Chapter 276 275 All follow me! Idiots! I can take you!

Chapter 276 275. all follow me! Idiots, I can take you all alive!

Hogg’s statement brought silence to the surrounding crowd as soon as it was made.

Especially Little Vikrama and Live Whole Quite Well’s eyes went round.

The former was thinking that Hogg had grown up so fast these days, whether or not he had taken something like Brain Platinum or something like that to be able to come up with this kind of scary-sounding stuff, while the latter was realizing that this skinny jackal in front of him was by no means a good person.

Not to mention compared to its own kind, even if you compare it to those “smart” foreigners, it is not inferior at all, and what it says is very organized, and even know how to read Lord Murphy’s mind.

This alone even surpassed some uninspired vampire NPCs.

Was this really something a jackal could say?

Hogg saw that Lord Murphy’s warriors were all looking at it quietly, and the strange look in their eyes made it panic a little.

Although he had previously learned how to use the Arithmetic Pearl to send out quests, this was the first time in the end, and it was quite jittery under the gaze of so many eyes, letting out one or two more of the Jackal’s odd grunts, and then thinking of something very important, he immediately added:
“Ow, I also heard about your preferences from Lady Adele, so I have prepared a generous reward in advance for you warriors. Loyal and tame messy-toothed hyenas, carefully tamed by my clan, have always been the very best carriers that Transylvania has produced in abundance.

Though they are not as good as warhorses at long-distance running, they are fast and dexterous and vicious enough to carry the weight of an adult at speed, and in some cases can help maintain guard and participate in battle.”

“Huh? There’s a carrier bonus for unique models?”

Pomegranate Sister’s eyes lit up and she bristled again:

“Why didn’t you just say it outright! If you had said you had prepared a reward, everyone would have already started working for you. Hoggle, it’s not that I’m talking about you, you have to be more direct when dealing with us.
Say it.

Where do we have to kill? And how much do we have to kill?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s the one that counts.”

Hearing that there was a unique reward, the atmosphere of the crowd instantly turned lighter, and when Dirt Bike Lao asked while carrying his own gun, Hogg sighed in relief and hurriedly explained:
“After I was promoted by Kenport, I purposely talked to those jackal chiefs and marked them with this, they are near Kenport’s core tent, you guys can naturally sense them when you encounter them.”

After its words were finished, accompanied by a light ding ding ding ding, the quests on the players’ arithmetic pearls were refreshed once again, this time giving a direct list:
[Hidden Plot Quest-‘Birth of a Clan’ has been updated! Wanted mode is on, please continue to hunt the target jackal it marked for Bloodclaw Clan Chief Hogg Bitebone.

The wanted list is as follows:

Old Bloodfinger, Chief of the Torn Flesh Clan, Bad Tooth, Chief of the Raider Tail Clan, and Bald Hair, Chief of the Wolf Tooth Clan.
Quest Reward: Special Carrier – Bloodclaw Clan Combat Coyote


The quest is deemed complete when 90% or more of this wanted list is completed before the end of the Duel in the Andromeda Hills copy!

Upon completion of this mission, the special friendly camp ‘Clan Bloodclaw’ reputation is opened.


This quest is a team quest, the maximum number of people that can be shared is: 140.]

“Quickly! Share share share!”

Full Risk Half Hang shouted to the others:

“Brother Stick and Brother Woo Meow’s team is clearing towards the Jackal camp tent, their goal is to finish off that Jackal Warlord, they won’t necessarily clear all the monsters, if we miss one or two of them our quest will be over.”

“Let’s go too!”

The Chosen Fighting Gray Man was a bit impatient as he shouted:
“We’ve all arrived at the battlefield, we can’t leave this kind of thing all to Brother Stick and the others, and we’re carrying an ‘Administrative Reprimand’ on our backs right now.

Lord Murphy and Consul Miriam are very dissatisfied with our previous behavior of going solo, now is the time to make up for our mistakes, or else we will be sent to the frontier. Even though we’re administrative players, we need war credit too!”

“That’s right, we need to put up a fight tonight.”

He stroked the highly-priced Soul Snatching Scythe in his hand and glanced at his entire row of “entry-level” psychic skills.

He was different from other administrative players, he was planning to brush up his administrative and combat professions together, if he wanted to quickly improve his skill proficiency, he would have to participate in battles, and the core of the artificer’s apprentice skill system was a “Grievous Spirit Talisman”, which was evil by its very name, and to make it, you needed to kill the living beings with your own hands and then extract their consciousness when they died, this process could not be faked. This process can’t be left to others, it must be completed by Lao Huo himself.

There is absolutely no way to take advantage of the fact that the second richest brother, Lao Huo, can’t even spend his money.

“To act in this manner would be of great benefit to the Transylvania we have sworn to guard! My humble servant can find no reason to avoid battle! My sword and my shield represent my courage. Gentlemen, let us run into battle!”

Honorable Knight Tepal shouted, turned and lunged out into the rear of the battle area with his two guardsmen one step ahead of him.

