Chapter 225 Rolling bearings

Chapter 225 Rolling Bearings
Although it was used to make steel at a high cost, the Magic Alchemy Furnace could melt metals at very high temperatures and was very convenient to use, even if it was much more costly than the Earth Blast Furnace to make steel, it was also suitable for doing research on metal materials.

After the Magic Alchemy Furnace was built, Richard immediately set up the Metal Materials Research Institute.

He personally became the director of the institute, made Butler an independent researcher, and found two magic apprentices, a few students who graduated from Henan Primary School, and put up the framework of the Metal Institute.

Then the Metal Research Institute, according to Richard’s requirements, began to research various alloy processes.

There were iron mines in the Harland territory, and it was possible to find some manganese, tin, chromium, zinc, and other accompanying minerals. It was also possible to buy some copper ingots from Duke Jonathan’s territory.

There were enough materials to experiment with, and the first two alloys to be manufactured were the classic two alloys, copper-tin alloy, and manganese-iron alloy.

The alloy process has always existed in the Morning Glory Realm, except that using a magic alchemy furnace to refine alloys not only has a low yield, but also has a very high cost, and can only be used for casting some key parts, such as gears, bearings, and so on.

The great nobles of the Grant Kingdom, a few of them have mastered the alloying process of copper-tin alloy, aluminum alloy, and so on, and are able to manufacture some bronze and aluminum products with superior performance.

Richard found out early on that some of the craft techniques in Grant Kingdom were higher than those in the Middle Ages, and some were not even as good as those in the Middle Ages.

Because of the magic alchemy furnace, the alloy technology of the Morning Glory Realm developed very quickly, and many of them had already reached the level of the seventeenth century.

The super magic alloys produced by the magic alchemists, the performance of the materials even exceeded that of the twenty-first century. The only drawback was that the production was too low to be universal.

Although the Harland Territory had blast furnace ironmaking and crucible steelmaking technology, it had been producing low-end products, and in the first few years, it had not been able to produce all kinds of alloys, and every year, it needed to buy a portion of gears and bearings from the outside.

Now with the magic alchemy furnace and the production of manganese-iron alloy, most of the metal parts can be produced by themselves, which will save more money.

In addition Richard was also prepared to manufacture rolling bearings. Nowadays, the craftsmanship level of Harland’s collar could actually manufacture rolling bearings.

Cage, ball, steel ring can be cast by melting steel and then polished manually, although the cost of manufacturing is a bit higher, but used in some key parts, it can bring a high efficiency improvement.

With the use of rolling bearings, the efficiency of vehicles would be much higher, and the manufacture of four-wheeled carriages could be put on the agenda.

If rubber tires are pressed on, a four-wheeled wagon can carry several tons of cargo.

A small number of four-wheeled carriages had already appeared in Nolan, the capital of the Grant Kingdom, and there were mature designs that could be copied, and the difficulty of manufacturing four-wheeled carriages was similarly low, except that most of the Harland Territory was mountainous terrain, which made it more suitable for the use of two-wheeled carriages.

Grant Kingdom does not have a patent bill, rolling bearings once manufactured successfully, the appearance of the imitation of the cottage is not difficult, as long as the willingness to invest a certain amount of gold coins, you can cottage success.

The key difficulty is to manufacture wear-resistant manganese-iron alloy, iron chromium alloy. If you want to master the proportion of the alloy, you still need to burn the metal many times and invest a lot of cost.

At the very least the rolling bearings had just been manufactured for a few years, and the Harland Territory should be able to earn a large amount of money.

Making rolling bearings was a big boost to the development of industry. In addition manufacturing four-wheeled wagons, not only can they be sold in Black River Fort, the Harland Territory’s merchant caravans can use four-wheeled wagons to transport goods in the plains, and the efficiency of transportation will be significantly improved.

Even if selling carriages couldn’t bring too much profit to the territory, Richard decided to promote the development of this industry.

This industry could bring a few thousand gold coins a year to the territory, and it would be considered a success.

Because of the need to use magic crystals to provide energy, the cost of using a magic alchemy furnace was still very high.

