225. Chapter 221 – Promotion Ceremony

Chapter 221 – Promotion Ceremony
Ivars had gotten unexpected information from Iben.

He actually hadn’t been completely convinced …… about the matter of Aziz being an assassin sent by his adoptive father until now.

But relying on the triple corroboration of the Iron Hook Demon, the Ripper, and Ibn, it was now basically certain that Aziz bin Abdul, the Curse Master who appeared in the Promotion Ceremony, was indeed a person, and that there was a high probability that he was the one who had cursed and killed Aiwass’s parents.

This also coalesced into a clear clue.

But the more clues there were, the confusion in Aywas’s mind instead became even greater.

He initially just wanted to know what people killed his biological parents and whether his adoptive father was a murderer or not. Because the intelligence in the dream might not all be the truth, Aiwas intended to verify the intelligence he had gotten.

But now the more he verified it, he realized that this matter seemed to be more and more complicated and involved.

Why did Grandfather Jacob go into hiding in Eagle Point Village? What was the manuscript he had written? Why did Aziz suddenly come to Avalon? What is the one thing that his adoptive father was searching for in the Churchlands, even though he faked his own death? Why must Noble Red curse Jacob? And what is the “divine entity” they came to Avalon to find?
The clues to these seemingly unrelated events seem to be wrapped around them, and they can’t be untangled.

Worried that he would forget them later, Ivars wrote down his doubts in a notebook.

And after learning the name Aziz from Ivars side, Ivars very clearly felt that Iben’s professor became more attentive.

If you say, before it was only for the face of Isabel to teach casually …… now it is a little bit want to pass his mantle to Aiwas.

Iben’s meaning Aiwas is also very clear – he is now too old to cross the desert again and search for his former enemies with just a name. And he has no desire to return to the Ancient Kingdom of the Sabbath.

–But Ivars has a grudge against Aziz as well, and may have a chance to avenge him in the future.

Under the tutelage of this veteran Curse Ceremony mage, Aiwas quickly mastered the curse spell.

Of course, it was acquired quickly by paying for experience. Iben was very proficient in his knowledge of curse arts, and Aywas only used five points of experience to master this mysterious skill. This kind of cost-effectiveness would be a loss if he didn’t learn it.

Now the panel of Ivars’ Demon Scholar profession had become like this:
Demonic Scholar LV17: [Basic Rituals – Level 4 (0%)], [Demonic Contracts – Level 4 (90%)], [Curses – Level 3 (14%)], [Shepherding (Essence) – Level 3 (0%)], [Demonic Knowledge – Level 3 (5%)]

Demonic Scholarship can no longer give levels to the profession of Demonic Scholar, and Pastoral Raising Essence is simply practicing less.

The level of Pastoral Flesh and Blood in contrast, on the contrary, had been pulled high:
Priest LV19: [Basic Prayer – 3 ranks (3%)], [Ritual Fire – 4 ranks (5%)], [Illumination – 4 ranks (15%)], [Blessing – 2 ranks (0%)], [Pastoral Raising (Flesh and Blood) – 6 ranks (5%)].

By the time Ivars completed his career advancement as a priest and raised his priestly profession to the third energy level, his two pathway energy levels would be out of balance again. At that point, it would no longer be possible to use the Pastoral Raising method on Little Butterfly and Shadow Demon to feed them experience.

While he hadn’t been promoted yet, Aiwas had been doing his best to feed his blood to the two of them almost every day during this time. Draining himself all the way to a deep sleep every day – he usually lived in the Temple of Silver and Tin anyway, and it was safe enough here with the protection of the Camera Spirits. And Ligeia also lived right next door to Ivars, so there was no need to save mana for herself to keep herself safe.

So Ivars directly every day all the mana …… even including the recovery of mana after praying also all feed off, and anemia by the way also exercise Ivars “sacrificial fire” method.

In this way, the level of Ai Hua Si’s four sacred skills is relatively low, relatively good to raise the level — except for prayer is in accordance with the “daily tasks” to steadily raise the level of the other skills as long as there is nothing to do to milk a couple of mouths of blood, and then give themselves back a couple of mouths of blood will be able to slowly pull up.

What surprised Ivars a bit was that Lily actually relied on these few days to get started in the profession of “Witch”. She has even mastered the rudimentary Transformation Art, able to turn clothes into mice – at least three levels of Transformation Art to be able to do this, which means that Lily will most likely only use a few days to love the way of the road to level 9.

Considering that she adapted to the Way of the Dao by transferring with the Book of Secret Continuity, while the Way of Love was only transferred with a common occult tome mixed with a lot of shibboleths …… Lily’s adaptation of this Way of Love seems like it’s even higher than adapting to the Way of the Dao, doesn’t it?

Now the day of the promotion ceremony was approaching. Aiwas wasn’t too nervous, instead it was Yulia who was quite nervous.

But in Aiwass’ opinion, Yulia didn’t need to panic at all-

The reason was simple.

In addition to Lily, who had already been promoted once, she could also team up with her as a “witch” of the Way of Love,……, the former Meg, and the newborn Ligeia were also going to participate in Yulia’s promotion ceremony this round.

The World Champion has come down to earth to play the silver game belonging to the Yes.

Lily, Yulia, Ligeia – Ivars really can not think of how this combination can lose.

I’m sure that the newcomers of the first energy level of this promotion could never have expected that there was a trumpet opened by the strongest person of the fifth energy level of Avalon in the same period of time.