The others followed closely behind, the girl group grinning as well, and little Vikrama and Hogg waved goodbye flapping their wings as they flew with Sister Pomegranate into the mist of the Star Realm behind them.

The scene made the skinny jackal sigh in his heart, thinking that Lord Murphy’s warriors were quite a strange bunch.

What it didn’t make clear to these guys was that since those hunting targets were all chiefs, they must have powerful guards beside them.

This was obviously a difficult task to accomplish, but these guys seemed to not care at all about the dangers involved, and just using some hyenas could drive them to run towards danger and death, which was really lamentable.

“What brave and scary guys! If my clan can get their full support, it won’t be a problem to take down the Smuggler’s Woodland in a short period of time!”

Hogg’s green eyes were filled with anticipation, and its short tail flicked up.

However, there was still one player who hadn’t left, and only after the others had left did Frost Tooth’s Claw quietly appear, wearing a nightshirt, he looked up and down at the skinny jackal in front of him, and then took out a rolled up scroll from his psychic bag and handed it to him, and then made a unique gesture to the jackal code-named “Pierce the Mountain Armor”, which was a unique gesture of the Blood Rats gang.

He made a unique gesture to the jackal, codenamed “Pangolin”, which meant “We’re watching you”, and then he stepped back, letting the shadows intertwine and cover him, making him disappear in front of Hogg’s eyes.

This was clearly some kind of threat from the shadows of the Scarlet Fortress.

But Hogg didn’t care.

It was a member of the Blood Rats gang itself, and also had important responsibilities in the intelligence system under Lord Murphy’s command; the vampire’s midnight thigh it had clung to firmly, so naturally it wasn’t worried that it would die a single death.

The jackal took the scroll in his hand and unrolled it.

Inside was a royal decree.

It was an order from Lord Murphy, in the name of the Governor of Transylvania as well as Earl Cadman, that the entire Smuggler’s Woodland be set aside as Bloodclaw Clan territory and under the administration of Lady Adele, Baroness of the Spectre.

Of course, this edict was only for Hogg himself.

It was clearly stated in the scroll that once Hogg died, then the forest would be reclaimed into the Dark Baroness territory.

At the bottom of that scroll there was also the stamp of the personal seal of the Governor, Earl and Lord Murphy, which represented that as long as Lord Murphy was still the master of Transylvania, then Hogg didn’t have to worry about being displaced from himself and his clan.

Of course, granting it a claim to the Smuggler’s Woodland was one thing; whether Clan Bloodclaw could take that woodland on its own was another.

In the current situation in Transylvania, it was already a great favor for the humans not to come and exterminate their group of jackals, and to want the humans and vampires to help was true nonsense.

However, Hogg didn’t expect direct support from the Scarlet Fortress, instead, if the vampires did install a few governors into its clan, it would only feel uneasy, and it had already seen that kind of hidden danger in the cooperation between Ken Potter and Corlando.

Hogg hid the scroll and mounted his messy-toothed coyote again, darting back to the outskirts of the camp, which was already in disarray.

Although this place had not directly suffered from the bombardment of the Star Realm Rip nor had it been hit by a sub-dimensional meteorite, with the filthy Star Realm Spiritual Energy sweeping across, the entire exterior of the camp had also become a mess.

The area where so many jackals were staying was already in a fragile order, and now that the vampires had executed the raid in a rather horrible way, with the life and death of the Great King of Kenport uncertain and its guards unable to step forward, one could not expect the jackals on the periphery to faithfully rush into the area shrouded in astral mist in front of them to support the chief.

The despair derivatives that rushed out from the diffuse shadows alone would be enough to give these uninitiated jackals a hard time.

This place had really gone haywire!

There were even a lot of jackals who started grabbing things in the chaos and triggered another chaotic brawl, making this place as if it was a restless herd of beasts for people to resist. “Come out! Come out!”

Hogg yelled from his coyote, motioning for the members of his Bloodclaw clan to come out of hiding, having given them orders not to leave their camp tonight, no matter what happened.

Hogg’s orders were carried out well, and there were no casualties among the core of its handpicked clansmen in the Bloodclaw Clan, much to Hogg’s satisfaction.

“Kenport is dead!”

The skinny jackal shouted from his hyena:

“I saw it with my own eyes, it was slaughtered by the leader of the vampires the same way a boar is slaughtered, this place is hopeless! We have to get out of here before the vampires kill us.

You take the barbarian soldiers to the few warehouses I marked earlier and loot the food and weapons and gauntlets from them.

Van Goree!
You take the mystics and go around and look for those you deem wise and invite them to join the Blood Claws and escape with us, focus on recruiting tamers this time, our hyenas and bloody hyenas are valuable in the eyes of the others.


Where is Nash?”

“Chief, isn’t Nash dead?”

The jackal savage soldier chief Maltai Wisdom Weak exclaimed:
“When someone saw the sky tearing apart earlier, the shameful Nash was blown to pieces by the purple light that erupted from it, and some say that Nash has turned into light”

“Dumbass! I’m not talking about that Nash! It’s the new Nash.”