Richard had always had an idea of arranging magic arrays that absorbed magic energy.

This kind of magic-absorbing array was not rare in the Morning Glory Realm, but the cost of arranging it was very high.

The magic tower built by the Tower of Death had a magic formation that gathered magic power at the bottom.

But to arrange such a spell formation, one needed to use a Legendary Magical Beast’s magic core as the core.

Such a high threshold made it difficult to popularize the Convergence Magic Formation, and only large magical organizations had the strength to build one.

Such a polymagic array was also the core of the mage tower.

Through the magical knowledge he possessed, Richard had many discussions with Sophia, Wendy and other magicians.

In most areas of the Morning Glory Plane, the magic energy particles in nature were very thin, and it was very difficult to gather the free magic energy particles, requiring a large number of magic runes to be drawn, using a lot of magical materials, and an investment of at least a few million gold coins to make it possible.

Moreover, the Magic Gathering Rune Array, the efficiency was not very high, and it did not have too good of a prospect.

Even with the Legendary Magic Core as the core, solving the problem of magic energy reserve, the energy absorbed by the Magic Tower every day would only be enough to release a dozen or so intermediate-order magic spells, which was not as good as two or three intermediate-order magicians.

The effect of this kind of polymagic array was actually not as good as training a few magicians. Magicians had a decent efficiency polymagic array in their mental space.

In addition to the polymagic array, in order to energize an area with magic energy, one needed to find a magic well.

A magic well was a location where magic energy naturally pooled, equivalent to a spiritual vein in the world of Immortal Cultivation. The magic wells in the Morning Glory Plane were basically controlled by large forces.

There were two magic power wells in the Eagle Mountain Range, but unfortunately, they were both controlled in the hands of Legendary Professionals. Seizing the magic wells from the Legendary Ogre and the Legendary Black Dragon, relying on the strength of the Harland Family, was something that was clearly impossible to do right now.

In the Grant Kingdom, only Nolan had a magic power well that was still controlled in the hands of the Grant Mage Association.

The magic power released by the magic well had both strong and weak powers.

Through the information in the records Richard knew that the magic energy provided by a poorer magic well was only equivalent to a diesel generator with a power of 60 kilowatts, which was equivalent to about three hundred thousand degrees of electricity. A better magic well provided a very large amount of magic energy, equivalent to six billion degrees of electricity.

Six billion kilowatts of electricity consumption seemed to be a large amount, in fact, a small town with some industrial and mining enterprises used more than six billion kilowatts of electricity a year.

There was only one magic well that could provide magic energy equivalent to six billion degrees of electricity in the entire Morning Sun Continent, and that was the capital of the Markholm Magic Kingdom, the City of a Thousand Towers.

Even the magic wells controlled by the Holy Radiance Empire didn’t have that much magic energy.

To the Morning Glory Plane, mastering a magic well was considered to be mastering the most advanced productivity, and all the large magical organizations chose to establish themselves near a magic well.

Richard hadn’t seen a magic well and couldn’t figure out the reason why magic wells were created.

If he figured this out, he could try to artificially create magic wells.

If the use of magic power benefited ordinary people, the Morning Glory Plane would develop into a developed magic civilization. For the Harland Mage Association, researching magic power wells was still something overly ambitious. Richard needed to get the matter at hand done first, and by late September, the rolling bearings were finally manufactured successfully.

Using the manufactured rolling bearings, the wagons were much faster, especially on the flat stone road, pulling several thousand pounds of goods was easy.

In addition the rolling bearings could be used in many machines, with the rolling bearings and alloy gears, the industrial capacity of the territory was also improved.

Because of the acquisition of the new territory, Richard sent a large number of prospectors to start exploring the minerals in the new territory.

Soon there was a new harvest, a new iron ore was discovered, it was a companion mine, not only was there a large amount of iron elements, there were also a lot of zinc and tungsten companion ores, through spectral research, new rare elements were also discovered, filling in the periodic table of elements written by Richard.

Unfortunately, this vein did not discover any super magic metals for the time being, and despite its value, it was still not as important as the importance of Iron Mountain Fortress to Harland’s territory.

