Chapter 653 – A Step Toward the Mist

Chapter 653 – A Step Toward the Mists

The flames on the alchemy table began to burn silently, the liquid in the flask bubbled, Rahm’s gaze came from the mists deep in his mind, and Lune felt his consciousness being pulled into a dark and deep place – after passing through an illusory and long dark “tunnel”! After traveling through a long, dark, illusory “tunnel”, he saw a few glimmers of light at the end of the tunnel.

It was his old friends – Helena, Banister, and Frem.

He arrived in front of the figures, and before he had a chance to greet them Helena was the first to break the silence, “You seem to be in good shape, Loon – it looks like we won’t have to worry about the Truth Academy’s need for a new Pope.”

“Thanks for your ‘concern’, it doesn’t look like I’ll be ready to be summoned by the Lord for a while,” Lune glared at Helena, but it was clear in his tone that it didn’t bother him in the slightest, then he turned to the others and nodded gently, “I’ve kept you all waiting – I need a bit of time to restore order on the Ark, as well as my own state.”

The tall, rock-like skinned Frehm took a serious look at the state of this soul projection of Lune, his voice low, “The incident is resolved?”

“Resolved,” Lune said with a nod, “Order is being restored in Lightwind Harbor, and the elves in the rest of the world should be ‘waking up’ one after another, the worst has not happened after all. ”

“…… We would like to know more information,” spoke Banister from the side, the tall and thin old man who followed the God of Death had a grave expression, “The scope of influence of this incident far exceeds that of the previous Prand and Frost, it directly affected It directly affects a ‘race’, and it directly refers to the history before the Age of the Deep Sea …… What exactly happened in Light Wind Harbor?”

Lune was briefly silent as his gaze swept between several figures, finally landing on Firebringer Leader Frem, and after a moment of deliberation, he finally spoke in a hushed voice, “With the help of Captain Duncan, I witnessed the ‘Great Annihilation’ – -The truth of the final extremity of our world is far beyond anyone’s imagination.”

He then told the three old friends in front of him everything that had happened in the deepest part of the Dream of the Nameless One, including the great impact that had destroyed two worlds, as well as the information about the Sengin’s home world, without hiding anything.

Obviously, even for the followers of the Four Gods, this information was too shocking – after Lune’s words fell, a long silence fell over the dark space supported by the echoes of psychic energy.

“The …… collision and fusion of worlds?” It was only after an unknown amount of time that Helena was finally the first to break the silence, as she gazed into Lune’s eyes in the darkness, “Do you mean that the ‘World Drift Doctrine’ has been verified?”

“It can only be said to be even more extreme than ‘World Drift’ …… You did not see that scene with your own eyes, so it is hard for you to imagine how that ‘impact’ was a The process that makes people tremble, that is the annihilation and remodeling of everything, everything in the earthly world, has turned into a dark and chaotic ‘primordial soup’ in a very short period of time, it looks …… as if it is like subspace, and at that time, the ‘collision’ took place ‘ There were definitely more than just two worlds, perhaps dozens or hundreds of worlds had impacts at the same time, and the memory of ‘Silantis’ was just a corner of that great annihilation ……”

Lune did his best to describe what he felt when he saw that scene, and the associations that came with it, and in the course of his narration, the tall Frem maintained his silence and thought, and it was only after a long time that the Sanguine Pope, who looked like a small giant, suddenly spoke up, “Do you confirm that …… that the giant who traveled with Miss Vanna was the ‘Eternal Flame of Salary’?”

“The existing clues are just that,” Lune nodded with a serious expression, “That ‘Chronicle Pillar’ is now on the Lost Country, and I have already seen it with my own eyes.”

At this he suddenly paused, and added with extra seriousness, “I should warn you, though, that if you want to take that thing away it probably won’t be easy ……”

“I know,” Frem shook his head without waiting for Lune to finish, “I’ll seriously consider the matter …… The most important thing right now is not that ‘Chronicle Pillar ‘, but rather the intelligence of my Lord, or technically speaking, the ‘Lord’ that each of us serves.”

He raised his head, as if carrying an invisible pressure in his gaze, and looked at every figure on the scene.

The others certainly understood the meaning of this last sentence.

After all, in this world, the mortals closest to the Four Gods were them – what exactly lay behind that hazy and awe-inspiring veil was something they could actually sense long ago.

“…… The connection between us and the gods has become more and more difficult, and the usefulness of the Patrol Ark is gradually weakening,” Banister said slowly, “When the Ark was first established, I could almost hear the Lord’s directly in the meditation room voice, but now only these many years have passed, and that voice has become a vague and muddled whisper.”

