Chapter 46 46 Otherworldly Heartwarming Short Story Critical Rescue

Chapter 46 46.Otherworldly Heartwarming Short Story – Perilous City Rescue

Murphy found himself surrounded by all the vampires.

In fact, there were only four in total counting him, and the good thing was that it was night time and there were still four to five hours before dawn, and their heightened senses in the darkness of the night could easily lock onto the civilians who were trapped in the ruins of the outer city.

Before the people in the survivor camp were organized, Missy and Lady Adele spread their wings first and flew a circle over the ruins of the outer city against the astral spiritual energy and those ominous black snow.

They brought back very important information.

Because Cadman City had been engulfed by the energy of the Star Realm Rift rather than an actual earthquake, there weren’t really many people trapped under the ruins, and the biggest reason why those civilians who were still alive couldn’t escape was because of the despair derivatives that kept appearing in the shadows of the Star Realm, as well as those Star Realm Beasts roaming around in the shadows.

After getting this intelligence, Murphy quickly adjusted his program.

“Use fire!”

Tris relied on her profound study of spiritual energy to come up with a solution, she looked at the ghostly shadows inside the collapsed city wall in front of her and said to Murphy:
“The Star Realm Shadows in the outer city are only escaping from the inner city, no matter the concentration or quantity, they are far inferior to the core area that was engulfed by the Star Realm Spiritual Energy, and these peripheral shadows can be quickly cleared away with flames.

The easiest way is to burn the entire outer city with fire, which will immediately clean it up.

But you can’t be so rough if you want to save people.

Ordinary people with alchemy torches in hand could also force back the Despair Derivatives, enough to buy time for those in fear to escape.

The biggest trouble was the beasts of the astral realm hiding in the shadows.

All Star Realm creatures can smell the emotions of living beings, and they can tell who is the easiest prey to hunt, so you don’t have to follow to save the day, you have to take care of the dangerous things hiding in the darkness while they use their torches to clear the way.

Truth be told, there aren’t many people left in the outer city who survived the first wave of the Star Realm invasion, so if all goes well, you should be able to rescue most of the unlucky ones before dawn.

The ones that are left are too close to the rift that’s littered with Star Realm filth, and with the amount of power we have right now it’s not enough to clear out that side.

My advice would be to strategically abandon it.”

“Why aren’t your servants up yet?”

Missy didn’t have much of an opinion on this plan, but she was rather puzzled when she noticed the small shed next to the city wall’s cracked defense line and the small players lying dead inside:

“Shouldn’t they be allowed to join in as well in this situation?”

“My warriors are too tired.”

Murphy grunted, waving his hand to cover it:
“The survivors you’re eyeing are the ones they risked their lives to save earlier, they’re exhausted, let them rest. I’m sure the fearless ones will continue to shoulder the most difficult tasks tomorrow.”


Amidst the huge blood-colored batwings closing, a bejeweled figure descended from the sky and landed beside Missy and Murphy with precision and lightness.

Mrs. Adele, who had already mastered the Blood Vulture Flight Technique and seemed to be good at flying as well, whispered to the two:
“The people from the survivor camp are on their way over, they came about 140 people.”

“Prepare torches for them.”

Murphy turned his head to Tris:

“Don’t follow, stay here and help us press the line.”

“I’m not as ham-handed as you think I am, little Murph.”

Tris was a bit dissatisfied with this arrangement, but the smart lady knew that this was not the time to complain, and she turned around to use the alchemy materials on hand to create simple torches that could burn for a long time.

As for weapons that was not in short supply.

The small group of players had scavenged a lot from the city before going offline, and they had brought back a lot of cold weapons as well.

Murphy surely wouldn’t be handing out firearms to these survivors.

He knew what kind of stupid things people would do when they were desperate and scared, and until his prestige was established, it was a little better to keep the firearms thing under control.

“One of us will be in charge of one side.”

Murphy tapped three times on the map of the outer city and said to Missy and Mrs. Adele:

“Advance in all three directions at the same time, hunt down those Star Realm beasts, and my servants and warriors will lead the survivors to complete the rescue and guest supervise the battle.”

Missy and Adele were both vampires of the Black Iron rank, and the two of them had no problem with this arrangement, but Phineas glanced at Murphy, and she hesitated for a moment, persuading:
“I’m not despising your strength, Murphy, but it’s better to let Adele follow you.”

“No need!”

Murphy waved his hand at the same time rolled his eyes fiercely in his mind, saying that Missy’s words sometimes really hurt.

Aren’t you just despising my strength?
But his own character level had now reached 9, just one step away from triggering the Black Iron Trial, so how could he let someone else run in and share his combat experience?
This isn’t really going down to take the boss, this real lousy game has to be cut down by yourself, the early stage of business is not a good time to paddle.