Isabelle had also become much calmer this time than before. According to Janice’s statement, during the last promotion ceremony, Iben gave Isabelle the promotion ceremony, and Isabelle was watching from the side, getting more and more nervous and turning around the room like a mill. In the end, she couldn’t hold herself back and came down to finish the second half of the ceremony herself.

Sherlock’s side was also ready.

Considering that he and Aiwas will go to the Eagle Point Village in Makwan County afterward to conduct an investigation …… He himself is okay, but Aiwas cannot afford to lose this promotion.

If the previous Aiwas was just a Moriarty, at most, plus Princess Isabel’s somewhat concerned peers. But now he is the real core of the kingdom’s power – as the soon-to-be-appointed minister of whatever, he and Sherlock together to explore the countryside in the process of if something goes wrong, that would be a big problem.

So Sherlock had made up his mind this time. Even if he doesn’t get promoted this round, he has to make sure that Ivars gets promoted.

A third energy level priest was more or less capable of defending himself. That is, if he fails to promote himself, he can also use his profession as a Lawgiver to accompany Aiwas and Isabel to continue to promote afterward……. The problem is not big.

Lily, Yulia, Ligeia.

Ivars, Isabel, Sherlock.

As the sun went down, they simultaneously began to set up their promotion ceremonies.

“–The Nine are complete.”

Ivars changed into his clerical uniform.

He chanted in a low voice as the Flame Butterfly on his shoulder descended, stepped on the vanilla stick, and set it slowly ablaze.

Ivars then pressed the smoldering vanilla stick into the center of the hexagram.

Sherlock’s fingertips were submerged in holy water, and then flicked it out. Solemnly and solemnly, he chanted, “Shed its three ……”

“–Hang me, Lord of the Scale and Feather, Amber.”

Isabel whispered a prayer. These three names were the names of the pillar gods of the Way of Love, the Way of Adaptation and the Way of Dusk.

The three of them chose the same Rejection Pathway this time after some deliberation.

By being as consistent as possible, there wouldn’t be a situation where one of them would be able to work with a certain Dao Way but the other teammates wouldn’t.

Because there was no Lily involved this time, it didn’t matter even if they rejected the Way of Love and the Way of Adaptation.

“The Six bless me.”

Ivars pointed the vanilla stick at the six silver ornaments accordingly, while chanting the names of the six remaining Pillar Gods:
“Sand Timepiece. Si Candle. Weizhe. Dragon of the Silver Coronet. Mirror of the Twins. Serpent Father.”

As he clicked in turn, the six silver ornaments gradually transformed into black.

And I ……

“–Chase the worship, the Way of the Candle.”

Ewas declared so.

He returned to his soft bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Unlike that feeling of the New Moon Ceremony, the Full Moon Ceremony always gave off an aura of restfulness and calmness, filled with a sense of serenity. It was like returning to his mother’s embrace …… and like relaxing his body and slowly falling asleep in the middle of a hot spring.

His consciousness slowly sank in the dark depths of the sea, descending into the dream world in his waking state.

And when Ivars woke up again, the first thing he did was to look to his left.

He froze for a moment.

–Because this time, Aiwas’s left side was empty.

“…… I’m the first?” Aywas frowned.

This didn’t seem too good either, it seemed to be another dilemma –

Like in the PVP book where his opponents were all small, this time his teammates in the PVE book were all newcomers ……

But even so, he shouldn’t be the first in line, right?
And at that moment.

Ivars saw a bright fire light up in the middle of the pitch black space.

Only to see that the flame butterfly slowly fluttered from his head, circled around and landed on his fingertips, locking eyes with Aiwas.

…… Butterfly of Paradoxical Flame?
Isn’t this the power of the Great Sin Scholar ……?

Aiwas froze for a moment and quickly reacted.

It should be as if the Bone Sculptor used what was actually his skill as a sculptor when he made the Bone Staff …… Although Aiwas used the Great Sin Scholar’s skill when he made the Phantom Magic Card. However, it was still judged to be a Devotion to the Way equipment because of its power attribute.

—Then that’s quite reasonable.

Aiwas let out a sigh of relief.

He himself has a rare equipment advantage this time, and he might even be able to enter …… earlier than the small numbers opened by the others This time, they may not all be newcomers.

Then, let’s see who the examiner is this time ……

Aiwas thought so and raised his head ready to look at the huge statue in the center.

But to his surprise, there was no statue in the center this time.

“What are you looking for?”

A frivolous youthful voice came from behind Aiwas, “Looking for …… me?”

Aiwas turned back to see a youth around his early twenties lying on the backrest of his own chair, his left hand propped up on his face as he surveyed himself with a smirk.

He had short, messy black hair and wore a round monocle over his left eye. His smile was so warm that it even felt a bit sinister, and his appearance was unusually beautiful.

The youth wore dark blue robes, holding a staff in his right hand and a short sword on his right waist.

Although the other party was not a giant.

But since he was able to leave his seat,……, it means that he is not a “candidate” this time.

“…… You are?”

Ivars inquired politely.

“First time.”

The youth smirked, “You may have heard my name before. My name is Merlin.”

Update completed!
Mak renews 20,000 even bookings Yak!!!! (Cheers)
Although the cat has been three books 10,000 subscribers, but never 20,000 average subscribers!

This is the highest result since the cat wrote the book, thank you for your support-

(End of chapter)

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