From the middle of August, the demarcation of the new territory was completed. Richard relocated all the slaves rescued from this war to the new territory.

The development of the new territory was almost from scratch, the first year the main work was logging.

A large amount of timber was transported through the rivers to important castles such as Black River Castle, Sophia Castle, Vic Castle, and Malt Castle.

There were a large number of barracks in Graveson Castle that could be occupied, saving Richard a great deal of money.

The key construction project in the territory this year was mainly the excavation of the foundations of Flourishing Castle.

There were a large number of wild roses and roses near Prosperity Castle, and while rosebuds were of little use, roses could be used to make perfume.

Only the perfume thing, need to be in the big city to have a market.

According to the status quo of the Morning Glory Coronation, the market is controlled in the hands of others, even if the perfume is made, there may not be any profit, I’m afraid that it can only earn a little bit of hard money, and the big head of profit is eaten by the big nobles of the king’s capital in their mouths.

After all, it is not the world of free trade, local protectionism is exceptionally serious, the same kingdom does not have an overall market, the kingdom nobles in the commercial competition is often accompanied by violent conflict.

Rockefeller hired soldiers to assassinate business enemies, Du Pont invited the whole family of his competitors to sit in the earth plane, their kind of barbaric capitalists in the morning continent, are considered to be civilized people who pay attention to eating.

Look at the Harland family and the Cisse family, because of the competition in the liquor trade, even fought a brutal liquor war, the two viscount families before and after the death of thousands of people, but ultimately both lose.

Harland family gave up the white wine market, lost the monopoly of the white wine industry, the Cisse family also did not earn profits, but also made a powerful enemy.

The three-year peace pact between the two families expires next year.

Now without the help of the Holland family, it is absolutely impossible for Richard to renew the contract.

Three years were about to pass, and the status of the Holland family and the Cisse family were already very different.

The Cisse family didn’t stand on the side of the victor in last year’s throne dispute fiasco, their territory was cut in half, and their title was reduced to baron. Nowadays, the strength of the Cisse family, although still controlling more than 100,000 people, is only a few points stronger than the baronial family.

The Harland family stood on the side of the victor, and developed extremely rapidly, adding more than 10,000 square kilometers of territory, increasing the population by more than 70,000 people through means such as exchanging food for population and rescuing slaves captured by the orcs, plus the newborns in the last two years, and by the end of the year there were already more than 146,000 people.

Once the three-year peace pact ended, according to Richard’s character, he was bound to retaliate against the Cisse family.

When the two noble families broke out, it would be a matter of life and death for the Cisse family.

By September this year, the Cisse family had already sent word around, willing to make amends and apologize, nodding their heads and admitting defeat, only hoping to resolve the conflict with the Harland family.

White wine trade can earn more than 10,000 gold coins a year, once Harland territory is only second to steel important income. Now by the Cisse family got chicken and egg, Richard has passed out the word, without half a million gold coins of compensation, Harland family will not forget this hatred.

With the expiration of the three-year peace contract, now the two families of Harland and Cisse have already had their strengths and weaknesses.

Even if the two families were separated by territories, it was not good to mobilize a large army. The Harland family could also organize elite professional squads to attack members of the Cisse family and hunt down the top brass of the Cisse territory.

In addition to that, they could also launch an all-round commercial attack and seize all the markets of the Cisse family.

Additionally Richard could have a small army disguised as bandits to attack the villages of the Cisse family territory, burning food and seizing the population.

In short, even if they don’t directly fight a territorial war, the Harland family has enough means to pin down the Cisse family and make this family gradually decline.

The competition between nobles is so cruel.

If you want to blame it, you can only blame the Cisse family for failing in political speculation and choosing the wrong enemy.

Now that the Holland family has lost power, the Cisse family has lost the support of the nobles in the royal capital. To continue to rely on the power of the royal capital to suppress the Harland family is already impossible.

The upper echelons of the relationship can’t get through, and the external power can’t be utilized.

