Chapter 552 – Two Worlds

Chapter 552 – Dual Realms
(Ta awoke from a chaotic slumber, like a newborn baby touching this strange and incomprehensible world, the broken memories and thoughts were like bubbles undulating and dispersing on the surface of the sea, and for a long period of time, he was unable to form a complete consciousness and cognition.

The whole world seemed to be covered with a thick curtain, while one’s own perception seemed to have been broken and reorganized a thousand times by an invisible force, and the mind could not comprehend those crazy and chaotic sensory signals, and the buzzing and rumbling noises and obscure and frightening lights and shadows seemed to be directly engraved on the nerves, stirring up the consciousness and stabbing the mind.

Ta tried to take a step forward, tried to discern what was around him, tried to remember himself, tried to comprehend the situation as it was today.

Countless shadowy things surrounded him, things with indeterminate outlines, and upright shells floated with psychedelic-colored hollows, and strange air currents flowed through those hollows, emitting unearthly whistling and hissing noises, which were doubly horrifying.

And then, there is a warm glow appeared in the perception, following this warmth, from the darkness of the awakening and forget their own existence began to slowly walk forward ……)
Nina suddenly put down the cheap trinkets she was just picking out in her hands, and with a somewhat puzzled frown, she turned around to look behind her.

Sherry, who was beside her, immediately noticed and curiously followed by turning her head, “Huh? Nina what’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t know ……,” Nina still frowned with some confusion, her gaze sweeping around the crowd behind her, “Just now, I suddenly felt that there was a movement behind me, as if it was someone staring this way, but it seems like it’s just a …… illusion?”

“It’s an illusion, right ……” Shirley frowned along with Nina when she heard her words, subconsciously glancing around the bazaar, “There’s people everywhere, so maybe whoever it was just glanced this way? ”

Though her mouth said so, she cautiously confirmed it in her mind to Dog.

“Nothing,” Dog’s feedback quickly resounded in her mind, “just a lot of people.”

“Dog says there’s nothing,” Sherry said to Nina in a lowered voice, “surely its senses can’t be wrong.”

Nina blinked and looked back again before shaking her head, “…… Looks like an illusion.”

There were many people in the marketplace, the bustling crowds made this originally very spacious marketplace seem a bit crowded, not only could locals be seen around, but many tourists in stranger’s clothing could be seen strolling through the marketplace, the shouts of the various vendors rose and fell between the crowds, sounding almost boisterous, but appearing to be vibrant.

In such a crowded place, it was not a big deal to feel the occasional glance or two.

“Girls, are you still buying?”

The stall owner’s voice came from across the street, interrupting Nina’s wandering.

“Ohhh, sorry,” Nina responded instantly, giving the stall owner an apologetic smile, then held up the hairpin and brooch she’d just picked out in her hand, “These two, wrap them up for me. What about Sherry? Do you have a favorite?”

“I …… didn’t pick any,” Shirley shook her head, “I’ll check out the next one later.”

After the stallholder had packed up her things and Nina had settled the bill, the two girls who were out shopping continued to wander around the bustling bazaar, it was still far too early for sunset and with the sun still high over the city-state, they could play for quite a while.

(The fog around them stung their skin and eyes, and the never-ending hissing and whistling of the highs and lows seemed to tear at their eardrums, but fortunately or unfortunately, the broken minds and confused perceptions somewhat diminished the unbearable pain, and they forgot their own existence and staggered forward into this chaotic and unnameable world, continuing to think hard.

What is skin? What are the eyes? What are the eardrums? How did one walk? How did one come to be here?

Starting with the most basic questions, TA began to puzzle over everything.

And again, there are annoying things that are constantly interfering with ta’s thoughts and memories and causing more pain and confusion for ta.

Ta tries to raise his head and look for the source of that annoying interference – that something hanging high above, a huge …… noise.

Ta is a little confused, because in his own shallow and vague consciousness, “noise” should be an invisible thing, but ta think …… he saw that is the noise.

A chaotic and distorted ripples, high up in the endless vibration and writhing, ripples covering the entire chaotic sky, stirring the dark floating light, and the ground with countless hissing noise mingled together, disgusting, fear.

Ta took hard steps forward, moving through the noise, again carefully avoiding the unnameable forms with psychedelic voids in their bodies and constant hissing noises of all kinds, moving slowly, continuing to move ……)
Nina stopped once more, this time standing in the middle of the road, staring wide-eyed at an empty space.

Underneath her eyes, there was even a faint golden shimmer floating up silently.

