gaze over the many wrecks on this barren land – the torn apart Profound Hounds, the bird of death struggling and jumping on the ground, the soot jellyfish and fear demons that were gradually melting into mud, and the black skull that floated crookedly in the sky, with the red light in the eye sockets flickering on and off.

More Spectral Demons were gathering further away, looking a bit stumped.

Profound demons had no hearts, but even those that didn’t had some instinct to avoid harm when the threat reached a certain level – at least, they hadn’t gathered here for the purpose of serving as food for a more powerful demon.

Shirley moved her twelve long jointed limbs as if she was walking on the ground with curved bone wings, and she slowly walked towards the end of the barren plain, and from time to time, some seriously injured demons were pierced by her “long feet” because they couldn’t dodge in time, and were turned into nourishment to be absorbed by the jointed limbs.

In the beginning, she was disgusted by this, and would try to pick the clean ground to avoid “eating” this disgusting mud as much as possible.

But now she doesn’t care so much.

“Shirley …… relax ……”

She just mumbled softly as she walked past the countless heavily wounded demons, heading in what she thought was the right direction.

The scarred black cranium flew off to the side in near fear, avoiding the direction of the “odd intruder”.

However, Shirley’s eyes did not rest on the skull for even a second.

She just grunted and continued to slowly walk forward, “…… Don’t be afraid.”

The demons on the plains gave way in fear.

(End of chapter)

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