Seeing that Murphy was so determined, Missy took out a few scrolls from her own psychic energy bag and handed them to him, saying:

“Then apply psychic energy reinforcement to yourself, these scrolls count as my support for you, bravery is a virtue, but arrogance and recklessness are not.”

Murphy didn’t refuse, he took the scroll and placed it in his hand and surveyed it, the information tab popped up quickly:

Name: Spiritual Energy Enhancement Scroll of Phimis X5
Effect: Unseals sealed psychic energy spells, applying the user’s [Elementary Occult Eye – Perception +1], [Elementary Midnight Swiftness – Dexterity +1], [Elementary Night Lord Guardian – Endurance +1], [Elementary Darkness Power – Strength +1] and [Gathering Blast – Destructive Power Enhancement] temporary statuses.

The scroll is a primary scroll made by an official psychic, and the effect lasts for three hours.


The Spiritual Energy Enhancement Scroll will increase the user’s mental pressure, and frequent use will cause the user’s spiritual vision to increase, making them more susceptible to the attention of evil spirits.

Crafted by: phenmis cecilia lexambra

Item Description:

[Crafting scrolls to seal psionic spells is a complex and mysterious alchemical skill, and in the teaching system of the Tower of the Ring, scroll crafting is often seen as an important watershed between psionic masters and psionic apprentices.

However, the spells recorded in psionic scrolls can be very rough when activated, and are intolerable to the spirit of an ordinary person, so they are not recommended for the weak.]


Murphy didn’t use the scroll himself, after the five young players brought the survivors, he distributed the scroll as a “quest reward” to his cute young players, as a way to enhance their gaming experience.

“Murph, you’re taking a risk by letting these people re-enter a dangerous city.”

Miriam, who had tagged along with them and was still rubbing her eyes, jumped down from her horse and came over to whisper to Murphy:
“Most of these people were forced to come here, they don’t have much will or courage at all, they are now a bunch of scared rabble, if they encounter danger it will be easy to make a mess.”

“How many did Maxim just kill?”

Murphy didn’t care about Miriam’s reminder, but glanced at his loyal servant, he asked when he smelled the strong odor of blood from Maxim.

Miriam’s face turned a little white as she whispered:
“Seven! Killed on the spot by him for disobeying Lord Murphy’s orders, these people could be brought here also because that killing scared them, but you can’t always suppress them with violence, their spirits are already weak.”

“They’re going to save their fellow humans now! Go save your fellow humans! Miriam.”

Murphy murmured to his redheaded assistant:
“If they won’t lend a hand to one of their own, is it worth it for a vampire like me to save them? You’re the camp director, it’s your responsibility to calm them down, unless you’re willing to admit that you didn’t learn anything in your three years at Chardonnay.” He waved to Mrs. Adele next to him.

The latter understood Murphy’s meaning, and placed her luxurious and useful scarlet revolver hand cannon in Murphy’s hand, with an ammunition pouch.

Murphy, on the other hand, shoved these two items into Miriam’s hand and said to her:
“You will lead the team in a while! Maxim and five of my warriors will assist you, I don’t want to pressure you, Miriam, but if these people get into trouble and hurt themselves or anyone else, then the pathetic end will be their own doing!

My advice is to think of this as an administrative internship, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

After saying that, Murphy turned around and jumped onto a large rock.

He coughed.

His gaze swept over the survivors in front of him who had been forcibly brought over and gathered under the cracks in the walls, all of them in a sorry state, their faces pale, their eyes wandering, and their fleshly fear of the city that had nearly eaten their homeland.

“You all probably know me, and even if you haven’t met me, you’ve surely heard of the outlandish legends of those in Cadman City! That’s right, I’m Murphy, the punk vampire you all talk about.

I don’t want to waste any of your time, so now you listen to me!

My warriors saved you and your families from the city, and you should be grateful to me and them, but the truth of the matter is that you’re the lucky ones, because there are many others less fortunate than you who are trapped in these ruins.

Their lives are running out, and I need you to join me now to bring them back from the death that is creeping closer!”

Murphy exclaimed to all of them:
“I will issue you torches!
These psychic torches, made by vampires, will help dispel the fear in the shadows, and as long as the torches stay lit, the invisible monsters will not haunt you.

All you need to do is cluster into the city and pick up those who are as unlucky as you are; they are your fellow friends or acquaintances, and even if you don’t know them, they are your fellow humans.

It is only right that you give them a helping hand.

As for those dangerous beasts hiding in the darkness of the night will be removed by me and my compatriots.

My fellow vampires and I will fulfill the ancient Transylvanian law of protecting those who pay the blood tax for us this night, and we will see to it that you are not harmed.

We will fulfill our duty to lead and protect you.

But you must fulfill yours as well!