Baron Buri of Xisai summoned the top management of the territory and said with a gloomy face, “Nowadays, the Harland family has more than 5,000 troops, and there are also magical beast cavalry under their command, and their connections in the royal capital and in the northern border are far superior to ours. The contrast in strength between the two sides has changed dramatically, and resolving the conflict with the Harland family has become the fundamental question of whether or not the Cisse family can survive.
Tell me, how can we resolve this conflict? My opinion is that we all take out some funds, whether it’s for army expansion or compensation, the Cisse family must be united in order to get through this difficult time.”

Hearing this, Davy Cissé immediately said in anger, “Who caused all this, if you weren’t behind the push, how dare Ronin bribe the Harland family?

Now the white wine market didn’t get much, but on the contrary, it gave the family a powerful enemy, this matter is not handled well, or maybe the Cisse family will let others exterminate the door.

Last year the kingdom civil unrest, what did I say, never get involved in it. But you didn’t listen to me, you must follow Charlemagne and Harden, the remaining members of the Venus family, and get involved in the civil war of the kingdom. How did it turn out, King Roger was victorious, and because of our participation in the rebellion, half of our territory was carved away, if the territory was still there, even if our strength was weaker than the Harland family, the situation wouldn’t be as unbalanced as it is now.

The tragic situation of the Cisse family today, you are the patriarch of the Cisse family and the person directly responsible, don’t you need to be responsible? Do you still have the face to call a meeting for us to come up with the money and effort to continue to let you sit on the throne and lead us?”

Davy was a fifth-ranked knight, just in his forties, and although his strength was weaker than Baron Cisse, he was younger than Baron Cisse.

In the past few years, Buri had relied on the Great Righteousness name, and was certainly able to suppress Davi, and his orders, Davi didn’t dare to disobey. Even to avoid being targeted by Buri, Davi entered the Wild Lion Legion early, stating that he had no intention of competing for the heir to the territory.

But in the last two years, Buri continuously made a dim move, causing the Cisse family to demote its title, and also putting the Cisse family in a very dangerous state.

Nowadays, the Cisse Baron, Buri Cisse, had already lost his prestige in the family. What he said, members of the Cisse family like Davy didn’t even want to listen to anymore.

(End of Chapter)

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Chapter 225 Rolling Bearings
Although it was used to make steel at a high cost, the Magic Alchemy Furnace could melt metals at very high temperatures and was very convenient to use, even if it was much more costly than the Earth Blast Furnace to make steel, it was also suitable for doing research on metal materials.

After the Magic Alchemy Furnace was built, Richard immediately set up the Metal Materials Research Institute.

He personally became the director of the institute, made Butler an independent researcher, and found two magic apprentices, a few students who graduated from Henan Primary School, and put up the framework of the Metal Institute.

Then the Metal Research Institute, according to Richard’s requirements, began to research various alloy processes.

There were iron mines in the Harland territory, and it was possible to find some manganese, tin, chromium, zinc, and other accompanying minerals. It was also possible to buy some copper ingots from Duke Jonathan’s territory.

There were enough materials to experiment with, and the first two alloys to be manufactured were the classic two alloys, copper-tin alloy, and manganese-iron alloy.

The alloy process has always existed in the Morning Glory Realm, except that using a magic alchemy furnace to refine alloys not only has a low yield, but also has a very high cost, and can only be used for casting some key parts, such as gears, bearings, and so on.

The great nobles of the Grant Kingdom, a few of them have mastered the alloying process of copper-tin alloy, aluminum alloy, and so on, and are able to manufacture some bronze and aluminum products with superior performance.

Richard found out early on that some of the craft techniques in Grant Kingdom were higher than those in the Middle Ages, and some were not even as good as those in the Middle Ages.

Because of the magic alchemy furnace, the alloy technology of the Morning Glory Realm developed very quickly, and many of them had already reached the level of the seventeenth century.

The super magic alloys produced by the magic alchemists, the performance of the materials even exceeded that of the twenty-first century. The only drawback was that the production was too low to be universal.

Although the Harland Territory had blast furnace ironmaking and crucible steelmaking technology, it had been producing low-end products, and in the first few years, it had not been able to produce all kinds of alloys, and every year, it needed to buy a portion of gears and bearings from the outside.

