Chapter 49 – Did You Succeed? (Three Shifts)

Chapter 49: Have You Succeeded? (Three Shifts)
With Wright’s voice, Emily was dumbfounded.

This room full of cultists was no joke.

Cults, too, had clerics! And because some of the evil gods’ priesthood and divinity were more twisted, the clerics under its command would be very difficult to deal with.

At that moment, Emily was even ready to fight.

Unexpectedly, Wright’s face did not change, and while walking towards the direction of the lectern, he opened his arms and drank aloud.

“We are in the middle of a deadly battle! Why did the Godfather surrender first?

Right now, it is a good opportunity to preach in the Holy Capital! How can we just retreat to the Holy Worker Town!

The defense of the Holy Capital has been tightened! But that also means that the missionary behavior of the other Outer Cults will also be greatly thwarted as a result.

It’s possible that many spineless sects would choose to retreat to Sacred Worker Town.

At that time, the missionary situation here would inevitably be very severe and competitive. The Holy Capital side, on the other hand, would instead be empty of countless opportunities!

Not only should we not retreat, we should do the opposite and make a big push to evangelize in the Holy Capital! Completely establish our advantage! Make our name known!

After we’ve preached in the Holy Capital, the preaching in the Holy Worker Town will also become incredibly smooth.

When we compete with other sects for potential believers, we can completely drink directly to each other!

We dare to preach in the Holy Capital, do you?
In such a comparison, potential believers will definitely fall more in love with our great and supreme Primordial Flame!

Such a rare chance for success! How can we just give in!

I disagree!”

By the time he finished his sentence, he had already stepped up to the lectern.

The believers below murmured as they listened, and it was clear that everyone felt that what he said seemed to make some sense.

Seeing that the situation was getting a bit out of control, the Godfather hastened to speak again.

“No way! Our current numbers are too small to withstand the damage ……”

“It’s because of the small number of people that we can’t give up this opportunity to rapidly expand the number of believers!”

“You! Do you know how dangerous this time is?”

“Risk and opportunity go hand in hand! Although you won’t make a mistake by being careful, you won’t be able to achieve great things!”

Wright’s aura was unmistakable at the moment, “If something is not difficult, then everyone can do it!

If everyone does it, how can we stand out, how can we move towards success!”

He turned to face the audience in the middle of the tavern, his fighting spirit high.

“Gentlemen, what kind of lives are we living now? What kind of jobs are we doing?
The lords and ladies of the Holy Capital, what kind of lives are they leading? What kind of work are they doing? I believe we have all witnessed it with our own eyes!

Why? Why do we work a hundred times harder than they do, but our monthly wages are less than a meal?
Mr. Joseph, who sold charcoal until dark every day, could only afford to burn firewood in the freezing cold!
Auntie Madonna, who cuts and sews countless beautiful gowns, wears coarse linen clothes with patches all over them!

In order to pay off her debts, the beautiful and kind-hearted Mrs. Robert had to go to the holy capital to work as a milkmaid, while her newborn child could only drink rice pudding at home! Hungry and crying!
The guys in the Holy Capital, in the wonderful city we’ve worked so hard to build! All the lights and the paper!
And yet we can only huddle in the middle of the holy work town to keep each other warm, worrying every day about whether we will be evicted or not!
Are you willing to live like this for the rest of your lives?
Do you want your children, your children’s children, to live like this for generations to come?

Now, the opportunity to move towards success is in front of you, if we give up because of fear!
How can we give ourselves an explanation! How can we give an explanation to our children and grandchildren!”

“Rightly said! That’s so right!”

“We must not give up this chance to move towards success!”

A burst of applause erupted in the tavern, the bloodthirsty lads raised their arms and shouted, and the grandparents who had suffered from life’s pains were teary-eyed and secretly wiped the corners of their eyes.

Emily even stood up and applauded, her eyes bursting into tears: “Good! Said too good!”

Lilith whispered as she pulled her back and knocked her on the head.

“Idiot! Don’t you fall in with it!”

“Huh? But I think he’s making a lot of sense!” “…… Don’t you see? He’s already swapping concepts halfway through! The second half of the paragraph is all about success, does it have anything to do with the Primordial Flame?”


Emily snapped, but was still a little sad, “But what he said, the examples of Grandpa Joseph, Auntie Madonna, and Mrs. Robert, were so touching!”

“Those were names he made up off the shelf, sometimes the charcoal seller’s grandpa was called Robert, and the milkmaid was Mrs. Madonna.”

Emily suddenly felt very hard: “Well …… actually I just felt my brain heat up, my body blood rushed up, I don’t know how to follow the excitement.”

Lilith sighed oh, “It’s not your fault, it’s his little trick.

Do you remember that day when you brought people to surround us in the jungle, that social death field of his?”

Emily winced, “Fresh in my mind!”

“Actually, right now he’s releasing the Social Death Domain – Change, [Frenzy Domain]! Those who are located within the field’s range ……

In Wright’s words, the holy light will prompt their heart to beat faster, their blood to flow faster, and adrenaline will be secreted rapidly while the cerebral cortex will be continuously excited.

Although many of the words don’t know what they mean, those who are struck will indeed easily fall into a frenzy.”

Emily was quite excited, “That’s the right way to use it! That social death field or whatever, it’s too …… difficult to describe.

Nope, this usage is also egregious!”

Lilith shook her head helplessly, “Alright, just collect yourself, it’s almost over, don’t get caught up in it.”

Emily smiled awkwardly, “I …… try …… to actually get stuck in, it’s very comfortable and obsessive!”

And at this moment, Wright’s speech reached its climax.

“What is success?
I’ll tell you what success is!
Success! It’s the only way out for us!
Think of the past look at the present and look to the future! And you’ll understand!

We have no choice but to succeed!

Some people say that there are three main elements for people to survive: sunlight, air and water!
In my opinion! It’s a big mistake!
The three main elements of our survival are! Success! Success! Or fucking success!

Hear the applause!”

Clap clap clap clap!!!
The tavern exploded with applause, frenzied people clapping wildly as if they knew no fatigue and no pain.

Even the Godfather, who had turned red with excitement at this moment, stood at the corner of the lectern, applauding with tears in his eyes.

At this moment, Wright made a wink towards Lilith, who instantly understood and hurriedly stood up and raised her hand.

“Then please!”

Lilith’s voice was not loud, but paired with her Phantom’s unique ability, it was able to cut through the rising applause and reach everyone’s ears.

“When do we start?”

The applause in the middle of the tavern quickly ceased, and everyone looked to the podium with anticipation.

“Right this moment! Right now! Toward success, no waiting!”

Wright smiled confidently and waved his fist again, “Setting out this second will always embrace success sooner than the next!

The greatest enemy of success is procrastination! Procrastination will extinguish the fire in your heart!
Be ambitious now, go home and lie down on your bed!
You can’t wait for success! Because success won’t wait for you!”

Speaking here, Wright pulled over the Godfather as he said, “Gentlemen! This moment is the best time to move towards success!

But before that, we should sincerely call upon the great original fire!

Let the supreme Original Flame! Witness his proudest devotees!

The courage and conviction to succeed in carrying the Order forward without fear!
Come on! Master Godfather!
Come on! Fellow believers!
Let us join together! Welcome the great original fire! Descend here!”

(End of chapter)

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