Sherry immediately followed suit and stopped, also frowning somewhat suspiciously at the empty space, and it was only after several seconds that she broke the silence somewhat uncertainly, “I seem to have sensed it just now as well, it’s something that’s looking this way, and it seems to be following it …… “

“Did Dog feel it?” Nina’s nerves unconsciously tightened a bit as she inquired in a small voice.

“Dog still says it didn’t feel anything,” Shirley replied in a lowered voice as she carefully observed her surroundings, “but it says that having an ‘illusion’ three times is in itself cause for alarm, and that perhaps something that shouldn’t be in the real world is Something that’s exerting influence ……”

Nina nodded softly, while confirming the situation in the bazaar out of the corner of her eye again. Between the pedestrians traveling to and from the market, she could see the church guardsmen who were on the side of the road.

The “Knowledge Guards” of the Academy of Truth watched over this crowded place, wearing academy-style robes and carrying large-caliber revolvers on their belts, they watched the winds and grasses on the streets and plazas with sharp but calm eyes – eyes blessed by the God of Wisdom, Rahm, who could see and see the marketplace with his eyes. Rahm’s blessed eyes could detect the evil that invaded reality at the first opportunity.

However, the “guards of knowledge” seemed to be very relaxed, and did not seem to notice anything wrong in the bazaar.

“That feeling has disappeared …… The Guardians don’t seem to be reacting either, but I always feel like I wasn’t just imagining things.” Nina whispered to Sherry.

Sherry responded in the same whisper, “What are you going to do?”

“…… Want to report it to those guardsmen down the road?” Nina thought for a moment and said, “Uncle said to report any encounter with a dangerous being such as a heretic to the guardians at the first opportunity.”

Shirley froze for a moment when she heard this, her head filled with violence and foul language really did not leave much room for the word “report”, and she had never thought in this direction.

However, recalling Captain Duncan’s several acts of “righteous reporting”, another strange feeling surfaced in her mind–

As a violent, crude, uneducated bad boy, she was so morally incompetent that she didn’t fit in with the evil god’s family’s way of thinking?

But after a brief moment of dissonance, she couldn’t help but shake her head, “How do we report this? Let’s just say we always feel like someone is following us? The guards will think we’re troublemakers ……”

(What else is there in the fragmented memories that can be combined and strung together?

Ta thought hard, and as he trudged on, ta recalled a dark red, as if the color of thick blood piled up, the dark red glow floating in the sky of his memory, as if never-endingly chasing himself, chasing his …… companions.

Companions? What are companions?
New memories suddenly appeared in the depths of his consciousness, and TA was a bit puzzled, followed by more memories that TA finally recalled.

Ah, TA had companions, TA and his companions set out on a long journey, but what were they going to do again?

It seemed …… to be to save the world.

Following the prophet’s guidance to the direction where the red light had fallen to find a way to save the world, there were many of them who set out together, but the hunter siblings soon fell, then the dour, reticent wizard, then several knights ……)
Nina still decided to report it to a few of the guardians at the scene first.

Although it seemed like it would be a bit of a hassle to explain the motivation for the report, professional things should be given to professionals after all, and it was like Uncle Duncan said – as long as the attitude was sincere anyway, no one would be held accountable for the failure of the report, and in case the report came true there might even be a profit to be made.

She pulled a reluctant Shirley along with her and headed for the guardsmen at the side of the road.

(Ah, that warm feeling appeared again, not far ahead, even …… emitting a hazy light.

Ta stopped thinking and subconsciously walked forward.

Thick “curtains” gathered around, as if deliberately blocking Ta’s footsteps, those buzzing and rumbling noises were also gathering, and strange forms that constantly hissed were walking around, as if filled with unnamable malice, emitting an indescribable horror.

Yet the TA quickened its pace and leaned over toward the glow, as if ……

in pouncing on the only thing in memory that was still familiar, still comprehensible.)
Nina came to the curb.

The knowledge guards in their academy hooded robes turned their heads and looked curiously at the two girls who looked like they were still in middle school who suddenly approached them.

“Two young ladies, do you need help?” The guard revealed a smile and asked gently.

(Hissing and murmuring noises came from the front, the glow seemed to approach an unnamable form, and a violent sense of unease struck the heart.)
“We felt something was wrong ……” Nina explained to the Guardian, uttering the sentence she had been brewing all the way through, “just now …… “

(Ta finally comes near the warm glow, and with some distance to go, ta reaches out a “hand” to touch the hazy shadow.

In this moment, all the curtains and mists seem to have been transformed into invisible borders, and the “actual touch” brought by penetrating the borders is the first tingling felt by the Lost and Forgotten in this new world.

Ta leapt forward.)
Screams suddenly came from behind, resonating throughout the marketplace.

(End of chapter)

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