Now with the magic alchemy furnace and the production of manganese-iron alloy, most of the metal parts can be produced by themselves, which will save more money.

In addition Richard was also prepared to manufacture rolling bearings. Nowadays, the craftsmanship level of Harland’s collar could actually manufacture rolling bearings.

Cage, ball, steel ring can be cast by melting steel and then polished manually, although the cost of manufacturing is a bit higher, but used in some key parts, it can bring a high efficiency improvement.

With the use of rolling bearings, the efficiency of vehicles would be much higher, and the manufacture of four-wheeled carriages could be put on the agenda.

If rubber tires are pressed on, a four-wheeled wagon can carry several tons of cargo.

A small number of four-wheeled carriages had already appeared in Nolan, the capital of the Grant Kingdom, and there were mature designs that could be copied, and the difficulty of manufacturing four-wheeled carriages was similarly low, except that most of the Harland Territory was mountainous terrain, which made it more suitable for the use of two-wheeled carriages.

Grant Kingdom does not have a patent bill, rolling bearings once manufactured successfully, the appearance of the imitation of the cottage is not difficult, as long as the willingness to invest a certain amount of gold coins, you can cottage success.

The key difficulty is to manufacture wear-resistant manganese-iron alloy, iron chromium alloy. If you want to master the proportion of the alloy, you still need to burn the metal many times and invest a lot of cost.

At the very least the rolling bearings had just been manufactured for a few years, and the Harland Territory should be able to earn a large amount of money.

Making rolling bearings was a big boost to the development of industry. In addition manufacturing four-wheeled wagons, not only can they be sold in Black River Fort, the Harland Territory’s merchant caravans can use four-wheeled wagons to transport goods in the plains, and the efficiency of transportation will be significantly improved.

Even if selling carriages couldn’t bring too much profit to the territory, Richard decided to promote the development of this industry.

This industry could bring a few thousand gold coins a year to the territory, and it would be considered a success.

Because of the need to use magic crystals to provide energy, the cost of using a magic alchemy furnace was still very high.

Richard had always had an idea of arranging magic arrays that absorbed magic energy.

This kind of magic-absorbing array was not rare in the Morning Glory Realm, but the cost of arranging it was very high.

The magic tower built by the Tower of Death had a magic formation that gathered magic power at the bottom.

But to arrange such a spell formation, one needed to use a Legendary Magical Beast’s magic core as the core.

Such a high threshold made it difficult to popularize the Convergence Magic Formation, and only large magical organizations had the strength to build one.

Such a polymagic array was also the core of the mage tower.

Through the magical knowledge he possessed, Richard had many discussions with Sophia, Wendy and other magicians.

In most areas of the Morning Glory Plane, the magic energy particles in nature were very thin, and it was very difficult to gather the free magic energy particles, requiring a large number of magic runes to be drawn, using a lot of magical materials, and an investment of at least a few million gold coins to make it possible.

Moreover, the Magic Gathering Rune Array, the efficiency was not very high, and it did not have too good of a prospect.

Even with the Legendary Magic Core as the core, solving the problem of magic energy reserve, the energy absorbed by the Magic Tower every day would only be enough to release a dozen or so intermediate-order magic spells, which was not as good as two or three intermediate-order magicians.

The effect of this kind of polymagic array was actually not as good as training a few magicians. Magicians had a decent efficiency polymagic array in their mental space.

In addition to the polymagic array, in order to energize an area with magic energy, one needed to find a magic well.

A magic well was a location where magic energy naturally pooled, equivalent to a spiritual vein in the world of Immortal Cultivation. The magic wells in the Morning Glory Plane were basically controlled by large forces.

There were two magic power wells in the Eagle Mountain Range, but unfortunately, they were both controlled in the hands of Legendary Professionals. Seizing the magic wells from the Legendary Ogre and the Legendary Black Dragon, relying on the strength of the Harland Family, was something that was clearly impossible to do right now.

In the Grant Kingdom, only Nolan had a magic power well that was still controlled in the hands of the Grant Mage Association.

The magic power released by the magic well had both strong and weak powers.