Hogg cursed.

He quickly found the small man he had named Nash in the crowd, who was sneaking around looking left and right, and was slapped by the Chief after Hogg yelled at him a few more times before he hurriedly came out.

“Can’t you even remember your own name? Next time you do that I’ll send you to the vampire gladiator!”

Hogg chided:
“Now, take the men I’ve assigned you to escort the females and cubs of our clan and go first, do you know where Smuggler’s Woodland is? That will be our territory from now on, take them there!”

“Okay, Chief, but I found some good places.”

Ghostly Nash whispered:
“I’ve seen a few other clan chiefs digging pits outside their camps to bury their treasures before, and some of Kenport’s brigands looking for places to bury their stuff too. I know where those things are! Perhaps we could .
They’re not going to be used anyway, and it’s a waste to bury them there to be cheaper for some human farmer later.”


The suggestion made Hogg blink, and he let out a delighted chuckle over the coyote, saying:
“Very well! Good, this is what I want to see the real Nash should be like, you have learned to use the wisdom you have been given by the Lord of the Hunt, now take your men and dig! Dig up all those treasures.

We’ll need them to pay for future payoffs to the warriors.

What are you waiting for?

Get to work!
Van Goree, when you go looking for people, remember that I only want the smartest jackals to join us!”

“The dumbest ones are actually fine, Hoggle.”

The Jackal who was called by name was an old and cunning Secret Artist.

His leg had been broken in a previous fight and he had been waiting to die, but it was Hogg who brought him back to the clan, and so this “Van Gorey” guy was loyal to Hogg.

He leaned on his bone staff and suggested:
“We can’t just have the smartest, the smartest jackals can’t fight! We need the dumbest, the most capable and the least intelligent, and they will make very good brute soldiers.”

“Right! You’re right, but we can’t have more than 500 clans!”

Hogg cautioned:
“Smuggler’s Woodland can’t support that many jackals, and I don’t want to have to deal with crazy humans and vampires in Transylvania over food again.

You’re in charge of gatekeeping!
We want the smartest jackals to be the brains of the blood claws, the dumbest ones to be our claws, the smart females will give birth to smarter pups, the more of them the better, and nothing else!”

Under its command, the entire Bloodclaw clan flew into action.

It was pretty much the only clan with a clear goal in the currently chaotic outlying areas, so while small in number, it made them seem out of place against the chaos of the other jackals.

As for Hogg himself
He himself had been riding a hyena back and forth across the borders of the Shadow of the Star Realm, as if on sentry duty and as if on guard.

Hogg was clearly waiting for something.

Soon it saw a heavily armored but badly injured Kenport guard being dragged by the coyote as it rushed out of the Starbound Shadow zone.

Hogg immediately greeted him.

“My lord? Are you alright, my lord?”

He jumped off the hyena and ran over to help the frail guard up, who spat out blood and shouted in a weak tone:
“Bring support! Lord Kenport needs support! Vampires and their bloodsuckers. Damn it! The High King is trapped, you! I know you, Hoggle! Damned crippled bastards, bring backup to it.”

“Of course I will, my lord.”

Hogg whispered:
“You should rest now, and I will spread the news of High King Kenport’s tragic death in battle, as you wished.”


The reply made the guard’s eyes round, but before it could swing its yoke, a sinister clawed blade slashed its way through a gap in its armor and slashed around its thick neck to slit its throat completely.

The vicious attack left the guard with nothing but oohs and aahs only for Hogg to plunge a bone knife into his eye, and he twitched at Hogg’s feet as he stared the bastard dead in the face, only to take his last miserable breath.

Hogg also stared at it.

There was no emotion fluctuating in the green eyes.

There was no previous awe nor any burden, it was as if it had done something trivial with its hands.

“The Great King of Kenport is dead in battle! It was killed by the vampire Murphy! Run for it! Those horrible vampires are going to kill us all!”

A few minutes later, Hogg, who had changed into his guard’s armor, roared and yelled as he rode his coyote across the chaotic outskirts of the camp.

Its voice was shrill and terrified, and coupled with the highly recognizable Warlord Guard Armor on its body, it made this terrible news roll through the already chaotic camp like a gale.

It was like opening a floodgate!
Immediately, as Hogg watched in satisfaction, a large group of jackals turned and ran away with their loot.

That’s right!

This is what it remembers the jackals should look like, looking fierce and powerful, but in reality, they would run away when they encountered trouble, with no loyalty at all.

I don’t know how the legendary “King of Bone Biting” organized an army of jackals that could sweep the continent.

Alas, it is a pity that the jackals do not have their own history books, and they still have to learn everything about the Bone Biting King from human records.

He liked to read those kinds of stories.

It also had to learn what that story had to say about the King of Bites, and not just because the stern Lord Murphy would test it. More importantly, if he was given the noble status of “grandson of the Bone Biter”, it would mean that this night was just the beginning for him.

Can he become the successor of the legendary Jackal?

Previously, it would still be anxious when pondering this question, but now, why not?
(End of chapter)

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