“The Parade Ark is only a secondary anchor point, it only enhances our connection with the ‘Lord’, it doesn’t really slow down the decay,” Lune slowly shook his head, “When we built these arks, we actually knew that sooner or later it would there would be a day like this.”

Banister fell silent, this tall and thin old man slightly closed his eyes, as if he was quietly feeling and listening to something, after a long time, he softly spoke, “Sometimes, I can almost smell that He is gradually decaying ……” There was a moment of silence in the dark space, and it was a long time before Lune broke the silence with a low voice, “…… Yeah, we all can.”

Banister turned his head and gazed into Helena’s eyes in the darkness, “…… The fleet of the Church of the Deep has been moving across the border for a long time, have you made any progress?”

“The advance team is still circling around in that boundless mist,” Helena’s tone was slightly frustrated, “There are no routes or references in the depths of the mist, and the sea and the sky have a strange texture, even if we use the ‘Stargazer’s Room’ to navigate, the course is not clear. Even if we use the ‘Stargazer Room’ to navigate, the error in heading has reached an unacceptable level ……We tried to set up a few temporary lighthouses in places where the fog was thinner, but this only allowed us to go a limited distance deeper into the fog ……And further deeper, the lighthouses would be swallowed up by the fog.”

“Our fleet ran into the same problem,” Frem said from the sidelines, “We entered the Eternal Curtain at the border through another gap, and at first the fog was fairly thin and the sea conditions were normal, but as soon as we went a little deeper the fog became steeply thicker, and the lights that had been set up disappeared into the fog as if they were being swallowed by something out of nowhere. swallowed up and generally disappeared into the fog.”

“This exploration operation has been going on for some days now,” Loon said with a serious expression, “We have drawn our patrol fleets from all over the world, and a large number of them have been assembled in the border sea, which should have already attracted quite a lot of attention from the city-states, and if we continue like this, will we be able to find the gods and the earthly ‘dimension point’ aside, causing suspicion and panic in the world is a certainty.”

Several figures did not speak for a while, the popes each fell into thought, and after several minutes, Helena suddenly said, “In all of history, only one person has ever truly gone deep into the ‘border’ and returned alive from that mist.”

“…… Yes, and that was the last thing I wanted to talk about when I contacted you this time,” Lune nodded softly, “‘He’ also had the will to establish a relationship with the Church of the Four Gods to establish further communication – not something as simple as meeting with one of us, but a truly in-depth ‘cooperative’ relationship.”

This was obviously a rather sensitive and hesitant topic, the other three figures didn’t say anything for a while, so Lune put his eyes on Helena first: “You should be in favor of it – that Saint named Vanna has been living on that ship for a long time, you should have gotten from her quite a bit of information, and I’m sure you know as much as I do about the current state of that ship and the state of that captain.”

“Vanna …… well, if only from the information that Vanna has sent back, that captain is indeed trustworthy,” Helena covered her forehead and rubbed it, somehow the words were a bit twisted, “sometimes I even wonder who she Whose saint she really is, and she’s been acting …… too trusting of the ‘captain’ lately.”

“But at least you can be sure she’s still loyal to the Faith – otherwise you wouldn’t be hearing her voice through the Storm Goddess’s Blessing anymore,” Lune smiled, “I met that acolyte of yours this time, and although there wasn’t a lot of contact I can sense that she is a …… frank and truthful person, and her judgment of that captain is trustworthy.”

“I also agree to further communication with that Captain, including direct contact with him, as well as inviting him to participate in our current operation,” Frem chimed in, “While I don’t have a Saint abducted to that ship, I trust Lune’s judgment, and in any case, I need to personally meet that ‘Chronicle Pillar’ ……”

Helena and Lune spoke in unison, “Can you stop bringing up the topic of ‘Saints abducted to the ship’ every time?!”

Frem spread his hands, “Fine, I’ll stop.”

The three of them then coincidentally landed their gazes on the only figure in the scene that didn’t make a statement.

The tall, thin, black-robed Banister was a bit squirmy from the three gazes and couldn’t help but frown, “What are you guys looking at me for?”

“All that remains now is your opinion,” Lune said with a serious look on his face, “We have all agreed to establish further communication with that captain and to reveal to him our actions in the border waters – what is your opinion? ”

Banister pursed his lips tightly, his mind obviously still doing some intense thinking, and after a long time he sighed helplessly, “I need a little time to get my bishops on board with this.”

Helena was instantly a bit surprised, “That means you personally accept it?”

“Or else?” Banister spread his hands, “Personal feelings must give way at times like this – as long as ‘he’ doesn’t get anything away from me this time.”

(Requesting monthly votes!)
(End of chapter)

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