Through the information in the records Richard knew that the magic energy provided by a poorer magic well was only equivalent to a diesel generator with a power of 60 kilowatts, which was equivalent to about three hundred thousand degrees of electricity. A better magic well provided a very large amount of magic energy, equivalent to six billion degrees of electricity.

Six billion kilowatts of electricity consumption seemed to be a large amount, in fact, a small town with some industrial and mining enterprises used more than six billion kilowatts of electricity a year.

There was only one magic well that could provide magic energy equivalent to six billion degrees of electricity in the entire Morning Sun Continent, and that was the capital of the Markholm Magic Kingdom, the City of a Thousand Towers.

Even the magic wells controlled by the Holy Radiance Empire didn’t have that much magic energy.

To the Morning Glory Plane, mastering a magic well was considered to be mastering the most advanced productivity, and all the large magical organizations chose to establish themselves near a magic well.

Richard hadn’t seen a magic well and couldn’t figure out the reason why magic wells were created.

If he figured this out, he could try to artificially create magic wells.

If the use of magic power benefited ordinary people, the Morning Glory Plane would develop into a developed magic civilization. For the Harland Mage Association, researching magic power wells was still something overly ambitious. Richard needed to get the matter at hand done first, and by late September, the rolling bearings were finally manufactured successfully.

Using the manufactured rolling bearings, the wagons were much faster, especially on the flat stone road, pulling several thousand pounds of goods was easy.

In addition the rolling bearings could be used in many machines, with the rolling bearings and alloy gears, the industrial capacity of the territory was also improved.

Because of the acquisition of the new territory, Richard sent a large number of prospectors to start exploring the minerals in the new territory.

Soon there was a new harvest, a new iron ore was discovered, it was a companion mine, not only was there a large amount of iron elements, there were also a lot of zinc and tungsten companion ores, through spectral research, new rare elements were also discovered, filling in the periodic table of elements written by Richard.

Unfortunately, this vein did not discover any super magic metals for the time being, and despite its value, it was still not as important as the importance of Iron Mountain Fortress to Harland’s territory.

From the middle of August, the demarcation of the new territory was completed. Richard relocated all the slaves rescued from this war to the new territory.

The development of the new territory was almost from scratch, the first year the main work was logging.

A large amount of timber was transported through the rivers to important castles such as Black River Castle, Sophia Castle, Vic Castle, and Malt Castle.

There were a large number of barracks in Graveson Castle that could be occupied, saving Richard a great deal of money.

The key construction project in the territory this year was mainly the excavation of the foundations of Flourishing Castle.

There were a large number of wild roses and roses near Prosperity Castle, and while rosebuds were of little use, roses could be used to make perfume.

Only the perfume thing, need to be in the big city to have a market.

According to the status quo of the Morning Glory Coronation, the market is controlled in the hands of others, even if the perfume is made, there may not be any profit, I’m afraid that it can only earn a little bit of hard money, and the big head of profit is eaten by the big nobles of the king’s capital in their mouths.

After all, it is not the world of free trade, local protectionism is exceptionally serious, the same kingdom does not have an overall market, the kingdom nobles in the commercial competition is often accompanied by violent conflict.

Rockefeller hired soldiers to assassinate business enemies, Du Pont invited the whole family of his competitors to sit in the earth plane, their kind of barbaric capitalists in the morning continent, are considered to be civilized people who pay attention to eating.

Look at the Harland family and the Cisse family, because of the competition in the liquor trade, even fought a brutal liquor war, the two viscount families before and after the death of thousands of people, but ultimately both lose.

Harland family gave up the white wine market, lost the monopoly of the white wine industry, the Cisse family also did not earn profits, but also made a powerful enemy.

The three-year peace pact between the two families expires next year.

Now without the help of the Holland family, it is absolutely impossible for Richard to renew the contract.

Three years were about to pass, and the status of the Holland family and the Cisse family were already very different.

The Cisse family didn’t stand on the side of the victor in last year’s throne dispute fiasco, their territory was cut in half, and their title was reduced to baron. Nowadays, the strength of the Cisse family, although still controlling more than 100,000 people, is only a few points stronger than the baronial family.