For the last time, anyone who disobeys orders and acts without authorization will be executed!
If you think this whole obeying vampires thing is more dangerous than entering what is now Cadman City, then feel free to run off in a moment, but my companions and I won’t be wasting our time on unintelligent fools.

Now that I’ve said my piece, is there anyone else who doesn’t understand?
Anyone who questions it step forward and tell me what you think!”

He looked at the slightly restless crowd in front of him, Maxim with his sword on his left, Miriam the camp director on his right, and the small group of players which would stand lined up beside him with their weapons in hand, shadows stretching their figures.

After a few seconds of waiting, Murphy gave a big wave of his hand:
“Since no one has any objections, collect your torches and follow me!”

“There’s three up ahead hiding in the basement of the house!”

Murphy, who was leading a team of searchers forward along the street, moved his ears and accurately caught the sound of crying coming from the ruins next to him.

He waved his left hand forward, and Lumina and Hesco, who were carrying torches, immediately ran over to him, followed by a few bold survivors, who were holding torches in one hand and grasping cold weapons in the other to look around vigilantly.

“We’re coming to save you!”

Black Silk shouted inside as he pounded on the entrance to the pressurized cellar.

The people inside couldn’t understand, of course, but that didn’t stop them from knowing that someone was coming from outside, and so the sobbing screams resumed, sending a wave of intolerance through the survivors around them.

A few others began to clear the rubble that was holding the cellar down but it was difficult to move it for a while, the mother in the cellar below was crying and wailing, her daughter seemed to be in a bad enough state with the injuries she had sustained.

“There’s a broken vent next to it, but it’s too narrow for me to get in.”

Black Silk brought back the news with some embarrassment.

He belonged to the taller category, and Lumina padded over to take a look at the narrow vent, then tossed the torch in her hand to Brother Black Silk and rolled up her own sleeves to climb inside only to be grabbed by Brother Black Silk.

“Don’t you go! Let the NPCs go!”

He discouraged:

“Who knows what’s going on in here, it’ll be three days if you die.”

“If we die, we’ll wait three days, if they die, there’s nothing left.”

Lumina looked around at the few timid NPCs as she skimmed her lips and whispered:

“I know they’re all just a line of data, but it’s made too real for me to be a little bit upset about it, and I don’t have the guts to save people like that in reality anyway, do I? That doesn’t stop me from being a hero in the game, keep an eye out for me!”

After saying that, she ripped open the scroll Murphy gave her to add a Dexterity Buff to herself, and then burrowed into the dark, narrow ventilation duct.

Black Silk looked at the resolute girl in front of him.

Feeling his cheeks burning a little, he got up and shouted towards the few hesitant NPCs beside him, telling them to hurry up and move the stones that were pressing down on the cellar’s opening, and went up to help himself.

A few minutes later, a strange noise came from the vent.

Black Silk Brother ran over to answer it and saw a black and gray-faced Lumina holding a baby crawling out, she handed the swaddled child to Black Silk Brother, and without saying a word, drilled back in, and saved another four or five year old girl as well.

But the third time she climbed in and waited for several minutes without further success, Lumina climbed out again with tears in her eyes.

She covered her mouth and turned back frequently with a regretful voice to Brother Hess:
“Their mother wasn’t saved, she had been hit on the head by masonry earlier and couldn’t hold on much longer. She begged me to take care of her children and slipped me the last bit of money in the house, I couldn’t save her, alas.”

Black Silk Brother didn’t know what to say in this instant.

He glanced at the child swaddled in his arms, who was sleeping soundly and still slurping his fingers with his mouth, seemingly completely oblivious to what was going on around him, while the other girl who had been rescued would be clinging to Lumi’s leg and not letting go.

She was terrified.

For a moment, the gray-haired black silk brother’s heart suddenly clenched.

This damn game is too realistic, is it so hardcore in these details?
Can’t we just happily brush the monsters and play the game?

He cursed and viciously kicked the wood next to him.

This action caused the baby in his arms to cry in shock, leaving a twenty-something year old man at a loss for words, while a few seconds later, a middle-aged NPC stepped forward and gestured at Black Silk Brother.

He took the crying baby in his arms and gently rocked it, and bowed deeply to Lumina who was wiping her eyes, before turning back to the few men behind him and shouting a few words of reprimand.

The NPCs who were still grumbling just a moment ago would be a different person, they silently picked up their torches and began to search more actively, as if this baby who was saved by Murphy’s warrior had infused them with some kind of strength, making them also begin to silently fight against fear in their hearts.

“Go on!”

Lumina wiped her face and said to Brother Hess:
“This game is so real, isn’t it?”

“Too real.”

Black Silk grumbled sulkily as he bent over his shovel:

“I’m starting to miss my keyboard and mouse and those crappy games with crude modeling, really, no lie.”

(End of chapter)

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