The Harland family stood on the side of the victor, and developed extremely rapidly, adding more than 10,000 square kilometers of territory, increasing the population by more than 70,000 people through means such as exchanging food for population and rescuing slaves captured by the orcs, plus the newborns in the last two years, and by the end of the year there were already more than 146,000 people.

Once the three-year peace pact ended, according to Richard’s character, he was bound to retaliate against the Cisse family.

When the two noble families broke out, it would be a matter of life and death for the Cisse family.

By September this year, the Cisse family had already sent word around, willing to make amends and apologize, nodding their heads and admitting defeat, only hoping to resolve the conflict with the Harland family.

White wine trade can earn more than 10,000 gold coins a year, once Harland territory is only second to steel important income. Now by the Cisse family got chicken and egg, Richard has passed out the word, without half a million gold coins of compensation, Harland family will not forget this hatred.

With the expiration of the three-year peace contract, now the two families of Harland and Cisse have already had their strengths and weaknesses.

Even if the two families were separated by territories, it was not good to mobilize a large army. The Harland family could also organize elite professional squads to attack members of the Cisse family and hunt down the top brass of the Cisse territory.

In addition to that, they could also launch an all-round commercial attack and seize all the markets of the Cisse family.

Additionally Richard could have a small army disguised as bandits to attack the villages of the Cisse family territory, burning food and seizing the population.

In short, even if they don’t directly fight a territorial war, the Harland family has enough means to pin down the Cisse family and make this family gradually decline.

The competition between nobles is so cruel.

If you want to blame it, you can only blame the Cisse family for failing in political speculation and choosing the wrong enemy.

Now that the Holland family has lost power, the Cisse family has lost the support of the nobles in the royal capital. To continue to rely on the power of the royal capital to suppress the Harland family is already impossible.

The upper echelons of the relationship can’t get through, and the external power can’t be utilized.

Baron Buri of Xisai summoned the top management of the territory and said with a gloomy face, “Nowadays, the Harland family has more than 5,000 troops, and there are also magical beast cavalry under their command, and their connections in the royal capital and in the northern border are far superior to ours. The contrast in strength between the two sides has changed dramatically, and resolving the conflict with the Harland family has become the fundamental question of whether or not the Cisse family can survive.
Tell me, how can we resolve this conflict? My opinion is that we all take out some funds, whether it’s for army expansion or compensation, the Cisse family must be united in order to get through this difficult time.”

Hearing this, Davy Cissé immediately said in anger, “Who caused all this, if you weren’t behind the push, how dare Ronin bribe the Harland family?

Now the white wine market didn’t get much, but on the contrary, it gave the family a powerful enemy, this matter is not handled well, or maybe the Cisse family will let others exterminate the door.

Last year the kingdom civil unrest, what did I say, never get involved in it. But you didn’t listen to me, you must follow Charlemagne and Harden, the remaining members of the Venus family, and get involved in the civil war of the kingdom. How did it turn out, King Roger was victorious, and because of our participation in the rebellion, half of our territory was carved away, if the territory was still there, even if our strength was weaker than the Harland family, the situation wouldn’t be as unbalanced as it is now.

The tragic situation of the Cisse family today, you are the patriarch of the Cisse family and the person directly responsible, don’t you need to be responsible? Do you still have the face to call a meeting for us to come up with the money and effort to continue to let you sit on the throne and lead us?”

Davy was a fifth-ranked knight, just in his forties, and although his strength was weaker than Baron Cisse, he was younger than Baron Cisse.

In the past few years, Buri had relied on the Great Righteousness name, and was certainly able to suppress Davi, and his orders, Davi didn’t dare to disobey. Even to avoid being targeted by Buri, Davi entered the Wild Lion Legion early, stating that he had no intention of competing for the heir to the territory.

But in the last two years, Buri continuously made a dim move, causing the Cisse family to demote its title, and also putting the Cisse family in a very dangerous state.

Nowadays, the Cisse Baron, Buri Cisse, had already lost his prestige in the family. What he said, members of the Cisse family like Davy didn’t even want to listen to anymore.

(End of Chapter)

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